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November 22, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-22

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Hospital Bids





lrlMrrl/Iw Y r # rr r Yrrlr r ll rrrllr r rlrfr r rr V. rY . rri

No action requiring pasteurized
milk to be used in the student board-
ing houses was taken at the meet-.
ing of the Board of Regents Friday.


, ,

It was the opinon of the lawyers
of the Board that they had no le-
gal right to order the student eating
houses to use pasteurized milk. A com-
mittee, however, wals appointed to in-
vestigate the matter and consult with,
the city health board in order that a
recommendation /regarding the mat-
ter may be made. The committee con-
sists of the following: President Rar-
ry B. Hutghins, Dean Victor C.
Vaughan of the Medical school, Dr.
C. G. Parnall, director of the Uni-


(By Associated Press)
t Chicago, Nov. 21.-Eleven wholesale
sugar dealers were arrested today and
24 others were expected to be taken
l in custody soon on charges of profiteer-
t ing. Warrants for 35 wholesalers, job-,
I bers and retailers were issued by a
federal commissioner. The charges
were extracting exhorbitant prices or
conspiracy to obtainan excessive price
for sugar in violation of the Lever
r food control law.

versity hospital, and Dr. W. E. For-
sythe, director of the Health service.
As a result of this decision of the
Regents, the whole matter is in the
hands of the city board of health.
The men on the city council who will
eventually have to pass the required
ordinance have stated geverally that
they favor such a requirement. There
uis some opposition but it is said to
be mostly centered around those per-
sonally interested.
Dean Vaughan, when asked his at-
titude, stated that although he had
not been' notified . that he was to
serve, he would, when consulted, ad,
vocate a strong renommendation of
immediate action-by the city council.
1 f
One hundred and forty dollars, less
than half of the totalamount requir-
ed to defray the expenses incurred in
the staginyg of the block "M', was col-
lected at the mass meeting last
Many perrons, it is reported, are
under the irpression that this money
g9es to the Athletic association. This
is not the cane. Not only the work of
putting up the flags but also the fi-
nancial end o(, the affair was under-
taken by the committee of students in
Students Demanded "W"
As the block "M" is being put on
as a result of the great desire on the
part of the students for 'the "M", it'
was thought by the committee that
there would be no difficulty experi-
enced in collectring the money.
Aother opportunity will be given the
student body to give to this fund at
the game today when boxes- for the
purpose will be placed at the gate. At
least $160 is still needed.="
. Plans for the forming .of the block
"M" at the game today have been
completed. The entire section in tho'
north stand in which the "M" is to bef
formed has been'chalked off and the
flags will be tacked in position this
morning. -
Work to Be Done This Morning
Ten lieutenants in charge of the'
work were appointed yesterday and
with 10 men working on each of
these teams it is\the opinion of, the
fcommittee that the work will 4be corn-
plated during the morning. Circulars
containing instructions as to the form-
ing of the block "M" will be distrib-
uted on the field by The Daily..
.Alumni jam City
For Fvinal Game


,;w profes"'(By Associated Press)
nt profes- Wan No 21 Pednt
ors, $600; Wahington, Nov. 21. --- President
for full Wilson today placed the government
$4,000 sal- again in control of the nation's food
erm, the supply by transferring authority f of
i on the the food adminstration to Attorne&r
ge year./ General Palmer.
neral fac-
p, but no Revival of thp war-time functions
eting. The of Administrator Hoover resulted from
t of the government efforts to avert a famine
comfposed in sugar but the powers delegated to
and Mur- the head of the department of justice
will be used also to help put. down
alled the ever rising cost of foodstuffs.
ndition at For the present the attorney gen-
s decided eral will not put in operation all of
s for the the machinery permitted undr the
appropri- executive orders but should., condi-
>r the es- tion arise to male it necessary the
istrument full pressure off all the broad pow-
in the ers vested in them will be exerted.

