ICTORIOUS OVER Ii ITau TrnlonN lines usually are, an( vp a good scrap. gas the Midway as ready to' put I I'l ',1 JUNEIUfl L IL STELLAR WORK OF MAIN FEATURE %0ONTEST AVI, U i RICHARDSI OF R f Coach Yost and Var- Leland Schofield, 30 te Varsity football team pecial train at 8 o'clock igan Central this morn- far Chicago. With the ssistant coaches, cheer- arsity band, and Clar- ion trainer." The train . the Windy City at 2 :ernoon and the men will a Salle hotel, while in nhldence Missing feling of hopefulness in t none of the members are overconfident. The hlcago in the Illinois the spur needed to take erconfidence that the had, and make them st ditch in the Michigan n addition to the Wol-1 eing one of intense and rivalry, Coach Stagg's ig to stage a comeback e of Michigan. The last snd drive that Michigan have, as was shown by It week, will make the I .more than aiiy other ainst Chicago the 1Vich- Ild make the fight o the nt the Midwaytes from hoped'for-revenge for last year. - either team in the game ns a step nearer the top ice. The team that wins ice to cop the title in the er Northwestern of Wis- )hio State. 'A loss will ilnate the losing eleven. wn In Practice .ractice, held Thursday g but a considerable let- e dills that have been :he past few days. Kick- id running back kicks St part of the afternoon., Lien were brought bver gridiron and all of the given a chance in the >locking practice that roups of three and four en were opposed to the eakigg up the Chicago 'he first year men w'ere ve, all afternoon, using Yost expects Stgg to e game Saturday. The td no great trouble in ays as they were called.- ity players were not ac- play they were on the hing the formation and on the outward aspect Ion. eshmen were dismissed ,n through signals and y pf the plays that are the game. Most of the iven a chalce to run ormations before the " day. Peach was tried d gard, and as his in- y thing - -the past, he either of the two places. bl ppt at end it would ity eperieieed players nities an4 'would put Glenr ilrnn in the line. plgye4 a great game at eks 4p t i i e perience, 'Ig thing in pech fay-. yet certain just where at, u it is a fregonee 4 he will be il the Wol- 4wall w n the whistle IRUNNERS PRIMED FOR LANSING RUN Coach Farrell's cross country team will have their first chance to show their worth against outside competi- ftion in the state hill and dale race -at Lansing 'tomorrow. - Schimmel, Maynard, Burkholder, Earle, Penberthy, and- Joseph will make- up the Michigan team. These men did the best work in the four' and a half mile race last - Saturday1 and were therefore chosen to repre- sent the University in the first con- test of the season. The team will leave Saturday morn- ing at 7:48 o'clock on the interur- ban car, arriving in Lansing at 10:28 . The- race will 'be run off in the aft- ernoon over a five mile course and the men will probably return the same. evening. ( Long runs by Richards won for the dental. football eleven over the junior lits yesterday by a decision of 20 to :7. Both teams having lost one pre- vious game, the literary aggregation is crossed off the list of contenders following this second defeat. The' den- tists will continue battle for second place in the fall tourney. Dents First to Score Scoring in yesterday's match start- ed at the end of the first half when Richards of the Dents broke away for the first touchdown and kicked the re- sultant goal. On a forward pass from Thompson, Naylor who flanked the left side of the victors' line, raced over ofr a second flock of points during the third period. Not satisfied with the comfortable lead of- 13 to 0. Hinck-. ens serve, but his success was tem- porary. Stephens, by means of clever placing and brilliant stroking, gained a commanding lead of five games to two. Here Angell again tightened and won two games, thus bringing the score to 5-4. Stephens, however, was not to be -stopped and won his own 'service, thereby winning set and match. Stephens is one of the most pr~n- ising players seen on the campus in a long time. Yesterday it was quite evident that he had the edge on An- gell. Throughout the tournament he has played excellent tennis and it is doubted if any of the remaining play- ers will be able to stop him in the' final round. His victories ,over An- gell, Munz, and Borinstein make him the favorite. Riley and Doty advanced to the semi-finals in the doubles. They de- feated Burley and Munger 7-5, 6-2. They now opose Bowers