Stevens and Persh- of cost, NG PHONE 1028IV RING PLANTS Delivery 1002 S. Univ. IInterchangeable -Type Portable Model THE. MULTIPLEX HAMMOND TYPE WRITER Special Offer to Collegians MARTIN R. WEBB Student Rep. 1314 Willard Phone 1 95-R f Dollars Has Buviniz Power', WHAT'S GOING ON THURSDAY 8:00 a. m.Commnerce club meets at Delta for Detroit trip to visit Park, Davis and company. 12 :15-3.t. Clemens club have annual picture taken at Randall's studio. .5:00-Copper Country club, women's section, meets in Barbour gym. 7 :00--University Boxing club holds get-together in main dining room of Union. 7 :00---Hop committee meets in room 321 of Union.e 7 :00--Varsity Mandolin practice Ini University Hall. 7:00-Varsity Glee club holds rehears- al in Lane hall. 7 :00-Glee and Mandolin club execu- tive comnmittee meeting in office, 328 Natural Science building. 7:15-Cooley club meets In Jefferso- nian hall in Law building; 7:15-Round-up club meeting In old Union.s 7:30-Rochester club meets in room 306 Union. All Rochester men in- vited. ": f7 :30-Christian Science society meets in Lane hall. 8S:00-Pre-festival concert by Jascha Heifetz, .violinist, in Hill auditorium. FRIDAY 10:00 a.. m.-Senior engineer assemn Ibly in. room' 348 Engineering build-'f Iing. 3 :00-John A. Fitch lectures on labori problems in room 101' Economics building. 7 :30-Students 'from Gogebic iron ore range meet in room 323 'Itnion to re- organize Gogebic' County club. 8:00-Spotlght vaudeville in 11111 and. jitorium. SATURDAY 6:10 a. m.-Section No. 2 Chemical lengineers leaves for Detroit in spe-. cial car on Hill auditorium switch. 7:51 a. m.-Section No. 1 Chemical en- gineers leaves on Michigan Central for Chelsea. 7 :30-Cosmopolitan club diseussion section discusses the Shantung question in room 305 University hall. 8:00--Polonla Literary circle smoker in room. 306 Union. Prof. J. . Zow- ski speaks. IOGEBIC COUNTY CLUB PLANiS 11 Arepresentaivye from each of the following organizations should come to the Michiganensian offices be- tween 1 and 6 o'clock any after- noon this week for the purpose of identifying members in group pho- tographs: Alpha Rho Chi, Monks,I Theta Chi, Theta Xi,* Gamma Phi Be- ta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi, T-Square, Cos- mopolitan club, and Forestry' clubs REORGANIZATION MEETING Students from the Gogebic iron ore range in the upper peninsula, will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening in room 323 in the Union for the pur- pose of reorganizing the Gogebic Coun- ty club. The club has been inactive for the past two years as a. result of the war,' but at the meeting Friday evening it is expected that plans for an active year will be. discussed. About 40 . students are In attendance in the University from the Gogebic iron range. CONTRACTS FOR UNIVERSITY} HOSPITAL NOT AWARDED YES' Awarding of the contract on the new University hospital is still under consideration of the buildings and grounds committee of the Board of Regents, according to word from the secretary's office. This committee con= fsists of Regents William L. Clements, of Bay City, and Benjamin S. Hanch- ett, of Grand Rapids. Before letting the contract, it is be- lieved Regent Clements, :the chairman, will confer with University officials. It determines your dance. as some may believe, it will act as a' supplement to that organization. I~ X~A Michigan Daily advertising is the 11:80! one recognized means of reaching Steaks and THE MUSIC IS Eddie Burke's own orchestra the Packard. Fridays - days. I THE THING' Five minutes' walk fro Why go farther? . ,' GET I3LI G enable but don't be ofwear that counts suit that soon gets dent Management N' AT' )ring ament faultless made for YOU igain in suipremne satisfac- er any', obligation if you Among the paintings on view at the Detroit Institute of Art, where the annual Michigan artists' exhibition began Wednesday evenipg, is the por- trait painting "Clara," by Prof. Leon, A. Makielski, instructor in architec- tural drawing~ in the University. Pro- fessor Makielski's painting has . been awarded the D~etroit Museum -of Art first prize. EX-SERVICE OFFICERS IN ANN ARBOR ORGANIZE An Ann Arbor chapter of the Le- A Real JAP GARDEN in Miniature with and Furniture is in our window for you to be of these upon your table I WILL BE I, alcoim I / gion of. War wa BluMaize- Malcolm Block 10 :30-Cabii ing at Un ments for aerican LegionI _ \_. J ;f;,M. Hull udiorium Tomorrow 8 P, M. U Overture Act III Act VI former M ichigaig Union Operas N UNION ORCHESTRA "VERSATILE VARIATIONS" "SOUTH ERN SYMPHONY FOUR", NASH, KEMP, WOLSER, WILSON. "SANDY" WILSON, Ex-'l 8 (Himself) _3. Act. I Act Vtl Act IV and SMITH "Gt.EO RGILA d.OTTON11-TALES" McKINNEY accompanied by LYNN, piano mechanic HYDE- at the MARIMBAPHONE I Act II *-' I ne- to You" Magic of Your Eyes\ ompanied by JOHNSON ActV Act -VIII "ZALLAH" CLUB AND BAR HOUNDS MOSES, DRULARD, and LAMPORT SANBURN, assisted by AVERY the Campus, and at State Street Bookstores *-Price I