11 4-5-Francis X. Bushman and Bayne in "Daring Hearts," 'o-reel comedy. SICAL ATTRACTION -star cast, "Love, Honor and a news and comedy, "Cupid's tes. 7, 8 and 9-Dorothy Phil- 'he Right to Happiness," with freview and comedy. the big added attractions on dates. ,Monroe Salisbury in "The Trail," with a monkey comedy gram weekly. i PROF. DATA METE( ORPHEUM THEATRE I * 2:00 3:30 700. 5830.1000J HOBBS REQUESTS ALL POSSIBLE CONCERN,, 0 OR I Thurs. 4-Florence Reed in "Her Code of Honor," with a news and comedy. Fri. 5-Elaine Hanmerstein, "The Coun- try Cousin" (returned), with a news and comedy. Sun-Mon. 7=8-LottieC se in e Girt Alaska." Note: This is the only picture that has ever been taken on Alaskan territory. Also a Mutt and Jeff' cartoon comedy and Ford Weekly. Tues-Wed. 9-10-Albert Ray in "Vaga- bond Luck." Note: "Every Tuesday and Wednesday beginning on this date Craig Kennedy stories will be pictur- ized in two reels. The undersigned Is assembling in- formation concerning the meteor' which passed over portions of Mich- igan and Indiana on the evening of Nov. 26. Students or others who can supply data based on their own ob- servations, or can refer me to others who did observe the meteor, will con- fer a favor by doing so. It is espec- ially desired to learn the direction: and character of what was seen from' the different points, including the angular elevation (the proportional distance from the Zenith). Sounds heard are no less important, and their character, direction and intervals should be stated or estimated if pos- sible. To guard against misunder- standings it will be found better to put the matter in writing, giving one's name and, address. WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS. A GENTLE HINT TO DAD For Christmas, a Multiplex Ham- mond Typewriter. Martin R. Webb, Student Representative. 1,214 Wil- lard. Phone 1595-R.-Adv. The Stage THE WHITNEY National approval has been won by "Cappy Ricks," to be produced by Tow Wise and his cast next Saturday evening at the Whitney. It was first shown at the Morosco theater in New York where it enjoyed nearly a year of popular favor. From New York the company went to the Plymouth theater of Boston. Audiences there were so large* that the play was pre- sented for three months before it was produced in Philadelphia at the Ad- elphi theater. After a ten weeks' run in the Quaker City a trip to the Pac- iflo coast was made terminating at San Francisco where the comedy was presented a greater number of times than any play in the past. Patronize ta e niiy avertlsers. PROF. MITTENTHAL'S Dancing School at the Armory Friday evenings, 7 to 8:30. Continuous instruc- tion. No recess. My method is easy and you learn quick. At- tend now. Special price to ladies 50c per lesson; 8 lessons $3.00. If, you come once, you surely will come again. If "7~t+ ;w'ki? We make "Portraits that Please" at Derr Studio.-Adv. au TYROI AR F orm aCOL are curve cut sotdrs per ( 4W tt, fabody &( !I -eWHITNEY ThEA SOnNgt- SATURDAY, Dece The Screen i 1 r"" 1' SHUBERT DETR0l McIntyre and Heath "Hello, Alexander" t . ... _ t, .. ... r TIE iAJESTIC Charged by his dying father with securing vengeance for his death, .Bruce Corwin attempts a unique man- ner of satisfying his family honor. Al- though he has one of the men asso- ciates with the crime in his power, he decides that by humilating this man's daughter he can secure lasting triumph over all his father's enemies. With this idea in view he forces the daughter to marry him and does his best to make her life unhappy. She outwits him by making use of a weakness that he has but the hus- band and ,wife become estranged by his , refusal to change his attitude. pin4ncial disasters leave him penni- less but circumstances intervene and conciliation follows. I t LAST TIMES TODAY Exactly as presented for