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December 04, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-04

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rteen men who were elected in-
Tau Betas P1 society were initiat-
dnesday. The senior engineers
rere admitted are: 'D. S. Abel,
Anderson, C. E. Bottum, B. 0.
.game, L. 0. Case, G. H. Chid-
A. 0. Dahlberg, E. E. Dreese,
Kirkpatrick;, F. H. Livermore, C.
nan, T. P. Russel, F. G. Schwal-
d L. L. Smith.


Is the honorary
which chooses
ir Junior and s
th of the junior
of the senior
est in class sch



Initiation ritual
held in the En-
6:45 the ban-
Milchigan Union.
a by R. W. El-
itmaster, and by
E. Goodwillie,


OFFERED MINERS ~Dpr t mental rotation of the 'chair-. T E E IL M TC
men of the. J-hop and Soph Prom corn-S 1 0 P 9T C,
miteeswas'dscusedat hemeeting
Corporations Boost 14 Per Cent Offer, of the Student council last night and
Submttig Poposl t Ful loingcomitte tomak a rpor UIICK CTI N O OI
the matter was referred to the fol-U C TI OO L
Adrministrator at the next meeting: Joseph Kervin,. T
'EOM, W. W. Hinshaw, '20, -Sahel 0Denby T Speak REPUJBLICAN
CHICAGO TAKES STEPS TO Slavens, 1200, P. MeLouth, '213,. and A t A ii- Ec Smoker
COPE V#1RFUTEL SHORTAGE Charles Irving' 21. r'." S oe-
A general discussion on the sub-:..,,..
(By P~~)Jett was held before it was referred Major Edwin Denby will' be theASO N
4qs~qiate4to the committee but the opinons of chief speaker at an All-Economics W L
Washngtn, ec.3.-eprs~na,-the councilmnen were so varied that it smoker to be given at 7:30 o'clock
tives of all the large coal mining tor- wras' thought est to let a c mmitteeThrdyenigDc.1,nte
porations in the United States today7 handle the question. Union. Would Surpri,
'reached an agreement upon a new The class con stitution offered to -MorDnyicnsdedaau New ilex
wage scale for mine workers, after freshman classes. was brought up for thority on different phases of busi- Imp(
an all day session here, and announc- revision and 'after bringing up some ness life inasmuch- as, he Is well-
ed it would be submitted to the fuel of the different pointsy requiring known in financial circles of both De- (By A;
adinistration for ratification tomor- change it was dcded that a commit- troit and the rest of the state. He Is s~
row. It embodies, it was said, a little tee was necessary, to cover all the ox-president of the Detroit Board of waIshnw
more han he 1 percentincr a ulty parts. The chief object of-re- Commerce and is a prominent attor- Ito~t
for the men suggested by Fuel Ad- visio~n -was the matter of class eloc- ne fta ct.-snte -itoi
minitraor-Gariel a~thegovrn-tions.r The eomittea .put in .charge Prof. I. Leo. Sharfman" and Prof. tinwl
ment proposal for dealing w~2 - the of the changes in the constitution is David Friday, both of the Economics Linwth
strike which the miners rejet dp. as follows: Carl Mason, '20, lA. S. department, are also scheduled to ad- The resolue
Repor~ts OpItici Ballard, '20H1, and Fred Petty, '21. dress the meeting. Students who are Senator Fall,
Some optimistic report* reached the Arrangements for the organization interested in affairs of the business Mexico, who;
operators indicatng that at some of the Student council comnmittee 0on world ar invited to attend. committee inv
points in the central competitive field underclass conduct were brought nearstaio o
around which the strike o4ers min- completion aftst some discussion. Pom~irn 111und thatn w
ere were going back to work. 1111thatIII'i "wc k
Attorney (General- Palmer would not draw reIUIIIJ .gI as
discuss tonight, the steps taken at In- CHflflflhIIOITrf WN vrne
o il. CH fME a wiiuMEN; HLD FOR Rgov rnmnt
gtnte~~0of the hearing ER
*Chicago, Dec. 8:- Vigorous actot -C"IRANZA GOVERNMENT. SENDS Mexican emnba
Cope with the coal situation fmjCh(- __ FOR FORMER BANDIT erals of NewI
cao ndnothr Ilioi ad oco; LADRand the const
cganforhrIlnisadt 10 KliEN TO VISIT PRHOS".,- with the knoT
serve as far as possible the dwindlin~gPE SPridtCa
supply of fuel was taken today by- BULLETINenadint
the Illinois public utilities commis- evnegcmittecarefo B soitd rs)vkpag nth
lion, which issued an order limiting Sevioteenfcomembtershir cmpnoar(ByADec. ate-Prsosilaha videncepitand
the hours of operation of ,tl indu-teUinlf emesi apin Jaez e.3--Facso il a vdne t ;tis eti lssso eal so's' hc eisnx uedy ae'enbe cpue yafreo hsoncmn oba
theaters, office buildings, beas, andapointed by the general chairman, men and is being held for a reward By this rest
DoAma Porter, 21, and he will name from the Mexican goverment, accord- to the foreignj
other business h9 }s~E~s six more in a few das ing to tadvices received here today the senate for
Tle order was wde ffe(tive to-.b fiil fteCiuhadvso
morrow morning. Some of its d s These chairmen will select 10 stu- b fiil fteCiuhadvso Mexican probl
tic regulations follow:- denuts to act on their committees. When of the National Railwrays of Mexico. view of ther
Plan Restrictions the drive start~s Tuesday, each comn - administration
Elmnto falllmn~4gn~mitteeman will have 20 students whom Bieing Held Agent Jenkins
Eliinaionof llillmintedsigs;he is to solicit to take out a life mom- Two. Villa rebels are -reported to at Puebla, i
display and show window lights; re--
duction of, all- suburban and localbership. The committee, having the have presented themselves at tlxe fed- gress.
traspotaionschdues hic ~ best record in securing' life member- oral headquarters at Parral and noti- The latestr
ha tinr .f.rtt AA,.~r ~a minimum. ships, will be the guest of the Union fled the commander there that. Villa partment calk





