THE MICHIGAN DAILY OfInterest to University Women Iwhif If you Whipple, of the .psychol- nt, will deliver an illus- e Tuesday afternoon to club of Highland Park. ill be, "How the Psychol- es Intelligence." i't satisfied, we can't be. >rtraits that Please" you o.-Adv. Iill191111111111i11111111_-ltik Sugar Bowl _ sgiving - Chickens and Box A, = AR BOWL South Main 111111llit111lllllilllll go Persh- 1028.1 TFIE STUDIO. 721 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Lyrics Assigned For junior, Play Titles and suggestions for lyrics to -be written for the Junior girls', ply ere given out by Prof, John R. Brumm Monday afternooii in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All, manuscripts will be handed in by Dec. 15 after which time those se- lected will be given over to the music composers. About 30 girls) turned out tolbe as- signed lyrics, which is an unusually snall number compared with former. years. The play offers the very best of opportunities in pyrical and musi- cal hits and by virtue of the early sart the class his taken in the work it should be a decided success. College Exchanges Virginia-Permanent records of the grades of the students at the Univer- sity of Virginia are' to be kept.' Achievements of, the faculty will also lye kept on file. Kansas-A prize is offered to that1 student at the University of Kansas who can write the best play on the subject, "Put K. U. First." The prize will be $50. Leland Stanford-All bath tubs have, been removed at Leland Stanford and showers put in their places in order to prevent tubbing. Indiana - ew .uniforms costing; $1,000 have been given to the mem- bers of the band at the University of Indiana. Kentucky-The. University of Ken- tucky has been classed by the Na- tional Association of State Universi- ties as acceptable for graduate work. Kansas A. C.-When President Jar- dine of Kansas , Agricultural college recently called for volunteers to go to the coal mines and work, in case the impending strikes should materialize and there should be no other means of getting labor, 1,500 students re- sponded Montreal-At a recent fire at the University- of.Montreal one of its prin- -ciple-buildings was burned lown. It was Ville hall, containing the medi- cal department. .The loss of $400,000 is covered by insurance, Educational Club Meeting Postponed The Girls' Educational .club will not hold a meeting this -week. The next- meeting will be at 8:15 o'clock' Wed- , College Notes 'I Athena Literary society will have, the Michiganensian picture taken at 12 o'clock today at Spedding's studio,t 619 East Liberty street, formerly White's studio. Upperclass girls who would like to help with squads in the gymnasium should call at the office in Barbour gymnasium and make arrangements. Swimming classes have begun at Barbour gymansium. Girls who have signed up for them should report at the time designated. Basketball practices will be held once a week for each team as follows: freshmen) frtm 3 to 5 o'clock on Wed- nesday; sophomores at 4 o'clock on Wednesday; juniors and seniors at ,5 o'clock on Thursday. Sophomores are asked to pay their social tax of $1 to the chairman, Laura Snyder, '22, in University hall, or to Miss Louise Potter at Dean My- ra B. Jordans' office.. The tax was due Dec. 1. Anyone interested in doing volun- teer tutoring in Latin or French should see Marjorie Van Norman, 120, or call at Newberry hall. There will be a work meeting for all members of Msques from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Rehearsals of "Dolls" for this week will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Sarah ,Cas- well Angell hall. Members of the Judiciary council of the Women's league and the vice- presidents of the four classes will have a luncheon at 12 o'clock on Wed- nesday at Lane hall. A business meet- ing will follow the luncheon. en, some unusual talent was la :-. . ... fA AESTHETIC DANCERS SHOW . ABILITY IN FIRST CLASS Beginning and advanced 'aesthetic dancing classes have begun with un- usually large and enthusiastic attend- ance. According to Miss Wood, di- rector of physical education for wom- BESTATTRACTIONS FIRST ! The problem of overcrowde dressing rooms, and .lokersc the gymnasium as it does mi departments. Difficulty is b perienced in procuring enoi nasium schoes to meet the but relief for the situationi forward to with a -promise in the near future. J. L. CHAPMA JEWELER For Reliability 113 S exhibited SEE THE COLLEGE CUT-UPS Wallace Reid and Harrison Ford in the class room, bet on which piece of candy the fly will light on. Will put yot' in rare good humor