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September 30, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-09-30

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,nAY A







orporanons was not
,y according to re-
om different sources.
made by steel cor-
e defections among
a number of them
aen continue o re-
> figures were given.
Ike headquartersex-
ion at what they
failure of the Unit-
orporation to stam-
d men. It was giv-
nionists that more
A4' as a result of
'at any other time
was started a week

was quiet




or leaders
n the test
el millers
ed was at
3teel com-
re a num-
, clash be-
kers. No-
one arrest
lent coun-
lirst meet-
day night
are not
not mem-
be filled
ons," said
ent of the
ive organ-
"and will
given it.
acking of
ever.. Stu-
d sugges-
s may, be
made to
soon as
h seniors

All students who served in the army First copy for the Student Directory
during the war are urged to join the 'WELL II CJNIROULfor '19-'20 has gone to press and the I1LORUIIV UIRlLLL
local chapter of the American Legion, work is progressing rapidly. In or-
whose membership, according to perm- der that an early edition may be pos-
anent chairman, Patrick Walsh, has Practically All Students Find Rooms sible, it is necessary for all organi-U TO
already reached 400. With the enroll- In Mile and Half / zations to send the following infor-
ment of all student war veterans the Area mation, typewritten, to the officers of
membership is expected to reach 600. the Directory in the Press building
The American Legion is a national MICHIGAN UNION COMMITTEE not later than Monday, Oct. 6, name 1919 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE
organization with headquarters in PLACES 2,000 MEN IN ROOMS "of organization, telephone number,
New York City. The purpose of the complete list of all members.
organization is to promote-co-opera- This includes all fraternities and Oct. 4.... . . Case at Ann Arbor
tion and unity among returned sold- "The rooming situation Is safe." sororities, house clubs, honorary so- Oct. 25...h . Sate at Ann Arbor
ters, and although no definite plans This statement by George Hurley, cieties, women's organizations, cam-
have been made, it is thought that the general secretary of the Union and pus societies, sectional clubs, publlca- Nov. 1. Northwestern at Ann
Legion will urge Congress to pass a active manager of the campaign for tions, and other miscellaneous organi- Arbor
bill compensating all those who serv- ain.Cassceasaer- Nov. 8..,.Chicago at Chicago
rooms, sums up the developments of zations. Class secretaries are re- Nov. 15..... Illinois at Urbana
ed in the war. quested to send in a list of the of-
The local chapter is named for Cor- Monday, although yesterday saw the ques o eIn a listvof te of- Nov. 22..Mnnestoa at Ann Arbor
fcers of their respective classes. Coply
poral Erwin Prieskorn, of Co. E., 126th biggest crush thus far in the year. from the above organizations will
infantry, who was killed in action last Checking over the rooming list time not be included in the Directory if -_
September. Membership buttons will and time again, the committee in received later than Oct. 6.
be distributed within a short time. Ap- charge of the -several features in-T
plicatinBlanks may be, obtained from ly managed to place all the appli- cluded in this Directory will a be a "a
Liegt-l. John P Lucas, room 239, cants in rooms. A slack is expected calendar of University events. This
En__r_____g _ today as the University opens, and will not only make this edition a di- >retryJut[soithndW4IIJUI
in former years enrollment usually rectory, but also a hand book of Uni
stoped versity information. The . covers, PHYSICIANS PRONOUNCE CONDi-
Many of the students were sent to which this year are brown, have -P
places, bordering on the zone a mile ready been received and are now TION OF MAYOR SMITH "VERY
and a quarter from the center of the ready forrbinding. SATISFACTORY"
campus, and a great number have s..There are several openings for
foudroms n te aea mie aay.sophomores and juniors who desire
ADDITION TO PRESS BUILDING foun roomy in thaea a is ay to work on the directory. Two men (By the Associated Press)
Secretary Hurley stated that this was
WILL BE COMPLETED the most positive sign of the large with business experience on some Omaha, Sept. 29.-With 800 troops
ABOUT OCT. 15 enrollment as in a normal year the publication are especially needed. on riot duty and with 500 more sold-
student body is located well within tirs due to arrive later today, Omaha
Moving the offices of all the publica- tuent bodyes oat ell ithin
tions into the new addition, which is three-quarters of a mile of the cam- OIofficials were confident there would be
being built on the back of the Press pus. BRIIAPFS no further outbreak of the race rioting;
building, promises to give them an Student rea which last night resulted in the death
equipment which will be modern in Virtuay no are lefrt vin .U Uib o1! two persons, injuries to several, an
every way. ld student area, this district having - attempt to, lynch Mayor Smith and
It Is hoped that the addition, of been canvassed time and time again
which the sides are already up will by the Union committee. New rooms PEOPLE BACK GOVERNMENT, ,OF. partial destruction, by fire of the
be finished by the middle of the com- are being reported every day, but FERING SERVICE IN BREA. county court house.
ing month. With the moving upstairs most of these are situated some dis- ING RAILWAY TIE. UP The troops ha machlne guna
of all offices comes the abandonment taSce from the University center. ready to put into use if necessary.
