C J-idz I I , r I' Y FIR r a fl C I . Demand Ann Arbor Dairy Company 's Pasteurized Milk, the standardI of p'rfec- / tion and cleanliness. t No Substitutes The only creamery in Ann Arbor that as all incoming and outgoing milk tested aily for bacteria by an expert chemist and acteriologist and~can absolutely guarantee. 11 its milk perfectly pasteurized under his. ispection. C r; k r 1X r: w' . r r. q % r YU; r: rr " r W r rr so r -- ft ^. ' p '- m e r y "!1 r , r Y r r .r r ;w r r 1 r _r W a e; r , r M W r " a " w- v : r r r k r r r 'W A a ." C r c r .r r w r :Y c Ai yy r ;r. ": M k '= 1 .' r la r ,. "..; r r +; r . ,;.r ",; r ' r 11Y fw ' W :L :w a r . r. _W r r r w r r r rrr r r 2 r', r .r s w A J ,. . + -- ar '. rr:', as rs " w r ar. . _ r s rl. ~Y - . . s d : w w :..,. w w !1 Columbia-Plans are being mach at Columbia university to revive the monthly magazine. None of the staff of the magazine have yet bee~a ap- pointed. The old name for Columbia's magazine, the "Monthly," his been dis- Carded., Columbia, according to the reports has the largest enro~llment of any university in the world. The total registration is 15,625. The entire num- ber of those taking advantage of Co- lmbia's extension courses is 7,441. Cornel-The total enrollment of .reshmen and old students at Cornell university numbers 4,977. This is the lrgest en~rollment Cornell has ever iad. HarvardI-An old custom of having senior advisors for' members of the Freshmen class has been renewed this{ ear~ at Harvard university. About 100 nen of the class of 1920 have been chosen to act as big brothers to fresh- men. Pjincetoll-Sixteeii representatives A the Princeton speakers association were sent out to speak before civic lubs and high scehools in behalf of theI Roosevelt Memorial campaign. Indiana-The students of dramatics t the University of Indiana are plan-_1 aing to give five plays during this sem- Ds. T e ilb sflosame Butterfly", 'Suppressed Desires," Neighbors," "Riders to the Sea,"' and The Proposal Under Difficulties." City News tions for A drive will be \opened Nov. 4, for all. public organizations in the city needing funds The projects which will benefit are to be the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Community house, Old Ladies' home, Boy Scouts and Community Sedvice, Through the effects of citizens and council, Main street is now being double tracked. Aniother project is now u.p for action to run a new street car line to the new hospital, the track- ng to be comnple ted by the time the hospital is opened, a number of addresses. ber of the Amnerican society and was its s, member of the count years, also o~f the Am association, the Socie mxental Biology and Me versity of Michigan"Re which he was the; pre 19, one of thie secretari National Congress of and a member of the Medical society. Frosh Defies Ancient ,.1 LA A A .. OUR PRI Owing to the work of completing the Union, the rooms which formierly per- witted chamber of comnmer~ce gather- ings of from 500 to 600 citizens are no longer avilable. However, the cham- ber plans getting together as many l the members as possible 'for several meetings in the. future which willpro- mote civic projects and good feeling between the university and city popu- lation. Some 100 members of the cha~mber are from thie university. Prof. Warren Plimpto Ifirst began instructing in. school p~n O~c. 1, 1892, an lbrated the 27th annlversar: (nection with~ the uiniversity Prof. Lombard was born N at West Newton, Mass., Israel and Mary Ann (Plin bard. His preparatory ed obtained in the Boston public schools. He enter college and received the Bachelor of Arts in 1878, later he received the degr( of Medicine fromi Harva school He spent two yrea 1physiology un~der Ludwig, Germany... Nationalnonil Know ANN ARBOR DAIRY CO. Time odern and Most Sanitary Creamery Bevo has becomne the best' friend of food and fellow. 'ship. Drink it for its purity and deliciously appetizing flavor. PUBLIC INSPECTION CORDIALLY. INVITED No Connection with Any Other Firm At the soda fountain or with Your meals., Bevo must be served cold. ANHEIJSER..BusCH, ST. Louis El -Afal trI L1 fr.l..l.t er.A ir. .1r.J feel L-l LJ l.. J 1." l. North Fourth Ave. and Catherine St. It must be Ice elotd Telephone 4123 Sold every wv families supli I .