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November 16, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-16

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was a com-
wers of the
ofore cham-
d for their
is section of
team. leads


iot be

e spur of the mo-
-yet there is some-
ason, the Wolver-
y one of the three
layed. This places
er standing than it
'e. Off years must
is said, and prob-
igan off year.
eakdown of the
ne before the at-
quad gavetZuppke's
rtunity to wade
large score, while
iter was registered
lay by play recital
s the fighting spir-
that kept the men
iling up a larger
an fight spirit gave
at carried him over
y touchdown while'
rtness of the squad
all himself of the
I by the fluke.


o Michigan whoI
yards from its
ruse and Sparks
e Illini line and
rards to Fletch-
turned 15 yardsl
r to his own 35

e gained on the next
kicked to the Maize
rd line. Following
ruse and Weston,
stide on the 'Sucker

up for 20 yards

ed 10 yards
wn. Stern-
vered seven
seven more
5 yard pen-

Sparks kicked off to Fletcher on
the Illinois 15 yard line. Carney,
Fletcher, and Crangle advanced the
ball to'Michigan's 45 yard mark as the
half closed.
Illinois returned Sparks' kick some
10 yards. Waquist was held but fol-
lowed with a 20 yard gain on a pass
from Crangle. With the ball on Mich-
igan's 45 syard line the Illini failed
on a plunge and a pass. Walquist
called again and made 20 but the Illini
backs could not advance and the ball
changed hands.
After a short gain by Sparks, Cruse
fumbled and Illiliois reoVer.ed on the
Wolverlie 30 yard line. Sternaman,
who had re-entered the game, grabbed
a pass from Crangle and crossed the
line for a second Illini touchdown.
The Orange and Blue slipped up on
the resultant kick off. Scre: Illin-
ois, 16; Michigan, 0.
Slarks kicked off to the Illini 35
yard line. Short gains by the Zuppke
backfield were followed by a success-
ful 30 yard pass to Walquist. Crangle
added another first 'down an Sterna-
man raced 20 yards for a third touch-
down. Illinois scored the goal. Score:
Illinois, 23; MIchigan, 0.
Sparks kicked across the goal line.
Illinois started action on the 20 yard
line and Sternaman skirted end for
a score of yards. Shorter gains and
an aerial from Crangle to Walquist
-placed the ball on Michigan's 20 yard
line. Capt. Kopp entered the Illinois
ilineup in place of Crangle as the per-
iod ended on the td yard line. Score:
TIlnois, 23; Michigan, 0.,
Michigan held and received the ball
on downs. Sparks kicked to Fletcher..
Lovejoy, who had just entered the
game, fumbled to Vick who ran 40
yards for a touchdown. Sparks kick-
ed the goal. Score: IllinoIs, 23;
Michigan, 7.
Sparks kicked off to Lovejoy who
hung to the ball but failed to, re-
turn ,it. Howard replaced Crangle.
Howard, Whiquist and Carney were
stopped and Illinois kicked to Mich-
igan's 45 yard line. Sparks gained
,four yards but failed to complete his
forward pass on the second effort.
Howard intercepted a second arial
attempted by the Wolverine quarter.
After escorting the pigskin down
to the Maize and Blue 25 yard line,
the Illini funmbled and the ball was
recovered by Michigan. Sparks threw
another pass which was intercepted
by Illinois and brought back to the
25 yard strip. 'Howard ,wiled to gain.
Walquistadded three yards. Sadler
was sent in to pilot the Illinois eleven.
Howard cam back with a 20 yard
.run around end which settled the ac-
'tion on Michigan's five yard mark.
Howard answered another call by
contributing four more yards. Illin-
ois pushed across the line for its
fourth tochdown. Reichel slipped up
on. the goal. Score: Illinois, 29
Michigan again kicked to the Orange
and Blue. Illinois failed to advance
for three downs but made the entire
distance o he fourth. Howard and
Walquist staged a little game of their
own which awarded Illinois some 30
yrds before a fumble gave Michigan
the ball. Sparks was crowded outside
on his 20 yard line. Illinois held on
the next play as the final whistle
sounded. Seoie:' Illinois, 29; Mich-
igan, 7.
Michigan Position Illinois
Goetz ..,.......L.T....... Ingwerson
Vick ...................Depler
Wilson. ..........Applegran

Peach.. .RE........Reichle
Sparks..........Q.B Bob Fletch'er
Eades ..........F.B.........Crangle
Referee, Birch (Earlham); umpire,
Schommer, (Chicago); field judie,
Paine (Yale); head linesman, Nicholas
Madison, Wis., Nov. 15.-Ohio State
went one notch nearer the Big Ten
grid title when Harley booted a field
goal in the fourth q.uarter for the
only points in thetBadger State game
here today. For the first three-quar-
ters of the game the play fluctuated
between the two 20 yard lines. Both
teams had chances to score, but the
defenses were too good in both cases.,
Harley, as' usual, was the big gain-
er for the Ohio team, and Gould got
most of the ground that was gained
by Wisconsin. At the start of the
game Ohio seemed to have the edge
on Wisconsin and Harley was thrown
through the Badger line for 42 yards
on five downs. The ball was rushed
to the Wisconsin 23 yard line but was
lost when Harley mgissed a place kick.




