' Li 000 -r tgan ' DAY A D NG SERVIC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANl, TUESDAY, ,NOVE1*IBER 4, 1919. 'PRICE . _ , S EN STELAR No Block m"At finnesota Game; N lakes Crowds Difficult To Handle In explanation. of their decision to the reason, and would blame us for do away withh the block 'M," P. G. favoritism. B, ttdt Athletics Not Circuses Put On ~ uuuI~u~rI~uoI~ni~ Bartelme, director ofd outdoor lathiet-I"hntow arpuigont- ics stats that the crowds which will "Then, too, we are putting an ath- cstc diletic exhibitions," continued Mr. Bar- CAMPUS ENTERTAINERS OFFER attend such a contest as the Minne- telme, "not three ringed circuses, yet VAUDEVILLE ACTS OF sota game, where an overflow is ex- we receive letters stating, 'I must have MERIT pected, could not be satisfactorily han- seats opposite the block "M." That means more to me than the game.' The -R t MC diC~l WI L d nen thvngthsentiment may be good, but the place ARCHIE MCDONALD WILL When we have the block 'M,'" Mr, for exhibitions is the county fair, not G I V E 'IMPERSONATIONS Bartelme said, "all those who are not a foothall game. -- in' the cheering section\where the 'M' "Again, the work of arranging for Bulk o yogra. ontains Msical is formed demand seats il the South the. 'M, the correct seating and let- Numbnt weth Only One bleachers where a view of the specta- ting of tickets is a big task, and our N e i l nstaff is at present too small, and wold onologue -ele is afforded. We would be unable be swamped with this extra job plc- '-to sell any seats'In the, North stand, .ed on it. Seven big acts, each of which fe - other than those composing the 'M.' No Adertsing Needed lure" %ell-known amps entertainers,Or, where we sell seats in the North "There was a time -when the 'M' make up the Band Bounce program stand we would find' ourselves in dif- played a part in Michigan athletics. ficulty, for those whose requests for It was advertising of a good sort. But which will be given at 8 o'clock this tickets came in late would obtain rel- Michigan has grown up. Its athletics evening in Hill auditorium. .The pro- atively better seats, if they asked for are well able to stand alone, and as' gram promises to rival and even sur- North stand, than would those whose the student body has outgrown pos- pass the best student'audtevilie 'seenorders were pl}ced for South stand ters on their suitcases, so athletics. here in the past seats, due to the larger demand. The have .outgrown the need of a block The Varsity bandil appear first general public would not understand 'M' as advertising." playing "The Varsity" and running through a series of concert pieces, Blue."FIRST'GLEETCLUB ARTISTIC EFFORT ending. with "The Yellow and the Ble."x Heading the vaudeville acts is "Pin- ky Roderick and'Company," who willF Introduce singing feateures. Roderick, '21E, is known by his piano playing - end opera compositions. Manager )sius,.'20, Expects, Total En- Staff Plans Elaborate Yearbook Sur-- lylophoners Appear Again rolment to each 10)' passing All Previous Isues Jack, Edwards, '21E, and Don Members in Size Rhodes, '21, xylophone number, comes-~~ next. The pair have played together APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOJI SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN for three years and appeared last TO BE ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK OPENS ON CAMPUS TODAY summer in the Union Spotlight. - -- Archie McDonald, '21L, who gave Beginning the 61st year of its exist- With the statement that the 1920 impersonations kin last year's Band ence, the University Glee club will Michiganensian as planned will be the Bounce and Spotlight, follows with a hold its, first 4ay-outs from 3:30 to 5 'most comprehensive ' and elaborate new 1e Ids of impersonations accom- o'clock this afternoon in room 106, yearbook yet issued at Michigan the' panied by monologie. University Sohool of Music, and from business and editorial staffs of the Classical violin music by Manual 7 to 9 o'clock Wednesday evening in publication start at 8 o'clock this Wolner, '22, leader of the Arcadia or- the same place. With an expected en- morning their campaign for subscrip- chestra'of,. Dtroit, comes next. .:rollment, of 100, it is urged that 'all tions . Cy Darling's .Mixed 4-tette," an- men intending to try out come during Surpassing in size any of the peace- other suwimer' Spotlight act, follows the first hours of each day, as it is time Michiganensians' the 1920 book with "jstz' 'and oldtime harmony probable that a waiting