g the Univer'. ations. tled~ to the use for oit or not otherwise dished therein. Michigan, as second stre+et. hee. LSII. ex- or xoz6 Cer ..... . We ... . . .Ted - - - C Charles R..Osus, J r. ..........Advertising Manager. ...........Issue M anagerO .~ffice ManagerP ........ ublication Manager* ... ... ...Circulation M anager. .. .......Subscription MangerM .~usic EditorL .~iterary Editor. .........E xcange Editor, .C ampaign EditorE EDITORSU I. Adams rewster CampbellI BrophyJ John I .DakinI AL STAFF . RileyR RalphD ufoisS Scherruerhorn Robert C. Angell~ [q;8.SurrellH . Hardy Heth~ ESS STAFF? ainzuiD . P. Joyce~ olmquitR9 obt. SomervilleA q rthur .G lazer' WTOBER 23, 1919.- LeeM .Woodruff~ ,.TMICHIGANt the Catholic chapel o nthen d Jefferson avenuemmarksM ichigan'srreconstructionr rt he exclusive useo f Uni-e ecial services are held f or titutiono f its kind now ex-' heflitry they carry off, honors or And clay '%,trri rais showirigthat.a than has begn on the.team, pears, a ni c est request. The .money value is small in comparison to the value the man hiinse4f°,reads , into . the insignia. Track activ4ties should be "encouraged; track, in fact,, is often a big representative of what- a uni-,' versity . is, . ,Needless disappointments should be avoided if Michigan's efficiency in all lines is to be second to none. Out side of all personal regard .for the trc.tnen, and regardless of our own opin ions .about the importance of track, let us deal" with the question on the grounds of fair play and. the business-like. custom of keeping promises. REMEMBER ROOSEVE4T Theodore Roosevelt, the American of Ameri- cans, leader of democracy; father of American' un adulterated,,patriotismt.is to, again receive the trio, ote of the American people. A memot'ial" ^ fund to commemorate l him is being gathered.., Ann Arbor has: not been forgotten; by the coi J -itt' .Whether one e old Republican, Progressive; or Democrat, .Roosevelt should receive his homage. ',..or his "Americanism alone, and the invaluable ef- fect it has had 'upon this nation in war and peace; he. deserves tribute. Many may not; agree with the Great American's politics. or, beliefs,, but we are all Americans ;.a'nd it is one of the greatest Americans who- is now, dead: Let us all join the ranks' of those who will pay himreverence. >iO LOW THE TEAM TO CHICAGO % Chicago, the .Stagg outfit,. Michigan's old rival, the team that claimed last year's ,football champion- ship in the face of Michigan's challenge, will meet a Michigan , team on Stagg field Nov. % 8., On the Schedule this "game is merely listed as "Chicago at r Chicago," .but old 'Michigan men, know that there is a much deeper significance at contest than is ..implied in those cold words. Once again . will Michigan iaeet that team which has always disputed Michigan's right . to be Charm- pion of the W. est. Once again willChilcago thous-' ands shouf defiance at a NCaize and Blue team. And .that Michigan team will be away from its home gridiron, will be in a hostile terr'itory,.will be tired by a tong trip and in unfamiliar surroundings. But that Michigan teat' must win the game from Chi- no, matter what the. odds. True, football °. teains.' are used to travel ordinarily. But 'is this an ordiha y year and ,an ordinary game;? Our team ,has . labored under difficulties all season. It has . been., short, ,men when btlier"'teams had any num- ber;of likely candidates, it has had spine of-its best xnen declared scholastically. ,ineligible, and 'it has faced' other obstacl'es.. Added'to this is the nery- .QuOess'that conies with the knowledge that this is 'a teanl that must be defeated at any cost. Michigan" must help its men wire that game. It will ;send its famous band to Chicago,"it must send: "acheer leader or two and, above all, it must send Aevery,,Michigan, nrnan tci that game, who' can get there, whether;he be senior 'or freshman, whether he tape,'a Pullman or walk, A Michigan team needs {supPgrt on, Nov. 8. Trains have been provided for Michigan nacn to give that support..' rAre you going to, be ,one of the supporters ? "Two thousand Italians applied. for passports to the:;Ilnited States the first, fortnight of 'October," says a, J1 eadline. Wonder how many of ahem were gmnd opera stars. DENTAL CLINIC RUSHED TO MEE'T' DEMAND FOR SER-WE r Owing to the prevailing . crowded conditions that exist in all depart' inents of the University, the dental clinic find themselves unable' to meet the demand for professional service. However, Dr. U. G.., Rickert Wand his, _staff are. able to tape care. of the more Important, operations" and advise those who have work to be done toy consult with therm as soon as convenient. ASK LETTERS FOR VICTORY BUTTONS TO BE UNSEALED