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November 20, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-20

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on Reports Lar
'ickets Despite
Helen Newvber

University women had
for Union dances this
o effect upon the sale of
as all of the 200 had
f by 7 o'clock. Officials
r more could have been
The line started to
>y at 2:30 o'clock Wed-
ew continually from
serving refreshments
not be provided this
itions will undoubted-
Lme until after Thanks-
II time the Union will
>e that a separate din-

ree to Take All Tickets
ing to Union officials, dances
given every Friday and Sat-
ght, whether there are 10 or
les present. They state that
tion of the'Union is to give
epresentative group of men,
ring that dates for the Union
a broken, thus hurting the
ickets and the financial sue-
ie dances, is reported to have
o buy all the tickets if the
efused to attend. It is stat-
they would either suffer the
ake town girls.
esent Rule Temporary
lion house rule upon the mat-
ermitting the womeq in the
n between the hours of 11
'clock on dance nights is of
emporary nature until other




n of the latest additiongto
als on the campus was ac-
yesterday, with the plac-
ase of a handsome bronze
untain, the gift of Francis
1, '69. The memorial is lo-
ling the diagonal walk at
of North University ave-
tate street. Lack of the
erials for the base delay-
pletion of the work, which
last spring.
M[ayor of Ann Arbor
ilton was mayor of Ann
1905-1907. 'At his death in
he left several generous
h the city and the Univer-
g these was a $1,000 fund
pose of erecting the foun-
ich $500 was added by his
aughters. . /
nal bequest, together with
mount, made possible the
f a dignified and artistic
Accordingly, the commis-
iven to Robert Aitkens,
e sculptor of the majority
tary at the San Francisco
Due to his enlistment in
Mr. Aitkens was forced to
e project and the commis-
arned over to Albin Pole-
aer student at the Amer-
ty in Rome, to the found-
.ch Michigan contributed.
i received honorable men-
Paris salon of 1913 and
ber of awards and med-

