COY~ TAYLOR PLANS BILLIARD TOURNAMENT AT UNION Mitc Al Taylor, the Union professional, has arranged season plans for the first of a series of handicap billiard C matches to be played during the win- ter. 'Phis match is scheduled for next week, and all entries must be made to Taylor at the Union by. Saturday, :. Dec. 6, so that it may be closed by the end of the following week. A small entrance fee will be charg- ed, but the players will not have to pay for the use of the tables dur- ing the tournament. Every player en- 'tered will meet every other man in the race once during the match. A cup has been put up of r the winner, and there will be other prizes awarded. This tournament is open to all mem- bers of the Ulnion, which takes in all the men' in school. It is the wish ofE the men in charge that many newE players will come out for competitionE this week. The handicap given each man will be partly based on the play- ing of that man against Taylor in the games that bave been carried on at the Union since the start of school. rvENTIQO{. REPORTS G~IVEN of the Physical societies held last I room.- PHYSICAL SOCIETY MONDAY ' Friday and Saturday in Chicago, pre-j Prof. H. M. R sented reports of the convention Mon- J the Chicago me( Bleg ates from the University off day afternoon to the physical colloqu-I evening to the igan, who attended. the meetings ium held in the East Physics lecture Western' Normal rrrr it r lrrrr' - or rr i r wr. 50c Uw GO TO That ewestei Ot The Varsity and, Mani Glee dolin ,. , . Pay your suascription to the Daily. as A] ki'i'ER ECKERSALL'S 't halfback, a~d c~ptain ,onference' eleven. an Demand ic Changes Club, TONIGHT Really :a Different Kind of Show Ever Been Here ation is going -es before the all season if thing to say uates have al- "ies of confer- council in the demands caused by-thae ue team this t, in general, being run in- 3have framed r , ,. Dull Boy! " Jack and Tom and Harry get to be very dull chaps, indeed, if they believe in all w~ork and no play. . Men who want to keep their minds keen and their wits sharp, know that they must play to keep fit for the terrific strain of modern life. If your "prof" is wise. he will heartily approve of your play- ing an occasional game of bil- liards. Come in tonight-get a good cue in your hands again- and see how soon your former skill comes back to you. HUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes. "We try to treat you Right" 1 8 Novelty Acts As Well As Plenty c SJazz Sextet, Midnight Son's Quartet SDance, Varsity Quartet, Girl's GlE - Varsity *Sextet,. Bob Mc Gandliss, ~-Scot, and Many Others. I Hill A Aditorium 175 Men8 e. The alterati4 follows.; first, membership of committee; seco III 50c *r 1 N F.ALLEN ' c "e completed in Dotball series, pha Delta Phi y virtue of its iDelta. In the half, Phi Kap-' ma Delta play-, after an extra defeated Phi Gain- h.e winners scored hen. Steketee inter- ias and ran for 50 am's goal line. He hen he was tackled a Delta end, recov- a. and Delta Sigma ,scoreless 'tie, al- )erio~d was played. cuted some pretty t fumbled when in' Style is importar tion. Good clot want real qualit3 *.Kuj are of the same old right in style ands penheimer suit or a full dollar's vali which you realizea . en Ou gt I? Look for Value plus, Styleugtvlei onc ut, so is tailoring, but when you buy clothes see to it tha )thes are scarce this fall, but plenty of the inferior kind. ty and value for the price you pay. / You want the best;, you S penheimer Clothes d integrity, of all-wool fabrics and sound tailoring-- Z In ICFEA ;day these teams The winner will ?hi for the)1 cup. will play substantial in every detail. When you get a Kup- NU TO DISCUSS U. S. ERONAUTICS DEPARTMENT overcoat you know what you are getting; you get Ce for every dollar you pay. It's an investment in a liberal return in style, quality and value. in Whether the government should r- maintain a department of aeronautics on in this country or not, will be discuss- ng ed when Alpha Nu Debating society meets at 7 o'clock Wednesday eve- en ning in the society's rooms in 'Univer-, For" Men and Young Men $35. to $75 end Because of the Spotlight vaudeville haow to be staged Friday night, the ociety's regular meting will be held omorrow evening. Members of the lpha Nu are urged to attend the aeeting Wednesday as an important tusiness session will also be held. N. N. F. Allen Co. The House of Kuppenhemer .Clothes in Ann Arbor 4.,