pe Other Colleges' s appeared at the University of Illinois s and is on sale. t Cornell at about udents in ork. The izes are s, though six prizes ratory or arded for n under- Oklahoma-Oklahoma Masons- are making plans to build two new dor- m mitories at the University of Okla'- homa. A men's dormitory costing, $10,000 will be' erected on property 1 adjoining the campus. A woman'sl building will be located about half al block from the campus, the architec- ture of which will be Collegiate Goth- ic. A recent canvass of university students shows that 93 boys are mem- bers of Masonic organizationsi 26 girls belong to the Eastern Star, and 406 others have Masonic connections. Grinnell-A cinder track for girls is1 being constructed at Grinnell college. JV J.A"JI5L'A 5 A flu Air This Year? Galoshes adorned the feet of many Michigan women yesterday for the first time this eyar. If not a tradi- tion, certainly it is a. custom here forI campus women to pit on their galosh- es when the first flurry of snow comes. Yesterday they-the galoshes--were trimly and snugly fastened. Other years they have been worn loosely, flapping round, about the ankles, care- lessly waving the sepson's greetings to a frosty air so that an outsider might wonder if the girls had gone on a strike with their work half fin- ished. Has campus Fashion decreed tidi- ness for this year, or has Fad simply not yet sought the musical c'omedy she used to find in the slopsh, schluss, slopsh of wobbly galoshes? F M lJoe r 11 I Prof. William Allen Frayer will ad- dress the Y. W. C. A. at Vesper serv- ice to be held at 4:30 o'clock to- day at Newberry hall. An informal tea will follow the service. Any girM interested in playing the piano for dancing classes should ap- ply at the office in Barbour gymna- slum. Upperclass girls who would'like to help with squads in the gymnasium shoul call at the office 'in Barbour, gymnasium and make arrangements. Swimming class have begun at Barbour gymnasium. Girls who have signed up for them-should report at the time designated. Basketball practices will be held onces a week for each team as follows: freshmen from 3 to 5 o'clock on Wed- nesday; sophomores at 4 o'clock on EINA... STUiDENT CASES. Demand the original for your protection. LEATHER GOODS GUARANTEED to GIVE, SATISFACTORY SERVICE. Trade mark of quality FIRST AT ALL STORES WHERE QUALITY RULES LIFTON MFG. 00g, New York FIRST ANN OF THE FEI -.I it Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom. er, whether the account be large or small The Ann Arbor'Sayings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $0.000.00 Beeu're..... $4,(N00,000.000 I OLDEST NA 3 Per Cent - n en register- the appear- Bailey hall, spring. rac meet worl Will e one of the new features of women's ath- letics at Grinnell. n Le- LADY ASTOR TAKES hould PARLIAMENT SEAT dLondon,Dec. 1.-Nancy Langhqrne ,on. the Y. Illinois >r fam- families e from ty men ids for its dis- Astor of Virginia, a viscountess in the peerage of Great Britain, and wife of an American born British peer whose millions we rederived from New York real estate, took her seat Dec. 1 in the house-of commons, as the first le- gally elected woman member of the mother of parliamentp. Such a roar of welcome, as greeted this American woman, has never been heard in the house of commons. Near- ly 600 men of all parties raised a cry in honor of Nancy Astor that colld be heard in the outer lobbies where the great crowd was wagting in the vain hope that they would catch, a glimpse of the most famous woman in England Spanish Second' In Popularity Spanish is becoming a popular ab- ject at the University as is shown by statistics. 'In the literary college there are 916 students electing 3,522 hours of Spanish. French is the only foreign language interesting more stu- dents than Spanish, with between 1,600 and 4,700 students. The number of students \electing French is traceable to the war, the feeling against Germany extendingI even to her language. There are only 250 students electing German. I In 1912 German was the leading for- eign language elected in the 'Univer- sity. 'At that time 53 per cent of all foreign language elections in the lit- erary college were in German. French and Spanish are double what they were in 1912. Wednesday; juniorsq o'cl(Ik on Thursday. and seniors at 5 has Sophomores are asked to pay their social tax of $1 to the chairman, Laura Snyder, '22, in University hall, or to Miss Louise Potter at Dean My- ra B. Jordan's office. The tax was due Dec. 1. Anyone interested in doing volun- teer tutoring in Latin or French should see Marjorie Van Norman, '20, or ell at Newberry hall. Members of the Judiciary council of the Women's league and the vice- presidents of the four classes will have a luncheon at 12 o'clock at Lane hall. A business meeting will follow the luncheon. T"~. organization of University house heads requests each - house head to collect faculty tea assessments in her house and turn it in either to Miss Potter, secretary to Dean' Jordan, or Victoria Adams, 104 South Ingalls as soon as possible. Freshman basketball practice will be held at 3 and 5 o'clock; sopohomre at 4 o'clock on Wednesday, in Barbour gymnasium. Weekly hygiene lecture at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. I ". Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. __ _ All-Weather Shoe .. f v t 4" o r :r \r 'a a9 U .o d, ,,q _P.4e .Y. dp 6p O c. 1\? Our Stylish . Lady Astor announces she will not _ wear evening dress in the house. "I intend to dress as plainly as possible in order not to make it hard for the poorer women who come after me. I also do not intend to make many speeches or ask many ques- tions. People who talk most do the least work. My husband talked little and accomplished much. I hope to emulate him." NOTICE-Owners of dogs allowed to run loose on' the Campus. Grounds are hereby notified that on and after November 29, 411 dogs found running loose on these grounds will be caught and'properly disposed of. E. C. Par- don, Supt. Bldgs and Grounds.-Adv. Michigan Daily advertising is the one recognized 'means of reaching student trade.' .Mrlusic Notes i, One of the favorite works of Handel, the D major Sonata, and Wienawski's D minor concerto which was played by Ysaye in Ann Arbor two years ago, besides two groups of popular con- cert numbers including a'few Auer arrangements will compos the.violin recital to be given by Jascha Heifitz, the Russian virtuoso at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in Hill auditorium. Mr. Samuel Chotzlnoff will act as accompanist in the following pro- gram: Sonata, No. IV, in D major ..Handel Largommaestoso-Allegro Larghetto-Allegro conbrio Concerto in D minor .... Wieniawski Allegro moderato m Romanze; Andante non troppo Finale. A la Zingara Ave Marie .........Shubert-Wilhelmj ,Menuetto ..................Mozart Nocturne in E minor ....Chopin-Auier Chorus of Dervishes (Etude) March Orientale (Scherzo) (from the Ruins of Athens)............ .Beethoven-Auer On Wings of Song ............ . Mendelsshon-Achron LaRonde des Lutins ...Bazzini There are two big reasons why you will 11 First, it is a brogue, and handsomely decorate what's-what today. Second, it is an every-k shoe. TOP GRADE $16-00 AT THEYt'' f a swAot MAA w. 0Au.S a0. a 115 So. Main St. Pay your subscription to the Daily 0 Leave Golly 'I / . I VV ,1. 'I, irs money safety -R. 0. fortable room for one near campus. Mich. Daily. Address Box BX, l on Thayer d Freeman's return to 200 son who borrowed en in Barbour Gym 200 N. State St., im- ikid lined gauntlet at or near Armory. urn to the Daily. ANEOUS o whom I gave ring e Nov. 22, at Ferry urn same to E. C. vision St. who held army coat WANTED-Single room near Wash- tenaw Ave. and Hill St. Call Reavill 1016. WANTED-An experienced man to do lettering. Apply office Mack & Co. ANV TED-Rooms for two men, leave answers at Daily office. Box Y. FOR SALE- FOR SALE--Two tickets for Heifitz Concert. Lower floor. $2.00 each. FOR SALE-Drawing .Set in excellent condition. 804 Monroe. Phone 1114-W. MARCH WILL OPEN FRESHMAN SPR1EAD' Go early to the Freshman spread in order to be in the grand march, which begins at 8:30 o'clock, is the sug- gestion of the committee in charge. The annual spread will be held Sat- urday evening in Barbour gymnasium, in honor of the freshman girls, who will be escorted to the party by ju- niors to whom they have been as- signed. If 'any escort has not called upon her freshman, the latter should notify' Eleanor Stephenson, phone 368. During the evening freshmen will help their partners to find them read- ily if they will stand under the sec- tion which bears their initials. A'favor dance will be a feature of the even- ing, when the sophomore girls will present souvenirs to the freshmen. Although the party will-be formal, the committee asks that flowers should not be worn. Sophomores must pay their tax of $1 before Saturday. LOST ' Light grey buckskin glove between high school and 415 East Jefferson. Call 1565-M. Order Your Evening Clothes, ow Full' Dress Suits and Tuxedos tailored by this shop are a definite asset to any man. Business Suits-Over/oats-Riding Breeches D. E. Grennan 14 Nickels Arcade 7. FOR SALE-One et. Main floor. Heifitz concert tick- Phone 1014-W. "ir +r r" i rr4 rrrrr i r r rui + it a.air rrw.r m- i I um Jas o ha He ifetz A Limited Nurr Tickets Still Av At $1.00 and $S University sdl - ~ :1 e0 ,# y VIO LNI N.ST in CHORAL UNION SERIES I