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October 28, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-28

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Belgium 1loyalty
Visiting Capit

- Rul

ances to, relieve
a in distributing
will be started
time within the
er this arrange-
of a particular
paembers of a
as the Law
ted to buy tick-
up to a certain
e, after which
Ip dances will
Saturday night,
cal school night
Saturday. mak-

That the University should offer to
all its students the opportunity of
free vaccination is the opinon of Dean
Victor C.' Vaughan of the Medical;
"I need cite only one instance to
show the great benefits to be derived
-from vaccination of the entire student
body or of any large body of persons,"
'said Dean Vaughan. "In the Spanish-
American war, without vaccination,y

879 out of every 100,000 American boys
in army camps died of typhoid. In the
present war, with vaccination, the rate
was only 1.3 per 100;000. Is the life of
an American worth any less out of
uniform than in one?
"Although I do not advocate-corn-
pulsion, I believe every student-should
be given the chance .to be vaccinated
free of charge. The danger of epi-
demics would be greatly reduced
throughout the city."

City Completes
Mvemorial Drive


fist Pleases
Local A udience

(By Associated Pre,
Washington, Oct. 27.-Ki
Queen Elizabeth and Princ
.of Belgium, arrived in W
shortly after 9 o'clock toni
three day visit with officials
nation's capital. The royal
ceived a most enthusiastic v
the station where it was me
President Marshall and o
government officials.
Generals Pershing and IV
among those who joined in
come, the former accompa
party here from Philadelphia
ands crowded every vanta
around the station and 1
through which the royal
to pass.

) -

after a
ual dis-

a large num-
it has been
one a tick-
instances of
g in ahead of
been called

are not
. before

- - i

Washtenaw county has subscribed
its quota and several hundred dollars
r more, for the Roosevelt Memorial
fund. - .
Giving the University half the credit
for the money raised on Ferry field
Saturday, the campus fund contribut-
ed $1,873.86 to that raised by the'
Committee Proud
The city of Ann Arbor, including the
University, raised all of the Washten-
aw county quota alone and with that
raised by the schools which/amounts
to about $350' and that raised by the
county, not yet reported, the commit-
tee feels, justly proud of the wad in
which the people have responded to
the call for $3,500.
Fred Petty, '21, acting chairman of
the University committee, reports the
total colledted on the campus, at $712
with a few fraternities unrepored.
Their contributions will be sent in to-
morrow and will probably raise the
amount to about $750.
Foreign, Coins Given
'Many foreign coins were thrown in-
to-the Roosevelt Memorial flags at the
game Saturday and these will be sent
to Now York for valuation.
The drive was completed last night
with a banquet at the-city Y. M. C.
A. which had the dual purpose of cel-
ebrating Roosevelt's birthday and end-
ing the campaign for new members
which the "Y" has been carrying on.
Prof. John R. Brumm of the rhetoric
department paid a fitting tribute to
Roosevelt, and the final reports were
received on the new members. A total
of 203 members were taken in, mak-
ing 567 memberships in the city "Y"
at the present time.

g five acts include
ar performers. A sur-
ox Harmony" will be
rris Cohen, '21.
'Mixed 4-tette," which
summer Band Bounce,
nd at the piano, prom-
ie features.
er by Manuel.Wolner,
Diamond again ag--
he piano.
,t will be a veritable
' from Phil Diamond's
ng the pieces repre-
11, be three pianos, a
'et, drums and several

Registration of annual members of
e Union has now reached 3,907,
icih does not include about 700 life
embers. This figure leaves , about
100-members unregistered, according
estimate of Union officials.
These men will" have to sign up
thin the next two weeks if they ex-
ct to participate In Union activi-
s, for work has already started on
e appointment of committees on the
sis of the member's qualifications as
t forth on the registration blank.
Mr. Earl Moore, director of musical
tivities, has discovered 10 men who
mpose music, through the agency
registration cards.
Application for a special experi-
ental license for the University radio
ition on the Engineering building
a been at the office of the Detroit
dio inspector for some time but no
>rd has been received from there.
Some anxiety is felt as to whether
a officials will be willing to again

"Methods of Study" was the topic
discussed by Prof. G. M. Whipple Mon-
day in University hall at the third
talk to freshmen. He stated that
much time was lost resulting in lower
ischolagtic marks because students do
not do their work in a systematic man-
In the course of the lecture Profes-
'eor Whipple enumerated seven valua-
ble- points that have ,been found .to
produce the, best results in the prepa-
ration of lessons.
They concerned the physical condi-
tion of the student, the external con-
ditions favorable to study, a definite
daily schedule of work, the attitude of
'mind necessary for the best results,
and the importance of absolute con-
Next week Professor Whipple will
continue his lecture on the same sub-
All men interested in golf are re-
quested to report at 7 o'clock Tuesday
night in room 321 of the Union for the
purpose of organizing a Michigan Golf
association under the direction of
Prof. T. C. Trueblood. Tentative plans
for a golf team have already been
conceived, and a tournament, begin-
ning next Thursday, will be undertak-
en for the 'purpose of discovering
available material.
Prizes will be given to the winner
and the runner-up. When the golf
team is organized, it is probable that
Michigan will compete in the Western
Conference golf meets. Prior to 1905
Michigan was represented by a team
in the conference, members of which
received an. "M".
Union Will Give Billiard Lessons
Free half-hour classes in . billiard
playing will be conducted at 4 o'clock
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
each week by Al Taylor, manager of