line will be with its 760 pages will rival the 1919 :features. necessary, and men will be taken in ,War Record volume, as much of the "Jazz" Orchestra Ends Program the order of arrival. siTace in the latter was devoted to Phil. Diamond's enormous "jazz" or- . Students who are members of Var- other than nopmal campus activities. chestra closes the program with a se- pity. Glee clubs of former years need Bound in handsome black Kowide ries of puar pieces. "Bill" O'Don- 'ot appearhat these try-outs, but all leather, with seal and letters in raised ald, p"Dac" Wright19M, and men w o sing w t gold, the 1920 Michiganensian will P '2"M, 2 , Wigh. 19My and year's organization should send thei present the standard make-up set for "Cy" Darling, '22, tihe banjorine; Har- names to the manager, Charles R. the publication in 1911. ry Fnle,' 21L Jac' Grdnr, 21,Osius, Jr., '20, in room 328, Natural 'invtosFaueBo Science building, at once. The follow- Feature Book and "Cy" Darling, saxophones; Clare ing information should be included: Proposed specifications call for Hamill, '21, traps; and Morris Luskin, Name, class, address, part sung, and many innovations in this year's vol- 21, and 'Morris Cohen, violins. . number of years in service in former ume. A section of 25 pages devoted Practice on the acts has been pro- Varsity Glee clubs. Already 20 men 'to many new and unusual campus,, gressing favorably, according to Chair- from las year's club have sent in Huron, and Ann Arbor views will be man Klumpp. their names. shown in' duotone inks on specially W. 1. Harrison,. '21E, stated last ' Plan Pacific Coast Trip stippled paper, giving a rich bnd night that tickets were 'selling fast, unique appearance. The book will be more than half. of 'the seats having Among tepoecsudp osd r ne ation for the combined clubs this year inted in two colors throughout, an been disposed of. original border and decorative design -t ts t now being produced by professional CC E G Eadeif p e, dutrirng Christmas artists. Throughout the senior sec- CO N IM N GV vacation. Advance literature is now, OPINIONS ON MILK being prepared and letters will short,- tion of 240 pages a quiet and con- ly be sent out to western alumni. If 'ervative tint bac'iground f the ly e snt ut o wsten aumm IfMichigan Union will be use d, uo' the satisfactory. financial arrange- Mihgninwl eueuo 'At its meeting last night, the City ments c be made itniex t h which the names, addresses, and ac- council did not discuss the question as many men as possible from both tivities of the seniors will be printed. of pasteurized milk but several mem- clubs will make the trip. Working upon a competitive basis, hers stated after the meeting that A new director of the Glee club is in order to produce the best possible they expected the matter to be brought being considered, and his appoint- art work for the yearbook, the art up within a short time. m't is expected to ,be announced the staff will submit more than 80 draw- President Lewis said that he latter part of this week. Rehearsals ings for selection by the editors. Reed thought the question would come up will be begun next Monday and will Bachman, '20, art editor, is now en- during the next meeting. He said that be held as usual on 'every Nilonda'y gaged in choosing a color scheme to le expects the health officer to come and Thursday night in the Univrsity be employed, as each of the most im- ,beforp the council iwith a recommen- School of Music. The Mandolin club, portant departments will be headed dation for an ordinance requiring the IIwhich has been practicing for two by four-colored paintings.. pure product and that he will be in I weeks, numbers 60 members at pre- Athletic Space Doubled favor of it when it does come up. sent. The athletic section in the 1920 ~ Mayor Wurster favors an ordinance Quartets Organize Early Michiganensian will require more which will be fair to all and at. the A radical departure, from former than 80 pages, exactly double the same time provide perfect safety. customs will be the. crganfzation of space in last year's volume. Addi- Dr. Moore-of the council stated that the Glee club's quartettes and octettes tional space has also been allowed for he' was strongly in favor of such an early in the year. Specialty entertain- general events, music, drama, publi- ordinance and that it would have his ers as .well as musicians number 'cations, oratory, and scientific, hon- unqualified approval. Alderman Lutz among the former club members of orory, campus,' and literary