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October 29, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-29

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13 G IN


ere Is No Way
Raw tilk

University hospitals are not
pasteurized milk!'
statement was given out last
by Dr. Wessinge, city health
fle said that both the Homoeo-
and University hospitals are us-
W milk entirely, with the one
[on of Palmer Ward where it is
ized for use of infants. "
re is no reason at all why, if
ized milk is the only safe thing
t tudet body to have, it Is not
tues more necessary for the
s in the hospitals to have it.
r weakened condition they are
re susceptible to the germs con-
An'all raw milk and will take
oease these may give them far
eadily,'" he said.
anlty Behind Campaign
Vessingersaid that the medical
is solidly behind the campaign
p: urer product Andthat it is
oable to him that they should
he hospitals to use the unsafe
He said that the only explan-
vas, that theother was slightly
r and, as the authorities there
mied as to funds, they found it
try to use that which they knew
insafe and dangerous.'
pes to See University Plant
re is no reason why the- Uni-
sbould not have a plant for
>per pasteurization of the milk
ly its hospitals, operated by
id for tbeir own benefit only. I
ly hope that in the new build-
ich is being constructed, there
a plant which will take, care
Several of the medical faculty
ilunteered their services to run
tm if the Regents will only
nooney for the const ction of a
te plant in connection with the
ls. -,
Operation Difficult
.y people do not understand
he handling , of one f these
is a very difficult task and that
not done with extreme care
no use to do it at all.- How-
ith men from the-faculty oper-.
he plants there will be the most
product in the city- at the hos-
he sid.
Vessinger strongly approved the
aken by Dr. V. C. Vaughan in
ay's Daily regarding te e neces-
passing an ordinance to force
rding housekeepers to use milk
does not endanger the lives of
d use it. He said that it was
that he could not compel the
of a pure product unless there
ordinance to back him 'in his
Milk Only Perfect Food
Lic opinion should demand that
s have milk which\ will not do
arm than, good. Milk is the
srfect food we.have," said/ Dr.
Pontinued on Page Six)
meeting of Comedy club held
rersity Hall Tuesday afternoon
:anization of different commit-
d the consideration of plays
e. for production was car-

Arrangeentts for the handling of
senior. and group pictures to appear
n the 1920 Michiganensian were
worked out Tuesday pt a meeting of
Ann Arbor photographers and editors
af the yearbook.
Group photographs of fraternities,
house clubs, sororities, dormitories,
honor and scientific societies which
will be ilciuded in this year's Mich-
ganensan, will be made at the uni-
form rate of .-$5 a sitting when the
group contains more than nine per-
sons and for $2 when composed of
fewer members. By ordering a dozen
pictures no charge is made for the
Michiganens n print or for the sit-
ting. Due t the holiday rush pho-
tographers will be unable to take
group photographs after. Nov. 20 and
this date has been set as the time
limit for the various organizations.
Immnediate Attention Urged
As in former years, individual senior
pictures for the senior section of the
Michiganensan will be made for $2
each, $1 going to the photographer and
$1 to the yearbook to pay for the en-
graving. When portraits are desired
from the Michiganensian sitting no
charge is made for the extra print
and the dollar paid the photographer
may bapplied to dozen orialf-dozen
To facilitate the editors and pho-
tographers in handling the large num-
ber of senior pictures it is urged that
all seniors intending to have portraits
made attend to the arrangements for
'sittings now, while those who only
want prints for the Michiganenslan
postpone the taking of the until Jan.
1. All senior pictures must be taken
by Feb. 1 as it is planned to have the
volune off the press early in April.
} Aetivity Sips Now Obtainable
Activity slips, address stickers for
the individual prints, and receipt
blanks may be obtaned at the Michi-
ganensian offices on the second floor
of the Press building, or'from the fol-
lpwing photographers: Rentscheler's
studio, 319 E. Huron, 961-M; Ran-
dall's studio, 921 ET Washington, 598;
H. L. Spedding, successor to White of
New York, 619 E. Liberty, 948-W; and
at the Derr studio, 721 N. University,'
$2,000In 'B ad
Checks Passed
-According to the local banks a band
of confidence men were operating in
Ann Arbor bon Saturday last. Alto-1
gether it is thought that at least $2,000
was passed in bad checks on Ann Ar-
bor banks on that day. The police be-
lieve that the persons who did this
work we'e working together and were
clever enough to put one over on the
local banks. In most instances they
represented themselves as local stu-
dents and so-cashed the checks with-
out any difficulty.
Worthless checks to the value of
'about $50 were passed by a man who
gives his name as O. B. Jacobs. This
is also the name he used on thei
checks. He was apprehended Tuesdayi
and brought up for trial immediate-
ly. Relatives are trying to 'get the
money to make good ,the amount he
has embezzled and expect- to secure
his freedom shortly.
Three other bad checks of small de-1
nomination were passed on local mer-
chants, evidently by the same per-
son, as the writing is identically the'

