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Daily Ex-Editors
Purchase Paper
of Secretary of
erence Intact;
r Stands
Kenmore,0., Oct. 23. - larence
Roeser, '19, and Harold Makinson,
'1911, who were managing editor and
business manager, respectively, of
The Daily last year, have completed
the purchase of the Kenmore Herald.
This paper is the only one in the
town, which presents a 'lucrative field
'or journalistic endeavor. In addition
to publishing the Herald, the partner-
:hip will also do 'ob printing..
The men, who have showed unusual
ability in the newspaper business, be-
came associated while on The Daily,
and decided to enter business togeth-
er this summer. Roeser had several
offers fromr large metropolitan papers
but as he preferred to engage in busi-
ness for himself, he began negotia
ions to buy a paper with Makinson.
Money taken in by fraterni-
ties, sororities, and house clubs
for the Roosevelt Memorial fund
should be turned over to the
committee at room 306, Minhi-,
gan Union, between 3 and 5
o'clck Friday afternoon.
IN '14 AND '15,
Prof, Brumni and
Speak for
Y Associated Pres)
Eton ,Oct. 23.-Increases in
portation rates to offset the
n operating expenses dur-
1 contrp- will be sought im-
of the interstate commerce
n by the railroad corpora-
)ceeding -was reported today
rence between Director Gin-
and representatives of the
n of railway executives.
ted States Won't Act
Greatest American Humorist Secured
By Association to Lecture
Here March 6
Public Delegates Alone, Called Upon
by President, to Finish Work;\
Capital Claims Gains
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 23.-Out of the,
National Industrial conference which
Promptly at 7:30 o'cl
tlme doors of Hill auditorit
for the second mass mee
year. As primarily a
arouse enthusiasm to a I
will send the entire stud
Ferry field backing the te
anything that may happ
but snappy program has
ned which contains plen'
Beside the fact that
,will be present and give a
he has promised to bring
Varsity squad with him.
Reimiann Will Sp
Lewis Reimann, '16, pre
al secretary of the city Y.
to speak for thetalumni. Ri
Ines made it clear that tie
en± has io intentions of in-
advances but is willing to put
nformation and the services
lperts at the disposal of the
corporations if it was desired
idependently before the co-
The offer was accepted,.
was no indication how much
dva~ne the railroad men
necessary to enable them to
without a deficiency. The
most often heard in discuss-
n.crease has been 25 per cent
due to the fact that the last
initiated by Director General
was of that amount. Oper-
peAses fave increased about
ent and the deficit incurred
;overnment in the first eight
>f this year was approxiIpate-
By Associated Press).
Wil n Saves Day
igton, Oct. 2.- dramatic
y Secretary of Labor Wilson,
a miner, prevented an open
onight between miners and
i, almost ready to go home
hIng to settle the strike of
llion soft coal miners set for
hence. .
near th end of a long and
session at which the miners
rejected one plan o settle-
I refused to arbitrate wages.
secretary taking hold of a
tread brought 'the two sides
and ket them there for an-
aference tomorrow.
mbers of the two groups,
tr three days of argument
gling, left their meeting place
sed to hazard an opinion as
er the strike o ld be aet
er quarters, however, there
>re hopeful view than hereto_-
Sums Up Day
niners rejected and, the op-
either rejected nor accepted
oposal for settlement of their
' $ecretary Wilson said to-
summing up the day's con-
"They now have befor them
ideration a proposition that
. into conference with each
:hout reservation, as if no de-
d been made or refused, hav-i
mnd the interests of their re-
groupe' /
Oners are willing to do that,
operators are willing pro-
strike order is withdrawn."
. Lewis, president of the Un-
or Workers of America, de-
whe left the conference room
strike order would stand.
hundred, ushers are need-
the 0. S. U. game. Stu-
who have not exchanged
oupons for tickets can se- i
sslgnment as usher by re-a
g 'to Manager Schofield at
field at 4:30 o'clock today.
of $1.00 will be paid for1
'ork. Bring your coupon I
Strickland Gillian, considered Am-
erica's greatest humorist, is the latest
addition to the program being- held
thisyear under the auspices of the
Oratorical association. He will speak
March 6 inHill auditorium.
Owing to conflict of dates, it will be
impossible for E1ihu Root and Herbert
Hoover to lecture, as was previously
.nnounced. The contract for Mr.
Gillian's speech has just been signed
by Prof. W. R. Trueblood, who con-
siders the University very fortunate
in being able to induce him to appear.
