D PR'ESS - tled to the use for o it or not otherwise bdished therein. Michigan, as second nard street. , if signed, the sig- it' as an evidence of in The Daily at they to The Daily office . sideration. No man. closes postage. the sentiments ex-- 'work of - the assembly room downstairs as in the stone-work of the tower. He further stated that, -f this practice continued, .access to the tower- would' be barred except on special occasid'ns or in the comn- pany of a guide. Thus the pleasure of hundreds of stutihfs would be destroyed by the selfish purposes of the few. The view is the finest in, the vicinity of Ann Arbor. *The -inordinate ,love for defacing and marking 'in symnbols is only a lingering tendency of the bar- barian. It is just this so'rt of thing that makes the European laugh at us. But crudity is the only hu- morous side. Take for an example-"M. E. T.,> the first girl, on top of the tower. April 17,' 1918"- what sort of an impression do you gain? Those who must astound the world had better 'leave red "flags _instead of cuts.; !ceveno the writer arily: ends LI._ - - I I .j .Managing Editor Phone 2414 or xoi6- Jr. ........... Business Manager Phone 460 or 2738 .......News Editor. ..... .. ....... ...... City Editor .Sports Editor .. . Women's .Edito~r ein ........................ Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD. n Charles R. Ohmus, Jr. H. Hardy Heth es, Jr. ....... .... Advertising' Manager ..Issue Mvanager. ..>.......... . Office Manager, ........... ... .Publicaion :Maniager~ r ................. . irculation Manager . ........ . Subscription lMfanager' . ....... ..Guillotine Editor ................ . Music Editor * Literary Editor .........Exchange Editor Campaign Editor .. .....Efficiency Editor ISSUE EDITORS Jr. Thomas If. Adanms Brewster Campbell.. George Brophyl John I. Dakin EDITORIAL STAFF william-H. Riley Ralph 'DuBois Katrina Scherinerhorp ERobert C. Anagell Joseph H. SurflU Robert D.: Sage Thomas J. Whinery BUSINESS STAFF' ' . Isabelle Farnum 0. P. Joyce Agnes Holmquist . Robt.. Someprville Arthur L.. tilazer ESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1919.. ial staff 'and at 5o'colck will, meet . at COMMUNICATIONS MUS'TBE SIGNEtD 'Communicants to The Daily -must sign their names to their articles. bef ore they will be ;consid- 'ered by the editor.. 'Many students are: signing fic- titious names to their communications. Thy edi-i tor. mo't have,* the name and address of every' com- Imni~jcant before th article will appear 'in. The Daily. 'The names will not .necessarily be printed, .buit -will .show evidence of faith on the .part, of the ~authors of' the articles.-,* The campus pest' is ,still with us. ' The.Guillot.ine Disillus'io puent My roommnate!1 -Some day I am going to ;murder him. He spent; the sum'mer vacation in Los Angeles, in H-ollywod-in the heart of the celluloid drama. And hie met all the canned celebrities, the flicker-, -stars in person ; he hobnobbed with them ; he flocked among them. He returned.. "And he told me' .That. Naziniova had six thildren and a husband. That Henry Walthall wore a~ wig and lisped. That' Lillian Gis~h is peroxide and illiteriate. That Theda Bara"- is' no .lon er-she committed suicide. ,t That Bill Hart- has fallen arches and learned to 'cow'boy ini New Jersey. That Clara Kimball .-Young was once the belle of Benton Harbor..- My roommate He has destroyed'the soul of art.' Some. day I amn going 'to run amuck and murder limn. .. "Look. before you bite," should be the -motto of 'hose who nibbl the festive State stre'et chestnut these- days. MAI N WHO WED YPSILANTI- GIRL DECG' (_ AiTER FOR VALOR-The- Post., Surely he should .be. W he e;es of Yester-gear'. -(This one is' usually attributed to a farm journal.) For 'Sale-Guernsey cow who gives, four .quarts of milk daily';' also ropes, pulleys, refrigerator, ci der press 'and anvil. 