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November 29, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-29

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y'n H. Hough Gives Thanksgiving 8 SCRIBES ENTER
Day Address in Hill Auditorium
[e thatwthein paecigitat da eti nn Ar otf r-he h l ay w rents of prif ter's ink. The typewrit-
T feel that the 'Thauksgeving day ed in Ann Arbor for the holiday were or's'staccato clicking is synchronized
vice was a great success and that present. with the humming of the linotype ma-r r
should be continued in the future" President Hough Speaks chine. All's well in the press room. L;
s President Harry B. Hutchins "Alan Seegar had his rendezvous Thus ran the weather's man report
Tment, yesterday, regarding the with"death, we have ours with life," yesterday as eight campus scribes en-
t services of this nature to be held was one of the comments of President tered the ranks of Pi Delta Epsilon,
the University. Hough. "The mien who gave their national honorary journalism frater- EXTENDS INVITATION
'hie program fin which was featured lives in rance gave that the world nity. At the. Initiation ceremonies ' __
hanksgiving day address by Lynn might live, we must do our best that 'held at the Mihigan Union the fol-
Hough, president of Northwestern their sacrifice will not be in vain." lowing men were admitted to active The entire arsity football
versity, was held Thursday morn- He went on to say that the world membership: Thevarsity band,
at Hillauditorium. Carl Johnson, will be lost through lack of action - James I. McClintock, '21L; George The Varsity qare,
\president of the Student council on the part of those that are able to C. Prather '21; Henry WhIting, '21; The Varsity quartete,. and
sided v e e aid. High ea a re ae LeGrand A. Gaines,Jr, 21E; Mark are ivited to attendthe smoker
Cotntane. 'Warranted - both good and valuable, but are use-B. Covell, '21E; Walter S. Riess, '21L; atheBrdoCmerebi-
he success with which the services less without action. This action must .r Stewart Baxter '21; red M. t i d ofCommerce build-
, according to President Hutchins, be of the right kind and not mis-di- Thompson, '22L.fng Tw secrial cril. la
rratts the continuance of the event rected, and the educated people of the Prof. E. R. Sunderland was made from State and Packard ,streets.
fh year. It is probable that the United States must be prepared to an honorary member Be tee at 2 ock.
gram held Thursday will mark the meet the emergency, and do what At the initation banquet, J. Pem- Be ths at e n o'clock.
ablishment of the services as an they can to help the word over this broke Hart, '20, welcomed the neophy- tcars
tual event. critical period in its history. "We will the carsI
rearly 2,500 students, fairly repre- live by action, we will fall by a lack '1L, responded. rthewt tais were giv- ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION
tative of the number who remain- of it, or through action wrongly ap- en by Professor Snderlnd and by
plied." Mr. Harlan, H. Johnson.
Earl V. Moore on Program
IE INANSW EI i t' The progrm was o "pened byWOO ACK oECT'
gan solo by Mr. Earl V. Moore, Rev. fl £''WLE C
L. A. Barrett giving the benediction. 12 JUNIOR LAWS
The Varsity Glee club which was to -
have assisted Mr. Russel Carter in Twelve junior laws have been elect-
LLS WHEN PICTURES AND COPY the leading of the songs was not able ed to Woolsack, honorary junior law
to be present. After the sin'glng of
FOR THS YEAR'S ISSUE Psalm 100, "The Lord is My Light," society, and will be initiated at a ban-
ARE DUE by, Allison, was sung by Mr. Wheel- Legal Prosecutions May Be Employed quet Friday, Dec. 5. Speeches will be
hea do class officers get their pic- "me rto Force Production of Fuel; made by several members of the fac-
as taken for the Michiganensian? " was played by the Var- Men Return ulty, a representative of the neophytes
en should seniors make their ap- sity band, while the ntire audience will talk, and a welcoming address
ntments with photographers? When sang. The benediction followed. AMPLE PROTECTION TO REwillbe given by one of the alder
y copy for organizations be, hand- GIVEN RETURNING MINERS men.
iWhat are senior delegates IflTUTI"
sed W doTe seard other (TC TSByAssociated Press) tThe men chosen for the society
stions cause the editors of the Topeka, Nov. 28. - Four thousand are: James I. McClintock, F. S. Zim-
0bl iRh[gan bn an a great delM A B U m en ealrqady to /go to w ork in the merman , ' C P a e u son, ' . L u sR -1 T n
able- B Kansas coal field on responses to Gov- kin, at-
Should Get Pictures Now 1ernor Allen's appeal to volunteers to tern, Ralph Gault, Herman August,
lass presidents of all colleges UNION WIlL RECEIVE ORDERS; dig coal and prevent sufferingto the H. L. Shapiro, H. R. Smith, E. R.
uld make arrangements at once for BOX OFFICE SALE OPENS citizens of the state, according to re- Hunt, and C. A. Libby.