Known By His Works
Vr. Gilhan is perhaps btter known
by his works: "Off Agin, On Agin,
Gne Agin, Finnegin," "Me an' Pap an'
Mother,'- "She Felt of Her Belt at the
Back," than by name.' In additipn to
these masterpieces of humor he is the
author of the books, "Sunshine and
Awkwardness," and 'A Sample Case of
In speaking of the program which
'he has arranged for the coming year,
Professor Trueblood said, "It is .my
purpose to have students realize the
Invaluable good and the great asset
which it gives one to say, 'I have heard
William Howard Taft, Stri kTand Gil-
ian, and other notables' I appeal ,to
the students to turn out en masse to
hear these lectures of the Oratorical
association. In my opinion this en-
tertainment is as great as the May
Festical and other events of the year."
Others on Program
In addition to Strickgnd Gillian the
program will-consist of Lt. Coningsby
Dawson, Nov. 5; Sir Arthur Witten
Brown,-Nov. 15; V. Stefanson, Jan. 10;
William Howard TIaft, Jan. 17; Steph-
en Leacock, Jan. 19; Alexander WatA
son, Feb. 17.
Lt. Conngsby Dawson, who is the
fl'st speaker, is a veteran of the World
War, having served with distinction
with the Canadian forces in Flanders.
He is probably one of the most pop+°
ular authors of the war. Dawson is
the author of"Carry On," "The Glory
of the Trenches,"'"Out Wo Win," and
many other popular books.
Dean John R.. Effinger of the liter-'
ary college and Prof. A. S. Whitney,
head off thd education department, will
represent the University. at the fu-
neral of Dr. Jonathan LeMoyne Sny-
Jer, former' president of Michigan Ag-1
ricultural college, to be held at 2:301
o'clock Friday afternoon in East Lan-;
'Frosh Girls Have Good Voices]
Freshman girls this year are try-
ing out for the Glee club with remark-]
able spirit. There are many more
and better voices than ever before in
its history.
"We may be forced to change thei
constitution," said Miss Mora Hun 1
Thursday, "in order to accommodate
the girls. Last year only two-part
songs could be used, but this year all
Friday will conclude the All-campus campaign fo- for the
Roosevelt memorial. The desks which were on the walks -s r'lay
will be in the same places all day today with a large forc^ of men to
see that everyone contributes to the great Americrn's namori al.
The stations on the campus took in about $200 rc-m the students,
yesterday. It was the first day andmany of the men had no notice
that they would be asked to give.
' In the afternoon at a meeting of representatives frc all the fra-
ternities and sororities, the campaign was exlapined, each rcpresenta-
tive being instructed to call an assembly of the students in his house
for the purpose of getting all their contributions at the amie time.
The publication of names of those who contribute the most 's bein .on-
sidered. The money 'ontributed by each fraternity and :sorority is t>
be taken this afternoon to room 306 in the Union.
Last Chunce Today
Today is the last time the studints will have a chance to gim to
the fund as the desire is to make the whole campaign short and snap-
py. Pierce McLouth, '20E, chairman' of the committee handling th .a
drive, stated last night that he expected the University's quota to b-3
-filled without trouble. "The students all seem to take advantage of th:
opportunity to show their appreciation of the late ex-Pres" ,nt and
are giving freely," said McLouth.
The campaign Will begin actively todayin the city d county. Al-
though no house to house canvassing will be done. iP is expected that
everybody will give their bit toward a worthy memorial. Preliminary
reports have come in and show that the fund is going to be subscrib-
ed without difficulty. The local committees in the towns and villages;
report good progress and the schools have all had a goal showing by
the students.
Everybody to Contribute
The purpose of the county committee is to make the drive one for
all the people and to give everybody a chance to contribute his share.
All the banks of the city are open to subscribers and they are al-
ready taking in good sized amounts with the campaign not officially
opened in this county.
The merchants have b'een requested to put pictures of Roosevelt
in their windows and push the drive by talking of it to their patrons
and friends.
The campaign in the county will continue until Monday night.
began .its session. 13 days ago with one
representatives of labor, employers, cam
and the public in attendance, there reer
remained tonight only the delegates was
appointed by President Wilson to actwei
for the public. ' den
Meeting- today after the withdrawal then
late yesterday of the labor delegates, 'that
the employers and public groups heard once
from Secretary Lane, the conference Otl
chairman, a message from President Prof.
