r' pijau Abr. :43. a t 19 DAY AND Nl( S15 U FA , . y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919. PRICE ' BERGER ENIED SEAT IN HOUSE Thousands Of Students and Alumni Support Yostmen At Chicago Game - (By Associated Press) Washington, Nov. 10; - Victor L.' Berger, Milwaukee socialist, was de- nied his seat in the house today by an overwhelming vote, the house hold-' ing that he was ineligibje for member- ship because of his open opposition CULTY to war. The vote to unseat Berger was 309 0 1, Representative Voight of Wiscon- sin, being the only member to sup-] TILL port the WisconsiYi socialist 'either 'ISES during the debate or on the 'oll call. After denying the seat to Berger the house declared that the seat was Entire vacant,'holding that Joseph P. Carney, democrat, who contested Berger's elec- tion did not receive a pluralty in the election last year. \ it body Without a record vote also Speaker ce Day Gillett was directed to notify the Wis- o'clock consin governor of the vacancy in the e brief state delegation so that a special elec- a soul- tion may 'be called to ,choose a new ate ex- member. Michigan rooters numbering 8,0001 and consisting ofalumni, students and prospective wearers of the Maize and Blue, supported the Michigan team, Saturday at Stagg field when the Maize and Blue gridders i were defeated by: the Maroon team after a hard fight. It is efimated that of this number 1,400 came directly from Ann Arbor.. Every means of transportation was employed to get to the "Harvard- Yale battle of the west." It seems that the airplane was the only means ofE Maroon rooters did their best to back up their teams. '"If cheers could have won a battle it would have been a walk-away for the Michigan team," is the way a neutral observer put it. Band Well Received The band, plaling "The Victors," "Varsity" and "The Maize and Blue" carreid more applause from both stands than did the Maroon outfit, which confined its efforts to the lat- est popular airs. Many p-rominent speakers gave short talks at a smoker held at the Uni- to transportation which was not used by versity club on Friday night. A re- those who sought to view the name. (view of the season was given by Used Many Means of Travel Coach Yost. Major Tom Hammond,l Several men are reported to have who was fullback in the famous Mich-, J'walked" all thIe way to the Windy igan-Chicago game of 1905 made a City. Despite the fact that they had plea for universal military (raining. purchased tickets, for a Pullman, they Among \thers who spoke were took a dare, with the understanding Emery Thomason, 06L,. udge Day,, that they were to be allowed to Paul Jones, '05L, and Benbrook. Prof. "bum" rides from passing motorists. J. R. Brumm, who'accompanied the The last ones arrived at the field 10 band to Chicago, also spoke. The pro- minutes before the opening whistle. gram for the evening was concluded Michigan, spirit was at its height by the playing of "The Victors" and during the game. B3th Wolverine and the singing of the "Maize and Blue." PUBLICATION MEN FkVOR BLOCK "M" When questioned as to his stand on the matter of the abolition of the block "M," Reed Bachman, '20, manag- ing editor of the Gargoyle, said, "I believe the block 'M' should be con- tinued. At the same time I feel that the athletic association is justified in their stand. They are short handed, and.in no place to care for the extra burden of work planning the 'M' would require. "If the student body is unanimous. in its desire for the 'M' let them meet the association halfway. I feel cer- tain that should the students volun- tarily offer 'to assist in the nepessary work they would have the 'M'. . x "If th'e students want the 'M' why not set some certain time for them to meet and a sufficient number of those interested offer their services to th. athletic association." With regard to the same subject Waliter Riess, '21L, business manager' of The Chimes, said, "The 'M' cer- tainly should not be abolished. It is one of the most inspiring sights- one ever sees. For years before I came to Michigan I heard of the block 'M' and desired to be one of the students sitting in that cheering section. There is something about the M' which means a great deal to Michigan men, both students and alumni. It would be a great mistake to do away with "RED FEATHR"I WRITTEN BY FAMOUS PLAY WRIG HTI com- Pres- y 'aft- OFFICIALSI STRIKERS, TO BE1 G, 0. U. LYS PLAS UFOR NATIONAL CGNETO ISSUE FINAL DECLARATIO: COURT DECREE WIL STAND UNION OFFICERS '. FORMULATION OF Meet in Indianapolis All Day fort on Answer for Judg Order (By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 10.