ing individual pictures taken Af ' DEC. ports in the governor's office tonight.
officers of the class for the year- -NO CONTRACT LET
k, according to B. I Millar, '20, Money order.and checks for tickets (By Associated Press) FOR NEW HOSPITAL
or of the Michiganensian. In the to "Red Feather" performances Thurs- Washington, Nov. 28.-The govern-
Sof senior class ofer sh an ad ay, Friday, 'and Saturday, Dec. 11, 12, ment served blunt notice on the soft Excavations for the new Univer-
and 13, and for Saturday matinee are coal miners and operators toight that
e for the senior panel-page sec- being received by the Union, which interference with coal production Iy ds accing oEteC Par-
Space for all pages occupied by has charge of the opera comique's would not be tolerated. Warning that in endent o ding s and
s oficers, class histories, class management, and orders will be filled legal prosectio would be employed ron Altho buidnf s the
mittees, and dedications is to be as they are received. Special enve- to thwart conspiracy by either side uili: had o the ber-
for out of the respective class lopes for making applications for seats and troops where ever necessary to eived, nwoik was started some time
asuries. ,re obtainable at the Union and at protect miners willing to work came ehgo digging for the foundatins. At
ppointrents for, Michiganensian Wahr's. from the department of justice after the lastmeting f the ordtofs. Re-
or pictures may be made at any Must Indicate Choice members of the cabinet'had consid- theast meeting of the Board of Re-
e which the authorized photograph- Each envelope should be accom- ered every phase of the fuel situation building construction, and the letting
lRentschler, Randall, Spedding, panied by a self addressed stamped admittedly critical in vew of the of the contrct a n the hans
te, or Derr may set. All sittings envelope so that the tickets may be ailrupt breaking off of negotiations. ' 6f the building a gunds commit-
be made before Feb. 1. Two dok returned to the purchaser. The buyer Government Firm tee. Mr. Pardon has received no word
are charged for senior pictures, should indicate his first, second, and It is not the intention of the govern- ti on hs c itee.
ao pay for the print id the other third choices for nights that he wish- ment to let the mines remain idler.
thlepgraving of the panels in the es to attend the show in order that with half of the country in' the grip of "No decision has been taken, so far
Lcatiotn. as I know, with regard to the letting
Oganiztins' -opy Dethe best possible seats may be given cold weather and the coal stocks rap- ., t hospitcract" tai Secre-
organato' "Copy .Luc im.ofmiis the hospital contract, said Secre~
fteor thle pictures ,have been ap- him., idly diminishing.ta'Shre:WSmh,"uthero
Box office sales will start from 9 to A statement by Assistant Attorney tary Shirley W. Snith, "but the pre-
red, whether group or portrait, 12 o'clock and from 2 to 5 o'clock General H issued late today gave liminary excavation work is now prac-
are ,olce by° tl~e editorial ticaly completed and ready for build-
collected Saturday, Dec. 6, in Hill auditorium, assurance, to all miners , that they
. In special cases o. organiza- and after that date tickets may be would be afforded ample protection ing to begin. The bids are still be-
e, which, have been unable to se- purchased after 10 o'cl'ock each morn- they returned to work even if troops fore the committee"
appointments for group photo- ing at the Whitney theater. had to be called out. This was the
hs this month, permission will be Announce Pricesy17COLLEGES ENTE JUDGING
)n ,for an 'extension of time. Names Th nnuc Pie only definite statement of policy from 17CLE SEN R DG G
n fbers of all organx nizationseshould -The prices of seats for "Red Feath- the governmet. In official circles it ' CONTEST AT STOCK EXHIBIT
er"are: entire lower floor, $2; first was said that the federal authorities
ent in to the managing editor im- four rows) of the balcony, $1.50; bal- were determined to force resumption Chicago, Nov. 28.-Seventeen cl-
iately.- )wr eemndt oc eupin Ciao o,2.Svnencl
ance of the balcony, $1, and the gal- (Contixiued on Page Six) leges and universities are entered for
meeting of senior class, represen- lery, 50 cents. the "Collegiate Judging Contest" at the
res to the Michiganensian will be This ruling changes the system - International Live Stock Exposition
at $ o'clock Monday on the sec- used for the disposal of tickets em' on opening day, Saturday, Nov. 29.
loor of the Press building. played in the opera, for which seats Your Part In the This is the largest list in the history
- are sold according to the individual's Solution of the of the great show at the International
TARVE,' OFFICIALS class or to whether he is a life mem- Ampitheater, at the Union Stock
TELL TACOMA REDS ber or not. Priority of receipt is now Athletic Problem Yards, and the rivalry among the col-
used in filling orders. The cast, chor- ' lege men is keen.

