i IF"
Vage Campaign
City Restaurants
tted by ing houses and all kindred conditions
for the must be stopped," said Dr. Wessinger.
iarants. Deed More Money
n street In Detroit cards of inspection are
r street given those shops that are clean, phy-
closedsical certificates from the regular
of the ! health authorities or from reputable
anitary physicians being required of all em-
re that ployees in all restaurants\
Half washed dishes,'dirty cooking
utensils, unsterile table ware, and
e is co- floors and counters literally caked with
.he city grease are some of the existing condi-
a "keep tions in Ann Arbor food shops at this
oarding time.
intains, The present amount alloted to the
food is city health officer is $3,500 a year, or
divided about 17 cents per capita. This is not
ed, in- sufficient to allow for the expense of
handl- the needed inspectors, _who are paid
hands, $100 a month. Additional action by
putting the city council is desired, that more
nilk, as complete. inspections may be made, it
board- is stated.
Group pictures of all the frater-
nities and sororities will be tun in
the 1920 Michiganensian, work on
which has already been started. This
is only one of several innovations
that are being planned, supported by
the student body and the Board in
Control of student publications.
Each organization will have two
pages in the yearbook, as formerly,
but instead of printing the long lists
of chapters at other inttitutions as
has been done in the past, the right-
hand page will be divided into sec-
tions, the top to be occupied by a cut
of the chapter house, and the lower
portion with a group photograph of
the members. It is thought that this
system will make the volume a more
personal and complete record and at.
the same time improve 'the general
appearance of the Michiganensian.
Notification has been sent all or-
ganizations to have their picture tak-
en as soon as possible. All of the
pictures are expected to be in before
the last-of November. Any .of the lo-
cal photographers authorized by the
Michiganensian to do work for the
book may take the photograph.
Faculty Men W91l Take Prominent
Part In State Tealeh-'rs
VLy Revive Fnel Administration Giv.
ing it Full War Time Powers,
is Said
(By Assoicated Press)
Washington, Oct. 29.-The govern-
meet, confronted with refusal of the
miners' organization to call off the
strike of half a million soft coal min-
ers ordered for Friday night roved
swiftly- today to protect the people
from the striko.
First of the many step:i to deal with
the situation admittedly critical prob-
ably will be these:
ous coal r
ing the o
walkout t
lion men,
To determine the sentiments and
wishes of the students and faculty of
the Law school'in regard to the. re-
organization of one of the Law school
debate clubs on the plan of the so-
called "Moot Court," a meeting of
all interested in the proposed change
is to be held at. 7:30 tonight in
Webster hall, on the third floor of
the Law building, with Neal D. Ire-
land, '18, presiding as temporary
Summarizes Plan
Ample police or other protection fi
miners willing to remain on the jo
as urged by President Wilson.
Revival of the fuel administratic
with full war time powers to prevei
hoarding aid profiteering.
Solicitation and distribution of co
to homes, railroads, and the essenti
Efforts to bring the strike to
speedy eyd -through 'mediation.
The government will make no e
forts to bring about indictment of th
officers of the'United Mine Workers o
America who called the,.strike on ti
charges of conspiracy to- reduce pro
duction of a necessary product.
Government officials asserted tha
rports from coafidential sources wei
that not all of the miners would striE
that public sentiment was overwhelm
ingly against the walkout at the b
ginning of winter anil that d'iration
the strike would be brief.
electric generator
loded and set fire
according to com-
flames started 300
Ltor shaft it was
tank was emptied
no explosion has
29.--Nine persons
rty w'ere injured
'acific southbound
near Acton today
nstable D. Huntel,
hone message re-
reek was undeter-
'ht. The engine,
cars and five day
an embankment.
a diner and
mg the remainder
ed on the track.
)rted are all train-
chairman. Professors of the University -of
The meeting tonight is the result of Michigan are to take a prominent
suggestions made by a number of stu- part in the program at the 66th an-
dents and members of the Law nual meeting of the Michigan State
school faculty who desire that either Teachers' Association-Itpltute Tlhurs-
the Jeffersonian, Webster, or any oth- -day and F'riday of this week- in De-
er Law debating society be reorgan- ti-oit.
ized so that actual and staged cases To Give Dinner
may be argued at each weekly meet- In addition to delivering addre ses,
ing, instead of the usual routine pro- the University faculty members, at
grams followed by the Law societies the meeting will entertain the visit-
at present. The proposed plan is ing teachers with a University of
known as the "Moot Court" plan and Michigan dinner Thursday night at
is designed to serve as a more prac- the Woodward Avenue Baptist churci.
tical means of staging and arguing The University library extension serf-
cases during club meetings. Ice will exhibit representative mate-
It is the object of those who are rial in the lobby of Detroit Central
backing the plan to extend member- High school.
ship to every Law student in good Prof. J.. B. Edmonson of the edu-
standing. Meetings will be held cation department will deliver two
weekly, according to Ireland, and addresses, to the college section on
plans for the coming year will be out- "Is Michigan Reaching Her High
lined at the meeting tonight. (Continued on Page Eight)
Pershing Hero, Wearer Of Jiany
Jedals, Now A -ehigan Student
Refer to Agreehiut
The government contends that the
miners are working today under the
war time agreement effective until the
end of the war, or until April 1, 1921).