societies. favors such an ordinance if properly three and four years back have sign-' Selling at $4.50 apiece, copies of the framed so that it will provide real ified their intention of singing again 1920 Michiganensian may be reserved safety. this year. ' ! (Continued on Page Six) t { ~Carson ChosenPIKI N For Scholarship gSSO H0 IF 006Ralph M. Carson, '17, instructor WI English in the engineering college, i: listed froma Michigan as one of the 64 STUDENTS SIGN UP successful candidates for he Rhodes MENM scholarships whose appointments were announced last Sunday. "The selec- PULLMANS AND COACHES WILL tion of a second applicant from Mich- CONFIDENTIAL REPOR' BOTH BE PROVIDED FOR igan was postponed and will be an- AS GROUNDS FOR ROOTERS nounced later," said Dean J. R. Ef- REPORT - - finger yesterday. TEAM, BAND, FACULTY The recent world war prevented the FIRST BREAK API TAKE SEPARATE TRAIN selection of Rhode scholars for the IN TWO STAT years 1918 and 1919, and the men ap- Chicag Alumni-Buying Many Tickets; pointed this year are those who were Stun r Large suposed to go to. Oxford during the West Viriia and 0olo0 St ud rhaswar period. Ordinarily, 32 Rhode Are-First to Gve p; scholars are appointed 'from the col- leges and universities of the United Reservations are now being made States each year, each school being (By\Associated Pr at the Michigan Central station for entitled to appoint one. To make up Washington,.Nov. 3.-Oil tickets and Pullman berths to Chi- for the two years lost during the war, ington was firm in the b cago on the special train which will however, the yearly quota of Rhode that the end of the coal leave at 10:30 Friday night, provid- scholarships for this and next year near. ing enough students sign up. Other- were doubled, and Michigan has the There was nothing defin wise the extra coaches will be placed privilege of sending at least two of ible in the way of actual d on the end of the 10:42. her students to Oxford. to justify this hopeful v Already practially all of one"Pull- Mr. Carson has been selected for siuation but everywhere man has-been engaged with the great the year of 1918 and as scholarship prevailed that influences demand to come in the next few days. appointees for this year will enter brought to bear to have Railroad officials urge the students, Oxford next January, Mr. Carson ex- numbering more than 40( who are going to make the trip to pects to leave for England sometime to work. secure their tickets as soon as pos- in December. While in the Univer- Want to Retur sible in order that sufficient accom- sity, Carson was prominent in cam- Confidential reports to modations may be made and reliable pus affairs, particularly in oratorical ment of justice from its a announcements can be made concern- and debating activities. Since his coal fields were said to ing the special, graduation, he has served as instruc- defections fromi'the ranks To Provide Coaches Also tor in English and rhetoric in the ers. Some of the report Coaches as well as Pullmans will be University. large numbers of idle' m R provided on the special, and if 200 stu -lared they wanted to reti dents sign up for it, a train will be ''r , IIt(I 1" T ltRbut were afraid. assured, although as many as 400LA UN IQ p1l' In this connection oflci could be accommodated on the special. ed that adequate protectik M. C. officials stated the sooner that nr talin rvnrirair given. There was no sp the men make the reservations,, the of H11 LA IIEI f, .ment as to how this wo better the berths would be. The ape- vided, but it was explained cial will leave Ann Arbor at 10:30 SAW SEVERAL MAJOR BATTLES would be available at the Friday evening, arriving at Chicago DURING FOUR YEARS' governor who believed i at 7 o'clock. -' to preserve order to prots Round trip fare will be $16.04, -up- SERVICE Breaks Beporte per berth $1.76, and lower berth $2.16. Scattere reports froai If the students sign up in time it may Lieut. Coningsby Dawson, war vet- reaching into 28 states be possible for the M. C. to offer op- eran and novelist, will narrate many first breaks in the -ranks portunities in Ann Arbor for the stu- of lis experiences with the German labor in West Virginia a dents to inake their reservations for peole, both during the war and after Advices to Washington- the return trip.