of all roll top desks and of all parti- However, the demand is still great London, Sept. 29.-Government of- Gener l Leonard A. Wood, con-
tions except for a glass enclosed of- and Secretary Hurley, believing that ficials were decidedly optimistic to-
fice for the managing editor of The even more rooms close to the cam- day in their expressions regarding the mner of e Centrdeartmette
Daily which Prof. E R. -Sunderland, pus are available, asks the townspeo- trend of nation wide railway strikes, tearmytIs execte toarrive the
treasurer of the Board in Control of pIe's co-operation to even a greater The correspondent of the Associat- cltp onigt or tomorrow to take
Student Publications, stated might be extent th' n that already given. ed Press was officially informed that charge of the situation.
placed in a corner of The Daily editor- Commenting upon the rooming sit- the machinery for the distribution of The city was quiet throughout the
Sal offices. uation, he stated some reasons for food is working so well that it is day, soldiers patrolling the streets to
New Ideas Used Mthe shortage. "There are fewer rooms possible to announce that adequate prevent the congregating on streets
Books and money of all the publica- now than normally. For instance 66''supplies are absolutely guaranteed t of groups of persons.
tions will be kept by,a cashier provid- families, who do not take yin stu- the country. More than 100 trains are The physician attending Mayor
ed by the Board in Control and all dents, have moved into the student operating in thevarous districts and Smith announced tonight his condi-
cash will pass through a cash register. area, and several fraternities, - who the number ;is increasing hourly, tion was "very satisfactory."
The only division between the offices would ordinarily be in their own some of the operators being volun- County Attorney Shotwell announc-
of the several publications will be rail- homes, have rented town houses be- 'teers and others union men who op- ed he would do everything in his pow-
ings. The section is'divided into two cause they are building on the site of pose the strike. er to fix responsibility of the rioting
parts, one for the. use of the Board their old places. Some large ho;uses The government attitude is un- and to start prosecutions.
and tire other to be used as a lobby. around the campus are vacant, and "changed. Public sentiment it was
Directly behind this will be the bus- as is the case everywhere, building in stated is absolutely with the govern-
ness offices of The Daily next to which Ann Arbor has not been in ratio to 'ment, which is being deluged by of- A nn Arbor W ill"
will be the offices of the Gargoyle, the town's growth during the last two fers of voluntary service from all
The Chimes and the Athletic Program years. And, of course, the great fac- parts of the country. The possibility Hear W .A. white
will share the next section. In the tor in the room shortage is the in- of the spread to a,few other unions is
same way the Michiganensian and the creased demand, the large enrollment not overlooked, but no anxiety is ex-
Students' Directory will'uses the next being responsible." pressed over this. William Allen White, author and
section between the Chimes and The Prices Climb correspondent of note, will come to
Daily editorial offices which will be in With the great demand for rooms Ann Arbor for a lecture date at Hill
the extrem back of the addition. The ,prices have Jumped. Union officials BS auditorium on Oct 17, nder the au-
Daily editorial offices will connect say that the price for a room varies FOR BIG SERIES apices of the Congregationaling's
swith the press room which is on the from three to six dollars for a sin- Daughters.
main floor of the building, by means gle man and from four to eight dol- (By Associated Press) To the public Mr. Whites lecture
of a stairway and a speaking tube. lars for a double room. In some Cincinnati, Sept. 29.-With every will present an opportunity to come
Offiee to Be Complete few cases rooms have been obtained available seat and every available Into contact with the workings of the
All the present furniture is being for less, and quite often an even space for standing room in Redland peace conference at Versailles, for he
refinished and if more is needed in the higher price is asked. Field, supposed to accommodate 33,- has selected as his theme, "What a
way of equipment It will be secured. Secretary Hurley stated that the old 000 baseball enthusiasts, assigned or Reporter Saw at the Peace Confer-
It is planned to place the typewriters rules regarding the surrendering of sold, everything appears to be in ence."
on rolling stands so that they may be rooms would probably be enforced. He readiness tonight for the opening At the banquet of the National As-
used between desks if necessary. said, however, that cases of profiteer- game of the world's championship sociation of Teachers of Journalism to
One of the greatest improvements ing, or intolerable conditions of sani- baseball series on Wednesday. be held In Ann Arbor on Oct. 17, Mr.
over the present offices wil be the bet- tation or heat, or conditions not con- The Chicago White Sox are due White will be guest of honor and one
ter light which will be admitted ducive to study would form just to arrive tomorrow morning. The of the principal speakers. To this con-
through high wijdows on the south grounds for leaving the room. Any Reds were given a short morning vention have been invited the editors
and east sides of the room. The fact one may change his room, if some one practice while in the afternoon the of all Michigan newspapers.
that the room will be finished sin is found who will take it. entire teams, in a body, visited th