CROWD oF 51000
Fate of Michgan-Minnesota Jugr Hangs
in Balance; Will Go to
Nine reels of moving pictures,
including Madge Kennedy's
"Through the Open Door," will
be shown at 6:30 o'clock 'tonight
by the managers of the Aaa
Arbor movie theaters in Hill
auditorium.. No -admission fee
will be charged.
"Michigan men like an uphill fight.
Defeat is but the moulder of genu-
ine victory," Frank J. Murphy, '12,
told the crowd of 5,000 gathered last
night for te Minnesota game mass
meeting. Speaking for the alumni,
Murphy called for a return to the old-
time Michigan fighting 'spirit.
He further deplored the fact that
the time had come when Michigan
students appeared to put college loy-
alty second to loyalty to individual
organizations, and pointed out the
fact that to the true ,Michigan man,
Michigan comes first.' "I have been
deeply chagrined," he said, "at the
manner in which I have heard tWfe
'Yellow and Blue' sung this year.
Many men apparently do not know the
words, and have not taken the trou-
ble to learn them, and even worse,
those who do know them sing them
but half-heartedly."
Kogan Tells of Jug
Carl T. Hogan, '20E, chairman of
th meeting, spoke first. He recall-
ed the history of tyhe Michigan jug,.
which, was on the stage, and told of
its changing hands between Michigan
and Minnesota. He then introduced
Prof. John C. Parker.
In a short but pointed talk, Profes-
sor Parker commended Michigan spir-
it to date. He characterized this as a
successful season because in the face
of defeat this spirithas remained vic-
torous. "We are going to win to-
morrow," he said, "but if, by any
chance, the score should be against us
'we will win anyway, for we have ev
idenced that our spirit does not know
Patengll Predicts Viotor+
A talk by Victor Patengill, '09, an
ex-Varsity' quarterback, came as a
surprise on the program. Patengill
complimented the team on the fight-.
ing spirit showed in practice, and as-
sured the students that had they seen
the way the Varsity played at their
last work-out. of the season, they
would be certain of a victory.
The team was present, but none of
the men could be prevailed upon to
speak. Harry Sparks, '20, cheer-lead-
er, led the yells. The innovations in
cheering, such as the locomotive with
both stands participatin in turn, and
the block "M" locomotive were tried

out. The band also was there to
play "Varsity" and the "Yellow and
Blue." The meeting closed with the
singing of the latter.
Football Squad Dines at Union
Twenty-five members of the foot-
ball squad attended a dinner and
smoker last evening at the Union.

