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November 09, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-09

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1891-Michigan, 0; Chicago, 20
1892-Michigan, 18; Chicago, 10
1893-Michigan, 28; Chicago, 10
1894-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 4
1895-Michigan, 12; Chicago, '0
1896-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 7
1897-Michigan, 12; Chicago, 21
1898--Michigan, 12; Chicago, 11
, 1900-Michigan, 6; Chicago, 15
1901-Michigan, 22; Chicago, 0
1902-Michigan, 21; Chicago, 0
1903-Michigan, 28; Chicago, 0
1904-Michigan, 22; Chicago, 12
1905r-Michigan, 0; Chicago,. 2
1918-Michigan,-13; Chicago, 0

Elton niakes five yards. Hutchinson
makes first down.
Hanisch makes first down. Elton
fails to gain. Graham kicks down
field, both sides refused ball. Mich-
igan's ball on her 15 yard line. Sparks
kicks out of bounds on 50 yard line.
Hutchmson fails, to gain.,
Vick forward passes to Hutchinson.
Chicago's ball on Michigan's 45 yard
line. Hanisch makes two yards.
Palmer relplaces Hutchinson. Graham
1unts from 5 yar4d line over goal line.
Michigan's ball on 20 yard 'ine. Sparks
Iakes two yards. Sparkq punts out'
of bounds on Chicago's 35 yard line.
Palmer makes six yards on end play.
Graham makes eight yards around left
end, to first down.,
'- ihinson makes 18 yard s. tackled
1:y Dunne. Yr imer makes four yards
mnore. Elton fails to gaIn. Palmer'
fails throuah center. Graiam tried a
sdrop-kikk from, Michigan's 55 yard line.
Ball picked in by Froemko and run
25 yar,#s with ball. Michigan's ball on
her own 40 : ards line.
The tineups
11ichilgan Chicag6

Tw'enty contestants were out for
the freshman swimming meet, held
Thursday night in the city "Y" pool.
The sprints were stroked in unex-
pectedly fast time. Hyde won the 100
yard free-style in 1:06. Valentine and
Settle, who finished first and second
in the 100, showed to best advantage
in the 20 and 40 yard dashes, Settle
wining the latter and Valentine tying
him for first in the former. Gray-
son was first in the diving contest.
The highest number of points, 18,
was made by Hyde, and represented
three fists, a tie for second, and
one third place. Second and third
places in the individual 'race went to

son; who is managing at
the team, was unable to (
Campus Meet Soo
Coach Drulard announc
sophomore meet will be
day, Nov. 15, and that ther
all-campus meet the firs
December. Meets for the
varsity team are being ar
Northern High of Detroit,
Athletic club, and M. A.
these teams will be met
-The following have been
managers of the various c
freshmen, K. N. Johnson; s
L. Babcock; juniors, Bue
Dinwiddie and Goldsmith.
ing to these men candidate
may obtain tickets foi
to the "Y" pool at reduced
practice hours of the class
freshmen, Monday at 4:15
(Continued on Page


212 ,:




tackle. Ball one foot from goal. Han-
isch goes over for a touchdown.
Captain Higgins fails to kick goal.
ChIcago 13; Miehigan 0.
Hamilton replaces Loucks. Froemke
replaces Cruse. Chicago's ball on Chi-
cago's 85 yard line. Graham kicks to
Sparks. Michigan's ball on 40 yardI
Mich~gan penalized heavily, through-
out game. Weston four yards through
right end.r Forward pass fails. Wes-
ton's forward pass to Sparks compr1eted
for 15 yards gain. Froemke thrown
bfeW five yards.'


, 1,

' ,


At when

Goetz, Capt..L.T........Htilliday'
Fortune ........L.G........ Theney
Wilson..........R.G....... Stegeman,
Dunn ..... . .R.T... Higgins, Capt.
Peach. ....R.E... ...McDonald
Sparks........Q.B......... Graham.
Cruse ..... . .... L.H..... Hutchinson
Weston .. R.H........... Elton
Vick ...........F.B......... Hanisch

