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Women Refute
Dance Boycott
Marguerite Chapin, '20, predident of
the \omen's league, expressed it as
her opinion last night that the Union
dances on Friday and Saturday nights
will be fully attended. This state-
ment is in refutation of the rumors
prevalent on the campus that the
women of the University intended to
cancel all Union dance engagements
because of the action of students in
-holding a general sing and get-to-
gether during the hours of 10:30 and
12 o'clock last Friday and Saturday
nights. These were the times desig-
,nated by Union officials for the tap,
room 'in the Union to be open to
Martha Guernsey, grad., when inter-
' rogated on the question, replied that
npromse to her knowledge there was nothing
so rc in the reports.
so much According to the statement of one
n chanc- woman, however, who asked that her,
e ;name be withheld, a number of so-
rorities held separate meetings Mon-
ite form day evening in which members were
rm point- instructed to break all engagements
nd point- for this week's Union dances.
G. L-. Rourke, '-21, who is in charge
ms CO of the Union dances, said that noth-
the other ,ing definite as to broken dates had
come to his attention, although he had'
heard some talk on the subject.
of the
at the a
Failing Coal Supply Prompts Urgent
Action by Fuel Administrator
r, Hitch-
laid all (By Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 18.-The govern-
ment stepped to the front today to
the two force miners and operatorsgfo negoti-
,ision as ate a new wage agreement and re-
vise \rati- sume work in the bituminous fields
n agrees before the country is in the grip of a
uld have coal famine.
hey have Clothed with all of- his war timne
wn vote powers as fuel administrator and act-
ed ratifi- ing by direct authority of the pres-
ge 'said, ident's cabinet, Dr. Harry A. Gar-
the -roll field, called a joint' meeting of steel'
ion. committees at which he was instruct-
nference ed-to give formal notice that the time
tonight had come for resuming mining opera-
npromise tions on a normal scale.
making Must Wait
>mmittee While the joint conference was set'
the sen- fr this afternoon Dr. Garfield found
emocrats that a full attendance could not be
esolution obtained so it went over until to-
Senator morrow. Meanwhile word was pass-
nt as he- ed that the strike situation had
rt to be reached that point where action was
commit- regarded by federal authorities as ab-
solutely imperative.
Now General or Separate Treaties;
Declaration of Peace May
Adjust Difficulty
"If President Wilsoh should decide
that the recent 'reservations' to the
peace treaty, made by the senate, up-
sets the nature of the treaty, he has
the powerof completely reoalling it
from the senate," said Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves, of the political science depart-
ment, Tuesday.
"In that case, three things are
possible: first, that a new general
treaty be put before the senate; sec-
ond,, that a separate treaty with Ger-
many be declared by the United States
alone, with Germany alone; without
reference to the general treaty; and,
third, that congress pass a joint res-
olution declaring that, on and after a
certain date, the United States is .at
peace with Germany."
New Resolution Easily Executed
"The first, a new general treaty, is
out of the question because the pres-
ent treaty will be put into effect with-
out ratification by the United States
senate. Tho second, a separate treaty
with Germany, is possible, but not an
easy thing to execute. The third, a
joint resolution by congress, can be
quickly put through, but the extent
of the problems, legal and otherwise,
which would arise from such an ac-
tion, would stagger the imagination."
Professor Reeves stated that a com-i
promise with the antagonistic majority
of the senate was possible.
Several of the so-called reserva-
tions which the senate has made to
the peace treaty are, in the opinion of
Professor Reeves, amendments. It is
up to the president of the Uliited
States to decide whether they are
amendments or reservations, he show-
ed. Professor Reeves pointed out that
treaties were recalled by presidents
of the United States a few times be-
fore the Civil war and several times
since, when amendments to them by
the senate met with their disapproba-
States Reservations Necessary
The "reservations" which Professor
Reeves considrs to be amendments
are those where it is required that
three nations, in addition to. the Unit-
ed States, should accept the reserva-
tions; the list of questions that are
to be regarded by the United States
as purely§ domestic; and the reserva-
tion which says that the United States
will not submit to arbitration any
question that might arise under the
Monroe doctrine. "These require ac-
tion on the part of, or may concern,
other powers 'and, in my opinion, are1
to be considered as amendments," Pro-1
fessor Reees stated.
He distinguished between amend-
menbs and reservations by declaring,
that an amendment involved a mod-
ification o an international agree-
ment, whereas a reservation was the
interpretation of a treaty by the sen-
ate in the light of our constitutional
form of government.
Senate Has Amended Treaties
"Quite frequently the senate has
amfended treaties," Professor Reeves
said, "and, in that case, re-negotia-
tions with the other party to the
treaty are required, which party may
or may not accept the amendments.
The negotiations for the modification
of the treaty are carried on under
the direction of the president."
Having all the effervescence and
efflorescence of an opal sunburst,
and a scream from beginning to end,
the "Big Game" number of the Gar-
goyle crpshed down the corridors of
time today. Its pages are agog with
213 ethereal and otherwise scintilla-
tions of the college mind.
They will be on sale about the cam-
pus this noon.
