SUNAY SERVICES IN ANN ARBOR CHURCHES V r.4WHY_ F You can Service Get at - )s~. I'm &irrit~ nii WTHY is it that people come into our New Victrola ,and Record Department and go out as well satisfied as if they had made their purchases at some store in a large city? It is because we offer them the same large stock from which to make selections, and, in addition, the services of trained and efficient salespeople. SOUND-PROOF demonstrating booths make for your convenience in Judging ,records. / ONE VISIT to our store will make you a regular, visitor. In fact, our business is built on our ability to- give courtesy, service,. -.d satisfaction. 3irriIj ~Ihr s. -E u r &lla - j:i East Ttlltttr i 'Ill!J n f ' r14 ' } , '' li *. a , r _ ..""' St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Holy communion at 7:30. Morning prayer and sermon by Rev. H. H. [Lumpkin, of Fairbanks,, Ala'ka, at 10:30. Class in social problems in the chapel at 12, leader, Mr. Warren S. Blauvelt. Subject, "The Standard Value Dollar and the High Cost of Living." Vesper service and address at 4:30. Congregational Church Dr. Carl S. Patton, former pastor, preaches at 10:30. A group to dis- cuss social problems meets at 12:10. Underclassmen /study "The Teaching of Jesus;" leader, Mr. T. S. Evans. Upperclassmen take up "Bolshevism;" leader, Professor Karpinski. Prof. Dora Barnes leads the women's class, subject, "Social Aspects of the Teach- ings of- Jesus." Evening service at 7:45. Mr. Douglas gives the second sermon in the series, "The Choice of a Life Work." Unitarian Church Sermon at 10:30. Subject, rThe Be- ginning of Wisdom," by Mr. Sidney Robis. Young people's forum at 7:30. Topic, "Crime and Social Con- trol." Professor Wood, leader. First Methodist Church At 10:30 Dr. A. W. Stallter will preach on 'They That Are Wise." Evening service at 6:30, led by the Wesleyan guild. Subject, "The Chal- enge of Opportunity." A social half- hour immediately precedes the guild ¢meeting., First Presbyterian Church Sermon at 10:30 on "Roosevelt, the Great American." Bible school at 12. Professor .Henlerson leads the stu- dents' class. Subject, "Science and the Bible. Trinity Lutheran Church At 10:30 Rev. Lloyd Wallick will preach on "Stewardship." University wens class at 11:30. Vesper service at 7:30. First Baptist Church Public worship at 10:30. Dr. A. F. Agar will "preach on "Counting the Cost." Suiday school at 11:50. "Who Is Rich" is the theme of Dr. Agar at the evening service at 7:30. Zion Lutheran Church Students' bible class at 9:30. Ref- ormation sermon at 10:30 on "The Primacy of St. Peter." At 7:30 the subject of the sermon will be "The Dignity of Labor." Church of Christ (Dlsedpe) Students' class at 9:Q Moning service at 10:30. Christian Endeavor at 7:30. St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Church Masses at 6, 7:30, 9, and 10. Sermon at 10:30. Students' Catholic Chapel Student services at 7:30 and 10. The Rey. Fr. Bourke will officiate. First Church of Christ (Scientist) Sermon at 10:30. Subject, "Proba- tion After Death.'" WHAT'S GOING ON7 SUNDAY 2:31-Officers and county chairmen of the Copper Country club meet in room 319, Union building. Chair- men are asked to bring a list of members from their county. 7:30-Menorah .society meets in Lane hal. Profeor Wenley speaks. 7:30-Lecture on "Who Is Rich" by Dr. F. A. Agar at Baptist church. MONDAY 3:30-Soph lit football practice, and election of captain, on south Ferry afield. 4:10-Junior lit football practice on south Ferry field.. 8:00-Olga aniaroff gives recital un- der auspices "of Matinee Musical club in New Union. Don't 'say Shirt: say Emery. Buy them at the Davis Toggery Shop, '119 S. Main.--Adv. Pay your subscription to the Daily. l REV. HENRY TATLOCK, D.D. Rector REV. CHARLES T. WEBB Curate SCHEDULE OF BIBLE CHAIR CLASSES 444 South State Street Course I-"Upper Room" Class -Saturday Evenings, 7 to 8 o'clock. a CourseII-"Unl rsity Men's Class" - Sunday Mornings, 9:30 to 10:15 o'clock. Course III-General Survey of the Bible - Thursday Even- ings, 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock.. 'Course IV - Methods of Bible Study; and Teaching- Iriday afternoons, 4:10to 5 o'clock. Course V-A Discussion Class -Friday Evenings. 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. [ DIT " iT QlYl ur r Cor. Division and Catherine Services 7:30, 10:30, 4:30 At the Ten-thirty Service the Rev. H. R. Lumpkin, Clerical Deputy from Alaska to the Gen- eral Convention, will present another aspect of the Nation- wide Campaigns.