1 for the run I t Hungry This Evening us serve you one of our club sand- ruit, or Waldorf salads, waffles, ty sandwiches. LIBERTY AT MA YNARD C i COMMUNITY HOUSE OPENS BABY CLINIC The baby clinic has -been moved from the city Y. W. C. A. to the Com- munity house. It was opened this week. There are 102 babies listed un- der the care of the clinic at pres- ent, and more could be given proper attention. Hours for subsequent clinicsivill be from 2 to 4 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday. -One or two doctors will be in attendance these days. Miss Thorpe, the trained nurse, will lend able assistance at the regular hours; and at other times, as formerly, will aid in the homes. The apparatus, such as is used for tests, is effic- clent. Bandages, compresses, and medicines are fully provided. This clinic is a real factor in giving Ann Arbor "better babies." The Community house rest room al- so serves the public. Appointments may be kept here. Lunches may be eaten, and tea is served on request. Organizations are welcome to hold 'meetings, and anyone who so desires -may entertain at the house. Rooms on the. upper floors are rented to Ann Arbor girls. The city nurses' reg- istry is at the Community house un- der Miss Schock. PLANS FOR BOARD MEETING OUTLINED ADD0ITIO i rnlI 5IUH I b STEPHENS MEETS the attractive features of Beau Brum- mel Caps. See them and buy them at the Davis Toggery Shoppe. 119 S. Main St.-Adv. C 0 L U IN FINALS In a niatch, almost every game of which went to deuce, Cole eliminated Reindel in the semi-final round of the fall tennis tournament. The score was 2-6, 6-4, 9-7. Cole now meets Stephens in the finals. After losing the first set rather easily, Cole came back and overcame a 3-1 lead in the second set. In the third set, he did the same thing. Throughout the en- tire match he played a steady, ac- curate game and desered to win over the erratic game of Reindel. In the third set Reindel led all the way to 7-all. At one time he had match point. Cole here showed his cool nerve and by meanis of his steady game, featured by many great gets, he turned- apparent defeat into vic- tory. FRESHXXN SWDIlERS MAKE FAST TIME IN CONTESTS (Continued from Page Three) day at 3:30; sophomores, Monday and Friday at 3:30; Juniors and seniors, Wednesday at 3:30 and Saturday at 10:30. A picture of the Varsity for the Michiganensian will be taken next week, date, time, place, and names to 'be announced. 11:3a*. m*toa ANN ARBOR CH Steaks and Chops Donaldson 's Imported British Oxto - Whitie. Polo Shirts r__ $4.50 Each 711 NORTH UNIVERSITY ,AVE. e )LS OF LOVE VERNAL endures is most beautifully ex- that last. s and jewelry ' carry your ges of love and friendship. elry, Watches, Si)verware are live the sentiment that inspires' ER& FULLER ATE ST. JEWELERS Discussion of campus activities in relation to the Women's league Was held in a series of talks at the first meeting of the board of representa- tives yesterday morning in Barbour gymnasium. More than 50 women were present. Elsie Erley, '20,vice-president of the league, presided at the meeting. Sue Verlinden, '20, gave a brief talk on the Michigan Chimes and on the work of Masques for this year. This was, followed by an outline of the plans of the intercollegiate committee by Anna May Yorkes, '20. Class parties are to be substituted for all-campus mixers as a result of a talk by Dean Myra B. Jordan on this subject. Dean Jordan spoke on the origin of mixers in the Univer- sity and their purpose. Open discus.- sion of this institution followed. Va-- rious representatives also expressed their appreciation of the use of the gymnasium for University house par- ties. College Notes Any non-freshman girls who would be interested in sewing and Could give Saturday from 9 to 11 o'clock, will please call at Helen Newberry resi- dence, or see Marjorie Van .Norman. Michigan Dames .are needed to lead indusjrial clubs in the. evenings, and to assist in the sewing school which meets from 9:30 to 11 o'clock on Sat- urday mornings. If willing to help, report at the city Y. W. C. A. as soon as possible. Any girls interested in making hand-painted cards for Thanksgiving are asked to call at Helen Newberry residence