iris who are proficient in social aesthetic dancing, or understand nch, English, or Spanish, sufficient- vel to teach any one of them are ed to notify Miss Hulda Bancroft Newberry hall, or Frances Wesley, prone 251. . I IIuuiuII IN FUTUIE li It A I to he Junior advisors invite all freshmen er and all girls entering the University fog' the first time to a supper which will be given at 6 o'clock, Oct. 6, in rt Barbour gymnasium, immediately fol- or lowing the party given that afternoon ir by Dean Myra B. Jordan. Freshmen women should make ap- O pointments for physical examinations at the office of the physical director :e in Barbour gymnasium immediately after classification. Uniforms consist- rs ing of white middles, black bloomers, ne and regulation gymnasium shoes may at also be procured at the gymnasium. adviso Hrf1 n univer lar wlork} very woman who registers in the versity this year automatically omes a member of the Woman's gue. The membership fee of one ar is now included in the registra- fee for the first time. Women entering the University this year are required to attend a meeting called by Dean Myra B. Jordan for 4 o'clock Wednesday, Oct. I, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Gymnasium work for the year will, be outlined at this time. Dean Jordan, 'Miss Marion Wood and a representative from the Health Service will address the meet- ing. Seven hundred new women have en- rolled in the University, according to information received from Dean Myra B. Jordan, Monday afternoon. This shows an increase of 200 over the enrollment of last year which totalled 500. Of this number, 450 are fresh- men. All women who have applied fof rooms have been located in Univer- sity houses. Light refreshments were served to' about 225 University women yesterday afternoon in Newberry hall by the Y. W C. A. and the Women's league. A musical program was given by Marion B lath, '22, and Neva Nelson, '21, which gave added impetus to friendliness and cordiality. University women are welcome to go to the Michigan Vnion when escorted by a Union ,member. They should not, however, go there unescorted. Later it is hoped open .house days may be arranged. Beginning this year, the Union plans to establish a system of distributing to the students distinctive membership buttons which will by their shape, color, and numerals show to what class the wearer belongs. When each freshman registers at the Union he wifl be given a button, which he is required to wear throughout his four years in the University, and the but- tons will vary each year so that any one's class may be told after a glance at the button. Increases Class Spirit Union officials believe that this ps- tem Twill tend to increase class spirit, and that in time the Union member- ship button will be as characteristic as other class emblems. Freshmen will receive their first button free, but if for any reason a second is desired, a fee of 25 cents will be charged. A supply of 3,000 buttons is on hand at the Union so that upperclassmen many obtain one, distintive of their class. As. life memberhip is consid- ered more of an honor than the year- ly membership, Union officials say that the life membership button will be even more characteristic than the other Life MemberskIp Separate From now on it will be possible for only seniors to have their yearly fee counted toward the life member- ship payment and to do this an addi- tional $5.00 of the first $10.00 payment must be made by December 1. Un- derclassmen may sign for life mem- berships, but the yearly dues which aree paid in the tuition will not be refunded. however, those underclass- men who subscribed for life member- ship last year will receive some kind of a refund, the amount to be an- nounced later. COSMO CLUB LOOKS FOR RECORD YEAR Michigans chapter of Corda 'Fra- tres~ Association, of Csmopolitan club s, is looking forward to one of the biggest years in its history with the remarkable increase i foreign student enrollment and new! coun- tries represented on the campls. The club ainis at the forming of friendships amqng foreign and Amer- ican stud'ents afld 'makes a study of foreign countries and gnternatonal relations, the last of which is done in, a class organized solely' for the purpose of considering world prob- lams. Other actiities of the year include a play and varius social events in .addition to the regular meetings. The usual pring trip to neighboring cities durling the spring vacation will be made this year and various members will be sent out, to give extension lectures. Membership in the Michigan chap- ter includes membership in the na- tional ,Cosmopolitan organization as well as .:a subscription to the Coso- politan Student, the official putblic- tion. Foreign andAmerican students who are interested in the club are in- cited to attend the frt meeting Ito, be hel4 Oct. and may secure in- formation from A. M. Elkind, '20, .fhlorae 169-J. Drawing Instruments and Engineers' Supplies at Wahr's, 316 S. State St.- Adv. Last Time R Toda .. '4 '.,-," / Or IN 14 y 1 t f SWAIN F A Story of Romianc. and' Intr OF THE, GREAT NORTHWEI Burtons Holmes Travelogue Sseted Comiedy Ethel VIayo 1&t.x ae residence ^was slightly by fire last Saturday after- t was discovered about 1 and the fire department -called. The blaze resulted faulty chimney and was con- the roof of the building. It out shortly after the fiemen te 1, ICKY Thurs andt3 .tient.- Academy every Mon- lay evening, 8 to 10 day. Per couple, 55c; 30c. Private lessons -Adv. jrom the story by Caroline Wells-One of the b tooti Estoris *CaOf the seasoC. "OTHE CANYON HOLDUP" Semon Comdcd F?'riday--Saturday Subscribe to the Michigan Daily. "NERO" . .. ," x nts!. and get our Special Cash i Easy Terms on ?SCOPES Students ' Attention. dental and waiters coatsf price. J. F. Wuerth Co. Main St.--Adv. Laboratory, at a s ecial 322-24 S. dhos,, Ince presents CHARLES .7 our Histology and h,& Son Co. DETROIT UNITED LINES . Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (March 30, 3r9) (Central Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:1o a. m., and hourly to 8:xo p. m. Jackson Limited and Express -an-7:48 a it .,and every hour to 9:48 "Y. (bor.) Local Cars East Bound-:oo a. .. 5 ; a. m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m;., £0:5o p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 1:45 P. M., 12:' a. m., r:io a. ., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6 :48 a. m. and ri:20 p. M. PaJww J is - Sh? - Sh!! Sh! SH! GIRLS! KEEP IT CONFIDENTIAL I, RIED A JANITRESS S A PEDDLER HASH-SLINGER SWIff THEART S e of getting married. KEEP IT - Sh? Sh! Si Sb! Sh! Sb! Sib! Sb! Sb! Sb!l Sh! Sil Sb! Sh! Sb! Shl Sbt! Sb! 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