-Solen ing was given the United Mini ers of America tonight by . General Palmer that resolu conventions and orders of of organization are not above thi Formal aind final declaratio government's policy of deali the coal strike was announce attorney general while officer miners organization at Indh winere struggling with the qu how to answer the court's bli premeptory command, to res strike order. Will Enforce Decree Describing the strike as violation of the federal stat Palmer announced phat all tli of the United States woul~ldbe to enfore. the mandate -of. the Although no reference was the attorney general's state the pronouncements of organ: or supporting the miners and tug withdrawal of injunction ings it was evident that Mr. had that document in mind an Washington accepted his dec to mean that the refusal of th to cancel the -strike order won a fight to the bitter end. linI Iculty, club,, or the 'ROVIDE FOR PRO-PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN COMING MEET (By Associated Press) Chieago, Nov. 10.-A formal call will be issued tomorrow by Will H. Hayes, chairman of the republican national committee for a meeting of the com- mittee in Washington, D. C., Dec. 10, to fix the date and place for the na- row the e to be will be i.: convention in 1920. This in- [is and Sthem. formation was learned from authorit- are ex- ative sources tonight following an in- Hutch- formal session 'of 25 members of the re also committee. nts no . Meet Often emade. It was also learned that today's embers meeting was one of a series of inform- d wear stage. al' gatherings which have been held it 4:15 recently at various state headquart- ge . ers. These meetings it was said will sh War be continued for some time. e par- A detailed plan for organization occupy which will provide for pro-participa- on the tion of women in the future affairs of the republican party was adopted at o'clock today's meeting. nd the Women Participate The plan was recommended by the dIe republicanu national woman's execu- preside tive committee of which Mrs. Medill -ill be McCormick of Illinois, was chairman, n is as appointed a year ago to work out a practical method by which women ymn of could take an active part in the party '. Earl management. Mason The plan contemplates a woman's I from division of the republican national d "The committee of which Mrs. John G. Stanley South of Frankfort, Ky., was named nsecra- chairman. sing- Trail," NEW DANCE HALL y lead-T ' Pro- TO OPEN FRIDAY YORK, WILL BRING BRIDE WITH WMTO AINN ARBOR{ Sergt. Alvin York, the Tennessee hero of the late war, will be accom- panied by his young bride when he comes to Ann Arbor Wednesday. On his return from France Sergeant York was given a grand reception by his home .people. On his wedding day York appeared in the uniform of a Colonel of the Tennessee State troops, he having been given that title by his home state.' Sergeant York has been besieged by stage and film offers but is devot- ing his efforts to securing funds for a little mountain school. He comes from the land formerly noted for its fueds and "moonshiners." The sergeant is a typical mountaineer and is quite an, interesting character. In his lecture he will tef. of the conditions exist- ing in his 'home-land and will make a' strong appeal for his people. Since he entered the army York has come to realize the value of: an education and is very anxious for more and better schools to be established in his region. It is toward this end that he is now working and the proceeds Jf his lecture go to a little school in his region. . i VIENNA IS POVERTY STRICKEN BUT KEEPS UP APPEARANCES Vienna, Nov. 10.