AN UAJIW tain of the Senior. lts, gets the end position and with it the cap- cy' of the team. Dollavo, the -hus- end of the Fresh lits, has the call the other extremity. Sutton of same aggregation deserves a tackle by reason of his aggressive tactics{ ch made him the outsanding line- a of his team. wo sophomores get the guard po- oii, Hobbs and Fitzpatrick, the for- ' an engineer and the latter a lit, on is given the center position. Other Players of Merit hese 22 men are by no means all he best men. There is an equal nber who played fine' football and lly deserve recognition. Of these yers there are three quarterbacks > should receive comment. Iland, sh engineers, Haviland, Soph lits, l'Clements, Juniorsengineers, all ved excellent pilots. Hackett of Soph lits, Simmons of the Soph ineers, and Curran of the Fresh ineers showed up well at half po- >ns. Kahn and Leader, the ends the Soph lit aggregation, both per- ned extremely well and cannot be sed over. Among the linemen 'm of the Dents, although he only yed in one game, deserves recogni- . Johnson, guard on the Fresh ineers, was another strong line- n. )OTBALL CLAIMS FIVE LIVES IN 1919 'ootball, the roughest of .Anmerican door sports, claimed five victims ing the 1919 season, according to orts from the Associated Press to- This is the fewest number of litils that have occurred in quite ew years. The 1919 total was five than in 1918 and seven under the it of two years ago. Therm were lives lost during the 1916 season 16 in 1915. is the opinion of football experts t the open style of play is in' the in responsible for the great de- ase in the. death tall. The line ishes and mass formations of the regime , were the cause for so ny injuries in the old style of play. PHA DELTS MEET DELTA SIGS FINALS OF FRATERNITY RACE Opha Delta Phi and Delta Sigma ta will play the last game of the erfraternity football series at 8 ock tomorrow afternoon on Ferry d. This game promises to be the t of the season, as the champion- p of the campus is at stake. elta Sigma. Delta won the game m Phi Kappa Sigma, tied once, by PLAN TO OEGANIZE SPANISH SOCIETY NEXT SEMESTER Plans for organizing a Spanish so- ciety similar in function to the Cercle Francais were discussed atja meeting held Tuesday night by members of the advanced Spanish classes. Temporary officers will be elected at the next meeting but no formal organization will be put into effect until next se- mester. The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening. Time and place will be announced in The Daily. Pay your subscription to the Daily Worry Your Head Off If You Want To --but if you're wise, you'll forget all your worries after school hours. Shake off your troubles when the whistle blows and you shut up your desk for the day., Conme to HUSTON BROS. and play a few games of billiards. No game ever invented gives more pleas- ure and nothing is more restful than an hour or so spent over a billiard t ble. HUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Ci and Candles. Cigarettes & Pe "We try to treat you Right" Or . Stop and Think a Moment It is here at last A Union Suit that you do not have to mail home to Mother to" have the buttons S swn Qnh. 1N ti j 1 I 7- 1A Ht.+CH, OTE BUTTON@ UNION SUIT~ and the comfort in the know- ledge that you have at last secured a Union Suit that the buttons are not everlast- ingly where they ought not to be., Time Saved Think of the N Only. one button and if the laundry finishes' this just use a collar button and the garment is fastened. Now is the Time to secure r- urs, while have your, size. All weights and materials we TINKER &COMPANY South State Street at William Street Remember we rent Dress Suits U - / r. , M , Y 1 ._, .. 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This use "Gets-It" is the only iover on earth that makes eel off just like a banana 'wo or three drops will do <, without fussing or trou- u apply it in 2 or 3 seconds. s immediately. "Gets-It" e rest, without bandages. blood-bringing knives or Get rid of that corn-pain at that you can work and play corn torture. Be sure to s-It." It never fails, t," the only sure, guaranteed, ack corn-rermover, costs but it any drug store. M'f d by ence & Co.. (hlni'o T by Ann Arbor and recommended as 's best Corn Remedy by 0 Ir A . . «- -, m I