f $25 F FOR THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT OF PHOTOGRAPILS MADE AT THE RANDALL STUDI( The Advertisement is to fill a 2-column by 3-inch. space. There must be NO picture in the advertisement. All copy must be delivered to the Randall Studio, 121 E. ington St., by November 20, 1919. The writer of the best advertisement will receive a cash p $25.00. The writers of other advertisements which are used v ceive $5.00 in trade at the Randall Studio. The judges will be Mr. G. C. M edel, proprietor of the I Studio, Professors J. R. Brumm and H. F. Adams. Randall Studio. ,I. :f ' + i 1 ' I ,;s' . YPF ir , .. ' PHONE 5 98 121 E. __ . FOR THIRTY-FIVE YEARS IC E CiE Has been the Standard for Good 1c( r $14.50 VIRGINIA FAIRFAX AND KATHERY N MILLS, IN "TWIN BEDS" AT THE WHITNEY THEATER SATURDAY MATINEE AND EVENING, NOV. 15. / / '11, 'FRENCH ACADEMY TO RECEIVE MARSHAL FOCH IN JANUARY Paris, 'Nov. 8. - The reception of Marshal Foch by the Freilch Academy, of which he was elected a member last year, will occur in January. The re- ception speech will be made b'y Presi- dent Poincare. General Lyautey, who has been a member-elect since 1917, but has been unable to arrange for his reception on account of his duties in Morocco, will be received in March. Woman Prosecutor at Red Tribunal Poltava, Russia, Nov. 8.-- A young woman, about twenty-two years- of age, known here simply as "Rosa", was the prosecutor at the Red tribunal during a great part of the Bolshevik oecupa- tion of Poltava. It is said she, herself, shot with a revolver seven anti-Bol- shevik and civilian prisoners. 343 SO. )YAIN NLA R WILLIAt I' ~F STANDAR OIL GOHAS6 tUUENTS Dr. Albert Snowden, '02, now in the service of the Standard Oil company of New Yolk is In Ann Arbor and is now devoting his time to securing men for the foreign service of his company.. Dr. Snowden is well acluainted\ with the University and the class of men who attend the school. He is at the Allenel hotel here. - Anyone thnking of wordg in the Far East and the Le vant are asked to meet him there. S. $ent to Training Schools Applicants for these foreign posi- tions, if accepted, ar first .sent to the company's training school in New York city for 'three or four, months at the expense of the company. If they pass the requirements they are assigned to foreign posts with an initial salary of $166.66. As they improve promotions are mnade and advancements are said to be very rapid for the right men. Though not absolutely necessary, men are expected to stay in the east for three years at the end of which period they are given a furlough of four and one-half months at the expense of the company. Dan Endorses Plan The duties range from office work and sales management up to the or- ganization and development of agen- cies. Commenting on the plan Dean Effinger, of the Literary department said: "Personally I think it is a very fine opportunity for the right- men. There are many men who are wrth $5000 a year but the $10,000 and $15,000 men- are not so plentiful. If these companies can find a man of the $15,- 000 type they will not hesitate topay him that much." SODA. SHOPS USE SANITAR Y METHODS Reports as .to the unsanitary con- ditions in Ann Arbor confectionery shops seem to have been exaggerated if ,the State street stores are fair ex amples. The deadly germ which lurks in the residue of the chocolate soda is hav- ing a hard time finding enough nour- ishment to sustain -life .in most of the State street establishments. Boiling hot water. is naturally distasteful to him, and it seems very likely that the 'specie will son ive another proof of Darwin's theory, by dying out because it is not suited to its environment. Storekeepers are doing much to hasten the end, and the time is not far away when students may eat any quantity o their favorite food without having any feeling that they have got more than they paid for. The kitchens and soda fountains on State street inspected by a Daily re- porter are reasonably clean and ade- quate facilities are provided for wash- ing all .utensils in hot, and rinsing them in cold, water. In a few cases, hard candies are left uncovered on the tops of showcases, but n most stores all candy is kept under glass. All of these stores are visited by state in- spectors, and the proprietors say that they have always been found in a stts- factory condition Whitney Saturday, N T ANNUAL TOUR OF THE LAU A. S. STERN and SELWYN CO The Funniest Play in the Engli The Hur Os And the House.' Lyndon and Comp -Established 1905- Books Albu Eastman Kodaks and Suppli Amateurs Finishing and Enlar We lead while others follov 19, North University By SALISBURY FIELD AND MARARET MAi with LOIN BOLTON Same Special Cast Intact as played, the New D "Twin Beds" is a joyous bundle of hearthy fun missed if you know what's good for you. A Laugh and a Scream Every Minute PRICES, 50c TO $2.00 SEATS TH p, BESIMER'S TRAE E F -9ARK!' 0 Charcoal Grilled Porterh Steaks becoming a pipe smoking country. Every lore men are realizing the comfort, the satis- my of the pipe. And by natural selection, are smoking W D C Pipes. This is not W D C Pipes offer the utmost in pipe value. seasoned by our own special process make sweet and mellow. Coupled with that is a pipe makers whose sole object is to fashion ut peers in all the, world. And it has been LV 0ood dealer. i:.30 a.m. to x1:3 P.m. 5:30 p.m. to 8:p.m. U TH & Co., NE W YORK G EST' M.A K E R S OF FINE -PtP ES 13 W. Huron St. - Upst Opp. Interurban Station,over