ept Monday during the Univer- Iof Student Pubitcations. eSOCIATED PRESS lusively entitled to the use for s credited to it or not otherwise al news published therein. Ann -Arbor, Michigan, as second or Press building, - Maynard street. 96o; Editorial, 2414. not to exceed 3oo. ords, if signed, the sig- to appear in print, but as an 'evidence of events will be published in The Dailyatthe or, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. ons will receive no consideration. No man- ed unless the writer incl ses postage. not necessarily endorse he sentiments ex- nications. Managing Editor Phone 2414 or 1o16. . ......... Business Manager Phone 96o or 2738 ...........News- Editor .................. City Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor .......Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Charles R. Osius, J . Jr........ .....Advertising Manager Issue Manager Office Manager .. Publication Manager .Circulation Manager . Subscription Manager ......... ......... Music Editor ......Literary Editor ...... . ....Exchange Editor . Campaign Editor ISSUE EDITORS Thomas H. Adains Brewster Campbell' George Brophy ,John I. Dakin EDITORIAL STAFF William H. Riley R~alph Du'lois Katrina Schermerhorn Robert C. Angell Joseph H. Surrell H.-Hardy Heth IBUSINESS STAFF Isabelle Farnum D. P. Joyce Agnes Holmquist Robt. Somerville Arthur L. Glazer DAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919. Editor-G. 0. Brophy rS AR EBEHIND THE TEAM TODAY tings times in the story of Michi- me. The team, the ,and, the root- ident body must enter Fietry field that Michigan cannot, must not, ig game, more extensive in its re- eople realize. nent of Michigan life which is no vaguery-but spirit, the vital ard ells victory, should be more mani- r before. We will be a big enough ily united purpose is the important nt body has to get behind things band enters the gate to the end; it im with all the fight that a serious )oke. We go in to win! L -so much about spirit that maybe s nothing left to say. But nobody , so why shun the topic ? Just re- the things you have heard when ,omes high or higher wages than a big percentage 'of col- leeg- graduates working on salaries. Naturally, the question arises, "Does college pay ?" Considering the question from this economic side only, the relationship between a college gradtiate and wages, college doe's pay however, or at least col- lege will pay. The present conditions cannot be otherwise than superficial. In the readjustment of industry to war conditions and the resulting high prices, organized .labor forged ahead in its demand for increased wages while the salaried workers re- mained practically at =a standstill. The salaried workers did not have the stimulus of organization and the increase in their pay is follovying the slow moving natural route. The balance must be restored because without executives laborers can not long run an industry. Evehtually, the law of supply and demand will cre- ate higher salaries for these executives, who, in a large part, will be recruited from the college gradu- ates of the country. In time the basis of pay again will be determined largly by what a nian knows rather- than by how many cubic feet 0f dirt he can slovel in an hour. By the time the freshman of today i a graduate, college will pay.-Daily kansan. FRESHMAN TESTS The experimental tests which have just meen completed by the mentor committee of the engi- neering college mark a new movement. in deter- mining the capabilities of men to enter college. Some 30 or 40 engineering colleges in the country are conducting the tests to determine their value as entrance examinations to supplement the pres- ent tests.; Not only is a general intelligence test given, but five other sets of examinations, including various forms of mathematics, physics, and other necessary subjects, are included. Each freshman is allowed a half hur to complete the tests., No considera- tion is givei' the results in' relEtion to the freshmen who are being examnined. The tests will not influ- ence their grades in' any way. The purpose is merely to ascertain the advisability of correcting )resent college entrance requirements. Literary cilleges are also taking up the move- mernt, and at present 25,0ooliterary freshmen are being prepared to take the tests. This is to be a more general campaign than first appears., Un- qrestionably it is an excellent work. The nation- wide knowledge that present entrance requirements x, arc not satisfactory has led to the campaign.- The hu/mp" ' Try Face Powder Next Time "Speakin' of shavin'," said the oldest inhabitant, "I bought some of this here newfangled shavin' powder. the other night and sprinkled it all over my chin, and the next mornit' I had more beard than ever.,, How This Evil Work Began Moses tapped the rock. "Aha," said Wheezis, the original colyum con- - ductor, "hitting the hard stuff, hey?" Is There Any Distinction? The Chi Trib'une, in writing of a Swis who at- tempted to assassinate the Swiss president, says "it is notknown whether he ,is bolshevist, or is crazy, or both." Will Not Hold Union Services Sunday The Daily wishes to acknowledge the error in stating that there would be a union religious service in Hill au- ditorium on Sunday. There will be no union service until Nov. 2, when Bish- op Henderson of Detroit, will speak under the auspices of the Methodist church. Bertrand Bronson vill play a violin number at th@ Upper Room Bible Class this evening. Hour of class from 7 to 8 o'clock--Adv. TYPINU-Let "Kid" do it. Expert work at Moderate Rates. Rush work a specialty. Call Livermore, 2106-R.