THE MICH GAN DAILY THE MICH ~AN DAILY ,s all help to distract the student aiver. or mailed to The Daily office. ye no consideration. No man- :writer incloses postage. ly endorse the sentiments . x- .... Managing Editor or xox6 ..Business Manager, or zg38 .....Asst. Managing Editor ... City Editor Sports Fditor Women's 'Editor' .....Telegraph 1Editor We wotild suggest to the students themselves that they wali)k lightly in this room, that they hold their conversations with fellow classmen outside the eco- nomics library, and that they do not slam the door when entering the room. We would suggest that the person in charge of the library .be given the power to ask any student wAo does not live up to any of the above regula- tions to leave' the room and that this person be in- structed to see that these things are enforced. We would also suggest that a rubber or cork matting be placed on the floor,. that a. vacuum stop be placed on the entrance door; that the radiators be fixed so . that they will not ,pop out with the noise of escap- ing steam 'every few minutes, and that the 'book cases be fixed. It will be only through the co-operation of the students and the persons , in charge of the econom- ics 'library, that it wilil' become a real study room where deep 'concenration is possible. The Guillotine Winter Song Woe is men! WVoe is me!~ The hot stove' league worketh overtime. The'yun assistant from the Economics depart- ment pef~useth the Morocco bound joke book * for nigh unto five hours and then courteth Esmeralda with sundry anecdotes and Zymol Trokeys' before the grate fire. GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIALGONAL WALK RUSOAT NOVELTI FOR CHRISTMAS at r iency Editor The parlor champion parketl, .himself uporr the dav- enport for two successive evenings and wear-' eth off . eleven dollars' worth of red plush at a single sitting.' The North wind, simmeth the eave trough with undue, boistrousness and' the dairyman caress- eth bossy upon the right hip and skimmeth the milk with unseemly glee. The hoar frost sitteth- upon the asphodel and grandma sitteih over the register and, clamor- eth louidly for, flannels and rum punch unto all the children of Ephriam. The housemaid cusseth anon because, the percolator f reezeth over ,,and the landlord soliloquizeth with' s~ignificant- gestures unto the gaping coal bin. Hash accumulatetli by degrees in the kitchen and the' landlady glareth wickedly as snow cometh down, for the price of corned beef and oyster .crackers goeth up like' Venus from the ocean's f oam.' DETROIT UITED LINES (Oct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit, Ann -Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io a. mn., and hourly to p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cara-8 :48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops wet of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-O :o5 a. in., 9:o5 a in. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. in., io:so0 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, i i:4 P. m., 1 :10 a. mr., and to Saipe, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. fn. and L::20a. im. R. 0. T. C. STILL LACKS' 37 MEN Thirty-seven students are yet need- ed' to insure the continuance of the newly established R. 0. C. course in~ the enjineering college. The assigned quota to this Univer- sity is 100 mien but, so far, only 63 have enrolled. Under a ruling -of congress, at least 100 men must sig- nify their- intention of taking the course offered before an army officer can be assigned to the University as professor of military selzmee and tac- tics. The work will consist' in techinical studies during the year, no. drill being given and$ no uniforms being worn except at the summer. camps. Under- classmen electing the couirse will, upon -its completion, be given, com- missions in the reserve corps of the army but it will be necessary for' those enrolling in their junior or sen- for year to take an examination be- fore being commissioned. Full particulars concerning the courses offered may be obtained from either Colnel Arthur of Colonel Lucas in room' 239, Engineering- building.. SHANTUNG BUFF! Collar attach- ed shirts. -Such irresistible onles as we are now showing. are the latest word , in Smartness. Davis Toggery Shoppe, 119 S. Main.---Adv. PROF.,MITTENTHAIS Dancing School at the Armory Friday evenings, 7 to 8:30. Continuous instruc- tion. No recess,.,, Y method ,is easy and you learn quick. At- tend now. Special price to ladies 60c per lesson; 8 lessons $3.00. -It you come. once, you Surely will coupe agajn, F, t THE ARCADES P R O A XMSSamples are ready C them now WAH R'S F Nickels Arcade ....: Up Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good Food At The ARCADE? Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts. Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and serving tables. r Select just what appeals to your own individual 'Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens. .Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream. Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here. For Satisfactory Amateur Finishing leaive your Films at on the scare'crow and to 'feedeth Fanny his straw from 'the sun parlor. idge with an icicle and the Palatine hills for a ,ton of. condensed heat. quarry's Drug Store lies The' gods upon the top of. Mount Amphibious quaf- ow f eth beakers of anti-f reezing solution and down her on Liberty street the fire 'department prayeth the for woolen hose. I The SWAIN, do the work ,.. . . .. . , ,. - I DOD2GE BROTHERS TO OPEN SCHOOL What M ~ore Sensible Than to --News. nt or of to cause .P law "or Its true citi- ?Y ..._.. ._.._ Hail to our alma motor. Whieezes. of Yest er-Year (We saw this one again in the Princeton Tiger) "Think I'll go to the dance as a stag." "How's that ?" "Haven't any doe." Lost-Gold plated watch by old gentleman with 'Swiss 'moveient.--Press. At thze Union He--What shall we do? Dance or talk?a She-I'm so tired. Let's, dance. A Freshman went to Hades once A~ few more. things Ito learn,' Old Satan sent him' back again, -' He was too green to burn. .-Anon. Dear Louis I won a bet from a young lady in Kalamazoo on a football score and I received today a carton of Camels.' I haven't time to 'smoke. them as they would keep~ me Humping all the time. What am I to do to' get rid of them ? Sir Dancelot._ at This Men'sStr , This Store Has Complete Stocks has two Crary for cond, to econom- Shirts SMufflers r. Hose *Pajamas SBath Robes ~Suspenders SNeckwear iHandkerchiefs SSweaters ,=:,Underwear Hart Schaffner & Marx SUITS and OVERCOATS In~ the very Aingst of styles and in a rich range of ,colors and1 shades. The, pure wool qual- ity of the faibrics and the fine tailoriig in- sures excelle-t wkeating service. .Buy Mezn's Christmas Gifts Collar Boy Fur CG Soft H Fur few books f rom 'its Sheepski second f une- ;roiin of stu- Reule, Conltin, Tiegel Co. Join a sorority. Ho H' Hart Sc,