i cient ' scarcely tenal )IY he Univer- one~. is ; exclusively entitled to the use for Isatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. :e at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second or mail, $3.50. ess building, Maynard street. Editorial, 2414. exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- ppear in print, but as an evidence of will be published in The Daily at the left at or mailed to Th> Daily office. ill ,receive no consideration. No man. less the writer. incloses postage. eessarily endorse the sentiments ex- ...r.... 6.. .Managing Editor ne 2414 or 1oi6 . .Business Manager ne 9 6o or 2738 .Mnae ... . News Editor City Editor .Sports FEditor . --Women's Editor ...............Telegraph Editor ORIAL BOARD Charles R. Osius, Jr. ... Advertising Manager. .~Issue Manager .c................ .. . . i c e M anager ........... .blication Manager .............. Circulation Manager .................Subscription Manager .Music Editor ............... Literary Editor ............. ....Exchange Editor ................ Campaign Editor UJE EDITORS 'as II. Adams Brewster Campbell ;e Brophy John I. Dakin TAFF Ralph DuBois Robert C. Angell H. Hardy Heth and that brings up the question of reward. Some men do work along certain lines for the simple reason that they enjoy doing it; .they would rather sacrifice other things than fail to achieve in the activity that is virtually a part of them. No ulterior motive governs their work, no vision of something notorious for the future. To this class of men a promisory note on "something in your senior year" must look worse than funny. They feel a certain potentiality and eagerness to do the thing well now, and they simply and .naturally glory in doing that thing. This is the most precious group of men, and it is these that should be rewarded. Other men get reward in lines that they choose- society, study, etc. ' The man devoted to a campus activity should be likewise recognized, and the sooner done, the better. In answer to the objection of the president of the Student council that the juniors and seniors on the campus would receive no recognition for campus work done, we might answer by sayiag that the 'sophomore year is the formative year-and the year in which the sophomore must start work on the campus if he is to do the real work for the Uni- versity. Regarding his objection that "there would be no end of buttons in evidence," we would say that this very objection is one of., the trongest points in its favor-that the 'buttons should be much in evidence in order that the sophomores who are not doing campus work will be all the more conspic- UOUS. Each organization would pay for its own but- tons. The head of each activity would be respon- sible for the students working under him to secure the buttons. Michigan migh do well td consider the system thoroughly. HEELP SEND THE BAND TO CHICAGO! Has it ever occurred to you what a Varsity game would be like without Michigan's Varsity band? While it is hardly a case of "not missing the water until the well runs dry," it ip true that a great many of us are inclined to take the triumphant march of the Band up and down Ferry field playing 'The Victors" at each game as a matter of course, as merely another of the. accompaniments of college life. But what more vital elenient in 'a victory is there than the strains of "The Yellow and the. Blue," "The Victors," and ."Varsity?" Imagine, then, the games away from home. Gaies in a foreign territory with a reduee num-' ber of supporters and-no band. To supply the last item, the Varsity band is going to Chicago with the team next Saturday. This will mean a decided step towards a victory, but to enable this step, the Band must have financial support. For this purpose, the annual 'Band Bounce has. been arranged for Tuesday evening. k What prom- ises to be one of the greatest programs on record together with the worthy bject of the affair, should make further exhortation unnecessary to pack Hill auditorium to the roof." Michigan students, especially those who wil be' unable to cheer the team in person next Satur- day, will welcome this chance to contribute towards a victory and, at 'the same time, tp show their gen- uine appreciation of one of the greatest Varsity bands Michigan has eer known. Help send the Band to Chicago! , FF. D. P. Joyce Robt. Somerville :Arthur L. Glazer DETROIT UNITED LINES. (Oct. 26, t9i9) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (EasteAI Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:to a. in., and hourly to 9:1o p. M. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:oS a. in., 9:05'a. rn. and every two hours to 9:o p. n., to:so ,. m. To Ypsilanti only, ii: p. im., '1:Io a. n . and to Saline, change at psilanti. Ypsilanti. .Local Cars 'West Bond-7:48 a. tn. and 2:20 a. In. SCHOOL OF DANCING 516 E. William St.: JEANETTE KRUSZKA RESIDENCE PHONE 1780-W' ,STUDIO PHONE 1422-J, Mittenthals Dancing school, Armory is the place to learn to dance quickly, gracefully and correctly. -Don't wait -Join now.' Special price, ladies $6.00. Term-8 lessons or c'an take half term, or single' esson.