white will also assist in solving the Union laces 2,000 -Latonia Race Track.
lighting question. About 1,500 rooms have been rented Tomorrow the White Sox will have "Y" TO CONDUCT
The rooms in the front of the present through the Union, and it is estimat- Redland Field to themselves during BOOK EXCHANGE
second floor are now being used by ed that 2,000 men were " placed the forenoon, while the Reds will
Prof. John R. L. Brumm for his class- through this agency. Many more practice during the afternoon.
es in journalism, -Books may be exchanged in a de-
e ~~~~~~~~~live in fraternity and club houses, and. atetondbyheYM..A.
a great number had engaged 'rooms ANNOUNCE FR~ENCH- COURSE partment opened by the Y. M, C. A.
THIS YEAR'S *TNION OPERA beforetreturnir this Al. OMITTED FROM NEW CATALOG Tuesday morning. Between the hours
BOOK TO BE CHOSEN TUESDAY Relief from the cute conditions of 8 o'clockin the morning and 8:30
will come by the second semester, ac- Notice is called to the following in the evening any one wishing to
This year's opera will probably be cording to authoritis.o Teysatht course I rench unfortunately omit- dispose of a book can go to the ex-
chosen at a meeting Tuesday night of with such a large number present ted from the announcement. change and leave it with the price
the Union committee in charge of. the 'some of the students will be unable 21b. Literature of the Eighteenth market therein. When a customer
production. E. Mortimer Shuter, '1-- to keep up in their studies and will Century. M, W, F, at 2. Room 102, comes in for the book, it will be sold
rector of the opera who arrived in Anni 'be dropped, while a great many will S. W., Professor Canfield. at the disposer's price, thus eliminat-
Arbor Sunday night en-route to New be graduated at the end of the first The main writers of the century ing the middle man. The money will
York where he Is to produce a pro- term will be studied. Current of ideas and be paid to-the 'former owner after the
fessional play, stated that he hoped a term.saleIsmethe change of conditions leading.
book would be chosen as his presence from the France of Louis XIV to The Y. M. 'C. A. has conducted a
is required in New York until actual PRESIDENT WILSON'S HEALTH that of the Revolution will be fol- book exchange before but this year
work on the opera commences. . SAID TO BE SLIGHTLY BETTER lowed in representative works. At- the department will be'extended to a
A number of excellent books have tention will also be paid to the his- wider field than heretofore attempted.
been submitted to the committee and Washington, Sept. 29.-After a day tory of literary ideas as seen in the An open house for freshmen will be
during the summer work on selecting <of rest, President Wilson was in bed "querelle des anciens et des mo- 'held at 7 o'clock Thursday evening.
one has progressed to such an extent and declared as slightly better in an dernes," the discussion of the princi- Songs and speeches will be given and
that the choice will probably be made official bulletin made by Dr. - Gray- ples of criticism and the reaction to light refreshments will be served. All
at this meeting. ,son, his physician. foreign literatures. new men are invited.

Having already reached 3,
lit 'school, the enrollment in
versity is leaping higher
crowds at the various secre
flees still as dense and the 1
treasurer's office yet more fc
1,500 Freshmen
"Up to date," said Registr
G. Hall Monday evening,
registered 3,783 in the lit s
which about 1,500' are frest
is difficult to estimate the r
freshmen yet, in as much as
a number of men back who
the S. A. T- C. was demobi
those who registered. in Feb
still freshmen besides quite
who have come from other





in the lit school is gener
half of that in the entire
it is thought with reason
tainty that there will soo
than 10,000 students on tt
Engineering Total Inc
No accurate estimate cai
made of the number in the
ing school. Secretary Lou
kins, of the Colleges of I
artd Architecture, says tha
is steadily increasing.
"In the year 1916-17," s
trar, Hall, "we experienced
est enrollment in the hist
University but the preser
and figures indicate a new
ingly impossible record."


Hall PredIt
4,600 or 4,70


With the largest e
'the year. 1915-16, the
igins its sessions this


until 5


)r ti

e last part of
rclasses will
ek following.
1 will hay
gs and dates
g Wednesday

Of the 315 law students this
150 are in the first year class,
the second year class, and 85
Seniors. The enrollment four
ago was only slightly larger.
'Two changes in the faculty pe
nel have beennade. Prof. W.
don Stoner, whose resignation
accepted at the last iheeting o
Board of Regents, has accepted
sition with the Detroit Pressed
company. Prof. Edwin B. Dickh
a last year's graduate of the se
has been added to the faculty.
Public international law is the
Ject which Professor Dickinson
teach. This is a new course in
school, although Dean Henry
Bates has given one which was s
what similar in the past. Irrig
law, given by Prof. Evans Holt
is one subject given this sen:
which was omitted last year.
There will be an importa
meeting of the Gargoyle edit.
ial staff and try-outs at 4 o'clo
Tuesday afternoon in the Ga
goyle editorial rooms.

rnber of good
homores and
torial staff ofj
ishing to try- !

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