(By Edna Lucking Apel)
Madame Olga Samaroff launched the
season's Matinee Musicale concert se-
ries last evening on a sea that prom-
ises -well to be capped with future
concerts of the same high degree of
Madame Samaroff was hampered
somewhat by the smallness of Patten-
gill auditorium, in the Ann Arbor
High school, whose acoustic properties
are wholly unsuited to concert pur-
poses. An unruly lock of hair seemed
to cause he much annoyance, a re-
gretable occurrence because it de-
tracte'd the attention of the audience
'from the art to the artist.
If Uses Own Arrangement
The program was opened by Madame
Samaroff's own arrangement of the
Bach G minor organ fugue. The big
classic on the program was the So-
'nata Appassionata of Beethoven. A
lively theme ushereed in the Allegro
Assa, whose forte increased until the
beginning of the second movement
which opened with an atmosphere of
deep solemnity which 'pervaded the
opening theme of the Andante and was
carried through in varying lyrical in-
terpretations, modulating into a bril-
liant, bright, and beautiful Presto.
She rsponded to an encore with the
"Turkish March" of Rubenstein. The
delicate ,eveliness of the finale por-
trayed the clearness which she can
command, not only in forte apassages,
but also in the .softest whisperings of
pianissimos. The Chopin set included
five preludes in contrasting rhythms
and tempos. "
Debussy's alway oddly peculiar
music was appreciatively different
from Chopin. Her command of bril-
liant slaccatos and clearly decisive
pass-ageswas displayed in Tschaikow-
sky's "Humoresque."
- Playing Shows Power
Throughout her playing there- was
a charming feminacy coupled with the
strength, power, and eloquence of mas-
culinity, entrancing lightness, and im-
posing grandeur. There was a satisfy-
ing, clean cut precision in her ren-
.,Every note received its full value.
'Madame Samaroff's echnque, which
is faultless, is always subordinated to
tlfe importnce of interpretation.
The program was concl-uded with
Liszt's twelfth Rhapsod
Here's HowIThe
Jttoiey ROlS .it
By. resorting to a clever trick, a
man who gave his "me as Charles
Ivans, robbed the Farmers and Me-
chanics bank of $2,850 Saturday even-
Evans came into the bank Friday
and deposited $3,050, making the state-
ment that the deposit would not be
there long as it was football money.
Saturday morning he came in the
bank again and withdrew $2,950 in
cash, Max Williams,-the paying tell-
er, giving the money to him.
A little later Mr. Williams received
a phone call asking him to go at once
to the University hospital, where a
friend who had been injured in an
accident had been taken. Mr. .Wil-
lams hastened at once to the hos-
pital, butfound nobody there answer-
ing to the description of the injured
He returned to the bank to find tat
in his absence Evans came in and
drew out another $2,950, Williams'
substitute paying him in cash. The
whereabouts of Evans is not known.

Clark Hawke, '18, Married
- Word has been received in Ann Ar-
bor of the marriage on Oct. 22 of
Clark Hawke, '18, of Battle Creek, to
Hermione Warnsing at Petersburg,

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 27.-President Wil-
son unexepectedly vetoed the prohibi- I
tion bill today and within three hours v
the house had repassed it over his s
veto by a vote of 176 to 55. n
Dry leaders in the senate immediate- a
ly began laying plans to repass the e
bill there. They expect to, ask unan- r
imous c4nsent of its 'consideration to- s
morrow. .
Objects to War Clause
The President refused to sign the n
bill because it included the enforce- -f
ment of war time prohibition. The r
object df war time prohibition the t
President said in his veto had been a
satisfied and "sound public policy c
makes clear the reason and necess-
ity for its repeal."
It would not be difficult, the Presi- c
dent held, for Congress to deal sep- e
arately with the two issues. t
The veto hit congress like a crack s
of lightning. The house getting on
its feet again deserted its leaders q
who wanted to defer consideration un-
til Thursday so as to round up all the
dry members, but the drys_ wept into
the chamber and showed there was an
overwhelming sentiment among them
to give the government ample' weapons
for dealing with the liquor traffic now
outlawed throughout the land,
Declred Constitutional -
Nobody had really professed to know
that the President would veto the bill.
Republicans and Democrats alike and s
the countless- multitudes that watched t
the passing of the bars-thought it t
would become a law without his sign- e
, Attorney General Palmer had de-
Glared it constitutional it was ' said. -
With repassage of the law by the house
and the prospects of the same thiing t
happening in the senate, hope for the
big "wet spell" that would run over
the Christmas season vanished into
thin air. Prohibition leaders predict-
ed tonight that the refusal of the house
to accept the President's veto meant
that the sale of liquor would not be per-
mitted in the light of this and many -
other generations.

House Re.passes Bill Within '
Hours After President's




At a meeting of the officers of the
freshman literary class, held yester-
day afternoon, -committees were ap-
pointed as follows: finance commit-
tee: Lawrence Snell, chairman, Mary
Ives, Margaret .MacIntyre, Charles.
McDuffie, Robert Rice. Social commiit-
tee: Ward Conover, chairman, Robert
Gibson, Richard Sweet, Otta Dollavo,
William Bowen, Genevieve Hoyt, Hel-
en Fischer, Ilene Fischer, Antoinette
Schautz, Katherine Grindley.
Auditing committee: Jacob Vande-
visse, chairman, Wardner Palmer,
Gerrit Demmink.,Advisory committee:
Robert Rice, chairman, Margaret Mac-
Intyre, Elizabeth Humphreys, Charles
McDuffie, Jacob Vandevisse, Lawrence
Snell, Ward Conover.


Rosters' o
tions as th i3

II -


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