- SE 9:30 a. TODAY'S CHURCH Sl t 4 "PA 1 C. E. F. P. AT 10:3( I F. P. ARTHURl Phoiie 235 11:4f Guild Cla Baptist C 6:30 Evangelistic Guild 7:30 Evening Dr. w' w' w, w. E IChurch 7 FIRST rONG REGAT19ONA I CHURCH Rapti Huron 10:30 a. m. IR CARL S. PATTON of Loas Angeles preaches 7:45 p. m. LJLOYD C. 1iOTGLAS speaks to students Topic: "INi TRAINING" I V South FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor Washington and State St. Morning Worship 10:30 Dr. A. W. Stalker Subject: "THEY THAT ARE WISE" Wesleyan Guild Meeting 6:30 Leader, LewistRamsdell Subject: "THE CHALLENGE OF OPPORTUNITY" Evening Worship 7:30 Dr. A. W. Stalker e Four- Great Lines of Hats. Dubuise French Velour , Stepson Schoeble Ilorsalino receive your consider- are ready for, when you fall or winter choosing WET 'COURTS AGAIN HOLDS UP FINISHING TOURNAMENT PLAY (Continued from Page Three) another new man, will also bear close watching. Play in the singles should be fin-' ished Wednesday afternoon. The plan is asfollows: All remaining third and fourth round matches are to be played Monday. Tuesday, the semi-final round will be run off and Wednesday the finals. Unless those doubles teams which are holding up the play get together,A number of defaults will have to be made. Teams) should get in touch with Coach Mitch- ell at once. Monday Matches I The schedule for Monday includes the following matches: Singles, third round-Christie vs. Friedman, Ohl- macher vs. Gregory. Fourth round, Cole vs. winner of Christie-Friedman match. Sanchez vs. Reindel. Angell vs. winner of Ohlmacher-Gregory match. Doubles:' Riley and Doty vs. Gregory and Sanchez (after singles are played). Burlek and Munger vs. Pareira and Christie (after singles are played). Bowers and Creedon vs. Clip- pert and Parsons. Chipman and Stew- art vs. Weinberg and Kolb. Gourn and Friedman vs. winner of Chipman- Stewart vs. Weinberg-Kolb match. Cochran and Irving vs. Sutton and Stephens. DANCING Every Monday and Thursday, 8 to 10 at the Packard. Private lessons by appointment.-Adv. Soiled walls may be cleaned with "Climax-Cleaner." There is none bet- ter. Phone 237. C. H. Major & C.- Adv. CHURCHES , ' ST. PAUL'S Huron and Chapin Sts. Rev. Carl A. Brauer Sunday School, 9: 0:0Ba. m Church Services, 10:30 'a. 7:30 p. M. 'THE T" Li., t TRINITY Fifth Ave. and William: St.f Rev. Lloyd Merl Wallick 10:30 a. m., "Stewardship," 11:30 a. im., University Men's Class. 7:30 p. m., Vesper Service. ZION Fifth Ave. and Washington St. Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn 9,30. Student's Bible Class. 10:30 a. i., Reformation Ser- mon, "The Primacy of St. Peter." 7:30 p. m., "The Dignity of Labor." All services English today. /LUTHERAN Theme for "ROOSETE] PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH Corner Huron and Division Leonard A. Barrett, Minister. Mrs. Thomas S. Evans, Sec'y for University Women. Benj. C. Fairmau, Asst. in Stu- dent Work. r Noon Bible Class for Students W. D. Henderson and Thomas S. Evans, Teachers Young People's Service at 6:30 / 1 4dhams & Co. I' ER' ~L If you want to learn to be A good dancer, attend Prof. Mittenthal's danc- ing school. Armory, Friday evenings. .Satisfaction guaranteed.-Adv. Mrs. P. L. Stoddard, Hair Shop, 707' N. University Ave., handles the F. Burnham and Marinello goods. Phone 2652-Adv. Have your -typewriting done by Kel- ly, Apply Daily office between one and fiye.-A,v First Unitarian Church Cor. State and Huron Sts. Services 10:30 a. m. "THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM" Sidney S. Robins, Minister 6:30 p. m. Young People's Forum "CRIME AND SOCIAL CONTROL" Frof. A. E. Wood I I rcoal Grilled Porterhouse Steaks N I 11:3o a.m. to 1:3o p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 8:p.m. Itlllllllllllillllltll1111111 il il: ltit! lltlilliill111tllltltll[111111111111 11 7lliiiillllllllllliil111 PATRONS ARCADE FLJR L SHOP I wish to announce that my business and good will have Sbeen taken over by the BluMaize -.Blossom Shop I. heartily recommend the- new concern to your courteous patronage. MRS. G. E. STANSBERRY. . Illillllill li 11II l11 i ll ili ilillllllil11{ 1!111IH ~l!!I llil lli11i Lyndon and Cqmpany -Established1905- Ann Arbor's, Exclusiye Kodak and Finishing Shop Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Expert Amateur Finishing by most Modern Methods Two 'D'oors West of Hill Auditorium . on St.t- Upstairs over Rae Theatre