In keeping with The Daily's
policy, an extra, football edi-
play report of the Michigani
Minnesota game to be played
this afternoon, will be issued MINNESOTA THOORT BY MATY
immediately after the fnal STRONGEST ELEVEN IN
whistle. BIG TE
Members of the staff, assign-
ed to editing and writing the ,
paper, are planning to beat the BOTH TEAMS PREPARED
time established by the staff of FOR MIGHTY STRUGGLE
the 0. S. U. extra. The fist -
paper will have to be at Ferry Wil Be' Last Appearanee of Several
field within one minute after MihIgan Players on College
the end of the game. Giio
Special stories of Michigan G
football history will be carried
in the extra together with a Michigan meets a team, while out
final story on the outcome of of the running for the Big Ten chain-
the Big Ten championship race. pionship because of formeri defeats,
.today rated as' the strongest ele hn
in the west.
In spite of the fact that Illinois
FRESHMEN W110 IL harlypaeo pntat h
won over Minnesota, the Illin Were
22hardly, able to penetrate -the ra
MOD line the Minnesota products boast an4
M their total yardage against Willams
team only slightli exceeded half the
Xlasses Will Assemble at 8:15 O'clek length~ of the field. A foward pass
to Be Instructed in defeated Minnesota in that game. '1he
Rules ° Urbana satellites claim that Mineso-
'ta has the best team in the Coi r-
'UNDERCLASS SUPREMACY WILL ence. In addition to their undoubted
BE DECIDED IN FALL GAMES strength the Gophers bring with them
an hereditary impulse to lick Mich-
Surging lines of underclassmen, im- igan. The feeling is intensely 4f-
patient and hopeful of "kamarad" tual.
cries from their rivals, will march this First Meeting Sine 1910
morning to Ferry field to uphold or Interest in this game is heightened
make reputations for their class in by the fact that this is the first nqeet-
the Fall games. ing since 1910, when the Wolverinpe,
The classes will assemble at 8:15 through the efforts of orleske, Benf
o'clock today,. the freshmen ,in Uni- brook, Lawton, Allerdice and seven
versity hall' and the sophomores in more husky blue jerseys carried the
the West physics lectlure room. Upper- ball over the line for a single and
class speakers, and student counoil- winning touchdown. Some of the men
men will instruct them in the part who aided and abetted that assau t
they are to play in the games and have been down on Ferry field during
what rules will govern the battle. One the past week instilling the Varsity
'of the most important of the re- with the same fight that beat Minne-
strictions is that tennis shoes must sota then. The members of the squad
be worn by all entrants. have been responding with a vigor
After the meetings the classes will that augurs well for a' hard fight this
march to Ferry field, where they will afternoon.
enter the arena by the south gate on Y Wjeak Sots Evident
the east side. The Iiag rushat 9:30 Dr. Williams has shrouded his ma-
o'clock will be ,the first of the three chine in a cloud of secrecy as far as
contests to be held. The shuttle race any intimate personal dope or ad-
will follow and the. cane spree will vance information coticering .the
close the performance. Gopher team or its methods. Where-
G. D. Anders6n; '22, general chair- fore this shrinking modesty on the
man of the Fall games, wants all the part of the ylsiting mentor and his
officials and assistants to be on hand proteges is not known. There is a
at the field- promptly at 9 o'clock as trustworthy rumor about that all this
'there is preparatory work to be done. shyness of Lazrpki, Hanke, Enke,
Tierney, Oss et al. vanishes utterly
GLEE CLUB PLANS TRIP when exposed to the full light of
TO COAST DURING HOLIDAYS battle on the gridiron.
- (Continued on Page Three)
Emerging from the war period with
its. organization intact, the 'Varsity CONFERENCE TEAMS
Glee and Mandolin club is looking END SEASON TODAY
forward to what will probably be the
stronget year of its existence since -
its founding Tr 1859. (By Associated Press)
With a total enrollment of 175 men Chicago, Nov. 21.-After.ua brilliant
as compared with the 80 of last season studded with upsets in the
year's combined clubs, the organiza- Western Conference football race
tion plans to outdo the precedent set which is brought to a fighting finish
by $0 years of continued satisfaction. tomorrow, the undefeated Ohio State
A trip to the coast has been plan- plays/the powerful Illinois team at
ned, which, iti is expected, will mate- Columbus tomorrow, for the cham-
rialize during the 20 days of Christ- pionship.
mas vacation this year. Chicago will take the field against
Wisconsin at Chicago for secondary
SCHOTT ELECTED ARCHITECT' honors, while Michigan and Minnesota
MEMBER J-HOP COMMITTEE will clash at Ann Arbor for a place
ian the sun. Although Northwewtern
Lawrence Schott was elected as the and Iowa teams and Purdue and In-

Junior architect representative on the diana closed their conference season
J-Hop committee at a meeting of the a week ago these teams will be ieen
1921 architect class Friday afternoon. in action. Iowa will take on Ames
at Iowa lCity. Indiana will meet Sy-
Census Starts In January - racuse at Bloomington. Northwestern
The fourteenth Decennial census will face Rutgers at Newark, N. J.
is to be taken during the month of Purdue will meet Notre Dame at Laf-
January, 1920. ayetter

Page Six) .

Michigan's Varsity debating team
will be chosen today after the final
Y tryouts at 8 o'clock this morning in
room 302 Mason hall. Twelve stu-
dents qualified last Saturday and
pro- from these. eight are to be chosen to
aty fill the six places. on the team. The

d. Press)
21. - Comp


y other two will be used as alternates. Hundreds of alumni are thronging
e This will be the first Varsity de- ,Ann Arbor for Homecoming week and
t bating team for two years, there hav- the Minnesota game.
a ,ing been hone last year. There are Every room at the Union has been
this year two women on the semi-final engaged and every bed will be occu-
e squad, a thing that has never hap; pied. The hotels in the city report allj
- peped before. accommodations taken for Saturday
The testwill include seven minute night and every room was occupied
r speeches followed by separate five- last night. Fraternities are all crowd-
d minute rebuttals. ed with returning members.
- The men Handling the visitors state
- that there are now more here than
there will be at any other time of the
o VARSITY SQUAD, NOTICE I year. Several houses have had to se-
- cure rooms -outside.for the number of
- All members of the Varsity those returning.
e football squad will be the guests At the Union there will br a book
t of. thes"M" 'club at luncheon at in which the alumini can register their.
11:30 o'clock today in the Un- names and to which they can go to
e ion. This is by order of' Coach .fend the location of their friends.
Yost. The Union will be the center of
meetings of the graduates, many of
whom will see it for the first time.

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