(By Associated Press) us, and committee of the show are the Now that the war is over the Ca-
(B, ash.,Nov. 28.-T) conly ones receiving any preference in " Now comes the word from an Al- nadian agricultural colleges are tak-
acoma, Wash., Nov, 28.-The city the sale of tickets. umnus that the two best prep school gt
-oltte 2a-___________ oh tae h ipk ng an active jpart in the contests, in
Heil today agreed to let the 22 al- gridders of the state, the Kipke wihte ees rmnn npe.
4 .r. iswhdaeenrune which they were so prominent in pre-
ke I. W. W.s who are on hunger UNION ADVISORY COMITTEE brothers of Lansing, are scheduled to war days. On the list are noted Mac-
e in the city Jail starve if they O DISCUSS PLANS FOR YEAR go east to school. Donald 'Agricultural college, Ontario
red' following a report from As- Michigan could use both of these' Agricultural college and Manitoba
ant City Attorney Frank Carnahan -~ men to advantage. Their case is a Agricultural college.n M..o
ch said city officials could not be Matters pertaining to the develop- specific one yet it 'is a common one
responsible. ment of the Union, and' ways arfd also. There are ma-ny other high
he prisoners have not eaten for means to which the building can be school seniors in the state and out of SOPHOMORES ELIGIBLE FOR
ours. They also have refused to put, will be discussed at a meeting of it, who couleasily be persuaded to ADMISSION TO R._ 0. T. C.
with their jailers. They have re- the executive council at a dinner to come to Michigan in preference to
d to state the cause of their hun- be held at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, any other school. They would be an Colonel Arthur, in charge of Mili-
strike but it was understood that This committee, which has just been asset to the athletics of the University tary Science, and Tactics, received
were protesting against being in- organized recently, will be purely ad- and as a result would benefit the Uni- advice Tuesday from the War Depart-
ed in the city jail. They had ask- visory, and all of its work will be versity as a whole. - ment that sophomores in' the Univer-
o be transfered to the county Jair recommendations to the board of di- It is up to someone to see 'to it sity may be admitted in the Univer-
re additional alleged I. W. W.s rectors. It is expected that this will that the Kipke boys come to Michigan. C. and qualify for a commission at the
e being held, but this was refused be of some consequenec inasmuch as the burden naturally falls upon end of the period of instruction.
use the cells there were full. the board will act principally upon ;Michigan men and women who hail Juniors and seniors may also be ad-
k --their suggestions. from Lansing. It is up to them to mitted to the study of the basic work
'olonia Literary Society Meets The executive council is composed talk Michigan to the Kipke boys and of the course, but in their case it will
)onia literary society met Friday of the chairmen of the/eight standing it is upjo them to bring them here. be necessary for them to apply for an
ing in Lane hall. The usual pro- committees, announced Saturday, and It is likewise up to every Michigan examination for commission at the
n took up the meeting. A spe- the officers of the Union, such as the ,man and woman to bring the best end of the course. Colonel Arthur
program was planned for a fu- president, general manager, vice- athlete in his or her town to this will interview'men interested in room
date. presidents, and recording secret&ry. University. 239, Engineering 'building.


