The Screen OAR STORE ickard I.togr. Truttl.e's Lunches Nunnally 's Candy M THEATRE i ldine Farrar in d the Puppet," mon in "Dull ry Mar- n., Mon., 6, 7-Jack Pickford he Little Shepherd of King- Come," with a comedy and weekly. es., Wed., 8, 9 - "Twilight ," and William Duncan in sSilent Avenger." Maynard St. Courteous and satisfactory. TREATMENT to every custom-, er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital 'ant Surplus, $600,000.00 Resources, $41750,000.00 Northwest Corner Main & Huron 707 North Universty Avenue MAJESTIC Norma Talmadge in "The Woman Gives" will be shown again today at the Majestic. The sto'ry concerns a formerly successful artist, his pleas- ure-seeking wife who was the cause of his failure, a grateful pupil, who attempts to bring about a reconcilia- tion between her benefactor and the wife who had deserted him, and a young artist in love with the pupil. Resolved to repay her debt to her benefactor, his pupil undergoes a ser- ies of hardships and is forced to risk the love of her young artist sweet- heart. Her adventures give rise to a number of dramatic scenes., ARCADE ,Dollars and the Woman' will feat- ure Alice Joyce again today at the Arcade. In it are shown the experi- ences of Dan Hillyer, an inventor, and SUMMER SCHOOL, STUDENTS Nobel's Boarding House 1212 South University willop for summer session MONDA JUNE 28. Three meals $7 Two meals $6 wife. Within a year after their mar- riage the two find themselves penni- less, with an uncompleted invention their only hope for retrieving their fortunes. Facing the situation, they live in happiness through a period or abject poverty. Although the sale of the completed invention improves their material well-being, it also brings discord with it as Madge Hillyer shows that she, has become miserly and her husband finds cause for jealousy. . rurdue rians New Uloln U.U Purdue university plans to-h. new Memorial Union butiding. atre, lobby, cafeteria, main and cial dining rooms, dance hall, b and pool rooms, bowling alleys, for student activities, conf rooms, and information bureau be included among its features. We set glass in any part of th C. H. Major & Co., 203 E. Wash St. Phone 237.-Adv. .. , k Co t eCo. ED" .;9. a* TH LAST SHOWING TODAY (SATURDAY): on in "Love's Harvest" I,. III SPECIAL MUSIC I: Adults 35c Children lOc FOUR WAYS TO WEAR t A BEAUTIFUL GRUEN As a wrist watch either with the gold bracelet ort silk band; with a chatelaine at the waist; or as sautoir at the end of a chain or ribbon around I neck. " . r .i., Whatever way you wear it, it will win the admi- ration of your friends. And you can depend upon it always for accurate time. That it is a product of the Gruen Watchmakers' Guild is a guarantee of timekeeping precision. '9 II 1 j You are invited to come in and inspect it. HALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS ,F is JSelznick presents . 'I --f x . , , i Al i,. d from the play by and WAtANRD4ACK KATiHEPINE REED A zcted b TED SWAm 7 # ww -w Noms s1 "TeWr SUSINw LASAll SEatC. .v W I3tUII-3 rtI~III4Uhu......... 5 TODAY S W- - 0, , " ,! . , a 1,'' 4 almadg an Gives" LAST SHOWS TODAY SUN MON. JACK PICKFORD In Farrarin "The World and It's Woman" "LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINDO."COM" ADULTS 25. CHILDREN 100 COMEDY s 25