The Michigan's soccer team romp-
ed away with an easy contest when
they met the Ypsilanti Normal school
team at the latter's field in the first
contest of the year for the Michigan
team. The final score was 8-0, the
game serving merely as a practice
scrimmage. The Ypsilanti team was
green and inexperienced and the Ann
Arbor plaers excelled in nearly every
respect. Credit must be given the
losing team for fighting hard against
an older and much more experienced
The Michigan team had not per-
formed as a unit in the lineup in
which they appeared before the con-
test began but an onlooker copld not
have noticed it for they played near-
Iy faultless. soccer. The passing may
have been a little weak for such an
experienced team but the manner in
which many of the players starred in-
dividually moe than made up for this
From the beginning of the game it
was evident that the visitors were the
stronger for the contest opened with
a rush on the Ypsilanti goal. For a
moment or two the opposing backs
kept the ball away from the goal but
clever dribbling finally forced the ball
through the goal for 'the first score.
Three more goals were made in the
first half, Baucis getting two of them,
and Sanchez the other two. In the
first half the ball was nearly contin-
ually in the Ypsilanti territory and,
not once was there a chance for the
home team to score. l
Normal Defense Strong
In the first part of the second half
the' normal school teen was consid-
erably stronger on defense and for
quite a while no score was made. But
finally the opposing defense was pierc-
'ed and after the first score the Ypsi-
lanti team seemed to lie down and
three more goals were made, bring-
ing the total up to 8. Baucis, San-
chez, Merry, and Dyason each got one
of the counters in this half. The last
goal was made on a penalty kick.
The one-sidedness of the contest can
be shown from the fact that Michigan
could have played the game without
a goal-keeper for not once did the
Ypsilanti team have a shot. at the
goal. The size of the score indicates
that little competition was offered for
soccer scores are much less fre cent
than in football and each goal counts
but one point. ,
Tsai and Baucis Star
For the Michigan team Tsai anil
Baucis were' the main stars, the for-
mer playing his usual sensational
game at halfback and the latter doing
a great deal toward increasing the
score. Dyason and' Sanchez also
played well in the line, and the Orrin
brothers at fullbacks would have star-
red if they had had more chance to
8how their ability.
The lineup for Michigan was as fol-
lows: goal, Weinstein; left full, E. C.
'Orrin; ;right full, J. V. Orrin; left
half, Grunwaldt; center half, Tsai;
right .half, Strauss, Crino; left out-
side, Lupke, Ringer; left inside, San-
chez, center forward, Dyason, right in-
side, Baucis, right outside, Merry.
Chicago, Nov. 15.-Iowa, 6; Chicago,
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15.-FinaT: De-
troit Northern high, 42; Cass Tech,
(Detroit) 3.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15.-Final score:
Detroit Central, 13; Grand Rapids
Central, 0.
At Philadelphia: Final-Pennsyl-

vania, 3; Pittsburg, 3.
At Syracuse: Final-Syrcause 13;
Colgate, 0.

Coach Mather's first Saturday morn-
ing basketball practice was featured
by a long scrimmage yesterday. The
first part of the workout consisted of
a lengthy drill in passing after which
teams were picked and the men told
to make it lively.
Captain Rychener, Ruzicka, Wick-
ham, Hammond and Giverts formed
one of the teams for the greater part
of the scrimmage. They worked fair-
ly well together considering 'that the-
season is hardly under way as yet.
The players showed their lack of
training by the ease with which they
became winded. The full month of
'hard practice ahead should remedy
that fault, however.
There were several experienced
men who did not put in an appear-
ance yesterday. It is rumored that
Mather is planning on building a team
around Jack Williams; the lengthy
center, who won his letter last year.
Jack was not out yesterday but it is
expected that he will begin regular
work next week.
Beginning Monday night there will
be practices at 7::30 o'clock every
evening. This "will give the players
twice as much drill each week and
a big inprovement should result. With
the end of the football season but a
week away, the gridiron men who
are also addicted to the court game'
will be able to put in an appearance
very shortly.

for the Holidays

° :



s bro


Did you ever wonder what people ate in the line of sweet thin
when there was no holiday, birthday or other festive occasion
the horizon? Candy tastes good all the time. Don't wait for
excuse, but send her that box now.

