take part. This movement was wide-spread, and systems of limitations were adopted at Princeton, Pittsburgh and Yale. Nothing definite was accom- plished at Pennsylvania, and the matter was allowed to hang over until this year. Already we have seen the result of allowing stu- dents. to accumulate too many responsible positions. As was the case last year, some activities are be- ing slighted for the benefit of others. If the stu- dents want class executives who are efficient and will . work unselfishly for the . class organization, they should throw out of consideration men who are so bound up with ambitions in other lines that 'they will undertake their class work as a side issue. It is not' logical to select class officers who have never demonstrated their ability by their efforts and interest in other work, but it is equally fool- ish to elect a man who is letting his ability and energy flow down so many different side channels that all the force.of the main.flow.is lost. The Undergraduate Council should also take up immediately the matter of a .limitation system, so that students will know how much they will be allowed to attempt: in the activity line. Wit} the information and investigation of last year at the disposal of the present Council, there should' be little delay in submitting such -a plan to the stu- dents.-The Pennsylvanian. The pressmen are considering a plan to end the strike in New York. We wonder if the new scheme of The Literary Digest isn't about one of the best $ r 'wiil . I YiW Yi l +Y. Y Y I M w BORSALHNO HATS Borsalino hats get out of shape and need reblocking occasionally on ac- count of the felt being very thin and light.. A Borsalino hat is ver.y easily destroyed -by cheap hat cleaners who do not understand how - to - handle them. We have the -equipment and know how to clean and reblock Borsa- lino hats so that they retain their orig- inal fine soft texture and pliability.- A hat cleaned and reblocked, with a new bandi, looks like new and lasts as long- again-. Factory Hat Store, 17 Pack- ard St. Phone 1792.-Adv. Martha Washington Candles, fresh every Friday. Tice's, 117 So. Main St.-Adv. DIAMONDS GOOD QUALITY J. L. Chapman.Jeweler 113 South Main Street MICHI " Favorite C I $3.00 - WAH R'S DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, 1919) - Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:Io a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., g.:05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o5 -p.n., 1:so i;, --m. To Ypsilanti only, I I :457. im., i : 1 a. m.. and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. - Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m. and t2:20 a. m. i nrollment in the R. O. T. C. is any, criterion, le billfor universal service now in Congress- ly opposed by the University. wonder why the flag on the flag pole at the . entrance to the University is up all night. higan must win every game from now on. U " The blimp" w , Lying To, I slept in an editor's bed, n the editor was got nigh.; eamt as I slept on that downy couch easily. editors lie. A. M. King Was in High Spirits one writer, the queen of the \Bel- ine-colored gowna t a Washington is not preserving neutrality' in the -m- j ubt er a ric carved first fir having is havi: the old. e given wife is 'I 'THE only cigarette above that has ever won a trer popularity is Fatima. ane- learning reds, but :his coun- the identity of still unrevealed, of it. the Man in the but we hope to Turkish cigarette costing as much a annual tales. The reason m1 Turkish than any mean, in other w much Turkish as too little a;i th famous blend co enough to taste rid feeling right cven Yes, Yes, Go Ot the lunchroom, a combined odor of greeted me. The pleasing aroma of with that of roast beef and baked -esh apple pie was trying to adver- ful taste as were also the other mul- caks, and desserts. dawned upon me that I was much I had thought, and so I was quite . eating when my order was,. deliv- ast beef was delicious, to say the- lk was fresh and just cold enough, pie with ice-cream made me wish I Agin eating all over again. :d a pleasant meal: -From a High School Paper. s an artist of his acquaintance is a figures, but he has a good line. to the Northwestern player the Chi "Brightman is back; spreads bright- ple gloom." To make it unanimous de that that was a bright remark. er 4e- I A Sensible Cu -m7 r esteemed ms us that' y did revert to the old time, peo- it at 5- arrive in Ann Arbor at any one the temerity to criticise running the trains on time? contemporary, the Times-News, Experiences of Dead Ambulance in Narrative." Is this.a new ad- piritualism? i woman burglar io years. That :e on record where a woman did ~~1