man backfield man whose.
a Game, in
mester here. Brannan completed the
course in 14:40, which time would
easily gain hima berth on the var-
sity team if, he were eligible.
Cavendish, Vandevisse, and Griffin,
who finished second, third, and fifth,
respectively, are all members of the
class of 1923. All these men will form
excellent material for a winning cross
country ,team next year as they cob-
pleted the course in fast time, con-
sidering that the 2.6 miles lay large-,
ly over hilly land.
the last
were out
.even. In
ae years
er, while
ging full-
ng large-
lich the
istered on
Coach Farrell's cross country pro-
ieman, was teges leave for the Conference meet at
it was al- Columbus Friday morning at 7:25.
'arance, al- o'clock. They arrive at Columbus at
The Daily 2:15 o'clock in the afternoon, which
of George will give the men ample time to go
aruesday. over the course. The coach is taking
are expect- seven men. In order that he teams
today. The r.ay witness the football-game between;
he way of Illinois and Ohio State in the after=
extremely noon, the meet will take place in the
ration that morning. Seats have been reserved
even more. for the visiting teams.
air time to This year has marked the active re-
what they turn to a cross country tean at the
iardly help University. Before coming back to
gridders. the Conference,fCoach Farrell could
esday secure no outside competition and as
e Varsity's a result this sport was not fostered.
the usual Since taking its place among the Big
n charging Ten, however, the men have gone after
.emen and this sport with determination. They
e backfield, have worked hard and although no
solving the champions have been developed, a
the fresh- steam which can hold its own has re-
Chicago, Nov. 19.-Weighing town
of the feet is not confined to the
training of race horses only. From re-
'ports that come from Chicago the ven-
erable Pat Page, All-fresh coach of
the Maroon school, has resorted to this
extremely cruel and barbaric method
to. compel one of the backfield men
in his yearling outfit to take a longer1
stride. When Pat. noticed the choppy
stride the youngster was taking he
gently called him. aside and tied a
six pound. weight- to -each.. of the
youth's pedal. extremities;. After mak-
ing this back. run a .half. mile Pat re-
moved the-fetters 'and in- the scrim-
.3 - .
Worry Your Head Off
If YoI Want To
-but if you're wise, you'll forget all
yout worries after school hours.
Shake off your troubles when, the whistle
blows and you shut up your desk for the,
day. Come to HUSTON BROS. and play
a few games of billiards.
No game ever invented gives more pleas-
ure and nothing is more restfut than an
hour or so spent over a billiard table.
Billiards .;and Bowling, Cigars
and Candies. Cigarettes & Pipes.
"We try to treat you Right"
Ralph Fletcher May Play Saturday
Urbana, Nov. 19.-Ralph Fletcher,
star of the Illini backfield, appeared
on the field today and limped through
signals, though he was not in uni-
form. It is hoped that he will be
in condition to do some drop and
place kicking in the game with Ohio,
b y
Scrimmage with the fresh using the
Ohio plays did, not last long, and was
'replaced by dummy practice, which
,will prevail for the rest of the week.
This style of drill is about as good as
the usual scrimmage, and is not likely
to injure players. Illinois has had
bad luck in losing good players at cru-
cial moments this year, and Coach
Zuppke is not running the risk of
The man who earsĀ°
never needs to apologize for his appearance.
He's always
right. And he gets much more than correct style.
He gets
wear that no other brand of clothes can give him for the
price he pays.
Forward Passing Drill for Iowans
Iowa City, 'Nov. 19.-Brilliant for-
ward passing and drop kicking were
the features of the drill tonight on
Iowa field. Aubrey Devine made sev-
eral drop kicks from the 40 yard
mark. The team is in excellent phys-
ical condition for the state champion-
ship battle with Ames' Saturday.
We are showing a great variety and splendid materials for
..$5.00 to $12.00
Exclusive agents for Donfold I
BATH ROBES with slippers to match in all colors.
CLASS TOQUES at special prices-41.00 to $1.25.
Health Underwear for men, women and'children.