Wilson requesting the public dele- and
gates to hurry on the work for which dent
the body ryas called for the estab- 96L,
lishment of a new relationship (be- liver
of the
pus thr
. Varsi
also d
ght wre
tackle in
Judging from the large number of
students, particularly freshmen, who
have been spending their afternoons
in the Ferry field stands hunting out
the seats which they are to occupy
Saturday during the 0. S. U. game, a
complete list of the seating sections
'and their relations to the playing
field seems not amiss, and The Daily
prints it as follows:
South stand, 55 rows of seats: sec-
tion A, from 20 yards behind east
goal to 15 yards behind east goal;
section B, 15 -yards behind east goal
to 5 yards behind east goal; 'section
C, 5 yards behind east goal to 6 yard
line; section D, 6 yard to 17 yard line;
section E, 17 to 28 yard line; section
F,, 28 to-39 yard line; section G, 39
to 50 yard line; section H, 50 to west
39 yard line; section I, 39 to 28 yard
line; section J, 28 to '17 yard line;
section K, 17 to 6 yard line; section
L, 6 to 5 yards behind west goal;
section M, 5 to 11 yards behind west
North stand, 42 rows of seats: sec-
(Contifinued on Page Eight)
In order to bind the University and
the city in a 'closer union than ever
before and to start the fall activities
as well, the\ biggest banquet ever held
by the Chamber of Commerce will
take place next Thursday at the
This get-together banquet will be
the first function of the fall held by
the Chamber of' Commerce and 800
men are expected to attend. There
are more than 100 members of the
faculty 'in the organization so the
University will be well represented.
All the attention of the city will be
centered at the Union building on that
night and it is expected that everyone
attending will leave with a stronger
feeling of union between the town
and the University, a thing which has
not existed until recent years.
The banquetis in the hands of the
entertainment committee of the Cham-
ber of Commerce, of which Mr.
Charles A. Sink, secretary of the Uni-
(Continued on Page Eight)
tween capital and labor.,
Adjiurns Conference /
Chairman Lane after learning the
president's wishes for the two groups
declarled the conference adjourned.
The employers' representatives after'
Issuing a-statement in which they
pointed out three distinct gains from
the controversy over collective bar-
gaining resolved as a group and dis-
persed to their homes.
The course which the public dele-
gates would pursue' was not clear
tonight. After spending more than
four hours in executive session the
major portion of which was devoted
to discussion of various' interpreta-
tions of Mr. Wilson's message, the
public conferees were not in agree-
ment as to the president's intentions
'and were still undecided whether they
should merely make recommendation
as to the organization of a new con-
ference or should undertake the mis-
sion of the original body.
Public Formulate Plans
In official circles it was said that
the latter course was the one the
president had in mind and hope was
expressed that the public delegates,
which in reality in themselves repre-
sent all three groups, would be able
to formulate a program acceptable to
both capital and labor.
The following senior archite'cts of-
ficers were elected Thursday: presi-
dent, H. Schmitz; vice-president,
Samifel Wiener; secretary, J. E. Som-
pie; treasurer, H. Ried. S. Q. Wong
was elected sergeant-at-arms. The
next meeting of the senior architects
will be held in about two weeks.
Election of pharmacy \junior and
senior officers will take place from
2:30 to 4:30 o'crock Friday afternoon
in room 362, Chemistry building.
The students to be voted-upon are:
juniors: president, E. L. Hammond,
C. J. Lemp, and L. R. Wpagener; vice-
president, C. G. Fuss and J. M. In-
glis; secretary, Nelda Layl; treasurer,
H. E. Schlicting and E. C. Watts.
Seniors. nominated are: president,
N. C. Fliegel, F. J. Helbig, and E. T.
Jackson; vice-president, Dorothy
Bristol and J. A. Wyman;.treasurer,
N. D Miller and H .Sayles; secretary,
D. J. Hillier, C. V. 'Krout, and E. D.
sible to do so. It has be
the discretion of all the tal
their choice of subjects. 'I
tend to make the speeches
Cheer-Leader to Be Pr
H. G. Sparks, '20E, new]
ed official cheer-leader, w'.
hand with his staff, includini
of six men who attracted
attention at the M. A. C. g
meeting-will be a chance fi
dents to become used to
methods, and should put the
to raise the stands on Satu
these yell-masters on hand
Varsity squad also there,
pected to be dpminant. Mich
will be sung to the accomp
the Varsity band.
David D. Nash, '20, chairn
committee on arrangeme
'that much of the success of
ing depended on starting th
on time, and requested all s
be on hand early.
Catherine and Observato
have been blofked at their
tion by excavation for the
versity -hospital. During
weeks this work has been u
a considerable .portion of on
Sleepy hollow has been cu'
A single steam shovel is
work, keeping eight teams
wagons constantly busy.
excavated is used In grad
ately about the site of t
There is still much digging
including a basement 12 1f
low the general level of i
Excavation will be finished
it' is expected.
Bids have been advert
the actual construction o
ing. It will require prac
years to complete the ho
All- tryouts for assist
ball manager and 'the
baseball, track, and 1
managers are requesti
port at the Ferry fie
house at 4:30 o'clock F
will be easily
taken care of."