ge Sale Of Dance .J-HOP COMMITTEE
VUoyeolt R19mors;-
' +p " yElections for engineer members of
ry Residenee Acts the J-Hop committee will be held from
10 .to 12 o'clock and from 1' to 3
o'clock Thursday din. the Enginering
facilities are provided. It givds wom- - u thiusy ti. ebnth current
en the privil ge of entering at these nilding.a s ie.ollce
time, bt itdoe no excudeanyand pass dues will be collected.
times, but it does not exclude any The nominees are: W. H. Blodgett,
members, and thus Union officials R P. Dillon,eI. A. Gaines, Jr., W. At
point out that gathering of men for Harrison, Jenks, McGowan, R. B. Mar-
sings cannot be prevented. Such an shall, G. H. Roderick.
act would be the limitation of mem
bers' privileges.
Tickets for the Saturday night dance' C
go on sale at 5 o'clock Thursday.I
Helen Newberry residence is theH
only womens' house that has taken
action 'forbidding its members to- at-
tend the Union.dances, as far as could;
be learned' last night. According to Negotiations Between liners and
a statement by Miss Hope Conklin, Operators Fail to Develop;
social director of the residence, such
a motion was carried, which would S
affect the actions of the women in the
house until the whole matter was GARFIELD WARNS BOTH SIDES
straiglhtened out. PEOPLE MUST HAVE FUEL
Sororities Saf Little ------
Miss Grace Greenwood, social di- (By Associated Press)
rector of Martha Cook dormitory, Washington, Nov. 19.-Prospects of
stated that no action was taken by c
the members of the house at their a coal famine drew nearer tonight
meeting last-night. 'with negotiations tween operators
Various sororities were rather ret- and miners apparently at a stand-
icent in discussing the matter. The still.
Sorosis house said that they had tak- A sb-committee of the joint wage
en no definite action but would leave scals committees was in session thre
the question to individual decision, hours but it was announced after the
Numerous cases of broken dates meeting that only the general sit-
have been unofficially reorted. It uation was discussed and, that the
was pointed out by one woman, how- operators did not submit counter pro-
ever, that the boygott, to be effective, posals to the mners'demands. The
would have to be the result of con- conference will continue tomorrow.
certed action. The mine owners and workers were
warned by Fuel Administrator Gar-
- 1Sfield today that as "long as the gov-
A l I REAINESiFR ernmnent stands, the people of the
United States need, must have and
will have coal, and they will not. be
prevented by anything ,the operators
--- and miners may do."
SOPH AND FROSH CAPTAINS TO The consuming public, the chief
MEET FOR EXPLANATION party in interest in the present con-
OF RULES ° troversy, Dr. Garfield said is not in
a mood to tolerate either excessive
Reports that all arrangements for prices or prolonged stoppage of pro-
the block 'M" and the mass meeting duction.
were being successfully carried out
were heard at the meeting of the "France " Top ic
Student council last night in the
New Men Sworn In
G. D. Anderson, '21L, reported that "France" was the subject of Prof.
all is in readiness for the fall games Rene Talamon's lecture before the
to be held the morning of the Min- Cerle Francais yesterday afternoon
in Tappan hall. In this first talk of
nesota game. So that there will bethyerseiePosorTann
the years seres, Professor Talamon
no misunderstanding as to the rules contrasted the les advanced but more
of the contests, Anderson has called wholesome mode of life in the French
a meeting of .the captains and lieu- provinces and cities with the bustling
tnants of the freshman class for 2 efficiency of America. According to
o'clock today in room '309 of the Professor Talamon, there is no com-
Union.. The sophomore officers will parison between the farms and vil-
meet at 3 o'clock at the same place. lages of France and America 8s to
The five men recently elected to the beauty.
council were sworn in at the meeting Although giving the palm to the
last night. United States for progressiveness in
imodt things, he declared that France
Will Explain Pflansexcelled particularly in her wonder-
At a meeting of the sophomore class 'ful road system.
presidents at 2 o'clock today in the French children are brought up a'
office of the presi en, of the Union, little better than their small allies on
the plans for the Student council this side of the Atlantic, declared Pro-'
conmittee on underclass conduct will 'fessor Talamon. A great many other
be explained by the councilmen in outstanding features of the French
charge: Carl T. Hogan, '20, Lloyd customs were explained, among them
R. Hirth, '20D, G. H. Benjamin, '20A, the way that parents arrange mar-
Frank J. Helbig, '20P, D. K. Messner, riages without the consideration of
'20, -nd Carl E. Johnson, '20. those most interested In the proceed-
OFFICERS ELECTED It is the sublime spirit and ideals
B B SENIOR LITS of that nation which have made it
Ysuch a factor in the civilization of the
- ! world rather than any great eco-

At the class election held Wednes- nomic or scientific progress, declared
day in University hall, the senior lits Professor Talamon.
elected the following officers: Student
councilmen-Carl Mason, D: K. Mess ATHLETIC PROGRAM
ner; basketball manager-J. P, Hart;-
baseball manager--Russell Barnes; ON SALE TODAY
track manager-David Nash. -
The Michigan-Minnesota souvenier
FALL EXAMS FOR DENTISTS issue of the Athletic Program will be
BEING CONDUCTED THIS WEEK placed on sale at the bookstores and
news stands this afternoon.
Fall examinations for issuance of This issue contains pictures of
licenses to practice dentistry are be- Michigp.n's All-American football men,
ing held this week by the State Board three pages of individual pictures of.
of Registration and Dentistry. Be- this year's players, and a two page
tween 30 and 40 persons are taking cut of the entire squad. There are
the examinations, and bluebooks are also several articles by prominent fac-
now being graded. ulty men and Coach Yost.
Licenses are required not only for
practice in the state of Michigan, but Former Daily Man Cornell Instructor
also in case the dentist transfers his Milton Marx, '19, former associate
practice ,to a foreign country. An- editor of The Michigan Daily, is an
other examination will be held in the instructor of English at Cornell uni-
spring, at which time about 100 are versity, according to a letter received
-, - -f _ 1 --.--. -^t^fl - - ^14A

