able to play. Sullivan has a
acting shoulder. It snaps in a
throughout the course of the e
Whitey Wilson has been show
with the old fight. His size is a
icap but his aggressiveness ma
for it. Pearman has been doin
fine work lately. He is in th
every minute and is showing u
Rea is' working hard and with
.One week from tonight mar
initial appearance of the squad
to select
not be athletics,, and -football especially, will braska for admittance to the Con- ALPHA DELT
queer 'be discussed. ference. Nebraska has withdrawn FRA'ERNY
end out The success that Illinois had in from the Missouri Valley confer'ence
vening. running through a full seven game and now wishes to enter the Big Ten.
ing up schedule has stimulated the managers The final disposal of this request will In one of the most in
3 hand- of the-other schools to get more Big probably be one of the acts of the of the interfraternitye
kes up Ten gridiron battles for the next sea- meeting. year Alpha Delta Phi
g some son. A Conference rule prevents any Baseball and# track schedules will pionship of the camps
e game team from playing less than four, or probably follow the general order that Delta Sigma Delta 12
p well. more than seven games with other they had last year.' No teams have afternoon.
deter- members of the Big Ten. Illinois the desire to add games or meets, as Both teams had a ha
played a full list and improved in has been felt in football, so there will hands and the Alpha
ks the every game standing out at the last be no contest for the most advantage able to score until tb
in ac- as one of the best all-around elevens ous games. when Steketee carried
in the United States. This proves to{I P. G. Bartleine represents Michigan foy two touchdowns.
the coaches that have been skeptical in the coaches and managers meet- dis with their exceptio
of the power of a team to play this ing. and Prof, Ralphz W., AigPer goes as ed the ex-varsity man
lnumber of hard games, that such a Michigan's member to the meeting of scores, while the line
feat can be 'done, and completed with the faculty advisors of the Confer- and Adams opening la
teaHtmostsuccess. . ence. Ay matters not taken up by back field, was too mu
Chicago Hurt at Start the coaches will go through the hands Sigmas to withstand.
Coach Stagg lined six games up last of this latter body. Burkelirt, leftend o
TRACK fall, and barring the men that were ma Dlta eleven, helda
injured in the opening game, with the Jamison to Address Roy Scouts his end and Richards a
Great Lakes eleven, th4 squad came Boy Scouts of Ann Arbor are to be
through the year i good condition, the guests of the Ladies' Auxilliary of Club Holds
The Middies were. defeated by over Co'oley Cu od
r 1920 100 points, but the number of men the Y. M. C. A. at a banquet given Members of the Coo
of the hurt in this game exceeded the total Saturday evening at the city "Y." A. 7:15 o'clock Thursday
in Chi- of any other game of the season, and D. Jamison, prominent in Boy Scout fersonian hall of the L
ference handicapped the Maroons all year. circles of Detroit and the state, is cause Thursday of la
ll and One other matter of great impor- cheduled to speak. holiday, the practice ti
many 'ance will come before the body, toe night was postponed u
teresting games
schedule of this
won the cham-
pus by defeAting
'to 0 yesterday
rd fight on their
Delts were not
he last quarter,
the ball across
Swift and Lan-
nal playing aid-
to make his
e, with Bigelow
rge gaps for the
ch for the Delta
)n the Delta Sig-
all plays around
lso proved him-
Practlce Trial-
ley club met at
y night in Jef-
aw building. Be-
st week was a
rial set for that,
ntil this week's
for Christmas
wear, in-shirtings for
Tailor-made - but
very reasonably
2nd floor
Darling Bldg.
Varsity Laundry
Three athletic schedules fo
I will be decided in the meeting
Big Ten coaches and managers
cago this Saturday. The Conf
programs in football, baseba
track are to be arranged, and
other matters of interest to
.application of the University of Ne-
Subscribe to the Michigan Daily.
[e is
To the Man
The coach is a dri'v-
s men from the time
on the floor until the
ed out. Basketball is
d he is determined that
make a showing for
urt pastime.
d Men Out
Is have brought out
>re men. More big fel-
the floor the last two
at any time this year.
quad is represented by
g candidates in the per-
raon, Dunne, and Ben-
Ice continues, the men
nto physical condition.
ener is in excellent
earman and Rea. Cook
condition but should
YOU'VE got something. Reserves of
warmth, enduring comfort, style that sur
passing fads, long, honest service.
ak, Sul-
a who have had some bas-
erience. For the forwards
:, Rea, Pearman, Wickham,
to pick from. At center,
Villiams, Mason, Dunne,
Van Rossun, and Miller.
/men Promise Well
w men out, Mason played
Ie is a fighter and can
derable punishment. Cook
on class teams and at
ds Central. He has been
and this is his first year
Irsity. He is exceptional-
a very good shot. He is
ical condition as yet. ,Van
mother Grand Rapids Cen-
>vak was a reserve on last
Ity. McPhee hails from
:onsiderable doubt whether
.nis will be able to play.
d out for practice, but his
others him from time to
absence from the squad
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