same, as is the date. One of these
'was signed by a Page and the other
two by an IT. D. Freeman.
Jacobs denies the responsibility for
'the last three but freely admits his
authorship of several others, all of
'small denominations. This work was'
not done by the men responsible for
the checks passed on the banks, it' is
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Oct. 28.-Efforts of France
and England are again being brought
into play to bring a solution of the
Italian and American difficulties over
the settlement of the Fiume problem7
according to the Liberty today. The
paper reports that the American op-
position to the modified Italian pro-,
posals is unchanged and that the re-
sponse of Secretary of State Lansing
is in the negative.

Agree Upon Plan After Two Hour
Conference; Refuse to Make
It Public
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 28.-How to deal
with the soft coal strike in event the
miners ignoring President Wilson's
command to stay on the job, walk out
Friday night, was definitely agreed
upon today at a two- hour meeting
of the cabinet.'
The plan of action was not disclos-
ed, but it is known that the cabinet
stood as one man for protection of the
rights of the public which would suf-
fer with the closing of the mines.,
Kept PlanQut
-Secretary Lansing would not say if
any facts had been laid before the
meeting to justify hope of averting
the strike
Secretary of Labor Wilson, familiar
with the ways of miners'through long
-service as an officer of their national
organization said it might be several
days before a decision was reached by
the executive board at Indianapolis.
"We still have the functions of a
mediator to perform," he said. in an
announcement that no new strike de-
velopments had been brought to his
Indianapolis, Oct. 28. - With no
change in the situation reported at the
United Mine Workers of America head-
quarters, leaders of the big organiza-
tion of coal mines were preparing
grimly tonight for a momentous con-
ference y tomorrow of' its executive
board and scale committee. John L.
Lewis, acting president of the organ-
ization arrived late .today but had
little to add to sentiments he has al-
ready expressed concerning the gen-
erajl strike to take effect Nov. 1.
The condemnation- of the proposed.
alkout by President Wilson and his
suggestion that a tribunal be appoint-
ed to find a basis of settlement of the
disagreement with coal production
continuing meanwhile held no charms
for the union leaders.,
Discounts Suggestion
The suggestion that work be con-
tinued pending appointment and report
of an Anvestigating tribunal was de-
clared by Mr. Lewis a measure for
"That would mean months of wait-
ing while men ignorant of mining
problems studied and tried to solve
them," he said. "Meanwhile the min-
ers would be working under the pre-
sent intolerable conditions.'
(By Associated Press)
Muskegon, Oct. 28.-With 14 known
dead and six or more missing only
time can bring an accurate count of
the toll of the seas which early this
morning lifted bodily the Crosby pas-
senger steamer City of Muskegon, and
smashed her to pieces on the piers at
the entrance to Muskegon harbor. The
list of dead is being added to almost
Struck Sand Bar
The steamer, a side wheeler, bound
from Milwaukee afte' outriding a

night of gale made for the harbor in
the early morning darkness but is said
by Captain Edward Miller to have
stru'ck the bar at the entrance. The
wheel paddles jammed in the sand
chucking headway ands the great comb-
ers threw the ship about and hurled
her ontot the pier. There she hung
momentarily pounding into wreckage
and then slipped off into the deep
channel going down in fifty feet of
The vessel lies a storm torn tangle
of steel and splintered wood, effectu-
ally blocking the harbor entrance.
Fifty Passengers Saved
Fifty of the seventy-two passengers
and crew, guided to safety by a sin-
gle light in the hands of a coast
guard, were tonight known to have
been saved from the vessel. It was
feared several were caught between
decks. Survivors most of whom es-
caped only in their night clothing were,
being cared for by the Red Cross
while in the city morgues lie the bod-
ies recovered.

