gue will hold a party in asium at 4 o'clock to- The board of representatives will meet in Barbour gymnasium at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Iota Sigma Pi, national honorary" chemical sorority, will initiate the fol- lowing girls Tuesday afternoon in the Chemistry building: Esther Hollands, Monica Allen, and Marcella Forster. crIbe to the Michigan Daily. ic r Navel the souls of a girl hot melting pot of the fetters and id whipped their hly hell of 'uffering Signor Bond' spent his entire time during the war singing in the trenches of Italy; his native country, for the Italian soldiers. He relates one - in- stance when he was singing "La Bo- heme" on an imprqvished platform of tree trinks. When he began there was practically no resistance from the enemy lines but as he sang the thigh C in this nuuber a barrage burst over the trenches, killing many Italian and American soldiers. Signor Bon ducked just in time to save his life. Prof. Albert A. Stanley has returned from Detroit and Holland, Mich., where he gave Utnivsity extensioh lectures, Robert R. Dieterle and Miss Dor- othy Wines of the University School of Music faculty, will sing next Friday in Bay City under the auspices of the Thursday Morning musicale. ' William Wheelr, head of the. voice department, of. the University School of Music, wi sing a number from "Hiawatha's Weuing Feast," by Cole- ridge Taylor, a oloist with the Un- versity Symphony orchestra in the sec- ond program of the Twilight faculty concert series at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Hill aglitorium. The orchestra will play as their -op- ening number, the overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor" by Nicola, and later Haydn's "D 'major 'Symi- pony." Women's League Will Entertain The Women's 1eague will 'give party today at 4 oioc in Barbour gymnasium. New members of Masques will provide an entertpiinlnet, which will display their talents, at 4 o'clock. Tea will be served immediately after- ward at which some of the.women on the advisory board will be hostesses. There will also' be dancing, 'At its last. meeting the board of di- ,rectors of the Women's league voted to open the league parlors in arbour gymnasium on Friday an4 Saturday nights for the use of University hous- es., Already, several houses have plan- tied to use the parlors totheher this week end.: The> tuses will furnish their own1 music, nd refreshments, if -they want thekn, but the league will bear the ex- pense of opening the building. Any University houses that wish to make use of the parlors should indiqate their desire to. do so in advance hI the office of the Dean of Women. Dean Jordan To Givoe Luncheon Dean Myra B. Jordan will entertain. the members 'of the judiciary council. of the Womens league at a luncheon which is to be held at Lane hall at 12:15 o'clock. Friday. The guests in- clude Marguerite Chapin, '20, president of the league; Elsie Earley, '20, vice- president;, Sue Verlenden, '20; Dor- othy .Dunlap, '21; and Eleanor Step- 'henson, '21. In order to consolidate class organization the vice-presidentsi of the various classes have been in- vited as special guests: Ruth Abbot, '20; Marguerite 'Clark,. '21; Caroline Napier, '22, and' Margaret McIntyre, STUDENT THINKS CAMIPUS OPlIN- ION WARRANTS ACTION IN ARE. GARD TO BLOCK "M" Editor, The Michigan Daily: Several days ago Mr. Bartelme is- sued a statement that there would be no block "M at the Minnesota game. His imperial decree was answered by a flood of letters from ,the student body. Everyone of these writers want- ed the block "M." Not one spoke against it. The sentiment of the stu- dent body is unanimous for the "M." What- is the Athletic association go- ing to do about it? Is there going to be a block "M" or not? This unan- imous expression certainly , demands some kind of an answer. from Mr. Bartelme, who it appears is the Ath,- lectic association. It is a fallacy to say that it would be too much work to have the block "M."' Student volunteers are always ready to answer. any call of the associ- ation. In this connection another question arises: Who is the Athletic association? Is it the student body or is it Mr. Bartelme? If it is the student body, what are the privileges extended to the students? Whether the students are members of the association or not, their opin- ions should be heard, and when they are unanimous, as they are on' this question, come consideration should be given them. JAMES G. FREY, '20. The Stage THE WHITNEY The efforts of two society dancers to make a rich uncle think they are training to be misionaries cause amusement in "Suite 16", coming to- morrow evening to the Whitney. New elements are added to the sit- uatioa when the dancer's wife visits the wealthy Quaker to watch the leg- acy. While she: is away Gladys Lor- raine of the Follies arrives at suite 16 under the impression that the danc- er is her husband. She is trying to secure evidence for a divorce and comes very near furnishing it. Arriving (unexpectedly, Uncle Hir- am, Aunt! Lucy, and another nephew who hopesto receivethe legacy, mis- take Gladys for the real wife. She plays the part and Uncle Hiram and his nephew prove susceptible to her charms. e Screen BETTER. DANCES i The Packard Friday and Saturday evening dances are better -dances. Better music - featuring Eddie , Burke, and other players with "pep." A hit last Saturday. Attendance. limited. Ap- proved chaperonage. Tickets go on sale at Sug- den's on Wednesdays. 