THE r ICI NL THE] Al NA ,. _.... I " Leave Copy at Quarry's and, The Delta W~~omnen 'I .,- --- Rehearsals of "Dolls" will be held at 4 o'clock Thursday and Friday in1 Sarah Caswell Angell hall., LOST AND FOUND Please LOST-On Packard or Division, tan ral re- leather purse containing check for $9.50, currency end valuable receipt. Liberal reward. Notify Miss Marsh, Finder 1237-W. LOST-A five dollar bill on Thayer between Ann St. and Freeman's rt tick- Dining room. Please return to 200 alcony. N. State St. LOST - Will person who borrowed Heifitzr plain fountain pen in Barbour Gym 0 each. please return to 200 N. State St., im- mediately. s, Pil- LOST-Pair of tan kid lined gauntlet e, Mrs. gloves, Nov. 26,'at or near Armory. 2384-M. Call .2730 or returp to the Daily. cellent LOST-A dark green belt to overcoat Phone at or near Majestic, Nov. 30th. Finder call 1925-R. LOST -- Bill purse. Name Neil A. Moore inside. Call- 1399. Reward. floor at for of- WILL STUDENT who found blue Itimore sweater at Fall Games please call 3t. Defley at 1994-M. Weekly hygiene lecture at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Junior and senior basketball prac- tice will be held at 5 o'clock Thurs- day in Barbour gymnasium. Sophomores are asked to pay their, > WANTED WANTED-Roomniate by upperclass man. Largeroom less than block from campus. Best of conditions. Box Z. WANTED-Attention boys! We have a few places left at our tables. Home cooking, seven dollars per. week. Apply, 514 E. Jefferbon. WANTED-Suite of rooms in Wash- tenaw avenue district. Call Reavill or Caery at 1016. WANTED-Comfortable room for one near campus. Address Box BX,. Mich. Daily. WANTED-An experienced man to do lettering. Apply office Mack & Co. 3ociaP tax of $1 to the chairman, Laura Snyder, '22, in University hall, or to Miss Louise Potter at Deaii My- ra B. Jordan's office. The tax was due Dec. 1. The organization of University house heads requests each house head to collect faculty tea assessments in her house and turn it in either to Miss: Potter, secretary to Dean Jordan, or Victoria Adams,/ 104 South Ingalls as soon as possible. There will "be no league party on Friday of this week, because of the Freshman Spread on Saturday.; Arbor during the .Christmas holidays.- There will be an opportunity for them to g'et their own meals if they care to do so. Application should be made in the office of the Dean of Women immediately. Women who expect to stay in Ann Arbor during the holidays, and who would like to work part of the ,time, are asked to leave their names with Miss Louise Potter in Dean Jordan's office. Anyone interested in doing volun- teer tutoring in Latin or French should see Marjorie Van Norman, '20, or call at Newberry hall. New Far with collars to match Any girls interested in playing the, piano for dancing classes should ap- All undergraduate women are' in- ply at the office in Barbour gymna- vited to the Freshman Spread wvhich slum. will be held Saturday evening in Bar- bour gymnasium. Owing to the large Upperclass girls who would like to enrollment this year, some have not help with :squads in the gymnasium received their individual invitations, ahould call at the office in Barbour and the committee takes this oppor- gymnasium and make arrangements. tunity to invite those women. Fine Neckwear '-at - Varsity: To'ggery Shop U I Swimming classes Barbour gymnasium. signed up ,for them the time designated. have begun at Girls who hYave should report at NOTICE-Owners of dogs allowed to, run loose on the ,Campus Grounds are hereby notified that on .and after November 20, all dogs f6und running loose on these grounds will 1e caught and properly disposed of. F. C. 'Par- don, Supt. Bldgs and Grounds.-Adv. 1107 South Alumnae house still has for women who. ,intend to a few rooms. stay in Ann .. WANTED-Suite for first of week. Call three, to occupy Ward, 1600-W. 1. r. i f ....and aitthe four ,reat Stock- Markets Today - Tomorrow -Sa June Caprice . DamnseLM Distress p f, I -t --sw 0v ' f s I I, e, Philadelphia ,sare highest i / ' Fs S1 '3'lA A fact: These four big financial cen- ters are perhaps the last places at which one would expect the formerly fashionable 'straight Turkish cigarettes to lose their leadership. But at all four places, these expensive straight Turkish brands are far less popular than the inexpensive, justaenough - Turkish Fatima. F, ' 1 V A Lovely Damsel-A Man-eating Aunt! A Henpecked-Daddy--A Summer Camp-Sweetheart!- A Mischievous Page Boy-An Ultra-dignified Butler! Jr' z. r-k. A Bright-minded Step-cousin-A Fat-headed, Fat-bodied Brother! And an Impetuous Young Playwright Who Knows Not Defeat! These are the Principal Characters in This Joyous Outburst of Merriment I seller I /1 "Just Enough Turkish" Fatima does not contain too much Turkish like the straight Turkish cigarettes-nor too little like the poorer Turkish blends. Fatima contains just enough Turkish -just enough to taste right and just enough to leave a man feeling right, even when he smokes more than usual. Are you,. personally, smoking too much-or too little-or just enough Turkish?, Concocted by Pelham Grenville Wodehouse from his SaturdayyEvening Post Serial Story of the same name In Five Deliciously Funny Acts / "She's the most distressful damsel That ever yet was seen You'll hold your sides with laughter When you see her on 'the screen!'" i G I'T IT'S A SCREAM OF DELIGHT FROM START TO FINISH! 'a111tH 1!'tlllll t~ltltl ttl~ llH H il illllll tlillllNI1lIlf1tIIlllllllillllllf111111111 Ill~ lill lfllllHtI i , RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS ARE CONQUERI! NG TUBERCULOSIS--BUY THEM! ::., Ii illlt1~ l l t~ lltttl tl lt 111t111l tlrllltlllllill lillillill llll lll lrlllll~ lllllllllllfllf lll lll ll lt -COMIN(G - CONSTANCE BINNEY, w ci is making a hit on the stage i 39 East" in her first Realart picture, "ERSTWHILE SUSAN" A Henpecked Widower-Daddy-A Summer Camp Sweetheart! "ERSTWHILE SUSAN' I U A Sensibi e Cigarette t _. :.. .. ,-,. _; , . EIOP EVERYT ,oz ton I