and Creedon for the right to meet Borinstein and Kelsey in the finals. There are three matches scheduled' for today. Christie will play Cole. The winner will play Reindel in the semi-finals at /3:15 o'clock.. In the doubles Riley and Doty meet Bow- ers and Creedon in the semi-final round. Eight Men Qualify for Golf Mathees. Eight men qualified in the Univer- sity golf tournament and they have been matched as'follows: A. L. Welch vs. W. A. Gardner; H. Ingham vs. B. Larned; G. V. Perkins vs. F. K. Steke- tee; and J,. Wintersr-vs. Wm. Ingham. Players should get in touch with their oplionents and play an 18 hole match by Sunday. The ' semi-finals .will be played that day and the finals the fol- lowing Sunday. Information may be secured by , calling- A. L: ,Welch, 1225-W. Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:30 a. m. to midnight ANN ARBOR CHOP SUEY Steaks and Chops 814 S. State Ax Chemicals The Eberbach & Son C 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. Laboratory Supplies E UV -----7- - .. 1-- - - - - - , Yesterday's practice consisted of a ley followed shortly with a 40 yard fast race over a short course of -two contribution to the string of touch- and a half miles. Steve seemed well -lowns, bringing the total to 24 points pleased with the way in which his after the successful following kick. pupils negotiated the shorter distance. Plungers of the third year lits found occasional holes in the opposing de- fense. but were unable to advance CONERINC 0,10fl1b CRwith any degree of 'certainty. After the interception of a dent pass by - illinois Strykker, McCallum carried the ball Urbana, Nov. 6.-Just at the cru- within striking distance ' of the cial time Coach Zuppke's eleven has dental goal and captured the leather gone into a noticeable slump. In the for a touchdown following a fumble practice Tuesday night the freshman 'by one of his colleagues. This feat team drove over the varsity goal llne plus the resultant kick saved the lit- for an easy touchdown, by the useof erary eleven from a shut out.; the Minnesota shift. Halfback Ken- ich ards Star of Contest , edy, of -the yearling team, was the fllback for thedents, star of the scrimmage, and the regu stepped forth as the individual ground lars found it impossible to stop him. gainer of theday and increased his Leitch, star guard in 1918, and-' reputation by strong work on the de- counted on to fill a guard or half-j fense. Naylor, Hartwell, Weiss, and back, this year, was again injured. He IHlldrich performed creditably on the had just recovered from a serious in- jury, and it is thought that this will Strykker added most of the terri- put him out for the rest of the year, tory totalled by the Juniors while Mc- Dutch Sternaman, one-of the stars Qf Callum assisted in carrying the play -the Chicago game, was in the prac- forward and booted out of danger in tice again and played in the form that times of stress. Hen-ry at right tac- made him an all-Western 'back last: ke displayed a good defensive game. year. TheLineup s Dents-Naylor, I. e.; Hartwell, 1. t.; - Wisconsin .- Samuels, 1. g.; Tarlpff, c.; Wright, r. Madison, Nov. 6.-Tiie first scrim-' g.; BIdrIch, r. t.; W 1ss, r. e.; Thomp- wage since the disastrous Minnesota son, q.;, Hinckley, 1. h.; Wilson, r. game was held yesterday amid a cold h.; Richards, f. b. wind, laden with the first snow fall Junior lits-Hammer, 1. e.; Glas- of the year. Poach Richards is now gow, 1. t.; Barkman, 1. g.; Martin, c.; training his mhen -to meet the Ohio' Herman, r. g.; Henry, r. t.; Under- State hampion aspwrants. In spite ood r. e.; ;Abbott, q.; McCallum, 1. of the defeat that 'Minnesota handed -.; entecost, r. h.; Strykker, f. b. STouchdowns --- -Richards, -Naylor, out, if the Badgers can win the two Tchdoy, . .icars N r, remaining games they will be in a 'Hinckley, McCallum. Goals from ,position to claim the Conference ti-1 touchdowns, Richards 2, Mc~allum. tle. To do this the coach is putting great emphasis- on the line, as it was'CLOSE NET MATCH . the failure of the line to hold that VON BY STEPHENS lost last Saturday. The Badger lead- - er is depending on his two stellar In the most keenly fought match ends, Meyers and Weston, to, stop the, of all the tournament, Stephens elim- .sweeping end runs of Harley, and if mated Angell in the semi-final round his line can hold and prevent the of the iet tourney yesterday after- plunges' of Stinchcomb and Willama'n, noon. The score was 1-13, -4. there should be a favorable score for This victory places Stephens in the the Wisconisin clan. final round, Drugs and Toilet Specialtie -i - For Traveling "Anywhere Anyt YOU WILL ENJOY USING THE A. B. A. Travelers' Checks as issued by this bank. come in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, are c by Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without identification --ASK US- FC FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-165 SOUTH MAIN STREET 330 SOUTH STATE (Nickels Arcade) 3 ..wius arnr --- - ---- y / ,,. t , 1 .. , i+;.