! ', Flix uureu, wrmer oy ft) LUW ciy, and managing editor of the Cadillac News, and Arthur Stace, managing editor of the Grand Rapids Press. The convention aords to the teach- ers of journalism' an opportunity for the interchange of opinions in respect to newspaper practice and the needs of the press. Prominent journalists and educators from many parts of the country will give addresses and prob- lems relating to the newspaper will be discussed from the floor. Two questions which will receive special attention will be (1) Should the sala- ries of newspaper workers be raised? (2) What courses in journalism best meet the needs of the modern news- I< I R, t f ' i ... "G. '. Y w rrC a V f , 1 1 }' e \a O N } apply- paper? he rate Visiting newspaper men will be the of the guests of the University at a'banquet t auto- to be given Friday evening, of the is re- Athletic association at the M. A. C. 3, says I game Saturday, and of the School of Music for the Geraldine Farrar con- cert on the evening'of the same day. Professor Brumm stated that a great {AN number of the invitations had already been sent out and that 80 percent of those who have answered intend com- nchos- ing. Mi': i. I Problems in connection with the rooming and- boarding situation are as pressing at the University ,as they are in Ann Arbor. The shortage in rooms for women is especially notice- able. Cardinal Mercier has accepted the invitation of President Lowell of Har- vard university to visit the university 11 a Opt ML f ?y4 v .. ti~b' ?a~y °r ru -- .. 35 cents 25. Phones 18 0 or 1891 in trade cards 0 I I_ t 'New Styles With The Old Integrity #I YOU'LL find more men this Fall to buy good than there are or good woolens them. waiting clothes clothes, to make 11 7?he H Stick to the staunch re- liable make that know, or you'll yourself paying full for less than the' standard of service quality. * you L=find price full and KUPPE . 9 I Work For You But Fill Myself VIMC E .I KUPPENHETMER. Clothes mean the new styles with the old integ- rity of all-wool fabric and sound tailoring. .I. ,. >,. 0 .' U The House of Kuppen A National Clothea Semi N# iheimer ice Clothes S I KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES ARE SOLD IN ANN ARBOR BY / TO CLEAN or FILL Just Press the NOB the FUNNY MAN Will Do the 1 -JOB y'' / N. F. ALLEN (& CO. 211 I, I