-Outwardly Vienna! SLE UNTLSATURDAY To accommodate those seni rs and members of other classes wlo have not yet reserved their copies of the 1920 Michiganensian the campaign for subscriptions will be continued dur- ing the current week. Owing to' the fact that an unusually large number of students were out of town for the week-end and that oth- ers for one reason of another have not yet been able to subscribe the plan of extending the time fqr reservations to Saturday, Nov. 15, has} been deemed advisable. Attended by solicitors a subscription table will be found daily near the Library monogram. In case of rain it will be removed to Univer- sity hall. In addition subscriptions will be accepted at the Michiganensian offices on the second floor of the Press 'building. "Though 1,500 student reservations have so far been made for th 1920' Michiganensian but about one- If of the seniors of the University have ordered a copy of their yearbook," said Business Manager Dewey F. Fager- burg, '22L, yesterday. "Wisconsin with an enrollment far below Michigan's 3.000 has already sub- scribed for more than 4,000 Badgers, while last year her 3,500 students re- served more than 3,000 copies of the Liberty Badger. Though the editors of the Michiganensian are endeavoring CATCHY MUSIC IS WITH WITTY LOGUE' COMBINED DIA- is the same as before the war but act- to make' the yearbook a book for all ,ually this great city is stricken. Doz- classes nothing will be detracted from ens of theaters and operas are open, the senior sections in so doing. The cafes and music halls are crowded, I Michiganensian must always be prim- but 'a very large part of the popula- arfly a senior publication and as such tion is in poverty, lacking not only should be supported by all seniors. food and clothing but a place to live.a The streets are thronged, shops open-' Velde, '87, Visits Son at Alma Mater' 'ed, shop windows filled with the ar- Franklin L. Velde, '87, was in Ann tiles of luxury for which Vienna .is Arbor Saturday visiting his son, Wal- famous. ter Velde, '23. Dy ieterie,' urning" and eadjng; ben- Vells; post- rus' ("Mes- Pes uttons have been from the Detroit re- in, have arrived at the y be secured there by plication. To verify be- that each man receives ope, which contains his ers, every one will be ign his name on a piece en be checked with the signed to the envelope, sponds he will be given d discharge pper. Men ;heir envelopes at the er 10 o'clock this morn- Friday is the date set for the open- ing of the Union assembly room, in which the first membership dances will be held at 9 o'clock on Friday and Saturday nights of this week. Two hundred tickets will be sold to the men, who first appear when the tick- et sale opens at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. No class dances wil be held either this week or the week of the Minne- sota game, as were given last on 'last Friday when the senior engineers and lits had the preference in buying tickets. If the demand for tickets is greater. than 200 the old dance hall. will be used. Diamond's orchestra will furnish the music. . MT. CLEMENS CLUB WILL HOLD BANQUET AT THE UNION In their first get-together of the year, members of the Mount Clemens club will hold a meeting and banquet at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Union. Election of officers and activ- jties for the year are to be discussed during the meeting. One of the most important matters ,lso to be discussed is the holding of ithe annual Mount Clemens dance. All ,students from Mount Clemens, whether members of the club or not, are re- E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the "Red Feather" opera, characterizes the. production as "an opera comique worth while." Mr. Shuter said, "The book of 'Red Feather' was written by Charles Klein, who has such success- es as 'The Lion and the Mouse,' "The Man of the Hour' and 'The Music Master' to his credit. Has Excellent Comedy 'The music li by Reginald 'De Koven, which is guarantee enough of its worth. It is very seldom that two such heads are brought together in the making of an opera comique and there can be only one result from such ,a combination - success. The musidal combinations are splendid and very catchy, so much so that many of the audience will be humming the strains of 'The Little Milliner,' 'The Conspirators,' 'o Call Thee Mine,' 'Red Feather,' 'The Merry Cavalier' and not forgetting the splendid quar- tette number, 'A Lesson in Verse.' The book and lyricsare exceptionally well blanced with excellent character com- edy and drama of the highest order." .New scenery is being painted by Carl Brummel, whose work on the "Come On Dad" scenery will be re- membered. Costumes are being made by the costume house of Van Horn & Son, who also costumed last year's Union opera. The music is under the direction of Prof. Earl' V. Moore. Rehearsals are being conducted daily,, and Mr. Shuter feels sure of as good- a production the opening night as any night of the engagement. Two rehearsals with scenery and two with scenery and costumes will be held at the Whitney theater prior to the first performance. t T I-M E OF J-LIT MEETING CHANGED Albert Jacobs, '20, president of the junior literary class has called a meeting of the class to be held at 3 o'clock today in University Hall. ' Important matters to be taken up will be the election of two -members for the Student'council and three oth- .ers to compose the committee for, the J-Hop. Other committees will be ap- pointed.' Due to an error the time of this meeting was announced in Sunday's issue as 2 o'clock. Women $well British Motorist Ranks London, Nov. 8.