=Adv. Patronize our advertisers. "Health First" .. Orens s Service tttlttttitlt 11|utnttt |1ttttttttltlununi 11111 nnntun llu l itttitlull nl nntnll lllnl ll Cymnasiu'm Suits= Shirt--Pants-shoes and Supporter all for UNIVERSbTY BOOStitRES VEMBER 2, 1919. ornton W. Sargent Jr. COME-BACK SPIRIT 'HE WORLD' CK. the end of the game, score aigan, 2-six minutes later, >rthwestern, 13-and Mich- e world that she can always the Conference champion- tate last Saturday, with no :o renew her courage, play- nforced with three new and vith a drubbing staring her ee quarters, the 'Yellow and ided that she had to come- ehind the team-and Mich- GLEN OREN, Proprietor Our motto has long been "HEALTH FIRST." We always serve pasteurized milk in individual sterilized bottles. Our drinking water is filtered, purified and ice cold (none better in city). Buy a ticket and save 10 per cent and REMEMBER you order WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT, and pay only for WHAT YOU GET. That's ECONOMY of the i st Degree. (Ever ready for an inspection) A -b c.d...,. PHONE ORl)ERS PRO'MPTLY FILLED ESTABLISHED 1857 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED VILCOX say, a loss is here. No impassioned ibute could recom- What loved her 4a- rsonality. She was layed a certain part r r STYLE-- nevertheless, a college woman, University of Wisconsin. In The World and I" she has laid iggles of her early years-years and financial limitation. From e rmolded a sort of altruistic valked with her through years Irity even in the throne rooms nd- scoffed but others seemed to her secret. To them it has re- -a sort of rebuke to the bigoted' h. years in promoting these un- s did not make her forget the just outside her door. She was in the care of wounded horses d even helped select, we have 'ficers who were skilled and ar- the welfare of horses. In 1gI8 as a representative of the "Red ted ways, she' has come in con- enced the mind of youth. The e her; the press may. But the a miultitudes will not forget to it she has called "The Beautiful VE AND REWARD to be awarded all sophomores ine of campus activity are being :higan. The purpose of these first to serve as an incentive for ive ability, to join the ranks and ward, in a small way, those men rtain amount of time and pleas- >d. These buttons would be the nents of activities, and each de- nce and award its own. derived are matters. of conjec- ut we have a foundation in the' ersities already have the system y. The sophomore year at any re of inactivity and often self- he year when only the few rise >m of routine and "doing what, TheeA;mp e The Campus Crank says that these fellows wh, go out joy-riding at night are beyond question burn- ing the midnight'oil. The Poor Nut! The struggling author dropped his 'manuscript in the street on the day of the great reception in New York, and the king and queen of the Belgians step-, ped on it getting into their car. "Ha, ha," laughed the writer, "I "am at last getting royalties on my work." "ie sat down in a vacant chair," says a popular writer! 'It is extremely inadvisable to sit down in , one already occupied, and likely to start trouble. Are There Any Questions You Wish to Ask?" Dear Blimpy: To settle a bet, will you tell us which is correct in this matter: My friend says that in old-time wars it was customary to fit out proft- eers ; I say it was privateers. The difference is neglible. Split the money. This Thing Is Beginning to Get on Our Nerves The Man in the Green Coat was observed this morning gazing, first up North University and then iorth on State street as if= trying to estimate the, hypotenuse between Hill auditorium and the high school. This is dark business. The only kind of war bread we have nowadays is the biscuit thrown at friend husband's head at the breakfast table. Elbertus says that since three-cushion billiards is always played on a table with four cushions it must have been named by some bird who couldn't count. There is now on exhibit in New York the house- hold expense account of a recently deceased lady who existed during her life on 75 cents a day. This should be a rare enough specimen to place in any As Interpreted By Women 's Smart Footwear Long vamps, long slender toes, with or without perforations, and either the sturdy mili- tary heel, or the graceful Louis heel-this is the combination greatly in demand this year. But we have forgotten the most essential piece of information if we neglect to add that the chosen colors are brown and grey with an interesting variety to this color range. But no matter how popular these shades are, you will also find the smart winter shoes in black leather as well. ,t ' N y e J : i J i /, d, ®. .®? ° '® :® . :E .® :Q * q e ;e s .®' :.® :.® k { .4. We carry walking boots in our $12.00 assortment. They are in the desired long lines and make good looking and comfort. able street shoes. Our all kid grey lace boot combines the light weight welt sole and military heel with the desired long vamp. It will be quickly favored :by women who demand smart appearaqce with serviceability. In material, design and color it is a perfect shoe. We have the same cut shoe but in a black glazed kid lace boot. The clean cut lines will appeal strongly to women of re- fined taste-it is just the kind of boot in which so many women take pride.' Our brown boot is indeed a "tailor made" for discriminating dressers. Blending all factors that go into a perfect shoe, this model will be quickly favored. For those who require high heels at all times "for comfort's sake," we have some excellent values in shoes with Louis heels. A high lace kid boot with the full Louis heel, imitation tip, of the Belmont last is a dressy boot par-excellence, containing all the qualities that would be necessary to make it so, that is, fine materials and beautiful lines built in by the best workmanship. $10.00. (First Floor) 11 I