and OF TOMORROW 214, e - .- BIG DOUBLE BILL--AY ALLISON IN "FAIR AND . WARMER" AND HEN RY SANT] R EY AND HIS JAZZ BAN[ This is ihe Maid Youacani teil she is-U~Jj, Bud Ihals about all For you cant tell her much" _ r--i :, This is the cocktai That peps things upy_ Onre taste,-and you thinto fA &ira.Ffe is apup ! L I in FAIR.ADUAMR Avex yrIlopwrood's 'Most Jll larious F'arce When you hear SANTREY'S BAND you will be treated to regular -JAZZ music. You will be amazed at the number when each member of the band apparently loses his senses in the wildly exhilerating clash, bang and blast of the jazz and performs acrobatic stunts with each syncopated note. Starting off with .the haunting melody of the primitive jungle savages, with the deep thunderous beat of the tom-tom. and wild shriek of violins, the selection bursts into jazz such as has, never been heard before. A saxaphone whirls thru. the air, the bass violin player rolls -upon the stage with his massive instrument, the trombone player performs awe inspiring gymnas- tics and to watch the trap drummer is exactly like trying to watch a three-ring circus," and all this time not a single note in the untamed syncopation, unprecedented, melodious, rhythmical and con" cordant, is missed. -........... . . ,r.. . ,..... 47- 'u II AI I .f. I ': . ,. .u . V t °.. .,., I kromflicker .±0 21ick er scream &,)am sliclwr l,~,j~or a '* le'o,.gri '9,0141cocktailto curtain ,a rit, th'at c evtaii4., ~xJd X I SL LLUl I I 1 t~tt. g1tlt~E~ri~r+.rtt /1t j'r t ,, r l + -I CPTUR'S 'COPP r r R ,But, 1 ! . TWhatl Wtas av >1 -,'; ?ORATION )je _VcrC~na ee S Cray~ r LiJ You'll agree that it's the novelty hit of the season This musical novelty, together, with the splendid photoplay "FAIR AND WARMER"' will furnish a delightful two hours' entertainment. 'I 4: = u =i ' l A Warning to Husbands- Don't be too perfect, else your wife may lose interest in you. Take a lesson from May Alli- son's husband in this picture. And heres poky Billy.- A xeal ,model spouse 13ut cne sip of Ihe cockdadl Made Billy a souse! 1.1 c%- Lvi %rc" OT, iS manes Fair and Varmer _ scream from gong fo gong it h-uris you to liaUgh Sa IT your doclor friend 1- nf Ho w 1 xustmLL and triue could she do it font see'-, do you? ; N NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIME OF BEGINNING THE PERFORMANCES- 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 and 9:00. N Adults 50c, Children