., n .. T T . T--C " Trubey' S arters. Lunches Confectionery Ice Creamu, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Cream ders solicited from Fraternities and rorities. 218 S.: Main Phone 166, ;E OF' CU1~kTRLEADJERS NOW RESTS WITH COUNCIL WHAT'S GOING ON Plans for Taking Team of Chicago Game Con.- sidered -I Six to iEINI h-I 7 black degrees and 3 copying Not Sometimes but Always l/ PERFECT Whher or not, the cheering team that made ,its first appearance at the game Saturday will continue as the medium for putting across Michigan's yells will depend upon' the decision of the Student counQ at its meeting Wednesdaynight., The ~eam, composed of Carl Mason, '19, director, Vernon Lancaster, '20, Brad, Wines, '22E, Robert. Ayers, '2 Orville Wright, '22; and Loyd Wright, '22, has ben working] out under- the direction of C. E. Bottum, '20E, for the last few weeks. It is hoped that, if the team is- se- .lected toe number pf students that =make the trip to Chicago for the Ma- rooA game will be large enough to j'merit taking the entire team of cheer leaders.____________ [COPPER COUNTRY STUDENTS WILL PERFECT ORGANIZATION Students from the '"Copper Coun- try," including Houghton, Ontonagon, Keweenaw, and Baraga' counties will meet at 7:15 o'clock Thursday in Iroom 306 of the Union to perfect an organization for' this section. Their aim is to form a club, which will not be purely social in its na- ture and functions, but which will help the students to an intelligent consid- a I 1 1 TUE SDAY 8:00 A..X, -Senior engineers assem-~ bly in room 348, Engineering build-, ing. 3 :30--Sop]4 engineer football practice at .south end of Ferry field.' 3 :30--Soph lit football practice, at south end of Ferry field. 4:00-Junior lit football organization and practice on Ferry, field. 4:00-Fresh lit football practice on south end Ferry field.* 4 :00-Da'llas lloudemann lecture on "Investments" in room B, Law build- ing. 7:00-University Boxing clzib meets on. third floor of Union. 7:00-Junior "'engineer tryouts for class football meet "in front of li- brary in Engineering building. 7:15_-iterf rat ernity 'stewards meet on third' floor Union. 7:30-Classical club meets in room 318, Union. 7:30-Open meeting for all students in- terested .in boxing on third floor of Union: 7 :30-Tlie Board of Directors of The Michigan Chimes meets' on the, third floor of the 'Union. 7 :30--Xichigan D~ames meet. in Lane hall.- Wives of students invited. 6 :00-Interccellegiate Socialist society meets in room P162 Science' build ing. Profes'sor Sellars lectures on "A Proper Approach to the 'Study of. Socialism." WEDNESDAY, 4 :00-Dalilas Boudemnn lectures' on "Investments." -in room B Law build- ing. 40"~-uih engineers football prac- tice on Ferry field. 7 :00-Varsity band ',14ctice. 7:00-Students interested in Zionism meet at Lane hall to organize. 7:1 )---Commerce club .meets in room 306, Union. %V -U-Student council meeting on third -floor of Union., 7:30-New England club meets in Lane hail.. S :040-Kalamazoo Normal club meets in Lanze hall. I Drugs and Toilet Specialties Th ' bebah S200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. / -.. FOR THIRTY'*FIVE YEARS Chemicals. ICE CREAM Has been the Standard for Good Ice Cr Laboratory Supplies ri in every degree) enican Lead Pencil Co. Fifth AvYe., New York . <; : r 3 - v ;, t'f :i . Am 215-Dil i eration of questions- of state-wide iT- portance which have arisen in regard to this part of th Estate. *Women as well as men are invited to attend the meeting. CHINESE CLUB OPEN S EFFORTS TO BRING _CONVENTION HERE .I f ,. ;;, '' Y7 ' ~ i' ;C , . + M= r _ Ii atAD MA tc Efforts are now being made by the Chinese Students' club to hold the na- tional conference of 1920 in Ann Ar- bor. A committee, :consisting of K. Hj. Wu, F. C: Lin, and C. K. Chow, has been appointed to secure the buildings needed for the conference and to work out' a plan for the raising' of $500 to pay the expenses. 