ca~n only RUTRFJNVLI igan, as second ation."~N o man s postage. e sentiments ex- Managing Editor usiness Manager Coeforation to rules established by compulsion destroys initiati've and moral 'responsibility. There is no better way to make a man feel like an under- ling than to tell him that, regardless of all personal circumstances, he must act in a given way accord- ing to-a set standard formulated by someone else. He who desires to become lord or potentate does not accomplish a great deal by such methods. For, such dominion -decreases the worker's incentive to per-. form, to give of his best. There ceases to be an incentive or a- creative motive. Action becomes me- chanical response, not impulsive ardor. Further than 'this, a didactic attitude may breed genuine reactionary methods against its own self. Thus; it never gets anywhere anid 'even stimulates congict that results in its self-destruction; out of this warfare have arisen the multitudinous reforms that have stamped progress, but the pity is that progress could not come in'another way. Rules should be as limited as the time, the occa- sion and the personnel would seem to permit. They should. be framed with the view of destroying sel- fishness and lawlessness, rather than. promoting personal views.' And he that administers'rules will some-'day realize that Right, for one may not be Right for another. - - GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK a RUST CRAFT NOVE LI] DETROIT UNITED LINES. (Oct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. .(Eastern standard Timne)e Detroit Linited and Express Cars-6 :o a. m., and hourly to 9:1o p. nM. Jackson Limnited and Express Cars- 8:48 a. in.,' and every 'hour to 9:48 p. mn. (9x-, presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. i., 9:05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o p. in., to :so u. m~.To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. .,1:10 a. m:, and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m. and t2:zo a. in.1 ;,t11!lIIIIII11t1l1llll111111111111111111111111111111111{1111|!11111111111111111|Itlllllllllllltll PL RSONA L ,.XMAS CARDS = Samples are ready Order. them now -a WAIAL S. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES = f 1 11111 11 1111 11 l't ai{ Il1111 11 11111 I'1111111111 1 Ill lllllill lll ll 1 1 1 I The man who raises the flag on the campus flag- pole -certainly must get ib early every morning. No matter how early we get up, the, flag is always waving when we get there ! 1 9ATLASWith Late War Maps To the students of The University of Michigan who take advantage of this offer now made in connec ', I} t I The Guillotine 11 Webster's New I .. The Curse of a Broken Heart We said goodbye quite movie-like- A fade-out, close-up scene. h, everything was lovely, -elieve me, she was a queen. The Only Grand Prize t'At given to dctionaries at the Panama-Pacific na tienalxposition has granted to Webster's New International and the Merriam Series for superiority of educational mnerit: tl Internation Words of Recent Interest Anzac, ace, barrage, Bertha, blighty, Boche, Bol- sheviki, camouflage, Lewis gun, Liberty bond, Sam- my, soviet, tank, war bride. These are but a few from the thousands of rlte words,-all clearly de- fined in this Great Work. .,: 'ews for :has full I showed her picture to my squad, They say I really raved. She sent me beaucoup letters But-the last one wa's engraved. Some dry land sailor got'her, I swore he'd rue the day. But time has cured the heartache, Yes, vin blame paved the way. / '4 The }Ierriqm Webs A Complete .Reference Library in Dictionary Form- 3,000 pages, and type matter equivalent to a 15-voluj pedia, all in a single volume, in Rich, Full Red Le brary BuckrAzn Binding, can now be secured by rea Michigan Daily on the following remarkably easy. t The entire work in either binding (with complete1 1919 Atlas) I Now I'm back and mustered put And happy as can be, For while I'm buying shoes for one He's buying them for three. --Sun-D I odger. ED? Short Story He let gb of the steering wheel. . , - 7 "The shitt of Nessus is upon me," Anthony and Cleopatra, Act'IV. So they mixed'up the laundry in those days, too. Delivered for '$1.00 and easy payments. of only a few cents a week therefer (In United States' and Canada.) REDUCED ABQUT - ONE-HALF (IN THICKNESS AND WEIGHT) India-Paper Edition-- Printed on thin,.opaqfue, strong, superior India Paper. 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NOTICE-The gent who stole my coat and vest while I was out surveying the other day will please, call for the trousers. I ,have no use for them now. Sid Wright Down. -From an Engineering Bulletin Board.' The gridiron is a stage, like life, Whereon the players mix And when'one side has ceased to gain Somebody always kicks. *} Our Daily Novelette Henry-Is Nelly taking Etruscan Vases again "It is an ever-present and reliable school-master to the whole family" The only dictionary with the new Divided Page,:characterized as "A Stroke r Over 4000,000 vocabulary Terms and, in addition, 2,ooo Biographical Rames, nearly 3o,oo Geographical Subjects, be- sides thousands of other' references. ear- ly 3,ooo Pages. Over 6,ooo Illustrations. . , .. THE ATLAS Is the 1919 "New Refere#ce Atlas of the World," containing nearly 200 pages, with 128 pages of maps,. beautifully printed in colors, with l marginal reference indexes, late Census Figures, Parcel-Post Guide, late'War Maps, etc:, all handsome- ly bound in red cloth, size 103413j TO TOSE WHO MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE ,:. of Geius."' Er Van Alen, 805 Empire Bldg., etroit, Michigan Please send me free of all obligation or expense a copy of "Dictionary Wrinkles," containing an amusing "Test in Pronounciation" (with key) entitled "The "AmericanL. ization of Carver"; also "125 Interesting Questions" with reference to their answers, and striking "Facsimile Cokor Plate" of the new bindings. Please include specimen pages of India and Regialar papertwith terms of your Michigan Daily free Atlas offer on Webster's New Internatio=1a Dictionary. NAME ADDRESS n authority in these -nu- n over-estimation. But the lecture which this rests are not single and nt playwright has not to understand other d Dunsany to Ann Ar- versity could afford, it stments. If the sup- ent body could not be gree of certainty it is here for. asons which might be isany to appear before, be regarded seriously. on of learning passing uring that very learn- world-famed Belgian )etroit within the next to be repeated? ND RULES ive attitudes taken by of dictating to others and fast rules.' That eing discipline, and to accomplished its end. * i A ,V, ; -V,7 ! this year?v Henrietta=Nope, Pompeian Massage. Why do they call it the Glee club?" "Because it's funny how some of the members 'got into it." Art Note-The easiest way to make cross is to pull his tail. a Maltese Life's Little Riddles Why'is Koscuizko's tomb Like an athletic event? (After due reflection.) Because, - Don't you see, It's a Pole Vault. Sir Dancelot. Famous Closing Lines "I'm at your service," said the burglar as he St. John's Stndent" to Hold Dinner Former students of St. John's Mil- itary academy will have an bpportun- ity to' get better acquainted at a din- ner to be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednes- day evening in room 321 of the ,Mich- igan Union. Those who wish to attend should call Russell, 1395-M. Patronize our advertisers. FORM' FIT CRLLA FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall; Members Florists Telegraph Delivery shone115 1002 S. Univ. PERFUMES very distinctive Christmas Packages We are ready with splerdid selections from the best producers The Eberbach & Son Co 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. .#.,