(It's the Allen Qualley Cand
we offer you, you know. Fi
cents to seven-fifty a box. H
pound, five pound boxes.)

afty 7O

A Sweet Tooth Doesn't Wait

Freshmen led the rest of the cam-
pus across the finish line in the in-
terclass cross country race held Sat-
urday morning. The ' total points'
scored by the first year men was less
than half the number made -by the
class runing second, the soplomores.
With low score winning, the freshmen
scored 313, sophomores 62, jugpors 68,
and seniors ,104.
The first man to finish the race was
Brennan of the junior class. He com-
pleted the two and six-tenths mile
course in 14 minutes and 40 seconds.
Cavandfsh, of the yearlings, made a
game bid for the honors, but due to
lack of previous training, finished
three seconds behind the winner,
The rtunners kept close together un-
til the close of the first mile, when
they began to string out. The winner
was nearly three-quarters of a mile
ahead of the last runer at the close
of _the race. The winning freshman
,team was coma osed of Cavandish,
Vandevlsse, Cfflin, Brennan, and
Lynch. All of these men will be pre-
sented with class numerals.
The men finished in the following
irder: Brennan, Cavandish, Vande-
visse, Lukin, Griffin, Nowlan, Purcell,
Douglas, ,Brennan, Mosher, Barhart,
Lynch, Weyand, Haug, Zinn, Ven-
tries, Wai e, Beardsley, Meyerfield,
ae'l. and Burley.
Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 15.-Cable and
mail advices from London confirm in-
timations made by provincial execu-
tives that Canadian immigration au-
thorities are seeking to discourage any
important movement of immigrants
this year.
One dispatch from London declares
be made of business men of this and
Canadian citizens in Great Britain.
This is nearly one-eighth of the total
population of the Dominion.
Students' Dancing

Imported from Joseph E. Ward
Stockfort, ngland
Wool Felt Hats $. 00 Ea
Gym 1p~~
Shirt, Pants, Shoes
Supporters $4v00
GEO. . O
I q

d reversed the
d mark.
yards around
o Walquist who
unds at the 40
and Walquist'
down but the
repeat and a
rn was ground-
the Wolverine
ks reciprocated
r at Michigan's
yards was neu-
penalty. Stern-
led six but fail-
for first down.
e Michigan 25
advanced five'
ended. Scorel

"Since I Bega to Bo
IsSleep Like a Top

That is what a prominent student told us the oth
It was quite evident from his appearance that bc
fited him greatly.
Health must be earned. Good health and a good
asset to any mane
Think it over.
Come in and watch the crowd tonight.


"We try to treat you Right"

replaced Weston at left halt
igan. After gaining a singled
arks punted to the Illini 25
e. The Wolverine line held on
; play but gave way before
an -on the second for seven
Walquist niade first down.
was sent in for Culver as
t and Carney continued the


Shable& Son


Carney broke away for gains of 20
and 10 yards while Crangle and Ralph
Fletcher, who had replaced Sterna-
man, made further downs and placed
the play on Michigan's two yard line.
At this point the Wolverine eleven
becaWe impregnable and held the bn-
slaught for three downs without gain.
On the fourth down Walquist slipped
through for the first touchdown of the
game. Ralph Fletcher 'kicked the
goal. Score: Illinois, 7; MIchigan, 0.
Michigan's kick off fell short and
was downed on the Illinois 30 yard
line. Walquist walked away for 30
yards but Illini lost 15 for holding.
Czysz was sent in at fullback for
Eades. Illinois pgnted but the play
was called back and Michigan receiv-
ed a 10 yard penalty. The Champaign
team gave up the kicking idea and
made first down through the line. A
forward pass brought the ball 'to the

Final: University of Detroit,
North Dakota Aggies, 0.'

48 d

Evanston:' Final-Indiana, 2; North-
western, 3.
LISTEN! A dog, carrying a chunk
of meat, saw his reflection in pool
,of water, grabbed at the reflected meat
and lost his own. Do not invest -in
some shadowy scheme and, like this
greedy dog, lose both the imaginary
profit and principal. .Place your mon-
ey with- the Huron Valley Bldg. &
Savings Asso. You will eleep soundly,
knowing it is safe. The earnings of
the Association have never been less
than 6 per cent, free from taxes.

Beginners' Class
The first lesson of the Monday and
Wednesday class was held Wednesday
from seven to eight p. m. with an en-
rollment of over fifty. This class 'is
for those who have had no previous
Instruction or practice in dancing, and
wish to learn how to one-step, foxtrot,
and waltz. There are eight lessons
In the beginners' course, the second
lesson will be held Monday from sev-
en to eight p. m. Those wishing to
join the class should be at the hall
promptly at seven.
Advanced Class
There are nearly a hundred # men
and women enrolled in the advanced
class, there being an equal numberof
each. The -first lesson will be held
Tuesday night from seven-fifteen to-
eight-flf teen, the latest steps and
variation °will be taught. Those wish-
ing to enroll should call 1666-J.
The classes are exclusively for col-
lege men and women and are under
the' direction and management of Miss
D. Moses, Sch. of M. and M. L. Moses,
'20 Lit.

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Eb Alto, Beautiful Silver Finish................... $
C Melody, Beautiful Silver Finish. . ......... ....... ..
Bb Tenor, Beautiful Silver Finish.. . ...................4$
We have these instruments in stock.
Complete outfits for Trap Drummers at approximately $100.4
over. Nothing finer made.
Instruments from '$20.00 to $150.00. These are virtuoso i
ments and will appeal to anyone desiring the best.



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