y in the backfield and rful lineman who stands es. Planck will be a IC nucleous for a strong line. He comes from Howe military academy of In- diana, and weighs 220 pounds. Toledo Represented Other men who give promise of fine mAterial are Trout of Toledo Waite' high and Wochetz of Toledo- Scott, mate-. efore the Coolidge and Serrill from Kenilworth,' ssued for Ill., and Walter and Coburn from Ash- out more ville School, S. C.. t the club Because of the number that report- ed there was not enough sweaters to Ii school, go around and a .,great many of tine captain of men were not able to get on the field m of the in uniform. Coach Mitchell has re- ago, re- quested that the candidates reporting ad Rapids this afternoon bring their own jerseys the base- as the Athletic association's order may .kees, and not arrive until tle last of this week. re out for Good experienced Tenor and Bass , both of Soloists wanted for church work. Ap- rmer hav- ply 312 S. Division St. Phone 212-J. and Van -Adv. ds in the WILL MEET ToMORROW AT "Y" Men who are interested in swim- ming will have an opportunity to talkĀ£ over the prospects for the coming year1 at a meeting to be held at the local "Y" tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Coach Drulard is anxious to find out the caliber of the material at hand and to ascertain how many men can be expected to try for the unoffi- cial Varsity team. Several of the old men are expected back. Rumors have it that one probable candidate has done the forty yard distanec' in 20 and 2-5 seconds, which is within 2-5 of- a second of the Western Conference record. A second meeting will be held at the "Y" on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. All men who intend to go out for the team are urged to report at one or the other of these meet- ings. IOWA SQUAD, STRENGTHENED BY RETURN OF LETTER MEN Nine veteran "I" men headed by Captain Lohman were among the 22 candidates that reported on Septeni- ber 15 for duty with Coach Jones' 1919 football outfit. Synhorst who has been a uncer- tain quantity all summer is back with the squad and expected to stay with the line. Strong competition has made the selection of a permanent line impossible but Synhorst and Slater have been working consistently at tackles, Heldt at center, Kaufman and Mockmore at guards, Kelly at quarter, the two Devine brothers at halfback, and Captain Lohman at fullback and it is expected that some such combina- tion will be used in the opening game with Nebraska next Saturday. day.eg -For the purpose of assisting stu- close SA running directory of thle Univer- dents to find each other, officials of hall sity, to which is added each night the the University Y. M. C. A. made ar- S list of students who have registered rangements with Registrar Hall to can IIN TAPV ED I.A so by -- U A -f EXPERT AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERI ES STARTERS GENERATORS MAGNETOS s Pay your subscription to th ie Daily. I - - Washtenaw Electric Shop Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta Phone 273 200-202 E. Washington, St. LOST AND FOUND ii' ft- LOST - Card case containing small y- amount of mioney and cards bearing el owner's name. Finder please call ;hs 452. M -- FOUND-Will the girl who lost pock- etbook call at 'Dean Jordan's office of, and recover same by identifying La isame. i JUST A MINUTE, PLEASE! '';, * LOST-One dark brown kid gauntlet between Packard and South State. Reward. Phone 2618. * NOTICE The Athletic Association of the Un- iversity of Michigan will receive bids for the refreshmen concession ion Ferry Field for the ensuing year up to and including Thursday, October 2. 