lectures by outside speak- members, and members of Tutti to men in charge of the f "Red Feather," which i Thursday, Friday, and inee, Dec. 11, 12, and 13, ey theater, there are cer- afloat which should be Made For Upperclass to be Held In Union 1 manager of are numerous with regard to ds as may be er." Some of embarrassing. will be turned theater fund; hat they will ) of the Un- ter is we are Nether or not the opera, as 11 net us only have no as- plav to full Among the plans formulated by the student branch .of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a trip to Detroit which . will be made Friday, Nov. 28. The members will be excused from their classes and will go in a special c~r starting at 6:10 o'clock from the interurban station. At 9:15 the society will assemble at the Burroughs Adding:Machine com- pany. The Cadillac plant will be visited at 1:30 o'clock in the after- noon. Plans have also been made for an upperclass smoker which will prob- ably take place at the Michigan Un- ion, Dec. 10. Tags will be sold for a small amount, as the society will as- sume the expenses. The entire me- chanical faculty will be invited and several of them will give short talks. A program of .music and songs by ,members of the classes has already been prepared. An industrial movie together with a lecture will constitute part of a program .of one of the meetings to be held after Christmas holidays. There. The A. S. M. E. has just begun its fall campaign for the new members. All students of mechanical engineer- ing who have 34 hours or more to their credit are eligible. Cards may be secured from the membership com- mittee of which C. -R. Nyman, '20E, is chairman. VARSITY DEBATERS BEGIN WORK FOR COMING SCHEDULE a Lunches Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. Capital and Surplus, $5 Resources........$4,00 Northwest Cor. 'Main & 707 North Unuversity --r----- . :_-_... . Concentrated work for the next week and a half, without knowledge of which team they will be on is the prograrmi for the eight students chosen last Saturday for the Varsity debat- ing team. Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood is again coaching the team. Michigan will de- bate'the affirmative side of the ques- tion, regarding the government own- ership of coal mines, against North- western on Friday, Dec, 16, in Chi- cago, at which time the negative team will meet the debaters of the- Univer- sity of Chicago here. At the same time Northwestern will debate Chicago in Chicago. For the first time there are two women on the final squad. Lyndon and Compan -Established 1905- Books, Albui Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Amateurs Finishing and Enlarging We lead while others follow 719 North University ,:1-'' ?: A D TATTRACTIONS FZI ST!/ Ti The best of life and the worst-in a story so great it couldn't~ be told in words. The Photoplay Wth An Auiazing an..ii op- the acle ing, ian- w. ave ,,, 'M=LGWER 3T'1TOPYLAY COR~PORATION Preses From the reek of New York's underworld to a sleepy New Eng- land village, come four crooks, prowling for "easy pickings." The, "Dope," a weasel of Chinatown; the "Fr," a counterfeit cripple; Tom Burke, a "Confi- dence King;" and red- lipped Rose,. as fair of form as het heart is black. km;x the yAb J0 G~E M COIHAN , Based on, tape storby FRANK L PACK~ARD ,iio was - , 11 .. t,a and aled the as Tal- Their tintended prey -a simple old man and the "boobs" who think he can heal them by faith.... Then the mir- acle! Not such a mir- acle after all when you know the human heart. 7 fl 'j. -' ,j//', ious s rersity and been Uuostel'n- hotel in "The Miracle Man" is calling you. Come! X or ork. city, t of the will ap- 1 (k'C11CL . every 8:00 to ng A romance of 'under- world rogues who sought "easy pickings" and found them. But when the arch crook and the girl with the painted face also found a wondrous thing they had 'never known be- fore-Do you know what love is? ~ r/,' ,. . . , , f wn 114 Come and see. Come live a' life in an hour! ummoftlo. A M To the moods. of this Master Photoplay THE Augmented Orchestra has builded a background of won- drously beautiful syncronized melo- dies. PRICES, including tax / M .... BALCONY............ ............. 35 Cen LOWER FLOOR. ....... .............55Cen -First Evening Sh