(Junea 9, 1919J (Central Standard TIimne) Prof. Herbert C. Sadler of the engi- Limnited and Express Cars-8:io a. ; neering college, is among the members oursly to 9:10 p. m. o h'wohv eund~" Limited and Express Cars-7 :48 o h faculty wohv eundfo dl every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- I!government war activties to resume ake local stops west of Ann Arbor.) I their University work. Professor Sad- :ars' East Bound-6:oo a. in., 9:0i5 a. ler left Ann Arbor during the term of 7ery two hours to 9:05 P. iM., 10:501171 o sit hrlsMSha Ypsilanti only, zr :4,5 p. m:, 12:201978toastChreM.S wb io a. mn., and to Saline, change at as one of the directors of steel ship construction in the Emergency Fleet "ar Wet Bund6:4 a.m. ndcorporation. He will continue as head .n. of the marine engineering department. WtIAI ._.. rding the New 'tor Records le .Today Ards are rarely to be found in the shelves this reason we would advise your coming five days early for contribution to the Victor Record list for October. Now" is a Medley Fox Trot with another Fox Trot, the reverse side. The record is a worthy successor' to [TAL version of "I'm Torever Blowing Bubbles" is elvin's Novelty Orchestra. "Yearning," a M'~edley .Wednesday 4:00 Freshmwn women meet in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. 7:00 Varsity; band practice in School of Music. 7:15 Student. Council meeting 10n Union. Thursday 7:00 Freshmnen geat-together at Y. IL C. A. Songs, speeches, and eats. 8:00 EpIsopalian studei~s dance and reception in Harris hall., Admission by invitation only. Saturday 2:30 'football game. MIcthigan vs. Case at Ferry field. U-NOTICE S Sigma Delta Chi, professional journal-_ istic fraternity, will hold its first meeting of the year 1919-20, at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 3, in the Michiganensan office of the Press building. The presence of all 'members is needed. Students desiring to consult with Prof. J. L. -Brumm about courses in Journ- alism may do so in room 5, Press building, Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock, Wednesday aft- ernoon from 1:30 to 2:30 o'clock, and Thursday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock. WEATHER HALTS FRESH PRACTICE Old Doc Neptune and his rainy 'Weather prevented any workout for the freshiman football men Tuesday afternoon. but could not stem the jlow to the Ferry, field, club house of yearlings who are daily augmenting the ra.nks of candidates for Coach Ffl1mer Mitchell's gridiron squad.' Because of the unexpected 4u4br of men reportng there is a tem- porary shotage of equipment, es- pecially ,jerseys, and any candidates who can secure their own otit for this week~ are requested to do so. Coach Mitchell will begin to be- come more personally acquainted with his material this afternoon and it is_ suggested that every man who has reported And received a locker be at Ferry field by '3 O'clock. The proximity of the , regular football schedule will necesitate the weeding out of the mateial and the picking of two or three teams to start scrim- mages. Lock~ers will be availhble for' all men who wish to try out for the team although i# may be necessary for some to double. up. A wealth of good mterial Is at hand 'for Coauh Mitchell to work with and with those expected to report; Itis fternoon. there is -every promise for A, remarkable Brt year squad. Plan -to Jtertilt i eiir >Eershing Lincln, Ne,, sept. W-Opity ;1ff- ciels and members of vriou114civic 9y ganizations are Vsy with, pns'to give, pfitting reooption "to General John. J. Pershing when e come for a 'visit to this city io the near futre. 20 Years New York, Sept. 30.-General P rick Egan, one o~f the founders of, home rule movement in Irelanda former United States minister Chile, died at the home of his daui ter here tonight after an illness several weeks. ) F( of We ,call for Easy to I C .. Ann / for. two pianos, is on the other side of the disc. CE record of note is "Coo Coo," a Fox Trot, and )ne-Step, both by Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra. PHIA Orchestra has recorded another number for ;wits /Suits and its interpretation of the Prelude to Act I / i arias. This 7ith her cycle of "La Traviata" a record of "Sempre libera." to the October list are Alda, )artmnent is now open and we can assure you of Will you call? W1A I~nrnie ?East William --22OSouuh . 5pruce E. V D AND TYPEWRITING you in your University work D AND TYPEWRITING p you pay your expenses D AND TYPEWRITING u eligible for a better position on leaving school ,/ rl I. N EVER mind if we do lot / on the outside. We v soon. In the meantime do ni of our new front interfere NN side. We still have the usuc- ideas in wearables. Ar , t444-'4-1,a Penmanship, Book- ish, Office Training' / FRESHN - OCTOBER 6 We h ave your you. The rig aind price, Iton Bousiness College, 4TE AND WILLIAM STREETS your s first start right. '$ N Tinker &r Co hem All At The Only Supply Store 11 (clothes, Furnishings, Hats IN SO. STATE ST. AT WILLIA A full line of YWaiters, Lab, and Hospital C / N We save y money V Avp