Revolt Breaks Out in Vladlvostock
Washington, Nov. 18.-Revolution
has broken out at Vladivostock, ac-
-cording to information received by the
State department today from Siberia
Thus far only Russians are involved,
the despatches said
In Football Strategy, Says Camp
(By Walter Camp)
But lliat has happened to football? Well, in the first place, the
knowledge of the gridiron game has been distributed far and wide dur-
ing the last few years. There are more and better players than ever
before, even the experienced coaches are far more experienced, de-
fensive tactics are far better understood and by no means confined to
the big fellows. There are dozens, 1f punters on minor teams who by
would have been regarded as real assets on hig teams five years ago.
Football has been 'disseminated by -competent' -instructors; but it
hasalso been d- istributed' "by competent players as ,well and
through' the direct 'channf of 'actual play during these years of war..'
Tlie public 'knoWs twice' the 'football-it did a decade ago and'so do the
players, whether- they wear one of the college, sweaters
of the Big /Three or of some one of the other colleges..
now, too, the numbers in attendance at state universities , and the
number of promising prep. school players that go to some other place
than Yale, Harvard or Princeton is beginning to make itself felt. There
was a time when a football play to be accepted and- tried had to have
a stamp of one of the big colleges. Now the advanced plays are far
more apt to come from the so-called lesser. colleges rather than to ;go
out to them..
The attack of -Colgate, Washington and Jefferson, Syracuse, Pitts
burgh and Dartmouth is far more- advanced than the attacks of the old-
er football universities of today. There is .a broader possibility in it
and it puts a harder prgblem up to the defense to meet it. And if
these colleges have the men and they certainly have-there is no rea-
son why they shoujd not win, just as they are doing. It is the history
of all things. 'And it is indeed well for the interests of the gridiron
game that it is so, for the future of this game depends not upon its
standing' still, but upon its developing still further. Colgate beat
Princeton by being just a little better in possibilities of atta9k; Dart-
mouth defeated Cornell for the same reason. The defense in both cases 1
was called upon to do far more in the exercise of wit and skill to
stop the broader offense, and sooner or later that will tell upon any
If the big fellows don't learn their lesson and take it
to heart they are going to fiend hard tumbles in their sched-
ule, not this year but next, The average football,,east, west
and south has more highly developedattack than has Yale or Prince-
ton or Harvard today. 'Sometimes these attacks are top-heavy, that is,
they haven't 'underneath them a broad basis of the fundamentals, and
in that case they fall down and then it is that we hear -the argument
advanced that all these shift plays and "hep" formations and fancy for-
ward passes are simply "bunk," wad1 that they are not as good as the
old standard simple plays well driven home. But that, is all wrong.
There are lots of these plays that, performed by men well trained on
fundamentals, will win every time against plays that have no real
masking, but depend upon drive of the line and hard striking backs.
And there is another thing worth taking into consideration and that is
.that playing against these more complicated plays tends to a =more
highly developed instinct for diagnosing quality of these teams. Ever
since Washington and Jefferson came up to New Haven and with Mc-
Creight thew forward passes over and all around the Yale team, and
practieally did the same to Harvard, the big fellows have had nervous
tremors, anc yet they have not improved either their own forward
passing or their defense to it as rapidly as many of the smaller teams.
The oniv way to defend against the forward pass is to have it played
freely day after day on the. practice field, and until there is more of'
it from the very beginning of the season the big fellows twill be vul-
nerable.-Reprint from Detroit Saturday Night.
Eopyright, 1919, Otis F. Wood)
Pig Three Fain g.ehind Times
Rules For Dress and
With Aim to El
Final preparations for t;
games have been completed
Student council, according to
Anderson, '20, chairman of ' th
mitte@ in charge. The events
take place this year for the fi
since 1917 when the fresh sv
the sophs 9-4, will be three 1
ber; the bag rush, shuttle ra
cane spree.
The entire personnel of both
will participate in the first even
teams will be selected for tlf(
two. W. J. Van Orden, the y
captain, has chosen 12 lieutena
H. L. Waha, captain of the
mores, will pick six or eight
team today.
Classes to Hold Neetini
A pep meeting for each clE
precedthe games. The freshn
meet at 8-15 o'clock Saturday
ing in University hall. R. G
'21E, wil be chairman and E.
'21, and a member of the
council will speak. The 'so:
meeting will be at the same
West hall of the Physics build
Parsons, '20, will preside an
will be given by J. Perrin,
a Student councilman.
The games themselves will
lately follow the preliminary
ings all particulars will be gi
participants. The rules follov
1. All contestants must we
nis shoes.
2. Slugging, kicking, or ot
sportsmanlike actions will di:
person using such means.
Shuttle Race
1. Sixteen men from eac:
will take part.
2. Eight men from each ci
take one side of the 100 yard
,The remaining eight men fro
class (16 in all) will stay ou
the opposite end of the cour
3. At the shot of the ph
men carrying the baton will s
race relaying it to one of their
the' opposite end of the cour
continuing until the last ma
each side runs.
4. This contest will coul
Cane Spree Scores Two P
1. Eighteen men from botl
man and soph6more classes w
part in the cane spree.