'The #conference has not been held in Ann Arbor since 1912, and as the lo- cal students are very desirous of se- 6c apakg ,_ befon e the. war I , - MW qw lqw ,. W D) C Pipe is the biggest value that the World's Largest Pipe Manufacturers can put into a pipe. The, J C is a good, satisfying smoke, and bound to break-in n t and mellow every time. Highest quality of bit, band bowl; craftsmanship of the highest order-that's what: nean byr biggest value. Ask any good dealer. W M:DEMUH qC NEWYR RL 04S LARG_ N1AK. t _ NEP P ES cyur" ting 'the next, work on the rangements will start at once.f ar-1 BRUNK ON SPEAKS TO FRESHMEN ATTAINMENT OF IDEALS, .. , arr's for Service In all -that pretains to In I~s talk to the freshman class on Monday afternoon, Prof. John R. Brumm 'defined the things tthat an educated person should know. To know a. good man when one meets thlm, and/ to think for one's self, were two of the main ,points stressed. in the talk. The necessity of having an ideal" and the initiative nee- essary to realize that ideal, was em- phasized by Professor Brumm. Men Slow in Signing W 'ar MReord More than 200 ex-service men have, signed the war registration book at the Union. This is only about one- fourth of the men who ar~e expected to register. One week remains be- fore the book will be taken to the of- ftce, and cards for _the index made. Freisxuen :Union Pins Arrive Seven~f hundoa freshmen Union ping arrived late Non 4y, "and any member miay now secure them i 4 the Union desk. it is thought that the ~W sup- ply will t{a4~ a care of every one, w &p desires a pin. Library Head Represents Unversity Dr. W. W. Bishop, head of 0 . Li- T1WLRSIDAY 4:00-Dallas Boudeniann lecture, on "Investments" in room B Law build- ing.'( 7:30-All-law smokter '4n Nic~4gan Union. FRIDAY 4:00-Dallas lloudomanau lectures on "Investments" in room 13,Lgw build- in g. lp a 7:31-Alpha Nu debating.. 'club meets. .U-NOT ICES Dr. Wartliln's Health- lecture was giv- en.,\Monday evening instead of Tues-_ day as announced In The Daily. The, Adelphi House of Reopresentatives will hold its preliminary tryouts for* the coming Varsity debate tonight in if, roms, fourth floor, Vniversity hall. The subject is theoNationalU- -zation of Mines. Xebraska Receives Nedal from Paris The IJn4ver'sity of Paris has sent to the University of Nebraska a hand- some bronze -mdal signiflcait of _Ne- braska's part lint th war, clurina the war ca package 5C~, NOW THE' FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! I k Prescription Work irry, Drug Co.'s Prescription Store of State & NO University Ave ]Phone 308 HERE COMES THE GROOM! The happiest pan in town. HERE' COMES THE BRIDE! The prettiest bride in town. T1hey will come to the ARCADE THEATRE~ tomorrow and Wednesday in "PLEASE GET MARRIED." Don't fail to see thft -Adv. Be'a -reggiar A"Eeau Byumiel" and wear Beau Brunkme c Pr4 ase ~at sensible prices from tj~s Dvis Tog- gery, 119 S. Main. =Adyg t '. ,, . SI t 4 ( brary, is making through the east versity interests. he will be' gone :a an extended t- *Ip In behalf of U;11- It is expected 010t week or 10 days. L I1VI vI Patronize tel Daily Ad~vertisers. / _ _ __ _ _ __-- _ DER YOUR DAILY PAPERS DELIVERED We Cover the City With an Effiacient Delivery Service Morning, ]Evening and Sun, ay- ,. ;, DETROIT NEWS DETROITrFREE PRESS Daily and Sunday" DETROIT JOURNAL CHIBAGO PAPERS DETROIT SUNDAY NEWS MAGAZINE Stoff let's News Co. We'll Meet Or Deal. Any: Offer Made I FIPTIONS phoe34 110 E. Washington St. F. I