The Screen .AL tile's I THE WHITNEY THE MAJESTIC Ven- and Lunches N'unnally 's Candy Maynard St. r, I. MAJESTIC TODAY AND TOMORROW KATHERINE McDONALD1 in The THUNDERBOLT__ ARC uAb1)E Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theat-e. 2ob-M Mjz?,q Res.; vF6-MA LAST I IMES TOD~AY D. W. GRIFFI'rH'S "Broken Blossoms" and Out- ing-Chester Scenic. Thu.-Fri-.Sat-4-5-6-June Cap- erie in' "A Damsel in Dis- trcss", and Comedy. Popularizing Shakespearian plays' by sheer acting ability is the accom- plishment of -Walter Ham~pden who plays the part of Hamlet tonight at the Whitney. Few plays and musical1 comedies are, so well patronized by the theater-going public that it be- comes necessary to add Satujrday, morning performances but this was what was found necessary when IlHampden and his company presented their Shakespearian repertoire in New York. Supporting Tom' Wise in "Cappy' fRicks," coming next Saturday eve- ning to the Whitney, is the original' New York cast made up of Isabel -Withers, Earle Foxe, Percival Moore, Norval Keedwell, Jacqueline Mason, :Helen Stewart, Thomas Shearer, Hel- en Lowell, Phillip Lord, Elmer Ball- ard, Eugene Lowe, and Arthur Holla- way. Would you have footwear that riv- aled Cinderalle's? For good taste, a Russian Calf-skin, carefully made up in a French de Lux style can not be rivaled. Visit the Davis Toggery Shoppe. A~9 S. Main.-Adv. Do you know that Crowford Cordo-, vans are the "sole" of smairtness? Keep step! Davis Togg'ery Shoppe, 119 S. Man.-Adv. Patronize our advertisers. Kentucky feuds often end in death but seldom in marriage as does the1 mountain quarrel in "The Thunder- bolt," starring Katherine McDonald today and' tomorrow at the Majestic. This is the way Bruce Corwin decides1 to settle the Corwin-Pomeroy differ- ences and to avenge his family hon- or he forces Ruth Pomeroy to marry him by threatening to disclose her, father's forgeries. Condemned to a marriage of hatr'ed, Rutb~ Pomieroy outwits her husband, wins his admiration and affection, and turns this unique form of vengeance into a romance. THE ARCADE In speaking of his aims in produc- ing "Broken Blossoms " to be re- peated today for the last times at the Arcade,. David Griffith declared, "I think that one of the first duties of a mxan who deliberately tries to bring home a new ar~t to the people is to at- tempt to emphasize the affinities of beauty which lie so deep in nature ,and reach so far back into the myster- ious 1history of man. Literature can- not express these wholly; nor music, nor painting, nor sculpture; but all ,these arts, in some phase of their be- lng, may be used as aids in the new medium of the photoplay and bring it step by step nearer perfection. Thus it is that, gradually and care- fully feeling my way, I have been able, I hope,' to bring the musical score into closer harmonLY and touch with the more obvious, message that he screen conveys." The University of 'California may be ' "Les forced to give up their R. 0. "T. .C. unit. Nouvelb Men are not turning out for drill, andj an illu since it is necessary to have at least Scatori 100 men in order to keep the unit es-I Wednesi tablished it may have to be abandon- ture is ed. cle Fra The military department is making every effort to enroll a sufficient num- The N. ber' of students to continue the work. lag papl the lat( Subscribe to the Michigan Daily. news.-- IA WHITNEY T1 One Night-- SATURDAY, Deet Exactly as presented for nearly on'e year att Theatre, New York. Coming to Ann Arbord five months run at, the Cort Theatre, Chi OLIVER MOROSC( Presents TOM WISE Sup ported by a Typical Morosco Ca: the Delightful Comedy istrated1 to be g day i mT under the Lncais. Milchigan Der in An' Lest Camp -Adv. Detroit resents , CAPPYRIC Dramatized by Edward E. Rose fro Famous Peter B. Kyne Sat. Eve. Post PRICES-Lower Floor $2.00, Balconfy $1.1 { M9 Mail Orders Gallery '75c. tACTIONS- !ST! / APPLICATION BLANKS FOR P. 0. WORK NOW 'AVAILABLE -- AUl Wishing Positions Must Report to Postmaster Abbot in Blanks on which students may make application for postoffice work during the Christmas holidays are now in the2 hands of~ Postmaster Horatio J. Abbot. _ All who desire to do this 'work should dome to the. main office and apply in person between the hours of 3 and 62 o'clock Wednesday or Thursd~.y aft- ernoons. ~Some persons have, sent ,in their names by letter, but it will be neces- sary for them to come to the office2 and sign the blanks, stated Postmast-2 er Abbot. One hundred men are want-2 ed to work in the Detroit lpostoffice =. and. 30 are to work in the railway2 terminal at the Michigan Central de-2 pot and on railway mall assig~nents.2 The railway mail service requires men to report not later that Dec. 18,2 while postoffice assignments may be taken as early as Dec. 19. The latter must be taken not later than Dec: 21. "The pay in the postoffice, is 60 cents, 2 an hour," and, said Postmaster Ab- bot, "long hours may be put in."' - If you aren't satisfied, we can't be.2 We make "Portraits that Please" you at Derr Studio.-Adv. =j Wednes "The I. WALTER HA "HAML est Livii 'H 7lt DAY "The "AllI "Superb! 'At Last a Really Seats Monday.; p ,; ., i. I, I; t t . 4 . !. ' a r" J LAST TIMES TODAY D.:W9 Griffith's "fBro ken Illossoms' tan who deliberately, marries a beautiful woman to deny her the right to moth- Iwit and Providence intervene with. startling results. ul wieThundterbolt" ifu wfelong before he had seen her-marryinrg her to make sure she would [y-denying to her the right to motherhood-this unnatural husband's ulnique' by the Providence that watches over Mnothers.a enge was frustratedi Special Music Evening. Son~g "BROKE BlLOSSOMS" sung at each pe formance by U. GERAL-DINE SCHLEMMHER - w w r w r in- -= wls - w w w w a- - in w w If youi' { Tomgrrow - Frid~ay - Sal June Caprice Creighton Hale IN "A Damsel in D is, - It will give you something tothink about! adedatrctdParamount-Bray Pictograph full J'