right off the bat. SEE THE SHIMMY WEDDING Wallace Reid dreams of get- ting married in a bath robe and a high hat, with the min- ister, bride and attendants yielding suddenly t othe lat- est dance craze. SEE LIZZIE The Human Skeleton, WIN THE LOTTERY CONTEST. .Wally Reid, hitched to an old- maid for life, nearly faints. You'll laugh yourself sick. 9 Athena literary society 7 o'clock tonight on the in University hall. will meet atr fourth floor WALLACE ~~1 Prof. William Allen Prayer will ad- dress the Y. W. C. A. at Vesperserv- ice to be held at 4:30 o'clock Wed- nesday at Newberry hall. An infor- mal tea will follow the service. Any girls interested in playing the piano.for dancing classes should ap- ply at the office in Barbour gymna- sium. Advanced class in aesthetic danc- ing will be held at 5 o'clock Tuesday in Barbour gymnasium. Campus News Pearl Lockhart, '18, of Detroit is the guest of friends here for a few days. Dr. Eugene F. Traub, '18M, of Dup buque, Iowa, is visiting friends in Ann Arbor this week. Dean Myra B. Jordan returned on Monday 'from Mount Clemens, where she spent the week-end. Patronize the Daily Advertisers. REIED "THE LOTTERY IN LAST TIMES TODAY Wednesday-Thursday, wuar nesday evening, Dec. 10, at Martha Cook building. The cleverest hat might wear with non-chalant charm a veil of lace. Our silk-velour hats lack the veil but not the cleverness. They may be procured in three shades, and they're moderate- ly priced. Davis Toggery Shoppe. 119 jS. Main.-Adv. KATHERINE McDO THEA"RICAAT -in- The THUNDERBOLT The Romance of the Strangest Marriage on Record Imagine a man marrying a woman he hates just to.see that she is denied motherhood war 1 The Michigan Daily, the only morn- ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all the latest cgmpus, city, and world news.-Adv. r " '''1 TO ALL UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS , eJeCos at Quorri u ad Ti Depta, I1- PT I Leave at Quarry's I IR LASTS iC PRICE hV Ak Notice is hereby given that a new registration of all campus organizations will be made by the Committee on Student Affairs. It is requested that each recognised organization send its authorized Xepresentative to the office of the committee .(rooR 8, University hall) at some time within the next two weeks between 8 and 5 o'clock. The data desired are the names of the organization, its 1o- cation, its character (such as general fraternity, literary, society, etc:,) the names of its officers and their addresses (if the society has no home of its own,) and such additional information as may be needful in special cases. Every campus society, of whatever type, and all organized activ- ities must be included in this 'register. While .it is not possible to enumerate all kinds, the scope of the census may be indicated as including all fraternities' and sororities (general, professional, scientific, vocational, etc.); all house-clubs; all- societies (scientife, literary, social, debating, dramatic, musical, religious, etc.); all pub- lications; all class organizations; all organizations within dormi- tories, league houses,' etc.; all local and sectional clubs; committees such as the Junior Hop and Sophomore "Prom." Many organiza- tions recognized in former years are known to have disbanded; oth- ers may have done so. The committee will be compelled to assume that any society that does not report within a reasonable time is no longer in existence and will accordingly remove it from the list of approved organizations. The census thus compiled is very essential to the work of this committee. It is expected, moreover, that it will also be useful to the university public, to which it will always be open for consultatiat. WANTED WANTED-Single room nsear Wash- tenaw Ave. and Hill St. Call Reavill 1016. WANTED-Comfortable room for Qne near campus. Address Box BX, Mich. Daily. WANTED-Rooms for two men, leave answers at Daily office. Box Y. XIiSCELLANEOUS WILL the official to whom I gave ring during cane spree Nov. 22, at Ferry Field, please return same to E. C. Miller, 114 N. pivision St. WILL sophomore who held army coat and soph. toque at cane spree leave them at Daily office for Conkey. LUST' AM) Ftn:1N LOST-Octagonal-shaped silver wa night of Nov. 26, between Gray S and 1004' Olivia. Diamond sha monogram on back. Finder pl return to Daily office. LOST-On Packard or Division, leat4er purse containing check $9.50, currency and valuable rec Liberal reward. Notify Miss Ma 1237-W. LOST - Fulton's College Life. 2288. WV1. EN ;. r) WANTED-Th to turn their introducing pare ho razor on the m Tague, City. [ FOR RENT I I