We Carry In Stock Ever
. - In Gym Supplies

s down- on for the lowness of the Maroon
40 yard score, and the defensive star of the
. Han- game. a
ass Gra-
Graham two yards on the next play and repeats
ird line, for one yard. , Hanisch was thrown
ball on without gain. Graham punts to Sparks
lime for who returns to Michigan's 45 yard
to Gra- line. Cruse hits line for five yard
ago's 35 gain. Weston adds two more. Cruse
ve yards gets another and Weston gets first
for four down on Chicago's 45 yard line.
'hicago's Sparks gains three yards off tackle.
an line Sparks kicks to Chicago 15 yard line.
Graham Hanisch gains five yards but is penal-
r loss. ized for the same amount. Goetz
rd line. throws Graham for a five yard loss on
lutchin- a wide end run. Captain Goetz is the
gh line. individual defensive star of the game.
10 yard Graham punts to Sparks on Maroon
40 yard line. Teams playing evenly
:oal line on offense and defense, few first downs
Higgins mde. Sparks and Weston gain five
; Mich. yards. Cruke gains another. Long
pass by Vick incomplete.
returns Crisler injured and replaced by
rd line. Fouche at end. Chicago's ball on own
ff right 20 yard line. Hutchinson gets away
e yards. for ten yards. Wilson tackles Elton
makes behind line -of scrimmage. Hanisch
ack 15 gains one yard through line. Graham
Ball on makN one more. Graham punts to
fails to Sparks who is tackled by Halliday on
Michigan's 20 yard line. Vick fails to
chigan's gain.
Weston Sparks makes two yards. Sparks
held on I punted to Graham who was tackled by
five on Dunne on Chicago's 40 yard line.:
iore. Heavy tackling by Chicago is pre-
Fourth venting longer Michigan gains. Team
ecovers stops Hanisch. Elton fails to gain.
is' kick Grahanmade first down. Elton makes
is three one yard. Hanisch follows with three
through more. 'Second down for Chicago, on
guard. Michigan's 30 yard line. Hanisch
,e; first makes two. Hutclflsonrmakes one.
Hanisch goes over~ for first down, as
second period ends.
in with- Score: Michigan, 0; Chicago, 7.
ig pass
d clear Fourth Quarter
i drop- Chicago's ball on Michigan's 24 yard
20 yard line. Swenson replaces Stegeman as
nter for Chicago's right guard. Hanisch fails
plunge. to gain. Graham's forward pass fails.
0; Chi- ,,Ball on Michigap's 50 yard line. Mich-
igan penalized 5 yards. Graham for-
ward passes to Fouche. Chicago's ball
returns on Michigan's seven yard line. Hutch-
a makes inson gains five yards throught right

Graham makes three yards through1
right tackle. Hanisch makes two
yards through left tackle. Michigan's
line nolding. Graham tries t? drop-
kick from 45 yard line but fails. Mich-
igan'.; ball on her own 20 yard liure.
Forward pass incompleted. Vick
again tries a pass but fails. Mich-
igan's ball on 55 yard line. Sparks
punts over line. Hanisch makes nine
yards through right end. Graham fails
to gain. Graham goes over for firts
down. Hammels replaces Hamilton.

-, Summhry-- Touchdowns: McDon-
ald, Hanisch. Goal from touchdown,
Higgins, 1-2. Officials-Referee, Birch,
Earlham; umpire, Mumma, West
Point; field judge, Hoagland, Prince-
ton; head linesman, Hedges, Dart-
Final Score: Miehign 0; CbIcago f3.1





Silk un
luxury. I
make it p
I possess s
things wh

(Second Floor)

The New Ribbons are
Prettier Than Ever

nderwear uid to be a
Now the moderate prices
ossible for all women to
oome of the cherished
ich are so dainty in their


and they are being used profusely in different
ways. Our stocks include all those that are
high in fashion's favor as well as staple shades
in every-day demand.
Especially new are our two-tone ribbons
for ties, trimming hats, or for neck ribbons.
Our ribbons are priced from 59c up.

We have the "Niagara Maid" in Silk
Jersey and the "Dove" in Crepe de Chine and
Washable Satins. Also Satin and Crepe de
Chine Camisoles in all styles and sizes.

(Secod'd Floor)

(Main Floor)

a Enchanting Kimonas
to charm any woman. For the hours of rest,
when a book, a comfortable chair and a pretty
kimona combine f-to make you completely
These are beautiful kimonas, in Japanese
silks and silk and cotton crepes. We also have
some wonderfully attractive Corduroy Bath-
robes in American Beauty, Copenhagen and

.Lissue Handkerchiefs
. Guaranteed Fast Colors
Lissue Handkerchiefs carry the guarantee
of one-half dtzen new.ones if one fades. We
have them in many pretty colors and fancy
bordered designs. Each 35c. 3 for $1.00.

(Main Floor)

(Second Floor)

La Camille





Women of discriminating taste ap-
preciate the superiority of La Camille
Corsets. La Camille is the only front
lace corset with "Ventilo" back and
front shields, and wi the "Loxit"
clasp. ,These may see like mere de-
tails but they distinguish La Camille
from other corsets. Also La Camille
has an individual model for every type
of figure.

Your nails look unbelievably lovely
after their Cutex manicure! They are
.so shapely, so exquisitely groomed; the
cuticle edge at their base is as smgooth,
firm and even as tho you had just had
a professional manicure. You are de-
lighted with their appearance!
Keep them looking lovely always by
using Cutex. The cuticle remover
comes in 35c and 65c bottles. Cutex
Nail White and Nail Polish are also
35 cents.

/ I .



(Second Floor)


The New Petticoats are ,Here.


All jersey, all chiffon taffeta or satin, or taffeta and satin with jersey tops. These are the
different kinds, and it's only a matter of which you prefer. We have made a special effort to se-'
cure the newest modes from makers and we have them in all sizes.

you have tarried on earth, you are still'.
And PLAYING helps to keep that young
n men who are of mature years. Many
world-authors, senators, lawyers, prime
DS a most joyous.relaxation and recrea-
, your "club." Make this a regular meet-
iends. You will find just the right atmos-
enings enjoyable.

(Second Floor)

Entrance 124 South M

6 111

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