11h l 'I ARCA, shows at 3:00; 7:00; Phones: Theare, 96"M Mgr's Ri Fri-Sat-7-8-Elaine I stein in The Country Sun-Mon-Tues-9- ic Moore in "The Go Quex"; Christie "A Cheerful Liar", Monologue. I "Make the Packard Dances a Habit" Wihl you- think of -VAUDEVILLE-s Thurs-Fri. 6-7-Theda Bara Ruse" and comedy, "Dain and Bogus Counts." -VAUDEVILLE- Sat. 8-All star cast, "Wits a screen magazine and cor the Wife.'' Sun-Mon. 9-to-A Harold story, "The Eyes o theW na o red rve n oe T1ues-Wed. 11-12-A six reels Other Hair," with a mor and kinogram weekly. -Goods Meats TODAY--TOMORRO "Whom The Gods' Destroy, " Sun-Mon-9- io-Anita S with an all-star cast in Kingdom of Dreams" think of r J. P. Eschelbach 202 E. Huron Phone 821 22 tlniif~t1 t 1tla~IS1111iIItlit lt illilllll - a r Detroit Nora Bayes in "Ladies First" -.n lllltltlnnill ll illnllilllulllllll, . Thurs-Fri. 6-7-A Blackto "The Littlest Scout," with comedy. Sat. 8-Mitchell Lewis in est Problem," with a news Sun-Aon. 9-10-kontague Broadway Saint," 'with'a1 cartoon comedy and Ford Tues- ed. 11- 12-Madlaine "The Sanres of Paris," wi western. Thurs- Fri. 13- 14-Douglas "His Majesty, the Ames news and comedy. S UBER CHU 1Nights MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA ; K. THE MAJESTI STEWART - in- of Dreams" |ATEST ALL STAR CAST EVER ASEM- lave copy at Inny' tad ho Delta WORKERS TELL WORK IN DETROIT N!'i1l) . , re-j )wn-j WANTED - Student bond or stock salesman. One having previous ex- perience prefefred. Liberal, com- mission. W. H. Morrow, 548 South State St. Phone '236. WANTED-Furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. Or rooms with1 board at same place for smiall fam- ily. Best of references. Reply, Box J.' L., Daily. m in Farmers & Call Daily, Box Reward lm St. WANTED-Position wanted by student to work mornings, or Wednesday, Thurday and Saturday afternoons, eah week, for board or cash. Box! S, Daily. WANTED- One Ziwet and Hopkins' Analytic Geometry for Math. 1. Call Archer. 1521-R. flink; gold son. 1920-J. ieta pin. Re- Girls of the Presbyterian church were entertained at tea Thursday aft- Lane hall.: 'Mrs. Grindley and Miss Mack. of the Gershom settle-; ment in Detroit,' entertained the guests with tales of their experiences. , Mrs. Grinidley has charge of the Armenian district settlement work of the Pres- byterian church as well. as' the Ger- shorn settlement and playgrounds which are supported 'by all denomina- tions. She gave an illustrated talk showing the conditions among the: foreigners in Detroit, and urged the girls who thought of taking up for- eign mission work to come to Detroit. and do settlement work there among the foreigners. GIRLS MAY RESERVE PLACES FOR ALU"NAE LUNCH AT CHI All girls who expect to attend the game in Chicago are asked to notify Marguerite Chapin, '20, phone 217, it they want places reserved for them. at the Michigan alumnae luncheon which will be given in Ida Noise build- ing at 11:45 o'clock Saturday, on Mid- way. Measured by its price, the Crawford Brogue Shoe is the most reasonable buy in town. Davis Toggery Shop. 119 'S.'Math' St-Adv. The havoc wrought by a half dozen powerful .men who, since the opening of the Christian era have let their am- bition lead them into attempts to con- quer the world, is pictured in "Whom the Gods Would Destroy," appearing at theMajestic today and tomorrow. Beginning with the life of Attila, the story reviews the careers of Moham- ed the Second, Suliman, Napoleon and the ex-kaiser. With this,. tremendous back ground, a story has been built around a young American chemist in Europe, who has invented a new explosive. Jack Mulhull plays the part of the chemist. He is assisted by Pauline Stark, Kathryn Adams, Edward Brady, and Harry Clarke who are promipent in the story. THE AUCADE Playing the. role of d young girl whose -wholesome simplicity complete- ly 'captivates the 'blase members of a metropolitan smart set, Elaine Ham- merstein will appear in her first stel- lar role,.in "The"County Cousin," to- day and tomororw at the Arcade. Before she was given her part in this picture she had played opposite Robert Warwick in "The Argyle Case" and "The Acidental Honeymoon." "The Country Cousin" is adapted from the stage success of, the same name by-Booth Tarkington and Julian Street. HAROLD RYE DOING WELL IN SPITE OF BAD FRACTURFi Harold Rye, Varsity right end who suffer eA a fracture of the thigh in the O. S. U. game, is doing very well, Dr. Cabot, 'who is in charge of his case, said yesterday. According to the physician, the frac- ture is a bad one and it is not easy to hold the bones together, but on the' whole his con4ition is satisfac- tory. A plaster cast has not been used as yet due to the fact that it is necessary to allow the bones to set somewhat first. , "Teddy" Roosevelt said "A bully American pla You'll say so too .when you see "The Country Co Is your Country Cousin in town? Bring her to the Today - Tomorrow Elaine flammerstei i- "The Country COUs From the famous stage subcess by BoothT arki Julian Street im J/ie Couzfry $VLZIcR - " Arcade today or tomorrow. .UNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY ,1om Moore WANTED near to - Room, single or double, campus. Box I, Daily. pus and Union. je rooms. 14 back of Mich- FOR SALE FOR SALE-A Spencer microscope, recently inspected. Also a portable X-Ray outfit. Belonged 'to late Dr, Williams. Well sell cheap. Write Mrs. A. R. Williams, 114 S. E. Ave., Jackson, Mich. FOR BENT Everybody's Favorite - - in - bbhe Gay Lord Quex" Watch for announcememt of 0, W, Grftiths "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" MISS HOLLJnAY'S CANDIES of Paris, Ky. Fresh every week.. Tice's 117 So- Main St.-Adv. ,- r ,...