k Students, desiring to secure Victory buttons through the Union, are re- quested not to seal the envelopes it which their service record is enclosed. All that is necessary is for the stu- dent to put on, it his name and Ann Arbor address. Billiard Tables at Union Popular All of the billiard tables in the Un- ion have been in almost constant use since the opening of the, parlor Mon- day afternoon. Some of the students have made ieservations . in advance" to assure the use of, A table at the de, sired time. T'C H. E'Ck E R, S MSUNDAY 1 MICHIGAN'S Favorite College N Songs" -- $3.00 - r UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES Iftlllllltll111ttt 8111{l111 lltlfllt$11111111I111I11111111'Ilil1111111111111lI1111111lllltlllllltll I TUDI p(. PHONE 296"J PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 721 N. UNIVERSITY .., DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, i9ig)' Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Tletroit, L'rruted and Express Gars-6: io a. m., and hourly to 9 : io p. m. Jackson Limited.. and Express Cars-8:48 a. "m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses snake local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local, Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. M." 9:05.a. .m. and every two hours to 9 :og p. m., ro :5o s p.. m. Td Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. m'., r -.I0 a, m., and to Saline, 'change at Ypsilanti. t Ypsilanti. Local Cars West, Bound-7:48 a. m: and 12:20 2C. M. Tuttle' Lunches Nunnally's Ca.ndY rsityl has been withouts sucha s manyo f the~ Hq12eIrc olleges maintain.g arded b ythe officiala ayor rmay not attende ti ndividual churchess ssociation are the soleh he students.t y hasn o compulsoryo ongt o the old regime) osmopolitN u niversityr yr econcile compulsoryn rt and atmosphere ofc Maynard St. Young Men Who Want Smart Styl ,have learned that real, snap, dash, and' st le . are obtained when the n church has bee- ea nd the sup-h has and shouldu univerities. It' M1Su " Or Overcoat >ft he Catholic church ands sf or their studentsOne~ eady been'-having students t erious andw eilfoundedy s students are not r elig-'a and up-to-date work werer ree nthusiasm displayedlb y miayb e done i na churchL ther cityA y oung men'sc e hurch.AA separate roomm is, carefully ade as is the case when same, is . selected jrom our stocky of} ff, i ne lim i ' So m e I. 2. 3. 4. Things We Would Like to See A femme smoking a cigar..' A prof f adling asleep at-'a lecture. Varsity, debate on Ferry field'. A joke In the Gargoyle. " smta t mt he laitya s' 3ussionswwerer rvice were thei artet was o r- ct eams put i n 3.Y oung menc amerregulart ther churches.~ krbor to carryi zade i nan unn- otw ry illr "Petrograd Did Not Vail"---Still in goods stand- ing, so to speak. It Never Was a Healthy Sport "Hanging R xercise Fatal to Woman"--Head- line. The season is now upon u s when :the small boy , can't understand why, if there inust be trees, they can't all be. evergreens. M. Caillaux, who is in prison on a .disloyalty charge, has been nominated for -the chamber, of . .deputies. With this as a precedent, we can prob- ably expect the reviving of the old "Debs for Pres- a ident" slogan. Penny Leonard easily out-fotight Phil Bloom in their recent bout at Detroit. In fact it 'could appro-; priately be said that Bloom withered under . fh champion's attack. King Albert recently. visited the Yosemite Val- ley and a cabaret the same day. Thus proving that it is only a step from the sublime to the ridiculous,' The Campus Crank says that the University missed a fine opportunity to " be patriotic in not painting a stripe of blue at the base of those fire hydrants. I' clothin . , It is only-- int such ark ments that 'we sesll that supreme satisfaction is .sure. x . F The. new , styles ..are ' here Not a fey- b ut every - one that"., is worth while 1s in, stock and in a variet of colors' and patterns from which to select. We have taken.-great. care to see that from every, stand- point that our line. shall be such. . that' young men with the.,," most particular and exacting tastes will be pleased t iii :4 SWEATERS SHEEP SKIN COATS MACKINAW COATS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY f SHIFTS gt hat numerals add entmisunderstanding somer e n~ot been awarded numer- t uch a standw as ever taken.g ranted. he reason, brieflyh he track team met no outsidei iarly, otheraathletic teamsi atside' universities were duly~ epancy would seem a breach1 TATS TIES $25, $30, $35"" . 31 $409'$45, $50 in fact everything in clothing furnishings for men and yc ,, men - . 10 1 , A sign in the Nomen Served low of a Detroit eatery says e." We saw a few last sum- Liiidenschmitt, I 10 11