THE WHITNEY send their delegates aual convention which this year at Minnea- Nov. 11. Official plans ed soon for the interest I up members of the local post cure their legion buttons by ap- to Pat Walsh of the firm Phelps Valsh, at 205 North Main street. ers of other posts who have not d their buttons 'may also's4- hem on payment of 25 cents at >ove address. ty will have the COMPOSERS OF OPERA MUSIC out before mem- TO MEET AT UNION FRIDAY ation at ' 7:15 -- night in room Composers who intend writing mus- ich time the an- ic for the Union opera will meet at uts will be held. 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in room to give an ex- 308 of the Union with Earl V. Moore minute talk on and W. A. Leitziuger, who will dis- ses. cuss the matter with the men. This meeting is called to permit the members of the men to be present who were unable to club last year' attend last time. Lyrics will be given at'the Women's out. 4IATIENA CHOOSES DELEGATES FOR CENTRAL LEAGUE DEBATE 1 Athena representatives in the Cent- al league' debate were chosen at the ast regular meeting by a committee of idges composed of Miss Grace Green- ood, Herman August, '19, and Neal reland, 121.. The members chosen rere Victoria Adams, '21, Annabel .driance, '20, Ida Gratton, '20, and .nna McGurk, '20.F Warmer" and Santrey's -Fri.-Sat.-Arcade. 50c. Even a pretty sleep-walker is not al- ways a welcome visitor. No end of trouble is caused in "She Walks in Her Sleep," which will be produced at the Whitney Saturday evening. When one comes to a fashionable hotel and steals in and out of the apartments of the guests clad only in a night-robe, pink silk and a large picture hat. She has a careless habit of taking things that do not belong to her and leaving her own possessions. Embar- rassing situations result from both. That circumstantial evidence, no matter how convincing, may at times be utterly false in reflecting the truth and place upon the innocent a stigma of guilt, is'brought out in "For the Defense," Elmer L. Rice's drama of American law which is coming to the Whitney Monday. The intricate details of the plot were worked out by Mr. Rice, only through his intimate knowledge of American law. A list of the well known plays by Roi Cooper Megrue, the author of "Tea for Three," which will be pre- sented at the Whitney next Wednesday night, includes ."It Pays to Advertise," "Under Cover," "Seven Chances," and others. HATS TO ORDER+ We make 'Hats to Order, any size, large or small, and make it to fit the head, and charge you no more than yu pay for a hat right out of stock. We can get a hat out the/same day you order it if necessary, there is no extra charge. You will receive just as much comfort and stisfaction having a hat made to order as you do having a suit made. Factory Hat Store. 617 Packard St. Phone 1792.- Adv. . The Michigan, Daily, delivered to your door daily except Monday, $3.50 a year.-Adv. Whitney Theatre Monday, Nov. 3 Attention is called to the re- markable cast In supportsof Mr. Bennett. JOHN D. WILLIAMS presents RICHARD fBlE ETT In a new play b the author of "On Trial." "FOR THE_ DEFENSE" By ELMER R. RICE The notable cast includes Adrienne Morrison, John Sain- , polls, St. Clair. Hales, Win. Crimmins, Louise Closser Hale Geo. Riddell, Chas. Coghlan, Angele Ogden, and Winnefred Lennihan. SEATSALE FRIDAY, OCT. 81 PRICES: 75c TO $2.00 MAIL ORDERS NOW +{ neflscen THE MAJESTIC Charles Ray will appear in "Hay Foot, Straw Foot," at the Majestic to- day and tomorrow. The joke of the training camp, he consents to perform correspondence school magic at the recreation theater. Arraying himself in an oriental gown, he makes a bow as the great Abdoul Ben Mazzazza, but all his tricks go wrong and he retires in confusion, much to the uproarious delight of the rookies., He is greatly taken by a village girl, but after he sees her perform her dance at the theater, he tells her he i's sorry but he cannot include her among his acquaintancs. But his actions belie his words for he is just about to be courtmartialled on her account when she interfers and he is released. THE ARCADE May Allison in "Fair and Warmer," and Henry Santry and his orchestra, make up the double bill which will be presented at- the Arcade today and Saturday., The amusing experiences of two ab- solute teetotalers with champagne are portrayed in "Fair and Warmer." A sober wife who is always left at home by her rollicking husband and a plod- ding business man decide to have a roaring good time. By the time they get through they are obsessed with "green elevators" and other unusual fantaies. AT THE HOSPITAL Russell Kent, '21, was sent to the University hospital on Tuesday. The diagnosis was tuberculosis periton- itis. Two