Canvass of General Fraternities and
Sororities Nets 1,150
A canvass of the general fraterni-
ties and sororities has netted 1,150
paid subscriptions to the Michigan
Chimes. During the coming week all
professional fraternities, league hous-
es dnd dormitories will be visited by
Chimes' representatives, While the
independent women will be given a
chance to subscribe at the first meet-
ing of the Women's league.
Now in Printers' Hands
The magazine, which is now in the
hands of the printers, will be about
the size 'of the American magazine,
and will contain -30 pages of reading
matter; all of which is of general in-
terest to the students. Campus opin-
ions are forcefully expressed, without
being veiled in any way.
There have been new appointments
to the. paper's staff. Mr. Harold Scott,
'13, of the Rhetoric department has
been ,ppointed repesentative from
the Quadrangle club, while Lester
Waterbury has been made associate
Upper Business Staff Announced
The upper business staff consists
of George Cadwell, '21L, circulation
manager, Robert McKean, -'21, adver-
tising manager, Jack Gardne, '21,
publication .manager, and' Stuart
sonne, credit manager. -
There are at resent 25 men try-
ing out for the lower staff, the fol-
lowing appointments laving - been
made: Murray Gardner, '20E, Harold
Hawkes, '21,- Ned Ives, - '22, and
Maurice Atkinson, '21.
The first issue of the Chimes will be
out Nov. 5.
Railroad and Pullman -tickets to
Chicago Nov. 8 may now be purhase
at the Michigan Central depot, where,
all arrangements for the special train
are being made by afficials. Definite
announcement as to whether a special
will be e'hgaged or whether a number
of extra coaches will be put on the
10:42 train Friday evening will be
made when it is known how many
students plan to make the trip. .
Owing to the fact that the Rail-
road administration will not grant a
special rate, the Michigan Central has
'taken the arrangements for the Chi-
cago trip out of the hands of the
Union. -
Will Also Attach Coaches
Pullman diagrams are in the hands
of the M. C. agent, who will sell seats,
as they are demanded. V(hen enough
students have bought berths to fill a
car, then tickets for another car will
be sold, this continuing until it is
-known whether enough have been
sold to enable a special train to be
started. If not the coaches will be
put on back of the 10:42.
In order to accommodate every one,
the Michigan Central officials will al-
so attach 'day coaches to the spe-

clal. Any one contemplating the Chi-
cago trip is asked by railroad officials
to buy tickets immediately so that
enough coaches may be secured to
take every one..
Special Will Leave at 10:30
If a special train leaves, it will
start at 10:3{ o'clock Friday night,
arriving in Chicago about 7 o'clock.
The trai iiay come back Saturday
night, or some other time, according
to the wishes of the students. Round
trip fare is $16.05, with an upper berth
one way costing $1.76 and, a lower1
berth $2.16. Tickets are .rood for 30
days so that a return may be made
any time.
Michigan Central- officials wantfstu-
dents to buy tickets soon, at the same
time informing them if they are go-
ing on the special. Even if the party,
is not going on the special, the stu-
dent should buy his ticket early, so.
that the officials may provide special'
bquipment for trains leaving Ann Ar-
bor that week-end.

And yellow the moon on

Sing to the colors that float in the
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride thro' the
And reel hI a rollicking crew;
Yellow the fields where ripens the

Hail to the colors that float in the
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Blue are the billows that bow Ao the
- When yellow-robed morning is due;
Blue are-the curtains that evening has
The slumbers of Phoebus to woo;
Bu4 are the blossoms to memory
And blue is the sapphire, that gleams
like a tear;-Hail
Hail to the ribbons that nature has
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Here's to the college whose colors 'we
- wear
Here's to the heartsihat are true!
Here's to the maid of golden hkir,
And eyes that are brimming with
Garlands of blue-bells and maize in-
- tertwine
And hearts that are true andvoices
Hail -
Hail to the college whose colors we
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
-Published by Permission.
IWriters Wanted
For Opera Jusic
Writers to compose music for the
Union opera to be given next spring
are wanted. A meeting of-men inter--
ested in undertaking such Work has
been called for 4:30 o'clock Wednes-
day in room 308 of the Union by
William A. Leltzinger, '20, chairman of
the opera.
Earl V. Moore, director of the Un-
ion's musical activities, will discuss
the matter with the men, and 'tell
them what is required. A great many
men have signified their dsire to com-
pose numbers for the opera, at least
10 men in the University having writ-
ten music already while there are
others who 'dsire to take up the work.
Lyrics to work on will be given the
men, who tudrn out, and from time to
time other meetings will be called to
discuss the progress.
Archie McDonald, '21L,. who imper-
sonated - campus characters at last
year's Band Bounce and featured on
the Spot-light Vaudeville program,
has been secured for the Band Bounce
next Tuesday evening.
His act will be practically new but
some of the most popular impem'ona-
tions of his previous appearances will
be included.
The violin number furnished by
Manuel Wolner, '22, who leads the
Arcadia Orchestra of Detroit, will be
made up exclusively of classical se-
J. S. Klumpp, 120M, is chairman of
the Band Bounce committee and will
be aided by H. P. Lindsay, '21, assist-
ant, mahager of the band. J. A. Ker-
vin, 20M, will be stage manager.'
There is some doubt in the minds of
new Michigan as to what the Band
Bounce and itsapurposes are. Accord-
ing to J. S. Klumpp it is briefly an
entertainment furnished by campus
talent, to raise the money necessary
to send the band to Chicago a week
from next Saturday.