-Women, Who dur- ing thewvar found their most useful field of service as drivers of automo- biles, continue to swell the ranks of British motorists. From a few hun- dred,.the number of women members of the automobile association and labor r--- .Aumistice Dacy Anniversary Brings 'Back To frimory S. A.,T C. -Regimne What is the difference between the Ann Arbor of a year ago and AnnI Arbor today? The only similarity we can see is the mud. That sticky sub-l ,stance - is just as much in evidence now as it was in November, 1918, but, ,at the present time the greater part of the University does not have to prom-1 enade pretty regularly down the mid-' dle of the town's most slushy street.1 Mess in Union Recalled Tl e changes in the last 12 months, are legion. For one thing, yoxf don't1 hear so' much swearing around the1 Union. Ask the ex-S. A. T. C.'er why; few members of that unfortunate or- ganization but will burst into fervid, elegy on the steam-laden atmospherei of those mess-halls where chow was1 wont to be dispensed. How strong a part these meals had in mouldingthe morale of the student body first from ,lighthearted enthusiasm to conscien- cious objection and then back to kaiser-hating will never be known. 1 No longer do fresh-faced boys, di- rect from high school, order around; whole companies of men, simply by virtue of a little gold bar on eagh shoulder. Some of them, it is said, are1 now freshmen in the University. An- other ithing we notice is that such points of strategic and military im-; portance as the old Union, the diagonal walk, the sidewalk opposite Maxtha Cook, and the engineering arch are no longer guarded by heavily armed sen- tinels who called upon passersby in loud tones to halt, but who subsided into quiet if the person they accosted turned out to be an embryo sailor. And the two "gobs" who were arrested last fall for throwing nine soldiers out of the Labor temple were seen the other day looking positively cherubic. Attitude Toward Lessons Changed What is probably most significant of all, is the change in the majority's at- titude toward its studies. It was an accepted principle last year that no one should use his brain and the in-i dividual who attended three classes out of four was almost looked on as ,mentally deficient. Today, most of the University is trying hard to study, and except for . certain festive occasions such as the playing of a Chicago game,. is making a semblance of attending classes. _ . mind on the question of reply to the court. All day, word from th ;meeting was awaited wi terest and'anxiety, some predicting that the ma would not be complied The strike situation in showed little change to Recent Text From Local' A number of publications an Icles by Michigan faculty membe students have made their appea recently. Among these are tw books by Prof. Sainuel Moore English department: "Elemem Old English," written in collabo with Professor Knott of the Univ of Chicago, and' "Historical C of English Phonology and Middli lish Grammar." Prof. Louis G. Karpinski is tl thor 'of a separately published on 'The Origins and Developme Algebra," which appeared it French language in the August issue of Scientia, an Italian i published in Bologna. Prof. William A. Paton of the omics department, has written page booklet on "The Economic tion of the United Kingdom: 1918." This work, which in many statistics, has been publisl the department of commerce in i les of economic studies of cou during the war. Kai-Hung Wu, '22E, is the aut "American Defeat 'in the Pacific ting forth Japanese influence American indifference among n ant 4nd government circles a cause for the failure of the "Open Policy in China." -Medie Graduate Visits Old Fri Lieut. Col. James Wilson,'05 a visitor at,- the .home of ,his Mrs. A. D. Tinker, on Sunday. He arrived in America on P after extended service with the ican forces abroad, and after a furlough spent with relatives Easily be rest-