men were sent to the Universi- ty hospital by the Health service on Thursday. R. C. Trembath, '22E, was sent with a case of accute appendicits. S. S. Pierce was sent having burned his feet severely with boiling water. LEAGUE PARTY TO INCLUDE SEVERAL SPECIAL FEATURES The Women's league will hold its first party of the year at 4 o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. All wo- men registered in the University are already members of the league, but there will be an opportunity today for the faculty women and others who are interested to join. The life member- ship fee Is $1, which may be paid in annual installments of $1. The All-campus women's orchestra, composed of about 14 pieces, which is under the direction of Ann Novle, '20, will furnish the music. DANCING SCH9OL New class at the Packard Academy will begin Wednesday eve., Nov. 12, 7 to 8 o'clock. Lady and Gent instru'c- tors. Number limited. Register early. Phone 1850-F1.--Adv. I!'aculty members recommend it. The Multipex Hammond Typewriter. V. Webb, Student .representative. 1214 Willard. Phone 1595-R.-Adv. "Fair and Warmer" and Santrey's Jazz Band-Fri.-Sat.-Arcade. 50c. -Adv. The Rhode's Brothers Orchestras "The Orchestra With Pep" Phone 283-R ARC A DE Shows at 3:00; 7:oo; 8:30 Phrnted: Theatre, 296-M M gr's Res, 23t6- Today-Tomorrow MAY ALLISON IN "Fair And Warmer" Thurs-Fri. 30-31-A "Shadows of the Pas comedy, "Chasing H --VAUDEVI Sat. 1-All-star cast with a screen magazi Sun-Mlon. 2-3-H. B, Man Who Turned colored review and cc Tues-'Wed. 4-5-Will Sacred Silence," with and kinogram weekly -VAUDEVI COMIN' "Eyes of the World' Wright. L Uttle' Lunches Nunnally's Candy- Maynard St. iI by ORPHEUM THEA 2:00. 3:30, 7:00,**:30.*10 Thurs-Fri . 30-31-All-star ca Romance of the Air," with a n comedy. Sun-Mon. 2-3-Ruby Dere'mer Dust of Desire," with a Mutt cartoon and Ford Weekly. Tues-Wed. 4-5-Corinne Griffith Climbers," with a two-reel we Sat. S-Mitchell Lewis in "Life'; est l}roblem," with a news and Sun-Mon. 9-10-Montague Love Broadway Saint," with a Mutt cartoon Lad Ford Weekly. S iUJER1San UETROi rand opi Charles in "Hay Foot--Str ;I Today iltiltlllittllilllitllillillilliliillil'-P t Ga ric Detroit "Tea for Three" With Charlotte Walker 't~lii ltt ll ltt l 11IlIIItilill IIlIlI stInII I ., , Jazz Band- -Adv. Patronize our advertisers. MAJESf1 Today and Saturdai tre ROI COOPER MEGRUE'S Most Delightful Comedy Elliot's Theater (N.Y.) LKER and - LAWFORD Prices: 1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 o 4 4. 0 e Leave Copy at Quarry's and. The Delta , _:..i s^; p \t Yr l ' 1 i ' v y a Pr~ ae n.-t .r D FOR SALE etbook, en- FOR SALE-Keuflel and Esser duplex 4 Reason. slide rule, $6. Call Box E,/DalIly e papers, Offlce. ceipts. Call, "^aw r , ------ TANV'ID-Second-handI Oorss' His- tory of England and Great Britain., Harold Furlong, 602 E. Washington St. Phone 593-J. psake State r about r kindly amiener, l4eward. n Ferry 3eta Phi Mondayj WANTED-Immediately-A 'competent cook for table of 16-18. Call Alpha Sigma steward. Phone 2605. WANTED-Will rent or buy E-flat alto or- baritone saxophone. Phone 936-W. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Applewood foi fireplaces. Price according to length ordered. Phone 7136412. FOR SALE-'Genuine Hawaiian Ban- jo-Ukelele and case, practically new. This Handsome NEW FALL BOOT at $10 - is one of the best values we have shown this season.r The. low heel makes it a very comfortable boat for the college girl or for tramnping, and the, long narrow vamp gives it a very . fashionable appearance.: Comes In black ,calf, brown russia calf and black kid. '3 1f s in1 AY FOOTSTAW FO01 HE said he could never love her because she was a "p actress." To this country "rube" the stage was the dev paradise. Certainly he laves her before the picture is over! wouldn't be a picture unless he did. But the chain of circi stances that makes him change his mind is what makes this o of the 'gol-darndest" best pictures Charles Ray has ever ma -k. "THE; JUDGE" Sennett Comedy "HERE COMES THE GROOM" Outing Chester FOR RENT ward watch, s build- 1 text, Reward. FOR' RENT-Large front room with alcove for double bed. Three blocks from campus. Phone 2384-J. FOR RANT-Garage, Washtenaw Ave- near.Forest. Has electricity and water. Phone 536-J or 1619-W. MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE PERSON who took sheep-, skin coat and green cap from shop- locker room by mistake please re fturn same to Secretary Smith's of- flce or Mr. H~zrrison's office in Shop 11 MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA STARTING SUNDAY AT , THE abe(4iei' ,RACE MaNA Hs -UA PlR.Ol. BOOT SHOP WM. S. HART in. Return Phone 638. G 11-5 So.Main St. " WAGON- TRAC