+ua. + e = ; .i<;' 3 . ARE YOU INTERESTED in the WILFARE OF YOUNQ MENt Playy is as necessary as work. Any game which is interesting enough to afford real Re-crea- tion is a beneficial game, pro- vided it is playedargid clean,. decent srroundings. , Most young men prefer,gaxues like billiards for their leisure; hours. If you are interested is the welfare of young men, you are invited to visit our billiard parlors as often as you wfsh, You will find that this is a place of clean sport, where gambling, profanity and other undesirable elements are abso- lately TABOO, HUSTON BROS. Biliards and Bowling, Cigars and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes. "We try to'treat you Right" 4 IIIi(i1 ll'l llIli(1lif l iilliiili lfil l'f l lll lf ll1I iuii i iiiI We have just receive Sshipment from Englane - wS w=Ayres, and Smil / aC aps - State Street at the A rcade d I . ..._ ' EU uf r r t un ru i~ri~ u ~ u n~~i In - u i~ 1' MATHER DRILLS UAS1KEThA1 SQUAD IN IANDLTNG 0F BALL Last night's'basketball workout con- sisted chiefly of practice' in passing. Coach Mather has done little/ so far ut emphasize this phase of the game. He believes- that the men must learn to handle the ball well before, they can be taught the more advanc- ed phases of -the game, About 45 candidates have been turn- ing out regularly for the practices Tuesday and Thursday evenilgs. Be- ginning tomorrow, another workout will be held every week from 10 to 12 o'clok Saturday morning. This schedule of three practices a week will be continued until after the end of the football season, when more in- tensive training will begin. The prospects are fairly good so far. Captain Rychener, Weiss, Wil- tson, and Williams, of last year's squad, are eligible, while Loring and Wick- ham, who were not awarded letters last year, are also out. The absence of Borinstein, Karpus, and Cohn will be keenly felt, however. Play In this match was resumed with Angell serving and the score at 11 games all. The contest started out with a bang. There was an exchange of services and the score "went to 12 and 13 gaunes all. At this point Stephens succeeded in breaking through Angell's service. Them, by winning his own delivery, won the first set 15-13. In the second set, Stephens got the jump, and led at three games love. Angell then braced and took Steph- I , t FITFO RM Overcoats #I that combines every feature that goes into making of coats-of unsurpassed quality. *It's every young man's desire to purchase the most for his moneyin -QuLity :. - I The Fashion Shoppe Shlfted am a bit Wed- R secure a line the Northwest- ds have been it is due to the . ' ' f week the in an ef- >lay with displayed ns is the t was not Culver Club Is Organized at Union Last night at e4=, Jnion seve.&1 former tunents pf Qulver .ilitary and Nlkyal academy mnet to discuss the organizatiM} pf Qulyer Flub In the Uniyrsity. AcninmIttee was ap- pointed to draw up a constitution for the club and to arrange for the elec-. tion of officers. All former students at Culver are eligible for membership and are urged to join. Tailored shirts of Ja- panese crepe and puSSy Swillow et-ax- Tait . o oxed to your idividua. tneasuro, = Xmas orders givn spe c ial attentioh i "I -i -1 ' , -Appearance and in our FITFORM stocks yoe can p chase full value. In every respect our lin equal to that of any make at any price. 10 per cent discount policy places ohr high grade stocks within your rea at prices as low as will be charged by oth for inferior goods after the Holidays. Sheepskin Coats All sizes-Best make-Prices low 4 o T'om Corbett, -estern Annan Gish at form 2 nd floer Darling Oldg. opposite Varsity Laundry tj The construction and colorings -are e attractive features of Beau Brum-s el Caps. See them and buy them ; the Davis Toggery Shoppe. 119 S. , - 4 .A --- Walk a few steps and save dol Between Main Street and Fourth ) At 116 E. LIBERTY STRE 4 *1 " rT