S2. The contest period will
minutes. At the end of that t
class having the largest nu:
canes in its possessions will be
ed two points towards the fin
Bag Rush Rules Fair
1.' The opposing cla'sses a:
ifned up on, opposite sides of
(Continued on Page Si:
Free entertainment will be given
to the student body on the night of .
the Minnesota game in Hill audi-
torium by the Majestic, Arcade, and
Wuerth theaters.
G. D. Anderson, '22L, is in charge
of the arrangements which are under
the sunervision of the Student coup-
Arrangements for serv'ng refresh-
ments to dancers in order to avoid any
inconvenience to the dancers or to the
men in the tap room -some other room
than the tap room will be made by the
Union. Owing to the uncompleted
state of the building, it will be im-
possible .to carry .this work out for
wo more reser-
3 already adopt-
session far into
ort to clear the
ent for work Lo-
ation resolution
continuous ses-
onsideration of
ittee as a whole
the treaty was
>v. 18.-The senate
t resolution author-
to adjourn at 'any
w and Dec. 1. The
n sine die tomorrow
so will pass a reso-
the senate to quit
Refports from the central competi-
tive fields, comprising the states of
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Western Penn-
sylvania, strongholds of th4 United
Mine Workers of America, showed all,
mines'shut down and not enough coal
coming from non-union plants In oth-
er states to meet the normal demand.
by, several million tons.
Supply Vanishing
Other reports from widely separat-
ed sections brpught, the same story
'of a rapidly vanishing coal supply
with indications that hundreds of in-
dustrial plants would be closed short-
ly unless. coal production was put
back at normal. In the view of many
officials the situation was critical
enough to demand drastic action.
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman of the Eco-
nomics department returned yester-
day from Cambridge, Mass., where he
attended a meeting of the Association
of Schools of Commerce. He will tell
about his trip at the meeting of the
Comm'erce club, 7:15 tonight in room
306 of the Union building.
cil. some time.
The managers of the theaters prom Within two or three weeks it is
ise programs which will be interest- hoped that a dining room can be'
ing and special music will be pro- properly equipped to care for the
vided. Plans are being developed week-end rush.
rapidly by the men in charge and will Despite the rumors that dates of
appear in The Daily as they are an- 'L*niversity women will be cancelled
nounced. for all Union dances, officials look for.
At the present time the only cer- an unprecedented sale of dance tickets
Lain knowledge regarding the moving -this week-end, which go on sale at
pictures to be provided is that there 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
The steward, Dennis Donovan, a
will be nine reels of first class pro- rei snua be reqests fhas
ductions. - Although some of the pic-received innumerable requests from
tures are here it remains for the man- returning alumni for accommodations
agers to pick those to be shown. Friday and Saturday nights, and a
An entertainment similar to this largenumber of students, who are
was given last year after the Cape bringing out of town girls to the
game, are contemplating ggoing to the
night exercises, but the plans for this game
year's show are expected to make it dance.
decidedly better and bigger than the Beas ofd the gea deand, bt
other, which was the first. of its kind the -old and the ; new halls will be:
ay amused, enabling at least 300 couples to
The olan was developed on the sug- attend. Tile in the second floor cor-
gestion of the theater owners who did ridor is being laid, and the work will
not wish to have their places rushed be completed by Frdaiy night. The
.as Is commolafter functions like Cap floor, since last week, has had am-,
as0 Is*"® comn ferfncnnslkeCp Ba'- ibli
ill be held
y at the booth
be voted on
en, Mark K.
. K. Messner,
olver, and A.
tall manager,
t Somerville;
Budapest, Nov. 18. - The
situation here has apparentl
a new turn with the withdr
the Rumanian forces and the
the Hungarian National Arm
Admiral Horthy.
Premier Friedrich is report
stubbornly opposing the form
a coalition government accep
the allies and the militarist:
declare they -will not listen
posals for the cessation of W
gary to Austria.
Sir George R. Clark, repre:
here of the Supreme Counci
course of an interview with t
ciated Press, took not an a
hopeful view of the situation.
"The allies can only mal
with the Hungarian governm
ly representative of the po
They must insist upon forma
government which would s
the impartiality of domestic
'afraid Freiderich's utmost
tions are hardly acceptable
hope common, sense will pr
Hungary will not run hersel
Two important issues, final plans
for the Fall games and the block
"M" question, dill be discussed at the
meeting of the Student council at
7:15 tonight on the third floor of the
Vespers Today at Newberry Hall
Dr. Ida Kahn and Dr. Tomo Inuye
will talk to University women at the
Vesper services on Wednesday after-
noon at 4 o'clock at Newberry hall.
Dean Myra B. Jordan has urged all
women. to come to- hear the messages
which these women from the Orient
have to give.
ple. time to De in the best poss e
Centralia I. W. W. Captured
Centralia, Wash., Nov. 18. - Bert
Bland, notorious I. W. W. fugitive and
suspected slayer of Lient. Warren 0.
Grimm, one of the four- American le-
gion leaders killed here Armistice
day, was captured withouit a fight late
today by John Berry and a company
of deputies.