Ise World, Says
X.10, In luitroduc
,ortant Measure
Associated Press.
lon, Dec. 3.-Prf
srequested in a
oduced today hi
sever diplomatic
idon was introd.
Republican 4
as chairman of
Gvestigating the
ared evidence 1b
vould astound the
that the Preside
tioj of the C
)ad Propoganda
11 boldly charged
gssy, thm..cuuL
York and San F
sulate along the
Dwledge and coi
ranza had been
he spreading of
da in the United
was said, would t
ar out the charg(
olution which a
n~relations coma
consideration, ti
em, admittedly;
refusal of the t
n to release(
is from the peni
vill be put befc
note from the s
[ing for the its
akins ways laid be
rnment on Monda
reached the del
-re was no intim
answer might

Ad has.



eifetz' program is as follows: -
ita, No. IV, in D major... Handel
Larghetto-Allegro conbrio
:erto in D minor .... Wienia'irski
Negro moderato
Romanze; Andante non troppo
)Finale, A la Zingara
Marie ........ Shubert-Wilhelmi


s tak"

m lu tt.... . . .. . . .. u LV a
Nocturne in E minor .... Chopin-Auer
Chorus of Dervishes (Etude)
March Orientale (Scherzo) (from
the Ruins of Athens).......
On Wings of Song...........
LaRonde des Lutins......... Bazzini
FATE OF R. 0. T. C.
-"I was surprised," said Dean Bates
of the Law School, Wednesday after-
noon, "to learn- that the R. 0. T. C.
-unit in the University was liable to- be'
withdrawn because of a lack of men
to take the work.
"It seems to me that a much larger
number of men should be interesied
- i the course. Not only would the
discipline of the mind thus received-
be valuable, but the work is given by
experts, and offers an opportunity to
secure -military work within the Uni-



business may remain open only be-
tween 9 a. JO. and 3:30 p.,in. Thea-
ters, vaudeville houses and - similar
places of amusement, not including
motion picture houses, are to be re-
stricted to six performances a week.
Your Part In the
Solution of'thc
Athletic Problem
Somebody said a few days ago, thalt
Michigan come-back spirit is going to
.make the 1920, football season as bril-
liant a success as the 1919 season was
a failure. That person hit the nail
on the head.'
Michigan is figuring upon its coao-
back spirit to solve the athlette, sit-
uation. Every... student of the Thnl*~
sity is beginning to. make it hie indt-
vidual duty to- see that that come-
back spiJrit prevails.
-The Lansing students have started
the ball rolling in a determined. ef-
fort to bring the Kipke boys -to Mlichi-
gan next fall. Their precedent should
be followed by every, one on the cam-
pus. A coziie-back is based upon abil-
ity and ability can be niade evident'
only through service.
Concentrated service on the part of
every student, directly for the Uni-
versity, will solve the problem.