Senators and RIepresentati
for Positive Action; Ni
ized Citizen Kille

3 ers,
e mus

(By :Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 28-Another I
-erican murdred in Mexico close
the impri~s zent of Consular Ar
iJenkins, coupled with reports of
olution in Mexico City with Carra
in flight to Queretaro, added comp
ities today which would seem to e
the already tense Mexican situal
toward the long expected breac
There were no official pronour
ments for the guidance of public
inion as to what action if any
American government might be c
templating, but administration oflic:
by indication were williJig Jo si
that the government is taking
firm osition considering the ever
alities and isprepared to deal
them once a course is chosen.,
"The Last Straws".
Another of "ithe last straws" as
official put it, was laidon today d
the offiial report of';the murder
James Wallace, an American oil
by a Carranza soldier near Tam;
on Wednesday.
The Mexican ambassadr, Igns
Vonnillas, called on Secretary La
ing at the State department todayi
they not only went over the Jenis
case but Mr. Lansing also laid bel
the Mexican envoy the report of
killing of Wallace, which had .1
been received. Their conferenceA
of course confidential but it is u
stood that the secretary conveyed
President Carranza' 'representativ
message more ,forceful than any tra
mitted in any diplomatic note.
'About the same time word cam
,the death of another American as
result of brutal treatment of ban
who held him for ftrnsom. He
Otto Lund, of Swedish birth, a nal
alized .American who died of bl
po~soning after being held for 'ram
flve months.,y
Mutilate Prisoner
His capturers shot off one -of
fingers with a foul weapon and wr
ped it within their written demand
ransom money which they sent to
friends in Tetic. Blood poisoning
grangrene killed the man, 'while
wife, an American woman, and tl
child are reported in want in Tetic
Wallace is the eighth American
be killed in Mexico since July 22 w
the United States warned Carra
that further murder of Americ
would seridusly affect the relations
tween the two countries.
The whole effect of the day's'de
opments was to put the Mexican
uation already ackowledged bad I
the worst light of probably more ti
a year. The reports of fighting in 1M
ico City and the reported fiight
Carranz2 should they b' verified
expected o have a materil bear
upon it. So far as the field no ud
was received directly from Me
Positive Action Asked,
There was considerable agitation
positive action among the senators
representatives gathering for the
convening of congress Monday. Se
tor Ashurst of Arizona, Demdct
characterized the state departmei
policy so far as "runnink a big b
with a bobtail flush."
The most definite official express
.obtainable to define tiie'governme
stand was .that the negotiation w
not be prolonged and that once
course were decided upon the gove
ment would be prepared to carry it
Union Dane Ticket System Explai
Tickets for Union dances are res
ed for ,members of the particular.
lege or class, for which the dance
given that night, until 1 o'clock
day following th sale of tic

of, Ralph Aig- A
umm, George tati
.eath will be held
)etroit Alumni
rculars to its *S
pinion of ath-
Arbor. Among

e T
e coun

may be laid en-
? In what way
iat fault, and
remedy the sit-
an Athletic as-
ummary of the
ions will proba-
led by Judge
landi; and tOk
be ex-Governor
rmer University
have as much
ble on hand and
ates are special-
trip and attend
Give Reception
Hutchins and
ve 'their annual
students on the
u Barbour gym-

42 h
ed t

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