'Tis.Often, Thus=, I've got the nicest .English' course- I likelt very much. But every time there is-a quiz I seem to kbe 'in Dutch.. DETROIT UNi1TED 'LINES' (Oct. 26, 19L9) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time),,. Detroit ;Limited and Express Cars-6 :io} a. m., anid hourly to q: 1o p. m. Jackson Limited, and Express Cars-8 :48' a. in., and every hour to 9 ':48 p. ni. ( t x- presses make local stoaps west of Ann, Arbor.) Local Cars East'Bound--6 :os a. in.; 9:05 a. rr. and every two Hours to 9,.o5 p. i., i'o:go1 .. ,'"O Ypsilanti only, i I:,15 p. in., I :10 '. m.'and "to Saline, chiange at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7 :48' a. m. and 12:20- a. I1h. Gy. mnasiumSus ;Shirt--Pants-Shoes and Supporter all for $4.00 W AH ' I 9 BOOKSTORES sbgn eering News Prof.' Henry C. Anderson and, Prof. R. S. Hawley have been asked. by the Combustion Publishing company of New York' to b6 associate editors of "Combustion." This is a publication devoted to the study 'of combustion and the efficient burning of coal. .'Its slogan is "Human First and Technical Afterward." I Prof. E, .Lerch has been occupied over the week end in assisting in the organization of, the new registrat~on board for the Michilgan, Archit~ects and Engineers., He is the only member of the old organization to devote him- self to the new; board. The function of the board is' to register all archi- tects in the state of Michigan. Experiments in the fuel economy~ of automobiles are- being: conducted by Prof. Walter Lay in the Engineer- ing building The investigations are to determine -the limit of accuracy that can be expected' ina measuring fuel economy. Mittenthals Dancing School, Armory is the ,ldace to learn to dance quickly, gracefully and correctly. Don't wait -join now.: Special price, ladies $6.00. Term-8 lessons or can take half term or single lesson.-Adv. Orders. taken for party gowns at the White Elephant Shop;. Ask to see' samples; Prices most reasonabe.- .Av. i p :... The fall w'~inds are sure to bring ro- I. ugh skin aid Chaps. Be prepared to meet theme with. / DERMAL CREAM' Nlade Only A7t Quarry Drug Co's today 'the appointment of . ad' Sherwood,'T'homa . . Sage to the editorial 'staff:' luties as Guillotine editor, ency editor, Whinery a~nd. ucding the humor coluni mbafll; will resume his: du-- WITrH THE TEAM! will be on Stagg field at.. afternoo~n fighting amidst' only Michigan men .know vict'ory. Who ',will cheer- ithin the' 'shadow' of the take one. more supreme ef-' 'Prescription, Store So. State and N. University Ave. Phqgie 308 : I: W hitniey TheeA Ire Wednesday, November 5 The SELWYN$S Serve MBGRUE'SR "TEAtor M3" Dligtf' Direct from a Ron of One Solid Year at Maxine Elliot's Theater (N.Y.)' a' v footba'll mei n is' a it wag m and victory nation er. vic-. 1 -with - CHARLOTITE ,WALKER ARGONN Cluett. Peabody 49Co. Inc. Trcy. N.Y. The name "Argonne" Is used by courtesy of t ,e Argon~ne Shirt Co- Phihle'lphi -~and- ERNE STLA FO RD eorists have proved that- a cer- t may be transmitted from one ithout actual communication.' Lnts and needs next .Saturday, ial presence 'of Michigan spirit yr must feel that Michigan. men re with themn, watching. every rem to the last trench. ng' its famous Varsity band to band must go such a delegationi has never been seen before on an ,very man who can piossibly get e there whether lie walk' the ropers. It is a big game 'and rival must anid shall. be taught' "The Victors." , i he team.? Then GO! ATING YOUR NAME .eople not otherwise very fain- me resorted to- a cheap advertise- unt their nlames from the house-- lar instance with which we deal' on .Tower. Many initials have imestone there, a practice which s insipiency if an appeal to both .1 sides of the student mind is is soft and porous, is easily af- g, and any deep scar which will' -egreatly' aids the w eathering' cracking is thus superinduced. asonry would fall off in chunks, .vagant waste, all 'because some Seat Sale Monday Prices: 75c, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 a , Our Daily Novelette "Going to initiate pretty soon ?" ".Y'epbeen getting ready. for the weeks." "What doing ?" "Oh, paddling a girl" up river.". ; J ;past two WVhitney tharSat. Night, Nov. '8 r~~r a NOVELTY AT LasT!.AN- WIGGL 1 FRST 'WAL[- a ND UT '-Nmo LWt' fLI - - .lankety-B lank Verse There is .of course A reason, why They have knots On the deep blue sea -Instead of mniles And the reason is Because it is necessary And vitally important *To keep.... The -ocean 'tide. We thank: you., ei-rrrr% ef* .1: tree Divers reasons as it were. And now Carranza wants congress to try Mexico. Does he think that body hasn't enough. trouble ,of its own? Or perhaps that's his mnethodi of getting the trouble down there left alone. *Bright-shi-re's name Saturday was' Mud.j WILL LIKE-"I- IWNC-W IDE-t r 112aA , OMEDY MUSICALr. F wcb Juoca c il Pacer byrJmod 1 Fam ous Closing Lines "it isn't' done you know," said the as she threw the beef steak out of society leader the window. Louis XVI. Prices: 75c to: $-00 Seat Sale