nearly one year at the Mo Theatre, New York. Coming to Ann Arbor 'direct fro five months run at the Cort Theatre, Chicago. OLIVER MOROSCO Presents TOM WISE Supported by a Typical Morosco Cast in the Delightful Comedy CAPPY RiCK4% Dramatized by Edward E. Rose from the Famous Peter B. Kyne Sat.:Eve. Post Stories PRICES-Lower Floor $2.00, Balcony $1.00 and $ Gallery 75c Mail Orders Now-Enclose self-addressed envelope 11 I M 1tl 111111111111lIIIililflll illll1111IlIIIIIII iillllllillllilllllil1 these well - known Ann Arbor dealers sell Nunnally's THE ARCADE DRAMATIC MESSAGE! ty" There are times when it seems ex- pedient for a young girl to escape detection by a somewhat stupid suit- or even if the only hiding place avail- able is an empty taxi cab. This is one of the amusing incidents in "A Damsel in Distress" by Pelham Gren- ville Wodehouse, featuring June Cap- rice and Creighton Hale which will be presented for three days begin- ning today at the Arcade. The man who had rented the taxi, a young and successful playwright, had to content himself with a brief acquaintance for as soon:as she had alluded her pursuer she disappeared without even letting him know her name. He resolved to discover her identity and win her hand. His first attempts in this direction were futile, .one of the most important of them consisting of tipping her father, who was a lord, to give her a note. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS PLAN TWO TRIPS OF INSPECTION Arrangements have been complet- ed for the trips of students composing the chenical engineering I classes. Due to the extreme size of the class, the students have been divided ,into two sections. Section one, composed of all men seated in the middle sec- tion of the Chemistry building amphi- theater, v)11 leave for Chesea on the Michigan Central at 7:51 o'clock Sat- uday morning, Dec. 6, where the plant of the Michigan 'Portland Ce- ment company will be visited. Section two, consisting of all men seated in the two outside rows of the amphitheater, will leave on a special car for Detroit the same, morning. This car will be on the Hill auditor-' ium switch at 6 o'clock Saturday morning, and will leave at 6:10. At Detroit'the Semet-Solvay coke ovens and the Detroit Steel Casting com- pany will be visited.- FRATERNITY FRESHMEN HOLD GET-TOGETHER BANQUET Sixty-four freshmen, the '23 repre- sentatives of several fraternities, as- .embled at 6 o'clock Tuesday in room 316 of the Union, for a banquet and general get-together. A committee was selected to take charge of monthly meetings, which will be held regularly in the future and will be in nature similar to the one held last evening. A short talk by Robert Rice, president of the fresh- man lits, concluded the dinner Read the Michigan Daily for Campus news.-Adv. 4 . - """- I E. C. Edsill Fisher's Pharmacy Sugden Drug Compr Jno. A. Tice' Tuttle Lunci Room the an who deliberately marries.a beautiful woman to deny her the right to moth- wit and Providence intervene with startling results.- f. Thunder olt" s THE CANDY OF THE OUT '. -4 iful wife long before he had seen her-marrying her to make sure she would ly-denying to her the right to motherhood-this unnatural husband's unique by the Providence that watches over mothers. ill give you something to think about! - ti MII...:.. 1 1 IWIY FiIlf Right training wins the race. added attractions Paramount-Bray Pictograph I''; wJ Majestic Orchestra. FRIDAY-SATURDAY f4., ETHEL C LAYTO1Nl IN POILTI NG CHANCE" L g YOU TAKE ONE FOR A FAiR LADY) ' That's 'as true in life as on the cinders. Made in 17 leads, need or pf- erence. Eldc the chc the-world's Sengineers. It sh, yours floW. ELoIi low wrium II Jascha H eetz y A Limited' Number c Tickets Still Availabi, At $1.00 and $1.50 a University SchoolMs Music 8. P.M. VIOLINIST in CHORAL UNION SERIES