1919, at 6 P. M. For all Magazines at the best prices and all kinds clubs. As special rate to students for the school year. Do FOUND-A small neck piece in Cafe- teria in Nickels Arcade. Phone 1582-W. LOST-Fountain pen yesterday in the F. & M. Bank. Finder please return to Daily office and receive reward., fail to see the magazine man- P. G. BARTELME, Athletic Director. -Adv. CLASSIFIED MISCELLANEOUS MIS ELLANEOUS - Profitable posi- tion for part 'time man. Apply, R. J. Spaulding, room 216 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg., Tuesdays or Saturdays. JOHN P. SLOAN i (THE ORIGINATOR OF STUDENT RATES) Phone 1412-M 1009 E. I . NOTICE OF APPLICATION S I.; TO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ty, when you see s we've got from & Marx. If this t a reputation for n it wont be our In accordance with Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1913 and Act No. 419 of the Public Acts of 1919, no application will be presented by the Michigan State Telephone Coippany to the Michigan Public Utilities. Cc Commission, in the City of Lansing on the seventh day of October 1919 at 10;00 a. m. of that day, for autho rates and practices for the furnishing of the principal classes of telephone service in all of the exchanges of Company, in the State of Michigan other than: the Detroit Exchange, (application as to that exchange being tng of the Schedule set forth below, and the said Commission will be then and there requested to fix a day o1 PROPOSED STANDARD SCHEDULE ANNUAL RATESt ,= E YAi O 'd 2 a 0n 0 1. BUSINESS SERVICE. RESIDEN.QE SERVICE ,AMLINEl Distance from Within 6 MI. i zes better than-we men want ,lively of the chief reasons #Type of Switch - board Mg. C.B. Mg. C. B. Mg. C. B., Mg. C. B. C.B. C.B. i_ 3 - , . Branch Exch. Trunks $6 More Than 1-P'ty Bus. Rate .. . a - ".. I Branch Exch. 1-PI t 2-P'ty Trunks 1.'y2Pt 1-plty r2-P'ty rI 4" P'ty 4.P'ty Bus. Res. I $8 More ' 39 36 45 39 51 45 60 781 84 'I 39 48 39 51 66 72 $30.00 33.00 30.00 36.00 33.00 *36.50 36,00 *36.50 *36.50 *36.50, $6 Mor Than 1-Ptv Res. Rat* . U. .I - * 'I E' !U $24 30 27 80 30 33 30' 36 39 48 24 27 24 27 27 30 S33 F42, $21 21 21; 24 21. 24 24 24 27 **27 $27 27 27 27 27 27 27 80 33 83 -___! ~- ,I $21 21 21 21 21 21 21 24 27 27 -- - I ., I. so 30 so 33 36 36 Hart Schaffner & 5 '7 to you; they've on style. ality is just as important; cs and fine tailoring make more serviceable. 0-ot 1- 77 - - 1I f , . -- I- ie 1 , , NOTE:-$Type of Switchboard: C. B.-Common Battery. Mg.-Magneto. *Coin Box Service, guarantee of $0.10 a day for local messages at $0.05 each. Refund{ charges in excess of guarantee. **Annual allowance 600 calls. All excess calls $0.04 each. Rate specified in above schedule for Group No. 4 C. B. will be requested to be authorized for of $0.01 per message on local message THE ANN ARBOR EXCHANGE and will supercede tte rates now in cffect as lis'ed ieow re the clothes you want; 1em for you. PiZrTE I"f2~ Nl DT__ - ANNUAL RAi~j = - : - ,3 . FARM LINE SE 'RESIDENCE SERVICE Distance from Com BUSINESS SERVICE t Conlin, Fiegel Co. Hart. Schaffner & Marx Clothes rner of Main and Washington Std. Within 6 MI. Beyonc Branh Exchange 1-Party 4- Party 1ranch Exchange 1-Party 2-Party 4-Party Business Resldence Business ___Truntks 1.----2.PatyTrunks_____ I MreTbAM2$ - $36 ,$6 More Than $27 $24 $21 $24 $18 $27 F-.P'ty Bus. Rats -~j1P'ty Res. Rat____________ In a other respects a particulars the rates and practices set forth in the order of said Commission made Aug ti In forfTe and effect. A ttwtnt is d reced to the fact that under the provisions of Act No. 206 and Act No. 419 the Michigan Public I wM, U OU r peipt of Appaiihon, #x lihe date of hearing, which will' not be more than twenty (20) days from the recel MICHIGAN STATE TEL G. M. Welch, Ger 44 i ww