ing except Monday during the Univer- Control of Student Pub litations. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS is exclusively entitled to the use for lispatches credited to it or not otherwise i the lccal news published therein. ffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second hard street. not to exceed Soo words, if signed, the sig.' , to appear in print, but as an evidence of events will be published in The Daily at the tor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. ions wjll receive no consideration. No man- ied unless the writer incloses postage. not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- unications. ................... Managing Editor Phone 2414 or xo16 . . . ........ .... Business Manager Phone 96o or 2738 ...........News Editor' .City. Editor Sports Editor, ....hs were picketed and students who insisted aining at work .were roughly handled by . There was, fortunately, no sabotage, un- asional offers of violence to professors, who regarded as the property of the university, that name, but there was forcible interfer- th the right to work. "Chancellor Day," omewhat lugubrious'dispatch, "tried to per- he students to "take their work in college y, but they would not, listen to him." ips he failed to call the attention of his frac- xk to certain features which differentiate An illustrated booklet describing the "Now Mexico," entitled, "The Electric -&Zip," will be sent upon request. Address General Electric Company, Desk 44, Schonectady, New York. . i / The Ruling of Brittania A British dictionary says that the slang phrase "no flies on one" means no food. And I presume they would say that the equally ancient expression. "set anything green" means "I have no spinach about my person." General Office Schenectdy, N,- )R~e' 4a 'A