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November 11, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-11

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e Univer-

titled to the use for
to it -or not otherwise
iblished therein.
Michigan, as second


gned, the sig-
.n evidenceof
e Daily at the

consideration.. N man-
r incloses postage.
lorse the sentiments ex-
.... Managing Editor
. .Business Manager
.News Editor
....City Editor
. "" Sports Editor
.W men's Editor
. .Telegraph Editor
N Charles R. Osius, Jr.
Advertising Manager
.Issue Manager
-..... Ofie angr

lication. And we sell them to people of means and
brains-merchants, manufacturers, well-bred peo
ple'of all classes, men and women, too.
"The demand during the past few years for the
better class of magazine literature has been con-
stantly losing, as against the call for cheap litera-
"Was the war accountable for it?" we asked, in
what we religiously thought was a duty to try .
least to discover why such a state of affairs 'could
exist. It had occurred to us that in the midst of
battles and slaughterings of a world-wide nature,
that perhaps huMan nature demanded, in its weari-
ness, amusement and diversion in its reading, at
any cost.
' "Dont' think so," replied the aforesaid erudit
manager as he walked away to wait upon someone
whose trade was more remunerative than our own,
and we sadly departed, in the belief that the world
could not be growing better rapidly, when; such a
demand for cheap literature existed, while the
shelves 'fairly bulge with what is highminded and
And on our further travels, we met a well known,
book man. We asked him if the line of talk we had
been listening to in the corner drug store was right,
for the book man sells all the magazines, too.
"Yes," said he to our query. "There is no doubt
about it. Our experience is the same. People during
the past few fears seem to demand amusement,'
diversion, instead of looking in their reading for
what is best, according to our highest literary stand-
This man diverted the conversation into other
channels long enough to tell us that the movies are
exerting a big influence upon our lives iii more ways
than one-and not alyays of an evil nature, at that.
"People," said he, "go to the movies, and see fine
surroundings in the stage properties. They see
something that looks good to tfiem and ask them-
selves the question:: 'Why can't:I have something
of the same nature in my own home?' And, forth-
with, they get it. And there are evil influences of
the sort, as 'well as good."
And the question arose as to whether the movies
were unconsciously influencing our lives as to read-
ing. Seeing the spectacular and the extravagant and
the exciting picture, do we unconsciously enter the
book store and demand the novel, or the maga-
zine, of like nature.
The wise book man said we didn't, but he didn't
speak with ,much conviction.
- The subject was unsettled; and we leave it with'
our dear readers, simply with the query as to our
reading, in these days of literary >lenty:
Whither are we drifting?-Port Huron Times-

" ;

(Oct. 26, 199)
'Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express ears-6:Lo a.
m., and hourly to 9:1o p. in.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. Iin., 9:05 a. '
gn. and every two hours to g:os p. M., xo:go
p, ,m. To 'Ypsilanti only, i i :45 pi. M., r : xo
a. m.. and to Saline, change atYpsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m. and
:zo a. m.

Gymnasium Suits
Shirt--Pants-Shoes and Supporterz





C. Angell.
D. Sage
J. WhNbinery

11, 1919.
1Rley, Jr.

Prof. John R. Allen, formerly head
of the mechanical engineering depart-"
anent, visited the engineering college
Monday afternoon. Mr. Allen who is
now the dean of the engineering col-
lege at Minnesota, is visiting many
colleges in interest of the American.
Society of Heating and Ventilating
Engineers. As the director of this
society, Mr. Allen is trying to correlate
the research work in the laboratories
of the colleges withthe- research work
that is being conducted in the labor-
atories of the American Society of
Heating and Ventilating Engineers.
The first get-together of the Camp
Davis surveying camp will take place
in the form of a smoker, Friday, Nov.
15, 'at 7:30 o'clock, in the Michsgan
Union. There will b' songs, music,
smokes, and speeches.
Juinior engineers will hold the post-
poned class meeting at 8 o'clock Wed-
nesday, Nov. 12, in room 348, Engineer-
ing building.

""Mums" for the Games
I Cousins & Mall
Members Florists Telegraph Delive
Phone 115 1002 S!