- At any event suffi- the armistice, in his lecture, which of the operators said that ient cars will be provided in Chicago will be given at 8 o'clock Wednesday ion miners were working to take care of any extra crowd on evening in Hill auditoiubi, under the pacity and turning out z the rekurn trip, the main difficulty be- auspes of the University Oratorical more coal than on Saturda iug-.:to get sufficient accommodations association. the operators' reprt s sa oug ogtAnnArbor.d s Lieutenant Dawson is qualified to ion men had gone to w out of Ann Arbor. 'discuss the present personal hopes union mines and that t r Return on Schedule and aspirations of the German people growing sentiment that th Trains may be secured coming back as well as any who have come in re- selves should have iad from Chicago at 12:05 Saturday even- cent contact with them. vote on the strike before i ing, arriving here at 7 o'vlock; Sun- During his four years of active serv- ed. day at 9 o'clopk, getting here at 2:45, ice he passed through the battles of at 10:30 o'clock, arriving in Ann Ar- Lens. Vimy Ridge, Cambrai and sev- (By Assocated P bor at 5, at 12:30 coming here at 6:05, eal .other major conflicts. He was Chicago, Nov. 3.-Toda at 3 o'clock getting to Ann Arbor at twice wounded' and invalided out of real test day in the nation 9:43, at 5 o'clock reaching here at France, once to America and once to of bitupninous coal min 11:19, and one at 12:05 which comes London. While on the in-active lit without a break of any into Ann Arbor at 7 o'clock Monday. the first tine, he wrote "The Glories in the general cessation Another special, carrying the team, of the Trenches," and upon his re- tion despite the inactivity the Varsity bani, and some members lease from the hospital was detailed ers of the.United Mine (Continued on Page Six) to observe the American fighting forc- America because of the g +__ _ _es and record the story of the spirit restraining order. of their effort, which he published in Little Disturban book form under the title, "Out to During the day there w Fa e n usewin." movements of troops -in Fame n 7UsXC *After the armistice Lieutenant Daw- areas,although one minor son spent considerable time in the oc- was reported. Seymour Simons, '17E, who gave up cupied territory of Germany studying With approximately 42 the ring of the anvil for the more the people and reconstruction prob- idle according to union le musical tones rendered by the polish- lems. flecently returned to the Un- (Continued on Pag ed ivories, has added new laurels to ited States he has started on a lecture -- his fame in the musical world by tour in which he presents a discussion LEVINE TALKS having three of his compositions fea- of current questions concerning Ger- tured in Nora Bayes' show, "Ladies many. ZIONIST S( First," which is appearing in De- troit this week. GOLF ENTHUSIASTS SLOW IN Capt. I. Levine, speakin Simons, who wrote music for sev- QUALIFYING FOR TOURNAMENT Michigan Zionist society\ eral Michigan Union operas while in - . Sunday evening after the 'the Univ rsity, is now making popu- The time for playing the qualifying ices, told of the present < lar song-writing his profession. Nora round of the coming golf tournament .Palestine. He showed h Bayes features his works: "What has been extended to Wednesday ish government and the Could Be Sweeter," "Just the Two of night. Few cards have been received Zionist organizations are Us" and "Just Like a Gypsy' in her so far, due probably to a misunder- gethbr to solve the pro1 production. Simons also wrote the standing as to where they should be estine. comedy song, "When It's Onion Time left. Captain Levine also de in Bermuda." All men interested in University length on the vital poii Harry Cort and George Stoddard, golf are requested to play 18 holes now being brought up a producers of'"Listen Lester," have before Wednesday night and leave table in connection with Simons under contract now for the. their cards with A. Wenley, 512 treaty and the mandatc music of a play which they will soon south State street,. or A. L. Welch, 118 'Palestine. He returned produce. south Twelfth street. ' weeks ago from that coui __ ~'' I t ,. 11 : f. . I 11920 1 MICHIGANENSIAN 1 is offered every student to reserve his copy during the subscrition' campaign this week. Owing to the increased cost of materials there will be no extra copies ordered this ed in gold on front cover of your copy if paid up in full now. As planned, the 1920 Michiganensian will be the most complete and elaborate yearbook ever published at Mich not fail to take advantage of this opportunity to begin their four-volume set of Michiganensians. $2.00 will reserve your book-Balance of $2.50 due next April. .rrI .w r . ii~i rr li .r irr r wi . + + TIM