P7O U IfN'S SUPPORT OfTAP ROOM SINGS GDAWS CONFICTING STUDENT COMMENT lI- . A taf Thr arr. TUESDAY 9:00-Sophomore engineers meet in room 348 Engineering building to eject captin for Fall games. 4;00-Piano recital by Mr. Albert Lockwood in School of Music. SEES SING AS PROTEST AGAINST EXTENSIVE "FUSSING" QF MEN V STUDENTS CerLO i. m tiful piano DEPLORES DISCOURTESY SHOWN with the or TO WOMEN AT WEEK,- END in a variet DANCESia,. 3 a over :.L 7:00-Culver club 'aeets in Union. 7:00-Former 32n11 division men meeta in room 323 of Union.! 7 :00-Adelplil House o? Representa. tives meets on fourth floor of U-- hall. 7:00 - Choral Union rehearsal in School of Music. 7:30-Acolytes meet in Morris semin. ary roomd. 7:30-Mchigan Dames meet in Laney hall. Pot luck supper, coffee and sandwiches 'to be furnished; bring , dishes, 8:00-Students who are interested in. acting in Cosmopolitan , club play, meet in room 305 U-hall. 8:00-Intercollegiate Socialist socle. ty meets in room P162 N. S. build- ing.E WEDNESDAJ ' , 4:30-Cercle FrAncais lecture by Prow fessor Rene Talamon in rooni 203 Tappan hall. 7:00--Michigan Zionist society meets in Lane hall. S:00-Rehearsal of Union" orchestra in room 303 of Union,. Thursday 7:30-PontIae club ieets in Lane hall. - 7:30-Phil1p P. Sharples, chemist, lectures In room 348 Engineering' building. U-NOTICES Junior engineers will elect members Qf the J-Hop comilittee from 10 to 12 o'cl'ock and from 1 to 3 o'clock Thursday. ADVANCED DANCING CLASS The first lesson of the 'advanced "Studentst"Dancing Class will-be held tonight in the Old Union Dancing Hall., The class wil start at seven flfteen, and those enrolled are' requested to be there promptly. Those who ,have not yet enrolled and wish to join the class should call 1666-J.-Adv. Ai THE PAC KARD ° High grade couple dancing every Monday and Thursdayevening 8:00 to 10:00,-Adv. @ditor, The Michigan1 Daily: Once more the old question of fuss- ing at Michigan has broken out. Al- though staged at a campus sing the gathering at the Union Saturday eve- ning was nothing more or less then a protest against it. Much discussion of the question has resulted and most of the denunciation has centered about the mistaken idea ghat the men who are pushing the campaign are against having women at Michigan. Such is not the case. They realize that the women at Micihgan are as fine a delegation as any school can boast of.- But what they are attempting to eradicate is the extensive amount of time some men spend in the company of women instead of going out for athletics' or other campus activities. No man can get his studies, work on the campus, and go out, with the wome en~ of the Universlty at the same time. If they would realize that Michi- gan's future standing depends on more men turning out for campus work and athletics, the women who come here fox' spme other purpose than having a good time and who wish to boost Michigan, would also do all in their power to discourage the epidemic of teas and dances that has swamped Ann Arbor th'is year. It is a reflection on the women of Michigan to state that they all come here for the pur- pose of having a. good time and that. the ideals oand institutions of the school mean nothing to them. The campaign to lessen "fussifig" and to increase interest in campus; work and athletics should be directed toward the men who'spend their time dancing- or drinking tea rather than the women with whom they go out. The true Michigan woman is bound to see this tiewpoint and to assume the proper attitude toward the chronic 'fusser't and campus "drone." If the campus can be made to real- 4ize this we will probably have more than 35 men turning out for the foot- ball team in 1920.. FOR A BETTER MICHIGAN. Editor, The Michigan Daily: Some time ago the Union officials' decided that women would be permit-I ter in the tap room at the Union be-, tween 11 and 12 o'clock on Fridays 1 and Saturdays. When the assembly I hall was opened on Friday night, the couples who attended the dance tookI advantage of the arrangements above! mentioned, and filed down to the tap' room at 11 o'clock. The unsatisfactory state of affairs, on both nights, naturally surprised everyone. A-number of students were occupying thfe tables, smoking, play- ing cards; or singing. As that hour, has been set aside for women, I think that courtesy