Wesleyan Guild

e lef

6p. m.
Church Parlors


meet at

escended upon
he world. The
>y at the sud-
oughts were at

Tickets 50c


h I


at goal on
? It is a

The Guillotine


1919 ATLAS With Late
TWar Maps
To the students of The University of Miclhgan who take advantage of, this offer

re of some 50years ex-
n only proceed in what
aner and with a serious
al. Perhaps we are
on and perhaps we are
can supply .the answer.
iay be the path we fol-
assured that the start
:art has been made with
rance in the right direc-
ultimate triumph. Just
s thatt much snearer to
resolving-to be up a-'
nation, so. are we that
i of .our aim today.
of' Armistice Day. It
d the beginning of the
better things-improve-
>uld mean that we were
i better world than w
i, those fortunates who
ientous instant in the
ulate ourselves on our
s for us to resolve that
y shall not have cor"
individually, will to th
advantage of it. It
the present generation

(As Tagore might have written it)
The light of the sun ripples like restless tiny shut-
.tles. weaving golden tapestry.
I have heard the liquid murmur of the river
through the darkness of midnight.
A."Your eyes are like two silver stars gleaming across
the desert of Tepantar.
Like pink roses .your cheeks glisten with the dew
of your sorrow.
My Heart cries out in pain.
(As Irving Berlin would do it)
Dry your eyes, my honey, dry your baby eyes of
You're my. sweetest, neatest and completest baby.
Weep no more, my honey, to you ever I'll be true,
We will live in Honolulu maybe.
Every time you cry, dear, there's a shiver down my
Every, tear that's dropping is more precious, dear,
than wine.
Take my ukelele, quiet all your fears.
You drive me nearly nutty with your tears.
(The version you would see in the Parisienne)
ljy heart is torn with anguish by your tears.
Deeply they sear their way into my bosom.
Wild madness courses through my veins-it burns.
I tremble and'my brain reels
As I feel the cosmic urge of your despair
Calling to me-ah, calling in the twilight.
The pearly gates of paradise 1 see before me,
In the sadness of your tears.
(Doctor Thomas Tovell again)
Weep, no more my gentle maiden, thy complexion
is awry,
T love not the topal dew drops hanging softly in thy
If they shoes are leaking, gentle damsel, can't you
take them off,
Alas, they sky is shedding water and my opera ha-
I doff.
Eureka, weeping maiden, won't you take this
golden ducat
And hie thee down to Sweitzer's store and buy thy-
self a bucket?A
(After the style of Amy Lowell)
She weeps,
Weeps on the floor, all over, gobs of salty moisture.
Weeps over her work
Silently and with distress.
She weeps and weeps
Time creeps
On she weeps
Silent tears,;
Sad tears,
Who wouln't ee


The Only Grand Prize (*w
tional Exposition was granted to Webster's New
International and the Merriam Series for superiority
of educational merit.

Words of
Anzac, ace, barrage
sheviki, camouflage,
my, soviet, tank, 'wi
from the thousands
Fined in this Great W

New Interi


thin, o


:ietly observing the time-honored c us-
ing a little while in the corner drug
this week, when we and the erudite
into conversation about the maga-

Printed on strong
the highest quality.
x 9/ in. x 5/ in. W

asking him how some of 'the high grade
s sold, these days, and he sadly shook

they used to," quoth he.
so?" we ejaculated, in some surprise,
supposed in our smug simplicity, that
Zigh grade in the world was gradually
o its own, no matter how slowly and


" ~Over 4000,000 voCG
"It is an ever-present and reliable ineaditiono2,eo1gr
school-master to the whole/family" sides thousands of oth
The only dictionary with the new Divided Page, characterized as "A Stroke of Genius." ly 3,00o Pages. ' OvI


i a r

- ne

Is the 1919 "New Reference Atlas
of, the World," containing nearly
200 pages, with 128 pages of maps,
beautifully printed in colors, with
marginal reference indexes, late
Census Figures, Parcel-Post Guide,'
late War Maps,.etc., all handsome-
ly bound in red cloth, size 10Y4x13Y

E. Van Allen, 805 Empire Bldg., .Detroit,
Please send me free of. all obligation or expense a copy of "Dictic
containing an amusing "Test in Pronounciation" (with key) entitled
ization of Carver"; also "125 Interesting Questions" with reference t
and striking "Facsimile Color Plate" of the new bindings. Pleasei
pages of India and Regular paper with terms of your Michigan Day fr
Webster's New International Dictionary.,Dil°f





in the


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