for materials and instruc- tions. Today-Tomorrow-Tuesd Tom Lor K Pop. Mat. Wed., 50c to $1.00. Sat. Mat., s50c to $1.50. Week Starting Sunday, Nov. 9, Nights, 50c to $2.00. . Membership tryouts for Athena. be held at 7:15 o'lock Tuesday ning, Nov. 11, in room 302, Masont will eve- hall. Campus News and J. J. SHUBERT Present hers', Greatest Comedy of th and Springtime East r ich Igieih - with - and, Constance Binne3 of the original New York cast wh ly during a highly successful enga and Maxine Elliott's Theatres. R. A. Karr, '17, of Coldwtater is vis- iting friends here over the week end. Miriam Dening of Franklin college, Indiana, is the guest of her chapter house here for a few days. Fisk Church, '16, of Utica, N. Y., has has been the guest of friends here for the past few days. Harry Richards, '16, and Mrs. Rich- ards of Houghton, are spending the week end in Ann Arbor as the guests of friends. Mrs. Walter W. Watson, '16, of Youngstown, Ohio, is spending a few days here visiting friends. Winifred Cochran, '18, of Detroit, is is here over this week end. Tables will turn! Just one year ago today, Michigan was celebrateing her first victory over Chicago since 1905. The queer part about it is that the score was 13 to 0 in favor of Mich-. igan. ( If you aren't satisfied, we can't be. We make "Portraits that Please" you at Derr Studio.-Adv. The Michigan Daily, the only morn- ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all the latest campus, city, and world, news.-Adv. The play-reading class of Masques will meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday after- noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Members of the coach and cast com- mittees will meet with the class this week to hear the reading of "Dolls," the play to be given Dec.- 12. Stage, property and costume committees will meet the director at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Engineering News Hon. Frank F. Rogers, state high- way commissioner of Michigan, will deliver an illustrated lecture on the subject "The Construction and Main- tenance of Gravel Roads," at 7:30 o'clock on Thursday, Nov. 13, in room 407, Engineering building. Arthur H. Blanchard, professor of highway engineering, will preside at. tke annual meeting of the American Road Builders' association to be held, on Nov. 7 in'-New York City, and also at the meeting of the North Atlantic Division of the National Highway Traffic association to be held during the evening of the same day. Marguerite Chapin, '20, To Speak Marguerite Chapin, '20, left Friday for Chicago, where she will give a talk today' at the luncheon given for Michigan women. She will give the undergraduate woman's vievs of Michigan life. I/ I WA11 /;<> t;. _. :, D SHUBERT O N C A M P U S Week Starting Sunday, Nov. 9, Nights, 50c to $2.50 I The Famous Singing Comedienne and International Beauty I TY GORDON Mp1 Leave Copy LASS I IFIE B Lar"01t at Quarry's and s and The Deb ifts CAVVERTI'S-UNG Big Musical Extravaganza. I. ye. For Sale with JACK WILSON LOST AND FOUND LOST - Ring of several keys, one marked 659A.' Finder please call Brickbauer, Phone 2605. : and a Favorite Cast LOST-Blue and green bead bag Wed- nesday night. Finder call 1325. Re,- ward. FOR RENT %Y AN'T'IED WANTED - Student bond or stock salesman. One having previous ex- perience preferred. Liberal com- mission. W. H.' Morrow, 548 South State St. Phone 236. WANTED-House keeping rooms or apartment for two adults.. Call 739-J' after two P. M. FOR SALE FOR SALF- Black Persion kitten, 7 months old. $5.00. 411 N. Ingalls St. Tom Moore will show you that he, is a twelve-cylinder lover- but who wouldn't be with such heart charmers as Gloria Hope, Hazel Daly and Kathleen Kirkham as the objects? THE PICTURE'S AS GAY AS ITS TITLE AND PACKED FULL OF SPICE AND ENTERTAINMENT "THE GAY LORD QUEX" is one of the best pictures Tom Moore has appeared in, which is a rather broad statement considering Moore's many successes.-Exhibitor's Herald. COMING Olive Thomas in "The Spite B-de" Norma Talmadge in "The Isle of B. Johnstone, author "Take It From Me" and : music by Tom Johnstone -f I r'_ TO RENT-Furnished room on first floor, convenient for two. Private entrance. 802 S. Sate St.