On account of the fall games,
freshmen and sophomores may
be excused from classes in the
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and in the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecturg
Saturday morning, Nov. 22.-
U -
Committees for the senior law class
were appointed Wednesday. They are:
Social committee-C. K. Patterson,
chairman, N. W. Wasserman, Cecil
Andrews, Stratton Shartell; invitation
committee-G. Struckman, chairman,
H. T. Bassett, B. Hurwitz; memorial
committee-C. M. Tochy, chairman,
Louis Karwin; Michiganelisian repre-
sentative-Jack Pollock; publication
committee-L. R. Rupp, Robert Math-
ews; editors of Crease paper-Alvin
Busbee, De Thurston Mosier.
Committee on class day exercises-
S. A. Lambert, chairman, Orvid Tan-
ner, L. 0. Telfer; cane committee-
Larry Larke, chairman, Amos Paley;
committee on finances-Dunbar, chair-
man, Horace Hayworth, Roy Mer-

Lodge Introdbces Resoli
Clare War with Gernian
Coftpromises Col
(By Associated P
Washington, Nov. 19.-
of the peace treaty with
tions framed by the Rep
jority and objected to b
Wilson, was twice voted
senate tonight with the ad
senators lining up solidly
The ratification resole
woul'd have r6quired a tw
jority for adoption must
votes to 55 against it on
call. Its supporters were
cans and four Democrats
ponents 13 Republicans
Less Than Maj-
The vote on the secc
was 41 for adoption and
less than a majority.
As soon as the Lodge
was voted down the seco
senate defeated an unrese
tion resolution presented
Underwood, Democrat of
The vote rejecting unl
fication was 38 for adop
At-10:20 o'clock the tre
aside after the three ro
failed to muster the nece
ity. Republican leader,
clared that under the ml1



With Prof. E. C. Case, of the geol- the
ogy department, relating a few of his did :
experiences while in 'the West and Af
members of the Forestry club giving ator
slort talks concerning their year's prol
work, a large turn-out attended the war
first All-Foresters' smoker of the this
year held last night in the Forestry tionc
club rooms in the Natural Science Tt
building. the 1
The smoker was especially arrang- men'
ed to give freshmen an opportunity to clar
become acquainted with forresters to r
and their work. First year men were had 1
admitted without charge and many slion
were present. Forestry club matters
for the year were also considered. Tr

of t
s to p

of congress.

He CO aflInA off

led by

In Bas-Relief
is decorated in bas-
f Youth, Labor, Poet-
hy. A procession of
a group of boys with
pes. Following are
bearing water pitch-
houlders, they being
by a young man car-
td walking at the side
inging up the proces-
extending a scroll be-

Election of officers of the Cooley
club, which was postponed frori the
meeting last week, will be held at 8
o'clock today in the third floor of the
Law building.
Following the election will be held
a discussion of the constitutionality
of the order of Fuel Administrator
,Garfield, commanding the miners to
return to work. The discussion will
be led by Floyd Cone and Robert
Matthews, upholding the order, and
by L. B. Harper and A. Bohue, op-
posing the measure.
Dedication ceremonies of the new
Catholic Students' chapel, corner of
State and Jefferson streets, are to be
held during the celebration of High
Mas at 10 o'clock on Sunday morn-
ing. #-'-
Bishop Gallagher, of the Detroit
diocese' will have charge of the exer-
cises. The chapel will be known as
the Chapel of the Immaculate Concep-
tion, with Fr. M. P. 'Bourke as chap-
Sugar Yield Is Largest in History
Charlotte, Nov. 19.-This year's crop
of suoar beets in Eaton county is de-
clared to be the largest in the in-
dustry's history for this locality. Beets
are being hauled to this' city in very
large quantities an& it has been im-
possible to secure sufficient number
of cars to handle the shinments to

negotiations which th
promised to point a v
tion followed another
finite announcement by
son that the reservat:
his opinion nullify tli
V In vain, did the De
during the day of eke
coalition of the trea
both sides of the char
group granted them o
sion. They helped car
ation motion after the
solution had first bee
they indicated that the
only to get the measu
the senate so they cou:
stand behind the Rep
A sharp parliameni
which the Democrats
tighter and tighter i
that precluded them of
promise proposals on
oped after the ratific
this struggle adminis
got no sympathy from
vation group who vi
again 'to overrule dee
president Marshall wh
let the compromise pi
fore the senate for ac
Futile Prop
Among the futile D
hpromise moves Was a
the treatey referred tc

fount bears the i
rted- to the City
ancis M. Hamilt
University of Mic

peak in
n. of the

on, E
;hi- t


Aexnct~l to afl VIUF Inf IBCItIIefS.

from him by

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