This date was put into the agreement
so th'at a new scale might be agreed
upon in event the war was not over at
that time: The fuel administration
holding the agreement still valid
would be authorized it was said to take
charge of the mines and keep them in
Refusal of. the miners' organization
to withdraw the strike order was a dis-
tinct surprise to officials who changedt
quickly from a hopeful to a fightingc
attitude. There was no disposition to
to dispute the right of men to strike
but officials were grimly determined
to see that men who do not, strike willt
be protected in and out of the mines
even if that means the pres3nce ofc
As compl
the Fall gan
of Nov. 22y
council at
night at th(
In order
this affair a
still cut it
cleaned up
Minnesota g
siderable di:
problem as
held. G. D.
ard of trus-
ristian as'so-
r decided to
to be-
to Michigan after
in religious work
the University 'of
ng the war period
[nternational com-
C. A. in the indus-
central United
religious work in
based upon the
uts' Christian as-
the Y. M. C. A.
)f the University,
bhouse associations
id other religious
9 University. Lane
should become in-
ral religious head-
stees of the asso-
A wearer of the Congressional Med-
al of Honor, the French Legion of
Honor, two Croix de Guerres, with
palms, besides being one of the 100
men chosen by General Pershing as
typical heroes of the war, is now a
junior in the literary college of the
University. His name is Harold A.
Furlong was a student at M. A. C.
for three years before America enter-
ed the conflict. He was commission-
ed at the first officers' training camp
at Fort Sheridan and went overseas
as a first lieutenant with the 353d 'in-
fantry of the 89th division. He went'
over the top twice and was march-
ing up to the front' line with his'com-
pany the morning that the armistice
was signed.
Took Command In Battle
Furlong is naturally reticent in tell-
ing about his own exploits. Here is
what the Ladies Home Journal says
about him: "There is at least one
home in Detroit where a Detroit sol-
dier is considered a more important
native product than all the automo-
biles ever turned out in that famous
city. Lieutenatn Furlong's company,
like so many others in these cita-
tions, was held up by machine-gun
fire. This was during the attack on
the Bois de Bautheville, Nov. 1, 1918.
The company commander and several
soldiers had been killed when LieuteL-
ant Furlong, with complete coolness
and assurance, moved out in advance
of the line and crossed an open space
several hundred yards wide. Out-
flanking the German machine guns he
closed in on them one at a time, kill-
ing a number of the enemy with his
rifle and putting four nests out of
action. He also drove 20 prisoners
back to the American lines."
Decorated by Pershing
Pershing himself conferred the Con-
-gressional Medal upon the first six
American officers to receive the hon-
or, of whom Furlong was one. When
he was granted this honor by con-
gress, only about 47 of these medals
had been bestowed, and about 30 of
these were given posthumously.
He was decorated with one Croix de
Guerre and the Legion of Honor on
board the Leviathan and Lieut.-Col.
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., pinned- on
him the other war cross in Detroit.
Furlong came through every one of
the. engagements in which he partic-
ipated without a scratch and says that
he thinks his health is better than
before he entered the service.
Darbaker Treasurer of 1920E Class
James Darbaker, '20E, was elected
-senior engineer treasurer instead of'
James Baker as, annonned.
Statement Issued
The government will act in the
illegality of the strike without in any
way impairing the general right to
strike" as "the general right to strike
is not in issue in 'any sense whatever
in the present situation," it was de'-
clared in a statement tonight after a
conference in the offices of Attorney
General Palmer at which he discuss-
ed the situation with Secretary Wil-
son, Director General Hines, Secertary
Tumulty and Assistant Attorneys Gen-
eral Ames and Garden.
The statement, which it was said
fully represents the attitude of the
government declared that the impend-
ing coal strike "was ordered in a man-
ner for a purpose and with a neces-
sary effect, which taken together, put
it outside the pale of the law."
Thtegovernment will act in the
strike under the provision of the Leder
food control act, enacted as a war
measure but still in force.
Recommend Fixed Price
One decision of the government con-
ference was to recommend to the Pres-
ident the establishment of maximum
prices on coal which prevailed wheA
eral cont
been fea
the even
No definite
upon by the c
execution and
the proposed
that pep mee
held the sam
freshmen lits
tain for their
neer to be ele
mores. This
-for the Sprin
shall have fu
his respective
point his own