Emmnor P. Rood, '21, George
'21H, Kershaw Harms, '201
H. Harrison, h1R, RoswelliD
Blake Vinkemuller, '20,
Kixuon,;'21, and Robert McK
Plans for waging the d
formulated at a meeting of
men last 'night at the ioi
tails of the campaign wen
ed by Chairman Porter.- A
all the-committees will take;a
day evening, when the final
meats will be- made and an
matters clarified by Porter.

eeting of
a.ce Mon-

Dean Bates further expressed his
belief that this military study would
prove advantageous to a man from a
purely 'selfish viewpoint of quicker ad-
vancement from already having a com-
mission at the outbreak of any inter-
national or internal trouble in which
we might be involved. "Then he would

m~ attenUUaL
ntioned and
, according
president of
tt he wishe
a of the soi
,st be paid

xhad been captured Lnd- was being held
k for surrender to the Carranza' forces.
[, The state of Chihuahua, has already
- offered 50,000 pesos as a reward.
e Mexican officials here expressed the
Sopinion that General Escobar, com-
mander of the. Juarez district, would
:proceed immediately to Chihuahua
q -City. fo,~ a conference* with military
d Although. the advices received here
,gave no,L details of the incident it is
e Jcnown ta detachment 'of federal'
*forces lmas been sent to the place in-
-dicated by the two Villa rebels.

d are
Lg to
if the,

release of Jenl
Mexican gover:
to this effect
today but ther
to when an
pected. >

00d it be equipped to render better service
,niors to his country," Dean Bates said, "and
d be- whether, the training thus received
was ever used in a military way or1
aking not, Ai would be worth having."
e, "it Colonel Lucks spoke before the
:niors freshman engineer assembly Wednes-
Sand day morning on the R. 0. T. 0. and as
f all. a result a few more men were added
o ac- to the unit. A large number are still
mat- required, however, according to 0o1-
etle onel Lucas,
spirit -
e at Union Dance Saturday for Dents
hings Tickets for Saturday nghts' dance

Modernizing Primrose and Dock-
stader, T: A. McKinney, '20, and
George Lynn, '22, -will present an orig-
inal selection of song and patter .at
the Spotlight vaudeville Friday night,
recalling the minstrel shows that were
formerly the principal entertain-
The two darky artists have, accord-
ing to word from the managers of the
show, completed their act to a ,point
where It. will rival the work of the
famed minstrel actors.
McKinney, as a monologue special-
ist, is ready to startle his audience
with a flow of language that will sur-
prise his hearers. Featuring campurs
jokes and repartee only, the act prom-
ices to be individual in every sense.
Lynn graces the bill as a musical
accompanist for his principal. Lyon
has perfected a' make-up, it is said,
that is suffcient within itself to keep
his listeners and those who watch This
antics in constant mirth. Some of his
co-workers hhave dabbed him the "va-
cantt stare comedian" aund Lynn is

Bachelor 'of% arts degrees were
awarded,- to five ex-stlidents, bache-
lor. of science degrees in medicine to
three, and teachers'" diplomas to sev-
en, at the. faculty meeting held Wed-
nesday night.
The following received- their A.B.'
degrees:z, Fred A. Gariepy, Esther A.
Kern, Joseph D. Menchhofeor, Paul L.
Steketee (with distinction), and Sam-'
uel Swersky.
Degrees as bachelors of science were
awarded to John ,H. Cobane, Arthur
E. Cone, and, George W. Cooper.
Teachers' diplomas were given to
Edwin T. Cooke, Nellie L. Jackson,
Esther A. Kern, Joseph A. Menehhof-
er, Gertrude A. Miller, Samuel Sider-
sky, and Cora E. Swingle.
A report of the committee appoint-
ed- to investigate the advisability of
allowing literary students to enter the
-R. 0. T. C. was read, and according;
to the usual custom will be held over
until next .Tuesday's meeting before
action will be taken
General Sale of Dance Tickets Today
Any member of the Union is enti-
tled to buy tickets for -'Friday night's
dance after 1 o'clock this afternoon
when the, sale closes for sophomore
lits and engineers. Late Tuesday even-
ing only 100 tickets had been dispos-

Expect Early Report
An early report from the coi
on the Fall resolution is expec
this will put the question squa:
fore the senate, aroused to
pitch by recent murders of Am
'in Mexico and the treatment
American consular agent.
-While Senator Fall did not
the exact nature of his evid
was said that he had obtained
graphic copies of correspc
which would clearly show sec
erations of the Mexican, presid
his official representatives
country. There also was mlt
in the senate a resolution by
Asehurst, Democrat. of Arizo
thoring the Secretary of War
the nation's forces for protec
people on their own side of th
or. For eight years SenatorA
said he had been waiti'ng for tl
to protect {American rights al
border and he felt that the ti
come for action.
- House Aroused
In the house also there was
up of- the Mexican situation,
sentative Caldwell, Democrat
York, declaring it was so bad
fore many days the countryn
at war.
"While the mail-order sale
Feather seats has been pro3
fairly well to- date, there ise
a mistaken impression in th,
of Ann Arbor, people," stated
Heath, general manager of'th
"The impression seems to
this advance sale is f-or 4audei
which is not- the -case. Any

A limited number of thel
Issue of the Varsity Desk Blo


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