The Fall games, and arrangements
for the poncluding of all class elec-
tions are two of the important topics
that will be taken up at the meeting
of the Student council Wednesday
night on the third floor of the Union.

the harvest-

Citizens, Churchps and Other 0
Cations Asked by Rper U
Enforce Measire
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 28.-Upon
advised that the senate hal 0
den the president's veto of the-
bition bill, the United Brewers'
ciation announced tonight that
would be brought in the courts'
the constitutionality of the law
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 28.-The
passed the prohibition enforcem
over the president's veto toda
made immediately effective mac
for preventing sale of beverage
taining more than one-half of p1
cent of alcohol.
The vote was 65 to 20 or eight
than the necessary two-thirda i
Precedes Peace Treaty
While there was a wrangle ove
ing up the measure in place
peace treaty which had the ri
way, there never'was doubt as t
the.senate stood. It was overy
ingly dry, like the house, whi
passed the bill 'withinth"re
after the president had vetoed
Before congress finally clinch
actment of the enforcement la
spite presidential objection to I
war time and constitutional-
there came from the White Hou
announcement that the war tin
which was put into effect aft<
cessation of hostilities would 1
nulled the moment the senate f
ly ratified the German peace-
Definite Statement
- was the most definite of a
cial- statements bearing on th
time prohibition law.
Prohibition leaders were dis
by the news for they had c
firmly on the country's reachi
effective date of constitutional
bition, -Jan. 16, 1920, without r
ing of. saloons.-
Despite the clamor set up I
and dry forces over the White
announcement senate leaders
that they could proceed with c
eration of the -treaty as here
Urges Enforcement
Washington, Oct. 28.-Law a
citizen, churches, civic organ'
and welfar'e societies were sum
tonight by Commissioner Roper
the Bureau of Internal Revenue
forcement of the prohibition law
Any flouting of the law, Mr.
declared, would bring into dis
the American forte of governn
While the bureau is made the
cy directing the enforcement'
measure with the department c
tice conducting prosecutions o
dence obtained by the bureaus
responsibility is not econfined t
eral officers, the commissioner
States to Co-Operate

State, county and municipal o
are expected to do a' full sh
stopping and punishing violatio'
the successful administratioa
law, Mr. Roper said, will be m
ed in the manner by which the
ficials meet these requiremen
Mr. Roper's plans contempla
organization of a prohibition ei
ment staff which will be devot
tirely to that work and com
disassociated from the tax col
activities of the bureau.
Waldo McKee was elected
dent of the senior engineering c
the election held in the Engin
building Tuesday. The other c
elected follow:- vice-president,
Weston; secretary; H. N. And
and treasurer, James M. Bake:

t a

ppointments were made as fol-
s: Play committee: Joseph Avery,
Burton Garlinghouse, '20, Elwyn
les, '21, Richard A. Forsyth, '20,
abeth Oakes, '20; Publicity com-
ee, H. Hardy Heth, '20, Edgar
e, '20, Paul Eaton, '21, Richard
ten, '21; pocial committee, David
i, '20, Russell Pershing, '22, and
ion Bath, '21.
onthly meetings will occur on the
nd Thursday of every month, the
one being Nov. 13. According to
r by-laws every member must at-
I regular meetings unless legiti-
ly excused. Plans were laid for a

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