demanded Othat those men should have given up their seats to the women. On Sunday morning there appear-I ed in The Daily a 'statement to thej effect that the Union officials are look- ing with favor upon a plan whichIE provides for get-together meetiigs and sings to be held in the tap room on Friday and Saturday nights from 10:30 to 12. That the=Union oflicials can possibly countenance such a plan after theirI previous arrangement puzzles quite a number of, those who attended the dances last week-enid. This action on a part of the students and Union of- ficials gives the impression that, in spite of the controversy, -there was . more than humor in the article which Landis wrote in Chimes. If there is a sentiment against co-1 education among a certain section of the students, why not appeal to Union officials to bar.women completely from the, tap room? It will certainly be much more satisfactory to all con- cerned than to subject, them to such embarrassing conditions as,, existed at1 the Union last week-end, and which are going to become much worse in the future. Michigan men have been accusedof' a lack of coutesywtowards the wom- en of the University, and the state of affairs in thl tap room should be food for thought. I SENIOR ENGINEER. edr. Gabrio ed for his in kowsky and t or displayed t that -he can d bet. An anir foundation for portentous eur that sei a feeling of Spite of nt rilowitsch d stating afte structure of mit of an a etition of ti ous c truly Co Sodas ream. s ,rnities Phone FOR . and 166 -._... teinine the championship tion may turn tirely incorre( the team wt would be the ference. On I ines have gc and are now the race. Zuppk Chicago an thought to bi this year but given to the I out Stagg's E T r U. of 0. Plans Men's Dormitory Tentative plan. for a men's dor- mitory at Oklahoma have been sub- mitted to the 'Masonic bodies which voted the'dormitories. The new build- ings will be of the general plan of the other buildings on the campus, col- legiate .Gothic, and will be two stor- ies high. There will be two wings, one of which will have club rooms, parlors, and offices. The other will be used for bedrooms and is plannedl to accommodate 116 students. Voting 'for Cigarettes Popular' 'At a straw vote taken recently at the University of Pennsylvania it was decided that the most popular cigar- ette ' was "Fatin." Those winning second and third place were "Lucky' Strike" and "ZCaiel." Rochester Students Will OrganizeE An effort is to be made to organ- ize a Rochester club, to bring togeth- er all University students from Roch- ester, N. Y. Plans will be drawn up at a meeting to be held at 7:30 o'clock Monday, -Nov. 24, in room 306 of the Union. - Oberlin Has Faculty Club House A new faculty club house was open- ed last week at Oberlin. Not..until last spring did the faculty begin to work together for a club house. Regular fea- ~tures will be the informal teas on Mondays and Wednesdays' Saturday night wil be "club night." giving the I deserves for Iowa has season. Both have been b she was nos narrow mar then the St in another c ed six hard contests ence. Their coach themi hard for each ! S M&RGONN E TH1E NEW form-fit COLLAR C AurttPehabody&Co.Inc.Troy. ,iN.Y. The name "Argonne' is used by courtesy of Cie Argonne ShirtCo., PhfiLadelpllia ve. Phone 308 The Michigan Daily, your door daily except a year:--Adv.' delivered to A onday, $3.60 7 I r Yt! j d. '20 Council Kominati The correct nominat dent council as votee class reeting of theI lege ar'e: F. W. Parson C. Shoemaker, and L. these men will be cho the Student council th as the eligibility of ti mined. Cheering Section A cheering section ti ed by the Athletic ass( afternoon. The young this ticket may have E ing immediately to the ,flces. -' F Turkish tobacco were not the world's very best tobacco for cigarettes, Murad would bejust like any ordinary cigarette=-and worth no more. ociatio g man *' Why live and die without living? Murad is living. They are so good. They are so delicious. May we not say, they are just glorious? They are not-expensive. They are like diamonds, which :naturally cost more than rhinestones. 100o PURE TURKISH-the world's most famosobacco for cgardles. , For Than Judge for ypurself-! }I Place yc now -.+ ( k .., ...,../J F V '( " t. .4+ .. .r!}. r 4',. I A Varsity Toggery Shop AL. 1, \ I-' 'I I