$f. u hG
Next to
Wuerth Theatre
Coach Farrell is greatly pleased
with the interest which has been man-
ifested in the hill and dale sport this
year. He is certain that within a
short time this event will occupy a
place of major interest on the campus.
f ...i ,
I .I II r 1 w +
l .Li 441
11 At r
it oi Standing out among the three in-
a ex- terfraternity football ganes that were
played Wednesday, was the contest
fore- between the Sigma Nu and Sigma Al-
He is pha Epsilon fraternities, won by the
trious former, 7 to 2.
>etter Jack Dunn and Bailey, in the back-
btain- field, were the stars of the game, tear-
le as ing long runs through the line. Hume
i and i the line was too difficult for the
e ex- losers to get around. Hobbs and Ben-
that son, in the line, and Kerr and Bell,
Vick in the backfield, were the best per-
e can formers for the: losing eleven.
e two After a steady advance up the field,
r any a forward pass, Dunn to Fletcher, put
alver, the ball over the line for the oily
n are counter. Dunn was thrown behind his
Oe is line when his center passed badly,
,rson, and Referee Usher awarded the Sig-
amels ma Nu's ' a safety. I
te. Phi Kappa Sigma defeated Lambda
S Shi Alpha 12 to 0,' in a game with-
ither. out any real features. Anderson's 60
e al- yard run for a touchdown was the
emke, only item of interest. The remainder
work- of thegae was steady with neither
It is team outplaying the ojher.
1 un- Waterworth, Anderson, Watts, and
will Earl Cress were the stars of the game,
thing all playing well for the winning team.
that Spaulding and Ross stood out for the
best losers.
aerial In the final game of the day, Delta
ility,Chi romped over Theta Xi, 28 to 0,
Mich- in a game featured by numerous for-
ward passes. Two of these long heav--
his is es resulted in the receiver getting
sea-. away for runs of more than 50 yards
to the goal line.
d the Wirt madethe first score of the
d the game on the initial play, running
tbat around left end for a touchdown.
bring Thereafter, however, the Theta Xi
rigoutfit took a brace and held their op-
ponents till the end of the third quart-
er. Then the Delta Chi eleven opened
:E up with a series of passes that were
SCE too much for the losers.
Tyne, Reason, and Tarbell starred
for the losers, while Meese, Wirt, Ky-,
cross ser, Storz, and Laurie did the best
Sat- work for the winners.
S,' I
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It is time to get yourself ready and we are here
with large stocks ready to help you at small cost
e team
be the
Single and double-breasted and
ulsters, rich fur collars, silk lined. A
wonderful collection of the finest
materials known.,
Latest styles in Hats and Caps, in
a fine assortment of shades, colors
and shapes.
Never has there been such a de-
mand but we have plenty yet, of our
unexcelled quality.
Patiulr SUITS
Particular men, young and old, enjoy purchas-
ing. here as the fine assortment includes all the de-
srable styles. All are made from pure wool fab-
rics of the softest and most desirable quality.
Belted, waist seam, plain back, ftform, single and
double breasted models, in fact, any style you
wish that is in good form.
$25, $30, $35, $40, $45, to $60
A fine display of garments made
to wear and give service of warmth
and comfort and with plenty of style
and snap., Fine range of colors and
Light, medium or heavy weights
in all styles of best makes only, thus
insuring satisfactory wear.
All desirable colors and shades,
in all styles and made from the best
held last
Purchase here where no uncertainty exists.
Quality of our stocks insures full value for your
The High
money and
nelusively that
ceptional abil-
r the varsity
have not re-
men to cross
1ersity for the'
are therefore
man to place
ukin, is a ju-
is ineligible,
Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Alpha Delta
Phi; Phi Gamma Delta vs. Kappa Sig-
ma; Phi Dplta Theta vs. Theta Chi.
All garhes called at 3:45 o'clock, on
South Ferry field.
The Michigan Daily, delivered to
your door daily except Mqnday, $3.50.
a year.-Adv.
Linden Schmitt' Apfe1 Co.
--- -- i
202 E. Washington St.
Phone 273
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