Pa Tr -7. }' k9 2, Y 11 11 1 9 t +Es," W ilurlw 11.L S r RE- .9 at the Whitney theater'. True sociability, characterized the Women's league party given at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Marion Wean '21, Leonaj Wright, '23, and Dordthy Jones, '23, laid bare the facts of the past and the mysteries of- the future at the palm reading booth. There was good music for the worshippers of terpsichore. Tea was served, Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Lom- bard, and Mrs. Waite persiding at the tables. UWfomen I Upperclass girls who entered the University this year for the first time ,are . invited to attend a tea dance which the intercollegiate committee of the Women's league will give from 2:30 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Helen Newberry residence. Senior girls who had advisees assigned o them during registration week are ;members of this committee and are asked to come early to the tea In order to act as hostesses., The board of directors of the Wom- en's league is asked to meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gymnasium. The play reading class of Masques which was .postponed Tuesday be- cause of the armistice. celebration will meet at 4 o'clock Monday in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The coach and cast committee 'will meet with the class to hear the reading of "Dolls," the play to be given in De- cember. The stage committee should come prepared for work at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Any girls who wish interviews with Dr. Ida Kahn or Dr. Tomo Inuye may have them by calling Newberry hall, phone 208.'The hours for interviews are from 9 to 12 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. The senior advisors of the .four freshman houses will meet at 10:30 QUARTETTE SAILS TOY BOATS IN QUARTERDECK INITIATION Tied to anchors so that they would not blow away, four engineers sailed their little boats in dish pans under- neath the Engineering arch Thurs- day afternoon. The occasion for the naval train- ing was offered by the Quarterdeck society, which was training the neo- phytes. The men initiated were: J. T. Ballard, '20E, E. W. Christie, '21E, . W. Porter, '21E, and P. Z: Welton, 121E. After further nautical training in -the naval tank room the men were entertaed at a b nquet in Cutting's cafe. Prof. E. M. Bragg spoke at the dinner. The Michigan Daily, delivered to your door daily except Monday, $3.50 a year.-Adv. Whitney Theatre Saturday Night November 15 lR * !4 -OL e n n Makes You Fore Your Trouble LAUH FESTIVAL Prices; 50 cto $200 Dinners. Lunches Confectioner Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Cream. Orders solicited from Fraternities a Sororities. 218 S. Main Phone 14 at irs.L.err PHONE 2964 WhItney The'atre - . - Thursday, November 20 Messrs. Lee and J. J. Shubert Present The Gift-, that only you can give. Your Photograph. 721 N. UNIVERSITY AVE Nov, 1 been pick- m Elsa beck, Fry, F. B.; Quinneth Summers, Goal. Girls who made the second team are as follows: :Helen Master,. Helen Koch,' Marion Spalding, Jessie Spiker, and Margaret Reines. Senior 'teams: Sue Verlinden, C. F.; Florence Field, R. I.; Grace Hall, L. I.; ;Ruth Abbott,. R. W.; Marjorie Van Norman, L. W.; Dorothy Jones, C. H. B.; Lucy Huffman, R. H. B.; El- sid. Erleyr L. H. B.; Ruth Jennings, R. F. B.; Anna Kirkpatrick, L. F. B.; Marie Thorpe, Goal. Senior girls making second team are as follows:' Dorothea Dawson and Helen Holmes. - 39, E'All A COMEDY BY RACHAEL CROTHERS (Authoress of "Old Lady 31" and "A Little Journey") -- with - Henry Hull and Constance Binney With a Brilliant Supporting Company, Including Alison Ski worth, Lucia Moore, Edith Gresham, Mildred Arde Blanche Frederici, Victor Sutherland, and Albert Carro AJORITY OF JUNIORS FAIL. TO PAY THEIR SOCIAL FEES MAIL ORDERS NOW ayi LOWER FLOOR, $2.00 L. F.; El- El- Si- Figures show that junior girls are not paying their annual tax, as -they. should. Only 291 of the 376 girls in the class have still to pay the 50 cents due this year for the social ac- tivties of junior women in the Univer- sity. The junior girls' teas in Barbour gymnasium .constitute part of the ex- penses paid by tl is tax. Opportunity to pay this fee will again be offered from 8 to 3 o'clock Seats Thursday ill ::i . *YFrl1 _. BALCONY, r TI,,l THEATRE ONE NIGHT WEDNESDAY l . hA 'eiC nck, W se, R Kai cone e Vr >rn, ric e cFox, UI monay n U university nai U ermuth, Former. Students Visit Campus Ruth Kemper Sigler, '15, of Detroit is R. H; }visiting friends here for a short time. therineJ Margaret Wikoff, '19, of Pittsburg Edon, L. is the guest '.of- friends here. Bob Glenn, ,'19, captain. of the 1918 ries, C.. baseball team,.'stopped off here en R. L; routp to the Oregon Agricultural Beck- school, where he has accepted a po- W.; sition as instructor of civil engineer- ae Gra- ing.r zt D Doris- - haw, L. Patronize the Daily Adv'ertisers. CLAREN)CE RANDOLPH INC PRESENTS JOHN CORT MUSICAL COM 1 THE IEDY FIDDLERS 'THREE MUSIC BY ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE l_ BOOK AND LYRICS BY WM CAREY DUNCAN I THE PRETTIEST MUSIC SINCE THE MERRY WIDOW n some extra special bargains trimmed hats. NS & PERSH;NG Near State J PHONE 1023- Leave Copy at Quarry' and The Dutti I. e to engag-e and capable ,gazine sub- commission. naterially to next two can be done in spare land Publishers Ser- 3oylston St., Boston, k, $100 a month, off,; use of family Call Arcade The- [r. and Mrs. Carter y or Saturday at 30 P.m. Lpianist and music lay both cassic and Apply University e of rooms or light oms by mother and WANTED WANTED-Two tickets for the Min- nesota Game. Call' Hagamier at 1114-W. WANTED-A young lady to do sten- ographic work by half day or py the hour. Apply Mack & Co. WANTED-Six tickets' for Minnesota game. Phone No. 100. Ypsilanti. Rex Chamberlin. WANTED-Two or three seats for the Mich.-Minn. Game. Box U,.Daily, WANTED-Two three, or four tickets to Minnesota game. Phone 1222. LOST AND FOUND LO ST-On campus Wednesday morn- ing, an Alpha Epsilon*Iota sorority pin. Owner's name on back. Re- ward. Phone 713-W. LOST-Gold hat-pin with turqouise (blue) end. 514-W. Mrs. Inez Bathe. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Sweet cider delivered in 10 gal. or over. Phone 1514-W. C. Klager, 617 South Main St. A CAST OF DISTINCTION WITHI A ATO MLLE THERESE QUADRE FROM THE COMEbIE FRANCAISE PARIS FIRST AMERICAN TOUR SEATS SALE OPENS MONDAY. MAIL ORDERS. NOW PRICES -75 cents-T o $~ ) ..