- Ady. Pay your subscription.. If you select your - PIPE- from our stock you are sure zu 1l1f1ll ItlIIIrrrfrrraittI 1in riit tr1riuar ill 111111111111 lililil MICHIGAN'S "Favorite College So -$3.00 - !W HR'S UNIX IBOO mosomemno0001o >ngs VERSITY KSTORES DETROIT UNITED LINES lOct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 :1o a. m., and hourly to 9 :io p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. in.,'and' every hour to 9:48 p. m. (ECx- presses make local top stwest of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:oy a. mn., 9:05 a. tr. and every two hours to 9:05 p. M., 10:50 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, TI :45 p. m., 1 xo a. n,., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- :48 a. m. and 12:20 a. Mn. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank . Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $350,0011.00 Resources .........$4,O(W,t0OJM) Northwest ,Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. to be satisfied. PICTURE FRAMLNG WINDOW SHADES e have the largest most complete line in City. and the Student Headquarters For everything in "Brighten-Up" finishes, best ass of swing frames, Mand-Made picture frames and slades at lowest prices. PAINTSL E WENZE See Our Window . -.r . .:' ,: ... , ... ,.. City Cigar Store ~PHCf PAINTING AND DECORATING 207 E. L )NE 84 110 E. Huron St. - 4 1 )RS AND EMBLEMS :inctive colors and emblems. aize and Blue; her emblems t they'are distinctiye to the i this city, wears a sweater s high school, he denies to omething which he''owes to bt. Strangers,'not well ac- i, who visit us here, cannot ween the University's true those of the numerous high seem so anxious to repre- t , - . w j a i k C °! ° r * ' ± 4 a. M _ ... . r. Offers to Its Friends u come to the University, you are ex- ake a fresh start in all your activities. at you have won laurels elsewhere is your credit but this is not the place to Thisis the University, and she is only x own honors. Such an attitude as to ima Mater expects may ap'pear selfish it is necessary that, if the University is honors revered and striven for, they e only ones to be recognized. iman who has not 24 hours of college credit and'does not wear his freshman s much denying to his Alma Mater a debt as the man who displays tokens ol days. Consider this matter from a hich you may never have regarded it' as being .strictly between yourselves Ima Mater. Considered strictly as a ng, your Alma Mater is powerless to accomplish your duty to Ier in this and* ngs. But are you going to disregard of the great Alma Mater spirit, the graduates, her 'faculty, and her great better ,is it to realize that it is a loyal at you perform when you wear your a, a thing to be proud of and cowardly' DOES COLLEGE PAY? unskilled laborers in the steel industry a minimum wage of 45 cents an hour lay for a Io hour day. Practically all re foreigners,-hunkies with less than :hool education. Men with more skill, than the average American of common .tion receive $10 a day and upwards. Elbertus wants to know if the Ohio State team will wear' the traditional sheepskins in today's game. We don't know about that, but we hear they brought a goat along with them.. IS IT? Signs on the courthouse yard in this city read: "Fine for Trespassing." A fresh wanted to know the other day (this is no joke) if the reason the yearlings are not al- lowed to smoke pipes on the canpus is that the sophs are in league with the cigarette manufac- turers. . They Sprouted Out in Them Sol Smith's 'orchestra furnished the music. A notable feature of the grand march was the in- creased number of dress suits.-Antler (Oklahoma) Times-Record. ' How to Write Humor-No. 5 Study the repartee joke-if for nothing else, to furnish yourself with a quick come-back some day: Tightwad-Can you support my daughter in the style to which she has been accustomed? Suitor-I can, but I'm not mean .enough to. The old fashinoed college boy who serenaded his fair one by playing the "Spanish Cavalier" un- der her window is a thing of the past. Nowadays he gets a truck, calls together 16 of his sturdy com- patriots, and puts on a show for her benefit that includes everything from a saxaphone sextette to an harmonica solo. United States Federal authorities assert that dealers in hard'drinks are to be severely dealt with. Does this mean that the icemen are to finally get their just dues? way. COMFORT-Our furniture has been designed with a QUALITY-The best ingredients put together in the best view to your convenience, not with a view to saving space.- Glass and chinaware aare the "home" quality you like rather than "restaurant" quality. SERVICE-Our waiters are quick and courteous. A fountain designed by us and built according to our specifications supplements their efforts. Luncheon items are prepared in a kitchen built for efficient ser- vice.r t We can offer you these qualities NOW. Later, when the decorating and finishing is complete, we can offer COM- fort in still LARGER MEASURE. LIBERTY AT MAYNARD